in Michigan
Practice Tests -&-
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Michigan ECCE GVR:
Grammar Vocabulary Reading Grammar (multiple choice) An incomplete sentence is followed by a choice of words or sentences to complete it.
Vocabulary (multiple choice) An incomplete sentence is followed by a choice of words to complete it. Reading (multiple choice) A short reading passage on a topic followed by questions
(tlvo passages)
Four short texts related to each other by topic, followed by l0 questions (two texts)
LSW: Listening Speaking Writing Section
An oral interaction between the examinee and the
examiner. It involves a short interview and photos.
Part I (multiple choice) A conversation is followed by a question. Answers appear in the form of pictures. 30
Part ll (multiple choice) Short extended talks on four different topics, each followed by 4-6 questions. The questions are printed in the test booklet and time is given before each talk to preview the questions. There are four answer choices for each question. Answer choices are printed in the test booklet. Extract from newspapers, memos or letters is presented writing topic. Students have to write either a letter
as a
or an
Contents Practice Test
Practice Test 2
Practice Test 5
Practice Test 6
Practice Test 7
Practice Test 9
Practice Test l0
Practice Test I I
Practice Test l2
Practice Test l3
Practice Test l4
Practice Test l5
American versus British English
Practice Test 3 Practice Test 4
Practice Test
O Andrew Betsis ELT
E-mail: [emailprotected], All rights reserved. No part o{this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior Permission in writinS of the publisher.
. .
Succeed in Mi.higan ECCE - Tests l-15 . Student's book - ISBN: 978-960-4 I 3-963'7 Succeed in Michigan ECCE - Tetts l-15 . Teacher's book ' ISBN: 978'960'413'962'0
EXAM TIPS & STRATEGIES .:Jn the fi,st pad of the listening test ):'OU will hear shm+ conveesations and ):'OU will see theee pictures fo, each question.
IJa.-t ')!ou need to select the coeeect pichwe to answer the 9 uestion. ')!ou will onl):' hea.,. covwe.,..sation ov,ce so )!OL\ need to listen carefull ):',
Before ):'Ou listen, look at the three pich11·•es to get a10 idea what the topic of convel"'sation 11'\0.}:' be and vvhat );'.'Ol,H-' answel" choices av-e.
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ln this port of the test. you will heor four short tolks. After eoch tolk, you will hoor some queslions obout Before eoch tolk begins. you will hove time to preview the questions fhot ore Print€d in the test booklet.
. . . r
Reod the questions silently,
Then listen to the tolk. You con toke notes in the booklet. Then listen to eoch question ond choose the best onswer from lhe onswer choices. Mork your onswers on the seporots onswer sheet. You should mork A, B, c, or D'
There ore o totol
of 20 questions oboul the four short lolks.
Questions 3l-36 Look ot fhe queslions. Then listen to o teocher ln o geogrophy
What iniormation did the students receive in the hand0ut? a. a list of assignments b. a list ol field-trip options to choose from c. information about places they wiil visit for their assignment d. a full list of North American national parks
When should students make their diary entries? a. at the end of the year b. during the field trips c. after each field trip is over d, each evening for the duration 0l the course
What are the consequences of submitting your diary late? a. a loss of some credits b. you will automatically Iail the course c. you will have to repeat first year d. you will have to repeat the course
Why is one of the chosen field-trip locations Dinosaur Provincial Park? a. The area is Iull of lossils, b. The area is said to be tull oI precious stones. c. The ground is very rocky and little grows there. d. The area has impressive glacial features.
0n which jield trip are the students likely 10 see glaciers? a. the Dinosaur Provincial field trip b. the Gros lvlorne and Yellowstone field trips c. the Kluane field trip d. the Gros lvlorne and Grand Canyon field trips
What does the speaker mean when he a. Submit your diary, otherwise you can't pass the course. b. By submitting your diary you will pass the course.
c. The diary-writing assignment has more credits than any other part of the course. d. You must keep a diary, detailing how you perform on the course.
istening Questions 37-41 Look ot the questions. Then listen to o member of foculty stotf brief some exchonge students. 37. What is the 'goal'the speaker is talking about? a. 10 attract a lot of exchange students to the university b. to have students and inlluences from all over the world at the university c- to have at leasl one student lrom every continent attending the university d. to have a university campus on every continent eventually
Ouestions 42-46 Look ot lhe questions. Then lislen
2 lo o lecture from
on ogriculturol course. 42. Why do poor Iarmers on deset land prerer goats 10 olher
larm animals? a. Goats can find their own food. b. Goats provide both meal and milk. c. Goats only eat bushes and scrub. d. 0ther animals produce less meat and milk. 43. What is a serious disadvantage of keeping goats on dry
What must the students do after the introduction? a. register at the table b. go to lhe administration offices c. check their details have been correctly regjstered
hot land?
a. Their overgrazing can make the land even more dry. b. Their movements kick up dirt and speed up desertificalion. c. Goats only eat new, young plants.
d. check their timetable is correct
d. Goats will also eat food that humans c0uld consume.
Which of the Iollowing problems could Mary fu/lills help with? a. a sludent who wants to switch courses b. a student who needs extra lessons e. a student who has been in trouble with the police d. a shy student who is struggling 10 make friends
Why are goats a danger to future plant growth? a. They preler to eat young seedlings. b. They only eal whole plants - roots and all. c. They eat allthe mature planls. d. They eat both young and mature plants.
ln which of these cases should a student contact Jess l\ilaxwell? a" only when they have questions about linancial matters b. when they have a little culture shock c. when they have a serious personal problem
Whal is said about plant roots in the talk? a. They help to stabilize the soil. b. They take years 10 recover from damage. c. They can be washed away and destroyed by heavy rain
d. when they have a mild cold
What does the speaker say about acc0mmodation? a. There are a limited number of single rooms for postgraduates. b. Postgraduate students musl share their rooms with 6-8 people c. Not every undergraduate student will get the type of accommodation they asked for. d. Not all postgraduate students will have to share part of their accommodation.
d. They take the nutrients out of the soil.
What does the speaker mean when she says a. N4ost people know that the goat's reputation is unfair. b. Goats live up to their reputation as animals that will eat almost anything.
c. Not many people know about goats' eating habits. d. The n0tion that g0ats are lussy about what they eat is justified.
Oueslions 49-5O Look ot the questions. Then listen to o rodio onnouncemenl.
47. What is the purpose of this announcement? a. 10 provide information about an upcoming event b. to announce the winners of a compelilion c. to explain the judging process for a competition d. to promote an interest in art
How many pieces of art will be on display in total?
a.5 b. 10
c.50 d. 100
Why does the speaker mention the drawing of the town-hall clock? a. lt has already become famous. b. lt shows the clock being struck by lighhing. c. lt was drawn by a local hero. d. The subject of the painting no longer exists.
What does the speaker mean when he a. Entry is free at all times excepl on the opening night. b. The opening night is expected to be very busy. c. You can only visit the exhibition by reservation. d. There is a waiting list for people who want to come to the opening night.
rammar decided if
51. Kathy and Bob ....... they are coming yet
a. won't b. isn't c. don't d. haven't
57. The signpost directed any customers .......... were staying in the hotel to pay at the desk.
a. b. c. d.
52. I have run out of sugar. 0n your way home could you please get me ..........?
a. b. c. d. 54.
agree happily
a. eight months before b. eight months ago c. in eight months d. since eight months
whoever whom who whose
63. l'm sorry bul I can't go with and it is really annoying.
a. b. c. d.
a. into b. after c- 0ver d. at
biting bite
has bitten bites
59. Paul has a lol 0f nerve turning.,,..., late
happjly agreed happy agreed
64. You should try
I love to ski but have never
harder to get
along ..........your neighbor.
to his own brother's wedding
a. wilh b. to d. together
a. to b. out c. in d.up
agreed happy
this weekend because l'm looking ,,,,,......... my friend's dog.
58. Jane is always .......... her nails
a. any b. some c.ones d. one 53. Jill ,..,. to bake a cake lor the party.
62. "Have you been swimming lately?" "No, I haven't swum ........... ."
.......... snowboarding.
60. George......,.....,,,
a. been b. going c. being d. was 55. lf l\4ark.......... chocolate, lwill buy him cologne, a. will like b. wasn't like c. doesn't like d. isn't liking 56. She has been ......... to lix that calculator for hours. a to try b
tried c 1ry d trying
E)(AM TIPS Queslion lo,as
Please call me as soon as you
scene of the crime because he
...,-,,,,,, h0me,
a. will get b. getling c. have get d. get
a. shouldn't have b. can't have c. needn't have d. didn't have to
66. lf I ....... how many 61.
people would
"What are you thinking of doing for Easter vacation?"
be at the testival today, I would have waited until tomorrow to go.
"We aren't sure but,.........
a. had known b. knew c. will have known d. would have known
to go to Rome."
a. have been hoped b. will plan c. are hoping d. are ooinq 10 hope
re.sularly re-s+ei ir, the
Quesrion +ags ate addeA +o a staleraeh+ to ,rrake i+ in+o a qrae-stion. Wi+h a positive s+a+emet+, you usually use a negalive queslion tag containing a shori fo,^m erding in "-n't", Wi+h o nega+ive s+a+e$e +, you rase a positive
was at my house.
grammar seclion
que-s+ioh +ag.
been at the
9ee +he exa"nples below. He is very handsome, isn't he? You haven't seen Bob, have you?
A que.+ion +a9 corlsisls of a ve,/b a a a pro^o.,^. the vetb in a qure-stion tag is always an a"xilia*y, o, o f.*^ .f +he "nain v.r6 "6d'. a ^odal, You dicln't see him, did you? He should have phoned, shouldn't he? He isn't homq is he?
G lrammar 67. Jerry moved house yesterday
.......... he?
the......,... alone,
a. b. c. d.
a. many furnitures b. furnitures c. Iurniture d. some furniture 73. 68. I would
like to go to the bank
a. take b. am having
c. d.
