Factions of Phandalin - Estudos Artísticos (2024)


Gustavo Medeiros 16/09/2024

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<p>DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the drag-</p><p>on ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,</p><p>D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their</p><p>respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other coun-</p><p>tries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the</p><p>Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of</p><p>America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork con-</p><p>tained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of</p><p>the Coast.</p><p>©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manu-</p><p>factured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by</p><p>Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.</p><p>Written by:</p><p>Noah Stavish</p><p>Douglas Harvey-Marose</p><p>Kera Hildebrandt</p><p>Map Layouts:</p><p>Noah Stavish</p><p>Douglas Harvey-Marose</p><p>Kera Hildebrandt</p><p>Artwork:</p><p>Ane Bonazza</p><p>Inkarnate</p><p>Pixabay</p><p>DMsGuild</p><p>Roll20</p><p>Special Thanks: Keri Stavish, Kim Harvey-Marose, Cynthia Hildebrandt, Duane/</p><p>Josh/Eric/Cole/Ethan/yes, even Cam</p><p>1 | 1 |</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Introduction</p><p>How to Use .......................... 3</p><p>Factions Overview .............. 3</p><p>Using Every Adventure .... 4</p><p>The Emerald Enclave</p><p>How to Join .......................... 5</p><p>Goals and Beliefs ............... 5</p><p>Guild Contact ....................... 5</p><p>Ranks and Rewards ............ 6</p><p>Tasks and Activities ........... 7</p><p>Sanctioned Mission ............ 10</p><p>The Harpers</p><p>How to Join .......................... 18</p><p>Goals and Beliefs ............... 18</p><p>Guild Contact ....................... 18</p><p>Ranks and Rewards ............ 18</p><p>Tasks and Activities ........... 20</p><p>Sanctioned Mission ............. 23</p><p>The Lords’ Alliance</p><p>How to Join .......................... 35</p><p>Goals and Beliefs ............... 35</p><p>Guild Contact ....................... 35</p><p>Ranks and Rewards ............ 36</p><p>Tasks and Activities ........... 37</p><p>Sanctioned Mission ............. 40</p><p>The Order of the Gauntlet</p><p>How to Join .......................... 58</p><p>Goals and Beliefs ............... 58</p><p>Guild Contact ....................... 58</p><p>Ranks and Rewards ............ 59</p><p>Tasks and Activities ........... 60</p><p>Sanctioned Mission ............. 63</p><p>The Zhentarim</p><p>How to Join .......................... 74</p><p>Goals and Beliefs ............... 74</p><p>Guild Contact ....................... 75</p><p>Ranks and Rewards ............ 75</p><p>Tasks and Activities ........... 76</p><p>Sanctioned Mission ............. 79</p><p>Appendix</p><p>A: Revised Backgrounds ..... 96</p><p>B: Monster Statblocks ....... 106</p><p>C: Magic Items ....................... 123</p><p>D: Sword Coast Map ............ 127</p><p>E: Handout Cards ................. 128</p><p>| 2 | 2</p><p>Introduction</p><p>How to Use</p><p>Factions are great tools to help enhance the</p><p>role-playing experience, and were once used</p><p>heavily by Adventurer’s League. Following</p><p>changes to rewards, the faction system lost</p><p>traction at tables that did not have the support</p><p>to make it feel meaningful.</p><p>This is an adventure supplement intended for</p><p>tables running Lost Mines of Phandelver and</p><p>Dragon of Icespire Peak, as to aid in the running</p><p>of factions during these adventures. Every-</p><p>thing you need to run the additional quests</p><p>found here can be found in those books or this</p><p>one. Alternatively, some of the content here</p><p>might aid players who are members of these</p><p>factions for any campaign set in the Forgotten</p><p>Realms. (Though, the side quests introduced</p><p>in this supplement are specifically tailored for</p><p>the aforementioned modules.)</p><p>Both original modules take place in the small</p><p>town of Phandalin, not far from the city of</p><p>Neverwinter on the Sword Coast. Multiple</p><p>characters in these adventures are tied to</p><p>various factions, which each have their own</p><p>unique cultural systems. However, the origi-</p><p>nal two adventures treated factions with little</p><p>depth, forcing the dungeon master to reduce</p><p>them to surface level story elements.