I would rather exercise ..........
television. a" than watch b. to watch c. instead to
.......... to the post office,
a. b. c. d.
79. "Why did you walk 10 work today?" "Because I .,,,,,. my car serviced."
Greg should write more otten,
and he hurt his back moving
as well as
lf you want to lose weight, try cutting .......... on the amount ol junk food you eat.
a. have been b. am c. will be d. am going
a. down b.up c. in d. out
75. Ask Susan if she would
82. Jerry ,,.,.,. forgiven a. can't b. won't
...,.,..,. for you on Friday. a. t0 work b. work c. working d. having worked
dripping tap, a. was calling
b. had to be call c. was called d. call
There is so much traffic that even il we leave now, the show will have already started .......... we gel there.
a. b. c. d.
"Do you play squash?" "No, I ........ have time for sports." a. usually b. hardly ever c. sometimes
0n time at
The manager wants ,,,,,.,... him at five o'clock.
a. you 10 meel b. you meeting c. that you will meet d. your meeting 71.
Could you please answerthe phone iI anyone ca|1s.......... I am out
a. b. c. d.
to lunch?
meantime throughout during
the moment 84. 'l've looked everywhere for my keys."
as s00n by the time
"Have you..,,,,,, them anywhere?"
Gina yet.
c. didn't d. hasn't 83.
69. A plumber........ to fix the
Paul is really looking forward ............... his mother.
time next week L......... sunbathing in Hawaii,
74. I am so excited because at this
want to
a. to seeing b. to see c. seeing d. that he sees
d. to
beside instead
need having
77. "Would you like some
cotfee?" "Yes please,
lwill have..........
a. a Iew b. a little c. a couple d. many 78. ............... is not allowed in front
b, been seen c. seeing d. seen 85. lf lwon the lottery, I ..... a horse,
a. bought b. will buy c. would buy d. were to buy
of the bus stop.
a, Patk b. To park c. Parking d. The parking
ocabulary 91. The water in the lake was ..,,... freezing when the children first got in.
86. Why are you celebrating? What's the ,....,.,.?
a. b. c.
a. entirely b. likely c. absolutely d. terribly
chance occasion
truth about the accident.
a. b. c. d.
concentrated believed
convinced persuaded
97. The teacher....,,,,, pride in his
87. They hired an architect to .........,, the new hospital.
a. b. c. d.
96. lam ......... thal she told you the
92. Don't be lazy! Please put the dirty dishes in the ......... .
University entrance exam.
a. demonstrated b. revealed c. showed d. took
a. pot h. pan c. sink d. cupboard
student's success at the
88. l\/ly lather knows a lot of ........ people in the government who
93. [Vlary always avoids discussions about .,,,..... issues.
could help us. a. aggressive b. ideal
d. arrogant
89. N/y parents....
of my new
lather's new invention will
......... his theory.
a. b. c. d.
a. b. c. d.
disapprove reject oppose
father tried to ....... his voice
but my mother realized who it
reinforce suggest object
small but it's warm and ....,,
a. remote b. sympathetic c. distant d. cozy
disguise blow hide
€xpressi.,ns with "moke" o"ld "do" There is.f+." a ques+ion that tes+s th,e correc+ qse 4 '-.kJ' ." 'd." i". ph.ase "" .xp,^.ssi.^, Th.r. is no r^ule +har yo" ca" 1..r" +o te.neml>er which wo,^d +. use ln +hese exp.essiohs, J+ is si"rply a case of s*+lng d.w,. a,.d l..r"i,.e +he,-. O^e of +b'e 6es+ lvays +o do +hi. is +o lea"" . .m.ll 9"""p +.1e+h.t B.l"w a.e
100. I can't .... the cold in the winter.
a. b. c. d.
adjust cope adapt
99. Don't be disappointedl You'll manage ......... !
a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. sometimes
95. our house by the sea is very
a. b. c. d.
a. made b. did c. performed d. had
a. corrupt b. sensible c. consistent d. controversial
c. influential
98. The police ,,........ every effort to find the missing boy.
"f ,l\" "'"'"f
ed express o
a mistake a decision
srh for a living
fun of sb
without sth
a fuss
one's best
an impression a phone call an effort the bed a suggestion a loss/profit
sb a {avor
sb 6ood
one's hair the washing-up the cooking business with sb
the housework
urn:,1hu I,1r
ocabula 101. Ljnda ......... my offer to buy her old car.
a. related b. spared c. refused d. reduced 102. John was so ill that the doctor gave him a(n) ..... for antibiotics a. inscription b. prescription
c. note d. recipe 103. You can't expect me to do eveMhjng by mysell. You should take the ......... a. participatjon b. activity
c. energy d. initiative
a. Iongitudes b, fields c. altitudes d. points 107. Writers always have to
114. The pass ...,.... forthe universily entrance exam has dropped significantly during the last two years. a
deadline. a, reach b. keep
c. meet d. follow 108. lthink l've .,...... your abilitjes You are much better than I thought. a. mistrusted
b. c. d.
underachieved lowered underestimated
109. l'm sorry but your passport has ......: you need to get a new one.
a. ended b. cancelled c. expired d. finished 110. Sir Rogers is a(n) ........ and well-known minister o{ the government.
a, b. c. d.
104. lf she always eats so much she
will ......... weight very quickly. a, add up b. grow up
c. pul on d. raise up
105. It's a .,.,.. of time trying to make my children do their homework. They are so lazyl
a. lack b. waste c. period d. loss 106. Climbers know that it's difiicult to breathe at such high ,.,...,. ,
prolitable distinctive distinguished honorary
111. ttlozart is one of the most famous ..,,,... of all times. a. construclors b. producers c. directors d. composers
112. l\4y brother is ..... working as an English leacher, but he is looking
lor a more interesting job.
a. currently b. lately c. lastly d- recently 113. We all went to the cinema ,,,,,.,.
from l\4ary.
a. except b. apart c. only d. without
a. b. c. d.
per cent rate
number rise
115. You need an umbrella, otherwise
you'll get........
a. b. c. d.
sprinkled watered splashed soaked
116. The teachers of the school went on .....,. asking for higher wages a. protest
b. strike c. demonstration d. vacancy 117. ..,,,.,. I like tennis, ldon't play very often because I don't have time.
a. b. c. d.
Despite Although Since As well as
118. l'm sorry that I didn't invite you to come with us to the theater but I was under the ........ that you didn't want 10 come.
a. opinion b. impression c. idea d. belief 119. We always look back on our college years with .,,,.... a. memory
b. fevival c. loneliness d. nostalgia 120. The doctors were very pleased that the patient had made such a quick ........ . a. treat b. reassurance
c. recovery d. behavior
This passage is about "Tamagotchi", a comPuter'generated cyber'animal' The latest craze sweeP121, What does Tamagotchi moan in Japanese?
ingJapan, a land which is
a. cyber pet
no stranger to technolog-
b. fat spaflow
ical fads, is the
c. technological fashion
"Tamagotchi", literally
d. Ioveable egg
translated as "loveable egg". The size of a key
.o a)
ring, it's a computer-gen-
122. What distinguishes the Tamagotchi from other
computer animals?
erated cyber-animal on a
a. its color
small screen that you can keep in your pocket. Just like a real pet, you feed it, play with it, and, on the down side, clean up after it.
b. the way it looks c. its size
d. the noise it makes
Domestic animals have already made the move from the kennel
to the computer screen in the form of Cau and Dogz, created by
123. Why is there a black market for Tamagotchi products? a. They are so popular the shops keep selling out b. Shops refuse to sell them because they are
software company Mindscape, so Tamagotchi is not alone in transferring to cybersPace. But its aPPearance - that of an over-
weight sparrow - distinguishes it from the pack. Although it was originally aimed at high-school girls, its appeal has proved more
c. They are illegal toys.
d. They are ralioned at a rate of one pcr per.on
widespread, with middle-aged businessmen seen caring for their pets on the Tollfo subway.
124. Takahashi Tomita thinks that Tamagotchi are
popular because people want to Tamatotchi proyed so popular that it sold out on release in Japan, and there is now a black market for the devices, which sell for uP
a. spend lots of money,
to 25 times their shop value of Y1980 (approx. $6).
c. be
The manufacturers, Bandai Japan, predict Japanese sales of
b. give love to something or someone.
part of a craze.
d. own the Iatest keyring,
million by the end of this year. 125. What happens to the Tamagotchi after 30 days?
a, It flie( away to another owner. b. lts battery runs out.
Psychologist Takahashi Tomita Puts Tamagotchi's success down to the human "need to smother someone or something with affec-
tion'. But don't go getting too attached to your Tamagotchi lifespan is from iust ten to 30 days, after which it flies off to
It dies. It changes color.
virtual heaven.
The multiple choice reading questions have distractors which are designed to appear correct at first. Often they contain a word from the text or give information that is believable but not correct as far as the text is concerned.
Sometimes the questions asl( you to complete a state-
ment or they
asl< a
direct question about the text.
Paraphrasing is also used. This is where the questions and answers express the meaning of the text in differ-
ent words.
,trl inu
Part R eadin
This passage is about Masada, a famous desert plateau,
Masada is a famous desert plateau, which rises high above the Dead Sea; its steep sides, a warning to any who dare to
even think about trespassing. Well, at least they used to be back when the rock was inhabited; back when its world-famous fortress was patrolled by hundreds of guardsmen, all totally alert to the threat from intruders; swords at the ready.
That was the scene just over 2000 years ago when the plateau was first fortified. lt soon came under King Herod's control and he viewed it as a possible last refuge - last defence - against the enemy should the Jewish people (whose homeland - including Masada - Herod had captured) ever revolt, or the Egyptians ever try to take the land from him by force. But today it is a far more peaceful place, and the only attention it attracts is that of eager tourists; tourists who have either trekked up the steep and well-named winding Snake Path or taken the far easier (and, in summer, more sensible) route up by cable car. Either way, at the top, they are rewarded by stunning panoramic views out across the Dead Sea and much of the Negev desert,
But it is not iust the breathtaking views and ancient ruins which attract the tourists to Masada each year; it is also the legend of the place. Some celebrate it; others remember it with great sadness. However you view it, what happened here was quite incredible.
About 70 years after Herod's death, Masada fell to the Jewis people, who claimed it back from the Romans. There {ollowed four years of fierce fightint between the Romans and the Jews. Eventually, the Romans regained control of all of the land - all, that is, except Masada, where a community of I
,000 refused to surrender.
I The Romans needed a way to reach the fortress, so they I gathered some 8,000 men and began to build a massive
I earthen ramp up the steep side of rhe plateau. This was a I slow process, but eventually they were able to bring their I siege engines up to the fortress gate and break through to I the interior-
126. What is the main purpose of this passage? a. to explain the reasons why people are attracted
to visit the site of the Masada fortress b. to provide a complete history of Masada for the last two-thousand or so years c. to explain why the fortress of Masada is no longer permanently inhabited d. to explain how Masada can become a popular
tourist attraction
127. What do we learn about Masada in Paragraph 1? a. Security there is very high. b, Water is scarce around Masada. c. The fortress is located on a high defensive position. d. Warning signs about the dangers of trying to reach
Masada have been put up. 128. What did Masada represent to King Herod? a. It was the center of his homeland. b, It was a place he could escape to if attacked. c, It was the last place where his enemies continued to
defend their position. d. It was a place of womhip tbr the Jewish people. 129. What does the wdter suggest in the third paragraph?
a. There are lots of snakes on the path up to the top
of Masada. b. Taking thc cable car to the top of Masada is quite expensive. c, The view lrom lhc lop is quite impressive. d. Only those who make thc eftbrt to walk to the top can see the amazing view. 130. Which of the following statements is true?
n. Tourists are mainly attracted to Masada on account of the tragedy that happened there thousands of years ago. b. Ironically, the fortress Herod intended as his last
But what they found was a scene of devastation. The Jews, all 1,000 of them bar two women and five children who had hidden, were dead. Rather than surrender to the Romans, they had chosen to kill each other. The Romans surveyed the scene in disbelief.
deferce was captured from him by the Jews. c. When the Romans got inside the fortress, they killed all the people there except some women and children who had hidden. d. The population of Jews at Masada were the last of their people to hold out against the Roman attack.
1 a
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Readers' Questions with Mel Landon Q: Why do male lions sometimes kill the young of their own kind?
Nick in Surrey A: A very good question Nick, and you're right; lions do sometimes kill their own kind. In fact. if a male Iion comes across a lone female and her cubs, and he is not the father, he will almost certainly kill every single one of her offspring if he can. This is known as infanticide. The reason male lions do this is because they live in an extremely competitive world and success for them is totally defined by how many offsp ng they father. But if a female already has cubs, she will not be able to have more babies until they have grown up. Male lions are reluctant to wait this long, so they kill the cubs in order to mate with the female and produce offspring of their own. You see, male prideJeaders face challenges from other males on a very regular basis and this can often lead to fights to the death. The stronger the male's pride and the more loyal family members it has, the better the male's chances of surviving. This explains why male lions are so keen to have the pdde made up of their own children. Indeed, males of the same lamily - and even different generations of the same family - will often band together to provide strength in numbers. In one case, the long-time leader of a famous lion pride in Kenya, named Notch, was dethroned and forced to flee by a group of young male Iions which outnumbered him three-to-one il a fight for control of his pride. The escaped male, Notch, then had some good fortune though, when he bumped into his three sons roaming the plains. The family joined together to create a formidable team. The four lions the[ went on to win control of at least three different prides, becoming one of the most successful known male-lion alliances in history.
One Big Monkey Hierarchy by Seanie O'Leary
Ivlofkey social interact ons are not that different to human ones if we simp ify it down.
Just as in human society, monkey communities operate strict h erarchies based on status withln the troop. lf you are born to a high-status member of the troop, then you automaticaLly enjoy more priviLeges than say a monkey born to the lowest' ranking female. The latter monkey would, in fact, automatically become the new lowest-ranked member of the troop and helshe would have a particular y hard time getting on in lfe
It's a bit like office polit cs actually. lmagine, you are the accounts assistant - the lowest'ranked member 0f the office 'troop'. You get fewer ho idays, are pa d badly, have to work hard all the time doing the east interesting tasks and people sometirnes take you for granted and ignore you while at the same time being especially nice to the boss. Our monkey friend is treated n exactly the same manner and the only way for him to climb the hierarchy is to make friends 'just as the lowly accounts assistant must make connections to improve his/her career prospects. The monkey must be nice to the troop leader, even if he,/she secretly dislikes him/her. The accounts assistant must be all smiles to his,/her boss, though helshe might think him incompetent. The monkey must work hard to be accepted, groomlng higher'ranking troop members. The accornts assistant must put his,/her head down and work equally hard, and despite being dumped with all the bor ng tasks, helshe has to keep sml ng at his,/her superors and 'grooming' the r egos, too. So, as you can see,
Fro m To: Re:
business is basica
y monkey business..l
No Nonsense Nature Rex Lowry Annual Subscription
Dear Mr. Lowry: We are wdting to remind you that it is that time olyear again; time to renew your subscription to No Nonsense Nattoe.
As a loyal customer, we are pleased to be able to offer you a very special discount of 50% off your annual subscription fee. We are also prepared to extend this offer to yor.u friends, if they would like to subscribe to our publication. too. To be clear, the olfer extends to any of your fricnds wiro are not already signed up to the magazine. They must quote your name in order to qualiry lor the discount.
If your name is quoted on any new subscriber's form, you will also be rewarded with $50 worth of shopping vouchers for Washington Mall. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards, I'he No Nonsense Nuturc Magazite 'Ieunt
-- - J:
R eadin
Question 131 refers to section A, 131. Which of the following is NOT mentioned
136. What is the writer trying to achieve here? as
a. good people skills
c. He wants to show that animal and human interactions
b. a postgraduate qualification c. membership of a professional body d. an accounting degree
have some things in common. d. H9 wants to criticize the way businesses are run.
Questions 132-133 refer to section B. 132. What does Mel Landon say about lion behavior? a, Male lions that discover females and cubs from other families will not hesitate to kill both mother and babies. b. The fact that all lions practice infanticide is explained by the extreme competition they face. cubs will abandon her offspring if a new male lion takes over the pride,
A female with
d. Male lions live to reproduce and how many offspring they have determines their success. 133. What was the example of Notch' story used to show? a. how young male lions will usually defeat older ones
b. how hard it is for one male lion to rule a pride on his own c. how groups of lions will always defeat lone males d, how related males often work together to become successful
Question 134-136 refer to section L.
134. What
do we Ieam about monkey societies in Paragraph 2?
a. Not all monkeys enjoy the same privileges. b. Females are the lowest-ranked members of the troop c. The youngest troop member is always the lowest
ranked. d. Monkeys are strict with their offspring just humans are.
a. He wants accounts assistants to be treated more fairly
b. He wants to show that the social interaction of monkeys is very different from that of humans.
candidates must possess?
135. What does the writer suggest about accounts assistants in
Paragraph 3? a. They get to do a lot of interesting work. b. They always dislike their bosses. c. They are not very well-respected. d. They are well-rewarded 1br their hard work.
Questions 137-138 refer to section D. 137, What is the mai[ purpose of this letter? a. to encourage someone to continue their subscription b, to advertise to potential new subscribers c. to promote the new shopping mall d. to remind a customer about a late payment
138. What happens if
a friend of Mr. Lowry's subscribes to the magazine for the fi$t time? a. They will get a $50 gift. b. Only then can Mr. Lowry claim a 507o discount on his subscription. c. Both Mr. Lowry and his friend will get a 50% discount on the cost of the subscription. d. Both Mr. Lowry and his friend will get free
shopping vouchers.
Questions 139-140 r€fer to two or more sections. 139, In which sections are readers encouraged to contact the publisher based on what is wdtten?
a.AandB h.A.BandD c.AandD d.BandD 140. Which texts would probably have appeared inside No Nonsense Nature magazine but are NOT advertisements or notices?
a.A,BandC b.B,CandD c.BandC d.AandC
IT r;fc. L-( 1 Ir
1 To:
A]l Staff
Human Resources Blood Donations
Part 4
We have just received an appeal from the Blood Transfusion Board for urgent blood donations as there is a severe shortage of blood rypes O-negative and O-positive in hospitals across the ciry.
With this in mind, we have therefore agreed to let any member of stafl who wishes to make a donation either take an extra hour off for lunch to do so, or leave an hour early this evening.
However, we will be asking all staff who take this extra time off to provide proof that they have indeed given blood, so please remember to request a stamped note from the Board confirming where you have been.
Failure to provide proof that you have given blood will result in the hour's pay being docked from your wages - that is, unlesss you want to make up the hour later in the week by staying late.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note. Ciara
,'r4oms and Tots Day
of Fun
Calling all moms out there! This Sunday from 10 a.m. till noon, Dewberry retirement home is hosting a Moms and Tots party.
All the proceeds of the event will be put back into the home.
Nellie started working for lvlills around 5 years ago, fresh out of college. Back then her title was'Community Fundraiser', and her role involved gorng out into the community to try to raise awareness of the work of the charity and to encourage people to get behind it. Nowadays, though, Nely is mainly based in the office and seldom gets to go out into the field anymore.