</p><p>This supplement fixes that. It details ways in</p><p>which players can gain renown in their new</p><p>faction, and what benefits they get by gaining</p><p>higher ranks within that organization. Each</p><p>faction also has one brand new side quest, fea-</p><p>turing an original dungeon that ties into the</p><p>world of the Forgotten Realms and the cam-</p><p>paigns being run.</p><p>Each faction mentions particular classes and</p><p>alignments that are common in them, but</p><p>what matters most is whether a character</p><p>shows interest in the beliefs and goals of the</p><p>faction.</p><p>Once a player is in a faction, it’s recommended</p><p>to have their faction contact give the player a</p><p>special task to complete related to the quest</p><p>that they are about to go on. (For example,</p><p>recover a special artifact from a crypt the party</p><p>is about to explore.) Each faction breakdown</p><p>will contain information about these tasks</p><p>that allow for unique role-play opportunities,</p><p>while preventing much distraction from the</p><p>main mission at hand.</p><p>(As a note, Lost Mines of Phandelver is available</p><p>for free on dndbeyond.com.)</p><p>Factions Overview</p><p>There are 5 major factions within the context</p><p>of these campaigns–</p><p>• • The Emerald EnclaveThe Emerald Enclave: those who</p><p>battle unnatural threats that upset the</p><p>balance between nature and civiliza-</p><p>tion, while keeping elemental forces</p><p>in check.</p><p>• • The HarpersThe Harpers: a scattered network of</p><p>spies and spellcasters who hold care-</p><p>fully monitor politicians and tyrants,</p><p>while also aiding the poor downtrod-</p><p>den from the shadows.</p><p>• • The Lords’ AllianceThe Lords’ Alliance: a loose coalition</p><p>of political powers in Faerun that</p><p>work together to ensure security and</p><p>prosperity.</p><p>• • The Order of the GauntletThe Order of the Gauntlet: a holy</p><p>order of knights who fight against evi</p><p>and enforce justice with careful calcu-</p><p>lation.</p><p>• • The ZhentarimThe Zhentarim: a shadowy network</p><p>of scoundrels who seek to gain wealth</p><p>and power over others, all under the</p><p>guidance of a powerful wizard named</p><p>Manshoon.</p><p>3 | 3 |</p><p>NOTES ON ABREVIATIONSNOTES ON ABREVIATIONS</p><p>• Lost Mines of Phandelver will be writ-</p><p>ten as “LMoP”</p><p>• Dragon of Icespire Peak will be written</p><p>as “DoIP”</p><p>• Factions of Phandelin will be written as</p><p>“FoP”</p><p>• Dungeon master will be written as</p><p>“DM”</p><p>Completing tasks for your faction earns you</p><p>renown within it. You increase rank at 3, 10,</p><p>25, and 50 renown, provided that your level</p><p>is high enough and you have completed a set</p><p>number of sanctioned missions. When you</p><p>increase in rank, you also gain access to new</p><p>faction benefits, detailed in each faction’s</p><p>section.</p><p>This supplement will only bring players to a</p><p>max of 10 renown, with 1 sanctioned mission</p><p>completed. Any more renown must be earned</p><p>through missions of the DM’s creation.</p><p>Using Every Adventure</p><p>Perhaps you have characters who are each part</p><p>of different factions, or are interested in more</p><p>content centered around the town of Phand-</p><p>alin after your party has completed both LMoP</p><p>and DoIP. You can certainly use this as the</p><p>basis for more adventures!</p><p>It’s recommended to start with Order of the</p><p>Gauntlet’s Sanctioned mission to further in-</p><p>vestigate the Old Owl Well. Within the dun-</p><p>geon below, players can find a body of a nec-</p><p>romancer named Tsernoth, who had traveled</p><p>from Iriaebor. He was in possession of Bow-</p><p>gentle’s Spellbook, and left it at Iniarv’s Tower.</p><p>Tsernoth was killed in the old dungeon that</p><p>became a vampire’s lair, and following the</p><p>death of the vampire lord, one of its surviving</p><p>spawn went to Iniarv’s Tower to make it a lair.</p><p>This is the adventure for the Harpers, and will</p><p>allow the players to find Bowgentle’s Book. In</p><p>the event that the players read it or a faction</p><p>leader they give it to reads it, the character can</p><p>accidentally activate a spell within the book</p><p>and will be presented with</p><p>is known to the world, using a crown to</p><p>telepathically communicate to Waevaer-</p><p>endor about threats and create surprise</p><p>attacks. Waevaerendor sleeps below the</p><p>castle in one of their hordes during this</p><p>adventure, and is awoken if the adventur-</p><p>ers take any gold.</p><p>Upon exiting the castle to the bailey,</p><p>Waevaerendor will land in front of the</p><p>characters and present them with the</p><p>option of repaying what they took “with</p><p>interest”, or death. Use the stat-block of</p><p>an adult black dragon if players decide to</p><p>attack.