That is because she is now the'Director of Fundraising', so she is responsible for lvlills' overall strategy for ways t0 attract f nancial support and generate awareness, as we I as motivating the other members of the fundraising team to do the r utmost to bring in the money needed to enable N.4ills to continue doing the vital work it does, oi{ering free advice, support and care to cancer sufferers throughout the state.
typical day sees me in the neeting room first thing in the morning to brief staff on what is expected of them for the day ahead and ensure that all the fundraisers know where they are going and what they need to do there to generate nterest in I\4ils and encourage people to help and support us. 'A
I usually find myself in and out of the meeting room all morning actually, whether I'm coordinating with other department heads or meetlng externa clients. I meet the Head 0{ I\,4arketing every other day and together we work on developing promotional material and initiatives for the charity. Ultimately, no campaign can go ahead before it has my seal of approval. And after lunch lhave more meetings with companies interested in sponsoring us and having their brands associated with the work we do. Then lusually wind things up for the day by checking in with all my staif again to see how they got on in their fundraising
This themed kids' party is going to be the highlight of the weekend for your little tots! All you have to do is make sure they bdng their bear or cuddly toy with them; we'll take care of the rest!
Entertainment will include;
a musical performance by a group called The Dancing
. .
face-painting pass the parcel musical chairs and much much more!
o o
Tickets are free for all children aged between 3 and 12, and adults will be charged just f10 for entry. Although we will be selling tickets on the door (if we have any left), the Dewberry Concert Hall, where the event is being held, can only accommodate a maximum of 100 people, so we recommend that you buy your tickets in advance to be guaranteed
ANNUAT SCHOOT CHARITY DAY DeaI Parents, Just a quick note to remind you about our annual chariq, day, which is taking place this year on Saturday, March 24th.
We hope that as many of you as possible will come out to support the event, and would also ask you to donate what you can to the bring-and-buy sale. Anlthing from cakes to unwanted gifts and jewellery will be gratefully received. This year, the proceeds of the event will be split between two charities; the Guide Dogs' Association and the local Children's Hospital.
a place.
Date: Sunday,25thMarch Time: 10 a.m. Place:
with Jennie Tarbuck
This week I'm meeting Nely Goldworthy to find out about what it's like to work ior the country's blggesi charity, IVlills Cancer A d.
Dear All,
A Day in the Life
Dewberry Concert Hall
us as best as you can.
Mike Meade (Principal)
R eadin Questions 141-142 refer to section A. 141. what is the main purpose of this email? a, to warn staff about a dangerous blood shortage b. to explain the process of blood-giving to staff c. to encourage staff to regularly give blood d. to make staff aware of an appeal for blood donations 142. Under what conditions have staff permission to leave an
What does Nellie mean when she
'no campaign can
go ahead before it has my seal of approval?' a. Nellie takes part in every campaign the charity runs. b. Nellie makes the final decision on whether or not to start suggested campaigns. c. Nellie must send all campaigns she develops for
further approval. d. Nellie is confident her campaign will get approval.
hour early? a. if they work an extra hour through lunch b. provided they are leaving to give blood and get this confirmed c, provided they work an extra hour later in the week d. provided they accept a pay reduction for the hour missed
Questions 143-144 refer to section B. 143. What does'they'refer to in Paragraph 3 where it says 'make sure they bring their bear or cuddly toy'? a. parents b, teddy bears c. cuddly toys d. children
Questions 148-149 refer to section D. 1,1E. What is the main purpose of this letter? a. to tell parents about two important charity events b, to tell parents the date of a charity event c. to encourage parents to support an event d. to encourage parents to volunteer at an event 149. Which of the following statements is true?
a. The charity day takes place every year on March 24th b. Which of the two charities the proceeds will be given
to has yet to be decided
c. The school is collecting unwanted items to be given to the two chosen chadties
d. A variety of different items will be on sale at the 144. What is said about purchasing tickets for the event?
charity event
a. Tickets will definitely be sold on the door.
b. Groups of between 3 and 12 children will be allowed in for free.
c. To secure a ticket it may be necessary to book in advance. d. All adult tickets cost f10 and all children can enter free. Questions 145-147 ref€r to section C. 145. What do we learn about Nellie's job at MiUs?
She has worked in the same position for five years.
Question 150 refers to two or more sections. 150. Which section(s) describe fundraising events and were written by the organization for which the money is being raised?
a.A b.AandD c.B
b. The job at Mills was her first full-time, permanent position.
c. She joined Mills as the Director of Fundraising. d. Her role presently involves going on community visits. 146. What does Nellie herself say about her role?
a. She spends her mornings fundraising. b. She is rarely in contact with people outside
the company anymore. She meets with the Head of Marketing on a daily basis.
d. Her typical morning
is filled with many meetings.
t t ing I
on writing introductory paragraphs, the very first paragraph unit will required in essays and letters in the ECCE.
Pre-Writing Activity
The following sentences of an introduction to a letter have been mixed up. Put them into the correct orden remembering what should be included in an introduction.
The question has asked
There is one sentence
Which of the following items do you think should be included in an INTBODUCTORY PABAGRAPH? WhY?
The main arguments and poinls.
2. A sentence stating what topic/issue lhe question is
Iocusing on. 3. Opening statements on the topic/issue from the writer 4. Detailed description of the first main point. 5. The approach that the essay/letter will take. 6. A summary of the main points.
for letters to be sent to a newspaper regarding the destruction of the Brazilian rainforests, and what should be done to improve the situation. that you do not
Dea" 5i,,, Ih"devasta'ioh " a.eady hovihq
seve,,e conseqhences fo,' the ear'+h's
ct.o" a.,. a,d "t"ne .7e'ies will soo,,r beco,re e,.da"9"n"d or ex+ih.i, s"pply
".tly. ',p
t".ly "
oversee environrnen*al prolection, bat lt r.lrnst have."ffi"i"^+ p"'""" +o enforce
its decisions on all coluetlies.
J+ i. +h",,"f"." essen+ial
+ha+ Ll.een+
laken +o pr"otec+ +he plane+'s r.ainfo,.esls by b"+h l"cal a',tho,,i+les and nreast^,^es L,e
anr r.t,ri+ln9
ro,"r all co"n+ries,
io you to express my concer.n ai ihe con+inirlng deslr.,cilon
r^olnf or^ests.
W riti n
To write a story use the Pasl Continuous to descdbe a scene: The sun was shining and the morning was hot.
and the Simple Past to talk about the evenls: Claire put on her swimming suit and walked to the beach.
Pre-Writing Activity
Re-order the following sentences to make an opening paragraph for an essay.
16 The title of the essay is: Some. pdre ls are
ptotective of their childre" and mok" all the decisionsl olhe* pref* to give their children responsibility from a young ogu Which approach do you lelieve is correct? You do not need to use one of the sentences.
Writing Practice
Bead the questions below, and choose TWO of them [one essay - one letter] to write a suitable introductory paragraph. How con we solve the problem of homelessness? (essoy)
Whot suggestions do you hove for the improvement
of your town? lletter) Television hos 0 negotive impoct on society. Whot do you think? {essoy)
4. I J
believe tho+ it is important to allow yoang people lo hov. a say in certain decisions as
Whot odvice would you give to 0 foreign student who
is coming
lhey becom. malure enough,.
diff icrl+ decisions when
{o"" ^ony their children ate gtowing
3 F.," "yo pl", a st,dent needs lo 6" crwat" of wh,al catezr ogtions will 6e available of+er f
inishing urniversily.
yA^o,ng lhe mosl important ate ltow mrnch responsiL,ili+y leenagers sh""ld be givenl and at whot age they can nrale. their own choices.
your schoo lo study? lletter)
Writing Tips E
When you are asked to write an essay or letter, spend some time (about 5 min) planning your ideas and organizing them before writing the introduction. This way you can focus on your writing clearly.
E Try to use synonyms of key words and rcphrase ideas as much as possible; lrote the use of synonyms on tasks B & This demonstrates a wide range of vocabulary and can increase your grade.
riting Read the following news item from a local newspaper which is part of an interview taken from an actor. Then, do either task A or task B. For task A you will write a letter. For task B you will write an essay' Do only ONE of these tasks. Your writing will be graded on how fluently and clearly you can exPress your ideas in English.
You wi I have 30 minutes to write your letter or essay.
An actor's life
You n'ray make an outl ne or
notes in your test booklet if you wish, but your oltline will not count toward your score. You wi I not be graded on the appearanc€ ol your paper, but
yo!r handwriting must be readable. You rnay change or correct your writing, but you should not recopy the who e essay. Use your own words as much
as possible. Do not copy a lot frorn the article given be ow.
n-t I I
herc arc tuo lidcs to an actor'.1:le. On
become film stars and competition is stiff, Only a
rhe one hand. we cdn ha\ e a glamorou.
few survive. Besides. one must be talented and
litc and make
lor ol moner. \\ e trate^
lo eroric prrce. to.hoot lilms and
tremendous popu1arit1,. surrounded by 1ins.
reporten arld criticsl though most of us prefer privac,v once we
ae in the limelight. On
other hand. an actor must become a star. There
I are a bt olyoung people who would like to :"
born to be an actor. Furthermore, we have to rvork extremely hard to reach the top. We work iong hours and under tough conditions. sometimes even outside in bad weather. And, on top
of that. you have to do extra work at home such as studying the script and learning your part by
heart. In spite of everything, however. it
not a
bad job.-..
A Letter A Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper expressing your views on the advantages and disadvantages ol being an actor/actress. Be sure to explain your reasons as carefully as you can.
B €ssay B A person working in a steady job enjoys security and peace oi mind and looks jorward to a pension at the end of it. He usually has no high expectations of very high awards. On the other hand, a person who attempts to become a star knows that years of effort may be rewarded with complete failure, but when success comes, it is very high indeed. Develop these two considerations as fully as you can.
Task A:
Deor 5ir/Modom, ogree with the opinion that there ore boJh odvontoges ond disodvontoges to being on oclor. T believe thot it reolly boils down to the individuol chorocter of
eoch octor os to whether or not profession to f ollow.
is o worthwhile
In order to be o successful octor you need lo be oble to deol with o life in the public eye ond so you hove to 6e prepored to socrifice your privocy. This, in my opinion, is the hordest thing to deol with os it offects your friends ond fomily, too. On the other hond, if you ore o noturol exhibitionist you moy love oll the lnedio ottention.
is true thot one hos to work hord fo be o successful octor, but this is true whotever job you choose to do ond f don't think octors hove to work horder thon other people or in mone difficulf conditions. To sum up, I would soy thot octing is os good o job os ony if you enjoy it but I would prefer to do something o little less public. Yours foithfully,
Task B:
People moke o serious decision when lhey choose their profession. Some people opt for security ond others ore pteporcd 10 toke o risk in the hope thot they will moke more money in the long run. Which rood o person tokes depends on their chorocter ond their personal situotion.
The mojorily of people ore hoppy to eorn enough money to give them a secure future Gnd ot the some time to be oble to enjoy life. But there ore olso people who will toke o gomble by doing o job that moy or moy not moke thern o fortune. Sometirnes o person moy moke money very quickly ond ot o young oge such as in the enlep toinrnent business. This con leod to their downfoll though, os the money goes to their heod ond they spend it on o fosf but unheolthy lifestyle.
think the cruciol poini is whether or not one hos a responsibility to others, i.e. children ond o mortgoge to poy. Responsibilities demond responsible decisions in how o person leods
their life.
peaking WHERE TO TRAVET Stage
. How old are name? o What do you like to do for entertainment? from? . What hobbies do you have? o Where did you grow up? . Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? . How often do you go on vacation? . Do you prefer going on vacatlon with your friends or your parents? .
What is your
o Where are you
o Where do you usually
What means of transportation do you often use when going on vacation?
Stage 2 Situation: Your family is taking a trip and it is your job t0 choose where to
First: You should look at the pictures below and aski What is there to do in each country? What places in each country would we visit? How expensive is each country? o Where would we have the most fun? Which place ls best suited for families?
. . .
Stage 3 Then: When you have all
the information you need, explain what country you have
to give reasons for your choice, Remember to use information you learned from asking questions to explain your final choice. chosen. Be ready
Stage 4 Finally,
after you have shared your decision, you will be asked
more questions about the topic.
Useful Expressions Giving advice
. l\4y advice (to you) is............ . t seems t0 rre tl'at you sroul . To be honest, 1think,........... o Tre ' tling fo' you to do s o You'd better try t0......,..,,,,
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test 2 L
DorT I
IiEten in
L ist enin
ln this port of lhe test, you will heor four short tolks. After eoch tolk, you will heor some questions obout it. Before eoch tolk begins, you will hove lime to preview the questions thot ore printed in the test booklel.
. . . .
Reod the questions silently. Then list€n to the tolk. You con toke notes in
the booklet.
Then listen to eoch queslion ond choose the best onswer from the onswer choices. Mork your onswers on the seporote onswer sheet. You should mork A, B, C, or D.
There ore o totol
of 20 queslions obout the four short tolks
Questions 3I Look
-35 ot th6 questions. Then listen to o guest speoker give o tolk
business students.
31. Whal does the speaker say about her own educati0nal background? a. He went to this university. b. He used lo attend similar courses. c. He is a graduate 0f the discipline the students are sludying. d. He wishes he had done this degree at university.
Which ol the following is NoT mentioned by the speaker as being affected by her decisions? a. the international reputation of the US currency b. the pedormance of the national economy c. the performance of the national banking system d. the peformance of Joreign markets
33. Why is it a lough
time Ior America? a. it is owed a lot ol money b. ils people owe a lot of money to their banks c. it owes a lot of money to foreign countries d. Americans are not paying back their loans
Why is the US Dollar performing well? a. Because Americans keep spending more money. b. Because America is in crisis. c. Because the American economy is also doing well. d. Because other c0untries are in more trouble than America. What does the speaker imply will happen if things stay the same? a. The rest of the world will no longer do business with America. b. The situation in America will remain the same. c. Americans will go on building up more debt. d. America could become one of the countries in serious financial crisis
ETHM TIPS & STRATEGIES JnPat+ 2.f +he li.+.^i"g, sr".l""+s liste^ +o 4 1""9." pi...s, .fr." lec+qre e+c, f.o,6 a ra.lro J" ,,e.1 lif.,^ li'+e^ +. l""e sr".+ch.s of ihfo/ha+ioh a^d so +his is q +rue +o llfe +.s1, As rh. pieces a*e o^ly heard once s+" d."+. "".d +" t. .L,le +. "ec"".l key poinr s and specific da+a, I h" 1,"s. ',.y ro ,'lo ' h ' i= Ly ,.1inq sh.r+ noles,7A. y"" ll.+." r. +he piece, urri+e clot,n ony dates,
fie"res/ nahes."d L.y *,."d. +h.+
O". .oy to p/d.,i e th ' i- lo lste^ to soherhihg ih ehglish a6d rake noles o. yo" li.+.", Do noi rry +o rvri+e
conple*e senle'1ces; iqs+ f"" each poin+,
ohe or tlvo w"..fs
test 2 L
Questions 36-41 Look ot the questlons. Then listen to o lecture obout the Americon Wor of lndependence.
Ouestions 42-46 Look ot the queslions. Then listen onnouncement.
36. What does the speaker say about America's attitude towards
42. Why was the venue for this yeafs Senior Prom changed? a. Because the date and venue clashed with the
Britain belore the war? a. lvlost Americans were actively seeking independence. b. Few Americans wanted to associale themselves with England c. America was a united force in desiring independence.
Junior Prom. h. Because the Prom Committee wanted to hold both proms in one venue, c. Because last year's venue was not available on the dale of the prom. d. So as not to have the seniors' and juniors' proms in
d. Many Americans were happy wilh the way things were.
Why did some colonists think the taxes they had to pay were illsgal? a. Because there were no American politicians in the British parliament. b. Because Americans were paying higher taxes than Britons.
lo o rodio
the same place.
c. Because Britain and France were at war. d. Because Americans were paying off Brilish debt.
At what time is the Senior Prom itself actually due to stan?
a.7130 b. 10:30
How did Britain react when it realised that the taxes were making Americans angry? a. by removing all taxes b. by bringing in troops 10 control the riots and protests c. by revoking the tax on tea
How much will it cost 1o attend both the dinner reception an d the prom? a- $1S0
h. $120 c. $70
What does the speaker believe the {act that America wasn't ready Ior war shows? a. that independence had only recenlly become impoflant t0 m0sl Americans b. that the Americans were very poor at organising things c. that the British troops were more professional than the Americans d. that America badly needed help to defeat Britain
d. $260
What can we imply about the progress ol lhe first few months of the war? a. Britain was in control. b. Bolh sides held the advantage at different times.
What does the speaker mean when he says: a. America stafted to gain the advantage after Britain's enemies became involved. b. American supplies ol arms and troops were afiected by unpredictable tides. c. High tides had prevented Britain's enemies lrom supplying the colonists. d. France, Spain and Holland declared war on Britain to help the colonists.
d. by removing some of the taxes
c. The American troops held the advanlage. d. The two sides were very equally matched.
d. 9:30
What is said about buying prom tickets? a. 0nly 100 tickets will be available online. b.20% of all tickets will be sold online c. There is a limited number of tickets so b00k early. d. People who book early online get a discount.
Whal does the speaker mean when ,t',, a. Anyone caught drinking at the prom will be expelled
from school. b. Prom night will be suspended if anyone is caught drinking there. c. People caught drinking at the prom will either be suspended or expelled Irom school. d. Prom night will be cancelled if students are caught drinking at il.
li:;ten in
Ou€slions 47-5O Look dt the quesfions. Then listen
L ist enin lo o rqdio onnouncement.
47. Why does the speaker say James' story is special? a. He is from a rich family. b. He made his money in the oil business. c. He created a successful company wilhout any help. d. He owns the biggest fast-food chain in the state.
What has Anna Desrae done? a. She invenled an'unburstable bubble'. b. She invented a product which analyses in-car threals.
c. She invenled a type of safety seat. d. She invented a type of popular baby's toy.
What is Jacques Fleuis main occupation? a. He is a comedian. b. He is a lull-time businessman.
c. He runs two e-commerce companies. d. He is an invenlor.
What time does the show stad and linish at?
a.6p .m. and 6:30 p.m. b.6p .m. and 6:50 p.m. c.6p .m. and 6:15 p,m, d. 6:5 0 p.m. and 7:20 p.m.
rammar ......... aheady with the money before the police arived. a. was leaving
51. The thief
b. left c. had Ieft d. has left 52. Joseph is such a......... swimmer that the coach asked him to join the swim team.
a. fast b. fastly c. is fast d. faster please tell the guests to park ........ cars behind the garage?
a. there b. thei$ c. they d. their
Athens yesterday, I ......... bumped into an old classmate a, would not b, would never have c. would never to
a. are b. was c. has d, being .......... fell down and broke
his leg.
a. quite b. much c. nearly d, rather 56. "Why did you buy the blue suitca,se?" "I bought it because it is much .......... the black one."
a. bigger than b. more bigger c. as big d. biggest than
to the show tonight.
a. is going b. will have gone c. are going d. goes "I bought
an air fteshener that
............ the aroma of flowers."
a. gives off b. turns in c, puts by d. lets on
never would
59. ..,............ it is very cloudS toda1. it may not rain at all.
60. Cindy prefers walking
a short break before it starts raining a. taking b. to take
65. We'd better...............
c. take d. should take
c. However d. Even though ......