</p><p>| 34 | 34</p><p>The Lords’ Alliance</p><p>How to Join</p><p>Player characters may choose to join the Lords’</p><p>Alliance as part of their background or by</p><p>impressing their local guild contact. Around</p><p>Phandalin, the local guild contact is Sildar</p><p>Hallwinter, formally of Neverwinter. He can</p><p>be impressed by discovering Iarno’s treachery</p><p>or finding Cragmaw Castle and clearing the</p><p>goblin threat.</p><p>The Lords’ Alliance is a loose coalition of estab-</p><p>lished political powers concerned with mutual</p><p>security and prosperity. The organization is</p><p>aggressive, militant, and political. Fighters</p><p>and sorcerers of lawful or neutral alignments</p><p>are commonly drawn to the Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>GOALS</p><p>• Ensure the safety and prosperity of</p><p>cities and other settlements of Faerun</p><p>• Maintain a strong coalition against</p><p>the forces of disorder.</p><p>• Proactively eliminate threats to the</p><p>established powers.</p><p>• Bring honor and glory to one’s leaders</p><p>and one’s homeland.</p><p>BELIEFS</p><p>• If civilization is to survive, all must</p><p>unite against the dark forces that</p><p>threaten it</p><p>• Fight for your realm. Only you can</p><p>bring honor, glory, and prosperity to</p><p>your lord and homeland.</p><p>• Don’t wait for the enemy to come to</p><p>you. The best defense is a strong of-</p><p>fense.</p><p>Guild Contact</p><p>The scripted guild contact in LMoP is Sildar</p><p>Hallwinter, a former griffin rider knight who</p><p>served in Waterdeep before continuing his</p><p>service in Neverwinter. He has an adopted</p><p>daughter named Alana, who currently works</p><p>as a sell-sword and remains a loyal member</p><p>of the Lords’ Alliance. Sildar works well with</p><p>others, but dislikes the townmaster Harbin.</p><p>Sildar can be stoic- if not outright cold- at</p><p>times, though he deeply cares about ensuring</p><p>the prosperity of Phandalin and helping the</p><p>Rockseeker brothers.</p><p>Sildar can potentially die in the Cragmaw</p><p>hideout. If this occurs, it’s strongly-ad-</p><p>vised to replace him with a new charac-</p><p>ter.</p><p>Potenial candiates are up to the DM’s</p><p>discretion.</p><p>35 | 35 |</p><p>Ranks and Rewards</p><p>The agents of the Lords’ Alliance work to</p><p>maintain the delicate network of information</p><p>and diplomacy that sustains their order, alert</p><p>for anything that might threaten the alliance’s</p><p>interests.</p><p>Ranks within the Lords’ Alliance include–</p><p>Cloak</p><p>Every new entry into the Alliance a cloak,</p><p>members of this rank can gain renown and</p><p>participate in faction tasks and activities.</p><p>Furthermore, the character gains the Insignia</p><p>of the Faction, a signet ring etched with the</p><p>Alliance symbol of the crown.</p><p>Red Knife</p><p>A character obtains this rank a once they ac-</p><p>cumulate 3 renown from completing tasks for</p><p>the faction.</p><p>Redknives have shown both their capabilities</p><p>and syncronization with the goals and beliefs</p><p>of the Lords’ Alliance. As a result, characters</p><p>can now take on a sanctioned mission.</p><p>Furthermore, characters now have access to</p><p>faction training. In exchange for 125gp and</p><p>1 day of downtime, player characters can be</p><p>trained and become proficient in Jeweler’s</p><p>Tools, Mason’s Tools, Navigator’s Tools, Painter’s</p><p>Supplies, a gaming set, or any standard lan-</p><p>guage.</p><p>Stingblade</p><p>A character can be promoted to Stingblade</p><p>once they are level 5, have completed one sanc-</p><p>tioned mission, and have at least 10 renown.</p><p>• Cloak (1 renown)</p><p>• Redknife (3 renown)</p><p>• Stingblade (10 renown)</p><p>• Warduke (25 renown)</p><p>• Lioncrown (50 renown)</p><p>Player characters now have access to specialty</p><p>downtime activities for the Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>During downtime, a character can assess de-</p><p>fensive capabilities of a town, fort, or city, and</p><p>can hire guild members to increase defenses.</p><p>Characters can also receive special items from</p><p>the faction. When they first reach this rank,</p><p>give them a +1 weapon, shield, armor, the Ring</p><p>of Mind Shielding, or the Cape of the Mounte-</p><p>bank. Any other items the player would like</p><p>can be specifically requested through their</p><p>guild contact. Uncommon items will take 50</p><p>days and 500 gp, and rare items 100 days and</p><p>5000 gp.