63. All the girls except Joan
64. "What is that Iovely smell?" 58. If I hadn't gone to downtown
a. Nevertheless b. Yet
giYen to us by the camp director
55. He
"Yes, I am looking fol a ........ briefcase." a. leather, Italian, brown b. Italian, brown, Ieather c. brown, Italian, leather d, leather, brown, Italian
53. Could you
54. The important information
57. "Could I help you, sir?"
school to taking the bus.
a. for b. to c. at d. out
66. This is the boy .......... father founded the company. a. whom
b. whose c, who d. who's
61. Mark's teacher told him he .... to spend more time studying.
a. ought b. could c. must've d. have was with me last night. You .......... him at the shopping
62. "Jerry
mall with George." a. shouldn't see
b. don't see c. seen d. can't have seen
67. "What did your mother iust
68. The witness told the jury that he ...........,.. Mr. Smith before.
a. didr't see b. never see c. had never seen d. never had saw
One yan^na" i+e'a rhat is .fteh I":,:iT.1," "f w"4l.l ..rhef ^^d'p."fer ro', Many slutl.^rs
,=.-,*.""f"-, " "".,'h.,.". "f rh.,..\r...""'. "Woqld ra+her" is "sed to express p."f.""^""."
particrlar occasiohs,
f L.y +he infihitive wilhour "+o", l'd rathet stay at home than go to the movie.
P"efer' co^ b. "s.J ihs+"a..] .f'\,o"lJ 'arhe.' ld preler Lo iL4 al home than Bo lo the mo\ip. J+ ca,. als. 1,. f"ll"*",l L,y ^ s.."",1, "Pref el' ;s ose! wlrh rhe 'to ihf ihi+ive".
"She asked me a. who the money has b. who does the money belong c- who the monev do belons d, who the money belonged to
prcfet listening to music than to reading a book.
rIr ,]m m,lr' G lrammar 69. "Do you olten go sailing?" "Actually, hardly ever ...........
find the time."
a. aml b. dol c. Ido d. doing I 70. I will
call you as soon as
a. b. am getting c. got d. witl get get
71. "Would
you like to come to the ballet with me tonight?" "Oh yes, thank you. I would be ........... to go with you."
a. delighttul b. delighting c. delight d. delighted
72. "Would
someone please tell me to whom .,.,...... books belong?"
a. theirs b. these c, them d, they
ofwhat you think,
I really like this hotel. a. Despite b. Never mind c. Regardless d. Although
cup of colfee and a bite to eat?"
76. Tom asked Alice if she wanted to go to the cinema. She told him that she ...... hy to get offwork. a. would
a. rather b. hardly c. rarely d. little 74. Sarah showed me her dog and one of its eyes was blue; .........,., its other eye was green.
a. therefore h. so c. however d. for instance
a. to have b. having c. to have had d. and will have 82. When I got lost in Rome and asked a man ..,............... he was very polite and gave me pert'ect
b. was c. ought d. should have
directions. a. where is the train station b. where was the train station c. where the train station was d. where will be the trair station
77. "Would you mind .............., the window because I feel cold?"
a, to close b. closing c. will close d. close
83. He seemed rich;
owned three cars. a. however
b. for example c. in contrast d, nevertheless
78. Julie is such a sweet and understanding person outside the class, but as a teacher she refuses to ,............. any disobedience from the students
a. put down to b. put on c. put aside d. put up with 79. The police told Terry that
am exhausted. Jack. we have
been driving for ten hours. Can we please stop ............... a
Unless you leave for the a
immediately, you .......... your flight
a. miss b, will miss c, are missing d. won't miss
73. It feels .......... warm in here; maybe we should turn on the
8I. "I
shouldn't ............ his house unlocked because in doing so he had invited the burglars to break in Iast night.
a. had left b. been leaving c, to leave d. have left
85. The more 1ou study. the
chances you have of passing
your exam.
a. most b. biggest c. more d. big
across the room at the man ............ first introduced us to each other.
80. Look
a. whose b. who c. whom d. who's
ocabulary 86.
All of us have to pay a. penalty b. value c. income d. salary
........... tax.
91.I cannot
........... a car like that! It's too expensive for me.
96. Don't put the........... on me! I'm not responsible for your
a. aim b. achieve c. afford d. request
E7. My sister ........ all the Christmas
presents in nice paper.
a. wrapped b. recovered c. wrinkled d. folded
financial problems.
a. guilt b. blame c. excuse d. cause
92. You are kindly requested to ........... from smoking during
97, I've........... with my girlfriend
the flight.
a. keep b. stop c, refrain d. reduce
88. There was a ....... on TV between the two presidential candidates. a. chat b. debate
a. broken down b. broken up c. fallen over d. taken off
prison for manslaughter. a. convicted
98. My sister will buy this car .....
b. sentenced c. condemned d. accused
a. nevertheless b. regardless c. although d. without
d, commentary
the moming. a. Consider h. Rehold c. Bear
93. He was ....... to 20 years in
c. criticism
89. ........... in mind that you should be at the office by 8 o'clock in
I realized that
didn't really love me.
of my advice.
94. The Knicks had a ........... defeat
and didn't quali$ for the finals. a. fantastic b. devaluating c. crushing
d. Fix
All my family were very excited at the .... o[ bu]ing a new house.
a. probability b. prospect c. selection d, potential
95. We are planning to participate in 90. We all .......... into laughter when
we heard his story. a. banged b. expressed
all the ......... book exhibitions in order to promote our books.
a. expecting b. forthcoming c. arriving d. happening
d. burst
If you are not pleased with our products your moneY will be .... a. refunded b. regained c. rejected
EI(AJVI TIPS & STRATEGIES C*Iain v*bs ar. by pat+icular prepositions. there -r. .f+.n .efe,"eA t" a" A.p^d.n+ Prit +he werbs 6elow inro +he corr&+ careaory of AepenAen+ preposilion.
apply complain
insist glance apologize concentrate hear rely think shout hope depend worry wish
v ocabular 101. He thinks he is superior because he's rich and he.......... people
a. looks up to b, looks down on c. puts off d. pulls down 102. Sheila was reading the
trying to find
a. b. categories c. classifieds d. columns It is........... that
he feels sad and
lonely after his diYorcei everybody can see that. a. obvious b. curious c. transparent
109. You should know that you're not ........! If you are not good at your job, the company will fire you.
a. indifferent b, influential c. unpredictable d. indispensable
108. t am very happy that )ou.....,..... in passing your school exam. a. achieved h- succeeded c, reached d. managed
110. According to the weather report, there are no ...... that the weather will be better tomofiow. a. signals b. evidence
There is a wide ........... of products in a department store a, brand
b. line c. show d. range I think you cut your finger somewhere because it is........ a. hurting b. bruising c. leaking d. bleeding 117. The boys ......... when their team scored a goal.
a, moaned b. groaned c. whispered d, cheered
c. indications
serious 111. If you want to find cheap
104. My new flat ........ a nice park; the view from my balcony is fantastic,
a. shows b, oversees c. regards d. overlooks
accommodation you should stay at a youth ........... . a. hotel b. hostel
c. campus d. center
118. The doctor examined the
patient........... and found her in perfect health. a. gradually b. absolutely c. thoroughly
d. directly l19. He has been working as a sporls.,....
for the local TV station. 105. He scored a goal and his team won and then he became famous ......,.... .
a. fortnight b. ovemight c. by night d. precisely 106. My teacher is very.........
He always tells us that we should be interested in new ideas and not be prejudiced. a. open-handed b, open-mouthed c. open-minded
d. 107,
All the political parties should ........... terrorism.
a. condemn b. judge c. disapprove d. charge
l12. The
issue of legalizing abortion is very .........., and needs a lot of discussion.
a. complementary b. comprehensible c. controversial d. compound 113. The police didn't provide us with ........... information about
today's terrorist attack.
a. subjectiYe b. subsequent
a, author b. sponsor c. commentator d, observer 120. One of my students ........... so badly that I have great
dlfficulty in understanding him when he speaks.
a. whispers b. sighs c. stutters d. grumbles
c. sufficient d, spacious 114. We can't go out in the stormi it's out of the ........... .
a, order b. touch c. question d, blue
rt1 This passage is about Amazon River's endangered environment'
A{ter years of inattention,
121. Who or what is destroying the Eadh's environment?
the whole
a. people in general
world has
b. dch nations
awakened at last to how much is at stake in the
c. conservationists
d, the Third World countdes
has become
the front line in the battle to rescue Earth's endangered environment from humanity's destructive ways. "Save the rain forest", long a cry for conservationists, is now being heard coming from the mouths of politicians and rock stars. The movement has sparked a confrontation between rich industrial nations, which are fresh conyerts to the elvironmental cause, and the poorer nations of the Third World, which view outside interference as an assault on their dghts. The vast region of unbroken green that surrounds the Amazon River and its tributaries has been under assault from settlers and developers for 400 years. Time and again, the forest has defied predictions that it would be destroyed forever. But now the danger is more real and imminent than ever before as loggers cut down trees, dams flood vast areas of land and gold miners poison rivers with mercury. In Peru the forests are being cleared to grow coca for cocaine production. "It's dangerous to say the forest will disappear by a particular year," says Philip Fearnside of Brazil's National Institute for Research in the Amazon, "but unless things change, the forest rrill disappear."
That would be more than a South American disaster. It would be an incalculable catastrophe for the entire plaret.
122. What does the expression, "assault" mean in line 19? a, assistance
b. attack c, development
d. improvement 123. The danger to the forest is a. greater than it's ever been before
b. not as bad as people say. c. nol lrom loggers and miners.
d. mainly because of the river. 124. According to Philip Fearnside, what will happen
things don't change? a. There will be more forests.
b. The river will flood. c. The forest will be destroyed.
d. The Amazon river will be poisoned. 125. If the forest disappean it will affect a. South Amedca. b. Ioggers. c. Peru.
d. the whole world.
EXAM TIPS & STR,ATEGIES ln Part 3 & Part 4 of the reading section you may be given a reading exercise with a number of small texts with multimatching questions. The answers will not be found in chronological order. You will have to scan the text for specific information. This means that you do not need to
read or understand every word in order to answer the questions. You are just looking for key words and information. Scanning is something you do all the time without thinking about it. For example, when you look at a bus or train timetable or for a
particular program in a TV guide.
rE,=d inu
R eadin
This passage is about taxes.
€ lYost self-employed people dread this time of year, but they cannot aYoid it; one way or another, you have to do your taxes and send them
in to the IRS before deadline day.
126. What does the writer suggest in Paragraph 2'l a. The tax system punishes the self-employed.
b. Self-employed people have opportunities to reduce But what's the use in punishing yourself by rushing the figures ju st to get
r one self-employed people take a considerable risk in working for themselves, and this is reflected in the way they are taxed. You see, unlike employees, the self-employed can deduct expenses from the taxable amount of money that they earn. This is a way of reducing the amount of tax they have to Pay. It is therefore very much in your interest to record all your income and outgoings carefully so as to ensure that you claim all the expenses you are allowed and don't overpay your taxes. And this is where it gets tricky; what exactly can and can't you claim as an expense? Well, for example, if you work from home, you should be aware that you are entitled to claim some of your utility bills, insurance costs and rental payments. But the emphasis is on the word SOME; be realistic; if you use one of the five rooms in your house as an office, then you can claim one-fifth of the rent. But start claiming too much, like say 8096, and this mitht make the IRS officials a little suspicious, prompting them to examine your accounts more closely.
their ta\ bill not open to ordinary employees. It is a considerable risk trying to do your own taxes.
d, The fewer expenses you have, the lower the amount of tax you will have to pay. 127. Why does the writer tell people to 'be realistic' in
Paragraph 3, line 5; what does he mean by this? a.
Don't buy
big house if you only need a small office space.
b, Don't overestimate your expenses dramatically. c. Only claim some of the expenses you have a right to,
not all of them. d. Claim less than you ars entitled to or you will have problems with the IRS. 128. How do you calculate your expenses for
equipment and machinery? a, You can expense the total cost in one year.
b. You are not allowed to expense such items. c. You can expense an amount equal to how much value these items have lost since the previous year.
You can also claim for the cost of equipment and machinery Now, that doesn't mean that if you buy a new car for
f20,000 you can write the total amount off atainst your income, but, provided you use the car for work, you can depreciate it each year. ln simple terms, for every year you hold on to a car, it becomes less valuable. The difference between this year's and last year's value is the amount you
d. You can only expense these items if they are used exclusively for work purposes.
it possible to elpense the cost of buying clothing? a. Yes, but only if it is special clothing you had to buy
129. Is
exclusively for work use.
can claim as an expense.
b. No, clothes costs cannot be written off. c, Yes, smart suits wom for work may be expensed.
Be careful though with things like clothes. For most of us, clothes are not something we can write off. I mean, forget trying to claim expenses for your work suits; you have to buy
d. Yes, clothes can be expensed with the
clothes anylvay to wear, whether you are self-employed or not. The only time you can claim expenses for clothing is when you need to buy it exclusively for use at work, like a
uniform for example, or a safety helmet.
lf in doubt, ask! Contrary to popular belief, IRS officials are there to help and don't want to catch you out. lf you call the self-employed persons' helpline number, and provided you are open and honest about your finances, you have nothing to fear.
exception of uniforms and safety gear. 130, What is implied by the information in the last paragaph?
a. IRS staff are difficult to deal with and most people fear contacting them. b. You will be treated very fairly by the IRS provided you do not deliberately try to hide the facts. c, The IRS has a reputation for being easy to approach
with questions. d. In reality, the experience of dealing with the IRS is always a pleasant one.
Part c
Middleship Cruises Santorini and the Aegean
Middleship Cruises is one of the most wellknown and highly-respected cruise ship companies operating in the Aegean and we are proud to bring you details of our special eadysummer offer,
Santorini and Crete
little seedllngs. The most accessible place to see thern is along Highway 101 which runs parallel to the Avenue of Giants, a 5O"mile stretch of Humbolt Redwood Forest. Here, hundreds of thousands of tourists gather each year to see the 300-foot-tall, 3000-yearold,2000ton redwoods in all their glory. lt is truly a site to
This holiday package includes 4-star hotel accommodation, as well as flights and transfers, and is available for the knock-down price of 5350. Uperade to a first-class cabin on the cruise ship lor just another S80. For groups of more than 10, enjoy a further 20% discount.
behold. Sometimes referred to as nature's cathedrals, not only are they the redwoods giants of the natural world, they are also extremely resilient.One famous example of this is the case of a tree which was partially destroyed n a wildfire way back almost a century ago in 1914, Amazingly, the tree has remained standing to this day, but not only thau it has also continued to grow.
Travelers' Muses by Monique Noy
Beware the cost of driving in ltalyl
Another oi the famous redwoods is the giant tree through which road-builders chose to tunnel rather than build around, so big was t. As a result, today, road-users can drive their cars right through the trunk of the tree. Now, if that doesn't give you an dea of just how big these beasts are, what will?
I recently returned from a holiday in ltaly far
lrom satis{ied with my experience. Was the weather not up to much? No, it was great. Were the people unkind? No, they were the same as anyrvhere else, Were my expectations too high? Well, they were hich, but that didn't matter because Venice and Florence still blew me away. So what then, you might wonder was wrong with my stay... Well, the truth is, not a lot. ltaly is a beautiJul place and it's no wonder millions of tourists visit it every year.
But my problem is with how the government takes advantage of these tourists. For example, highway tolls are so high that there might as well be an extra tax on your stay. I spent a cool 5400 on tolls driving around for just a coup{e of weeks. But the thing that angered me the most was not the charges lwas aware ol and could anticipate, but rather the charges ldidn't see and wasn't expecting. A few days after lcame back home, lgot a bill for 5180 from 'the Police Department of Florence'. lmmediately lwas confused was it a line...? " and this wasn't helped by the fact that the entire letter was in ltalian. Anyway, I got a iriend to tell me the gist of what it said and basically it seems that ldrove through an area of a town at a time when I wasn't supposed to, which resulted in a fine.
A Forest of Giants by Larry Burke
There are three species of giant redwood trees in the world today, and two of them can be seen together in the redwood forest of California. To stand beside these beasts is to feel very very small indeed, and you cannot fail to be impressed by mother nature when you come to realise quite how gigantic they are, especially considering the fact that, like all plant llfe, the redwoods started out as tiny
Spend two nights on Crete and three on the beautiful island of Santorini, not to mention a lurther four nights cruising on the Aegean in one of our luxury cabins. This is the cruise holiday that has it all; stunning natural beauty - the deep canyons of Crete and the breathtaking Santorini-caldera sunset; amazing food - delicious traditional Cretan dishes and food from around the world on Santorini; great shopping - jewellery and gifts for her from the exclusive bespoke jewellers of Santorini - and accessory-shopping heaven in the boutiques and shopping malls of Heraklion, the Cretan capital; you name it, this holiday has it all to offer. Don't miss outl
To: Re:
Ned Saunders Ellen Macey Feedback on Holiday Experience
Deor Mr. Sounders,
om very sorry to hear thot your receht holidoy Barcelono was not oll thot you expected.
But I was sure I hadn't seen any signs anywhere, so I did some research. Sure enough, I found the answer I was looking for; there were signs, but only in ltalian! Clearly the government doesn't think it is important for foreign drivers to know the rules; after all, if we don't know them, they can just charge us for making mistakes we couldn't avoid - tourist taxes pure and simple - I am never going back there again,
As to the problems you encountered, f'm ofroid thot while it wos very unfortunote that your luggoge wenl missing on the flight ovzr, we at Jones Trovel can hardly be held responsible for thot. Nor is it our foult thot it took the oirline company over o week to reunite you with your belongings. Thot soid, wa hove relayed your comploint io lhe cirline concerned. As for your occommodotion, we ate vzty coneful to stote thot the picture on the website is not necessorily 100% occurote; therefore, we will not occept responsibility for there being only a gueen-size bed in your room. But ot ony rote, we teel thot gueen-size is omple for a single traveller. Kind Regords, Ellen Mocey (Head
ol Customer Service)
f E,ltl i fr l R eading Questions 131-132 refer to section A. 131. Which of the following is not hightighted to promote the cruise? a. the natural features of the landscape b. the range of different types of cuisine c. the availabiliry of lux!ry goods d. the range of on-board shopping facilities
Question 136-137 refer to section C. 136. What does the wdter refer to in paragraph
132. What does the ad say about accommodation?
137. What do we learn about the tree mentioned in the third paragraph?
b. Highway 101 c. the big, old redwoods d. the amount of traffic
same first-class standard,
quali! for
'a site to behold'?
a. the crowds of toudsts
a. For the basic pdce customers can enjoy four-star hotel accommodation every night of the cruise. b. Al1 cabin accommodation on the cruise ship is of the c. Group-bookings for up to 10 people will 207o discount.
d. For an extra $80, customers can enjoy a first-class cabin as well as the four-star hotel accommodation. Questions 133-I35 refer to section B. 133, Why is Monique Noy disappointed with her Italy tdp erperience? a. Her expectations of the tdp were too high. b, The weather was poorer than hoped for. c. The people were not especially kind. d. She felt the govemment exploited her to get more money.
a. It was destroyed in a fire and died. b. It first started to grow in 1914.
c. The dead fire-damaged tree remains standing to this day. d. It produced new growth despite being damaged by fire.
Questions 138-139 refer to section D. 138. Why is Ellen Macey writing to Mr. Saunders? a. to admit fault and apologise b. to confirm an investigation is continuing into the complaint c. to make it clear that her company does not accept it is at fault a way to resolve the complaiflt
d. to suggest
139. What can be implied from paragraph 3? 134. What is the main reason Monique found
it irritating to
receive a $180 fine?
a. She had already paid $400 in tolls. b. She couldn't read Italian. c. She felt it was really a hidden charge. d, She never drove through the town in the letter.
a. Mr, Saunders went on holiday alone. b. The company made a false claim. c. Mr. Saunders booked the wrong type of room. d. Mr. Saunders'bed was too small for him to sleep in.
Question 140 refers to two or more sections. 135. What does Monique imply in the last paragraph?
140. Which sections refer directly to personal erperiences people
a, Toudsts are taxed more than ordinary Italians when
had while on vacation?
they buy things. b. The Italian government is being deliberately
unfair to tourists, c. People visiting Italy need to be able to speak Italian to understand the road signs. d. Nothing about Italy impressed her, so she would
b.BandC c.CandD d.BandD
never go back
Sports Magazine Editor Needed Sports Msgazine seeks an editor to
join its existing four-person editorial team. This is a junior editorial posi-
tion and you will be repo ing to the Editor-in-Chief. Main duties and responsibilities: e checking articles for basic spelling and grammatical mi.takes, as ucll as faclual inaccuracies o occasionally writing magazine contributions yourself
What is Petanque by Andy Frawd
The ittle-known sport of petanque is much loved by rhe people of the Provence 'egion
of France, where it first originated. Now I say little-known, but that's not quite true since around 17 milion French people piay the game caslally during the summer months each year, not to mention another 50,000-odd in North America, as we I as a hafdful in Britain and other parts of Europe. However, outside of French'influenced communlties, there is hardly any awareness of
the game at all.
Minimum qualifications:
an Honors Bachelor's degrcc a newspaper
c work experience in
member of the Socie1. for Editors tuul Proofieaders
Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience
It comes frorn the same fam ly as bowls and the objective is t0 throw hollow metal balls as close as possible to a small wooden one. The game is p ayed on hard dirt or gravel. There are two-, lour' and six-player formats.
nv, in Montreal
T0 start a game, a coin is tossed to dec de who goes first. The start ng team then draws a circle on the ground to indicate the spot from which all players must throw their balls. Then the first player throws the jack (small wooden target bal) six to ten meters away. The same player then throws the first ball and is followed by a p ayer from the opposing team. The next turn gOes to the team whose ball is furthest from the jack. This team continues to throw unt I one of its balls lands closer to the jack than the opposition's, or unt I they run out of balls to throw. When both tearns have no more balls left to throw, the play finishes. The team which has the ball thrown c osest to the jack gets a
A: Hi Viv
point for this and every other one of lts bals that is closer to the jack than the best'placed opposltion ball.
For more information and instructions on how to apply, please visit our website al'. wwr,. spoismagazine.comlj obs
Readers' Questions by Ed Bandon
Q: Who will win the final of the Heineken Cup?
Thank you for your question. It's unusual to get asked about a rugby competition b], one of our North American readers though; isn't American football the big game over there? That was a pleasant surp sel Anlavay, my answer to you would be that both teams look strong on paperi so it could be a tight match. That said, I think Leinster have the experience and momentum - they have definitely been playing the better rugby all season. I think if they score a few points early in the game, they may open up a big Iead by half-time and it could be all over then. On the other hand, if Ulster can stay with them for the filst 40 minutes, we could have a very exciting match on our hands and I wouidn't know who to pick in that scenado.
If you are asking me for a prediction though, I woulcl have to say Leinster, and I have a feeling that the margin of victory will be quite big because I think they will make a fast start. Readen, what do you think? Let us know.
We'll find out on Saturday one way or another!
That is called one'end'and the teams continue playing ends until one team reaches 13 points, the score needed to win.
Spons Magazine
Laura Maine
Recent Article
Deor Louro, We would like to respond to your recent letter by pointing out thot we did not occuse you of cheoling, but merely reported thot you were occused of doing so ond thot o cose wos being brought ogoinst you by the Olympic Selection committee. As journolists, it is our job to report the focls: therefore, we do not feel that we owe you on opology. When your cose is heond, we will report on the outcome os foctuolly, ond if you ore found not guilty, we will moke this very cleor.If you ore found to have cheoted, we will noturolly report lhis conclusion, too, however.
We hove no further comment to rnoke ot this time Best, Kind Regords,
Ed Banclon
Lorry Lyre
rE,td in R eadin Questions 1,11-142 refer to section A. 141. Which of the following statements is true? a. Spofts Magazine rs looking for a new Editor-in-Chief. b. After the advertised position has been filled, there will be four people working in the editorial departmert. c. This position might suit someone looking for their
first editorial role. d. The Editor-in-Chief will conduct the interviews with
146. What is 'the jack' (in paragraph 2)?
a. The ball players throw to try to get as close as possible
to the target. b. A wooden target stuck into the ground. c. The name used to refer to the filst throw of the game. d. The actual target players must try to get their balls as close as possible
147. How many ends have to be played before a game
candidates, 142. Which of these people would the position suit best?
a. A joumalist tired ofwriting articles that wanted a complete change. b. A freelance writer and editor who works mainly
with literature. c. A journalism graduate who did an irtemship at a newspaper last summer. d. A member of the Society of Editors and
Proofreaders studying for
journalism degree.
Questions 143-144 refer to section B. 143, What is most likely to happen in the match in the
writer's opinion? a. It will be a very close game. b. Leinster will win by a lot of points. c. It will be close until half{ime and then Ulster will take control. d. The winner willbe decided in the last few minutes. 144. What tactic does the wdter think Ulster should use to
have the best chance of winning? a. Try to open up a big first-half lead. b. Try to make a fast start and then hold on. c. Try to stop Leinster building up a big firsthalf lead d. Try to make the game open and high-sco ng.
Questions 145-147 refer to section C. 145. Why does the wdter say it is'not quite true' to suggest that petanque is a little-known sport (paragraph 1)? a. Because it is played by a Iarge number of people
globally. b. Because it is popular in America, France and other parts of Europe. c, Because millions of different types ofpeople
petanque is over? a. 13 b. Each end represents one game. c, As many as necessary until either team reaches 13 points. d. A minimum of 13 ends which equals 13 points.
Question 1rl8 refers to section D. 14E. What did Spotts Magazine do that made Laura Maine unhappy? a. Its reporter, Larry Llre, had proof that she was cheating. b. It informed the Olympic Committee of a suspicion that Laura cheated. c. It reported on a story involving Laum and a court case. d, It criticised Laura in a report written for the Olympic Selection Committee.
Questions 149-150 refer to two or more sections. 149. Which section(s) mention sports which are not as popular in some parts of the world as othen?
a.C b.AandC c.BandD d.BandC 150. In which section(s) would you find information about how good a team / piayer is during a specific period of
the game /match?
a.A b.B c.BandC d.CandD
play the sport.
d. Because in areas influenced by French culture it is very well-klown.
fesf 2
riting Topic Sentences This unit will demonstrate the use of topic sentences in paragraphs
Pre-Writing Activity
Discuss the following questions with your classmates and your teacher:
Bead this detinition of a topic sentence: mal, idea of a paragraph
"A topic sentence expresses the
and makes it clear what will be discussed in the paragraph."
1. Why do writers
A topic sentence is often the lirst line of a paragraph, but does not have to be.
use paragraphs?
How many paragraphs should be used in the ECCE exam?
3. Whal do you think a topic sentence is?
A Television
has great
educational potential in the modern world if used correctly
A ln mv ooinion shelters for norrtrss should be built
everytown and citv.
B This means that many
B This situation is very
Third World countries have
dangerous Ior young children
more opportunities.
The following sentences will all support the main idea. Which one of the following pairs are good topic sentences? Why?
For example, no city can
afford 10 spend much money on old people.
B The lirst thing the local authorities need to do is build a series of parks.
Itrt"t r ll'I I
W iting adverbs of lrequency come before the main verb or aftq! the verb "to be":
He always works
adverbs of manner come She dances
He is always late.
aftql the vetb or 4f!EI the obiect, if there is one
She lifted the vase carefully.
advetbs of place come at the end of the sentence: Please wait for me outside. Your glasses are over there. advetbs of time come at the end of the sentence or qlteg an auxiliaty verb l'll see you She has already finished her work.
Pre-Writing Activity
A writer may start with an initial sentence (known as a preamble sentence) giving the idea of the paragraph BEFoBE a topic sentence, and then follow with an explanation or an example. Put the following sentences into the correct order, and write what type of sentence each one ts: reamble sentence, 19p!g sentence, and which provide explanation and example.
I J+ i"
lelief , however, that TV hos great ^y potenlial f or educalion
choose one of rhe ToPlc SENTENCES from TASK B.
16 Now, write the remainder of each panagraph focusing on the main idea identified in the topic sentence.
Writing Tips E
Before you start wdting, read the question carefully, and underline the main words in the question. After brainstorming your ideas make sure they are relevant and will provide the required answer.
Here are some connecling words that can be used to start a FIRST or SECOND main paragraph. First of oll One reoson
2 Thi. obilry ho. 6."n
gtowing ov* the last few yeors) as nowadays hr.ndreds of channels can be chosen lo provide specific educational content.
Cl.-cr"ly, their educalional valae is shown 6y lhe s in re.gular "rse,f such prog"o ond videos schools loday,
4 Th,o" hov" olwoyr b".n many p"ople who 6lame television lor causing problems, especially with yo, ng children,
5 For instance.,
sl.cln progtams incl,de documettories that featare wildlife at amazingly close dis+ances, [isloricol rezrealions ond .v.n fc.t.ign lc,ngu'ag" Progtahs,
Firstly To slort wilh To begin wilh on the one
Additionoliy Also On the other hond
riting Read the following news item from a local newsPaPer about soccer (football). Then, do either task A or task B' For task A you will write a letter. For task B you will write an essay. Do only ONE of these tasks. Your writing will be graded on how fluently and clearly you can exPress your ideas in English.
You wil have 30 minutes to write your etter or essay.
S occer
may make an outline or
notes n your test booket f yo! w sh, but your out ine w
count toward your score. You wil not be graded on the appearance of your paper, but
your handwrit ng must be readable
Yo! may change or coTTecl your writing, blrt you shou d
rot recopy
the who e essay. llse your own words as much
b e. Do not copy a ot from the articLe given below.
as poss
A Let+er
l-1 occcr is undoubtedll a tough. [a.t ard ercit\,ng gur. *r,.n requrres grcat pr\\rcrr V en,lurance. Al the.ame time..occer is big business involving a lot of money and can be
verr violenl and
prtitive .pot t becaus