</p><p>| 36 | 36</p><p>Warduke</p><p>Characters are promoted to warduke once they</p><p>are level 11, have completed 3 sanctioned mis-</p><p>sions, and have at least 25 renown.</p><p>The character is now considered a champion</p><p>within the guild, and at any point can requi-</p><p>sition a lords’ alliance guard or spy to serve</p><p>them. Treat these as fighter and expert side-</p><p>kicks respectively, as defined in the Essentials</p><p>Kit rulebook (see rulebook that came with</p><p>DoIP).</p><p>Lioncrown</p><p>Lioncrown are exemplars within the Lords Al-</p><p>liance, becoming a master of tactics and com-</p><p>bat. To become a Lioncrown, a character must</p><p>be at least level 17, completed 10 sanctioned</p><p>missions, and have 50 renown.</p><p>Tasks and Activities</p><p>Guild tasks are essential for an Alliance mem-</p><p>ber loyal enough to work for the powers that</p><p>be. In addition, tasks can also help them climb</p><p>the ranks.</p><p>In addition to ones of the DM’s design, such</p><p>tasks include–</p><p>Discover Iarno’s Treachery</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters can not only be inducted into the</p><p>Lords’ Alliance for helping Sildar by finding</p><p>proof that his lost ally is a traitor, but can also</p><p>gain 1 renown for completing this.</p><p>Clear Cragmaw Castle</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters can not only be inducted into the</p><p>Lords’ Alliance for helping Sildar by finding</p><p>and clearing out Cragmaw Castle of Goblins,</p><p>but can also gain 1 renown for completing this.</p><p>Over the course of the character’s career in the</p><p>Lords’ Alliance, they have learned to become</p><p>proficient in Athletics, Survival, Intimidation,</p><p>Performance, and Persuasion. The player may</p><p>also choose one of those skills to become an</p><p>expert in.</p><p>As a mentor and exemplar, the Lioncrown</p><p>player character may spend one tenday and</p><p>500 gp to teach one other player character to</p><p>become proficient in any skill they have exper-</p><p>tise in.</p><p>Finally, as a faction exemplar, the player may</p><p>choose to give inspiration to ally also belong-</p><p>ing to the Lords’ Alliance at the start of the</p><p>game session. The inspiration expires at the</p><p>end of the game session.</p><p>37 | 37 |</p><p>Secure the Lost Mines</p><p>+2 Renown - +2 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters will eventually be asked to secure</p><p>the Lost Mines of Phandelver, and to gain</p><p>the full renown, ensure that as many of the</p><p>dwarves live as possible. The Rockseeker</p><p>brothers are an integral part of ensuring that</p><p>the mines reopen and bring prosperity to</p><p>Phandalin.</p><p>Escort Nezznar to Trial</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoP/DoIPLMoP/DoIP</p><p>Characters have the choice to kill or spare</p><p>Nezznar, the main antagonist of the LMOP. If</p><p>he is killed, replace him with another prison-</p><p>er, such as a local murderer that was in league</p><p>with the cragmaw goblins. If you are running</p><p>DOIP, use a local murderer or use Nezznar,</p><p>who was potentially spared by Sildar and the</p><p>Lords Alliance.</p><p>While in jail, the Zhentarim will attempt to</p><p>free him (see the Zhentarim for more informa-</p><p>tion on the guild). If he escapes, this mission</p><p>fails. If the player characters keep Nezznar</p><p>secure overnight, the Lords’ Alliance will ask</p><p>them to escort him to Neverwinter.</p><p>It will take characters 2 full days of travel on</p><p>carriage to deliver Nezznar to Neverwinter. It</p><p>is assumed that players will be about 4th-5th</p><p>level at this time. On the first day of travel, a</p><p>large group made up of 2 goblins goblins per player</p><p>character, 2 ogres ogres, and 4 bugbears bugbears (see LMoP</p><p>for all statblocks) will ambush characters on</p><p>the road.</p><p>On</p><p>the second day, a group of 1d4 hobgoblins hobgoblins</p><p>riding wolves riding wolves (see LMoP for statblocks) will</p><p>chase the carriage.</p><p>Once Nezznar is delivered to the Lords’ Alli-</p><p>ance in Neverwinter, it is up to you what hap-</p><p>pens to him. Perhaps he is sentenced, broken</p><p>out by the Zhentarim, or manages to escape to</p><p>become the sanctioned mission.</p><p>Complete Logger’s Camp</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>This quest is the same as it was, but rather</p><p>than being another bulletin on the board, al-</p><p>low it to be brought to the players by the Guild</p><p>Contact as an urgent matter. Wood not being</p><p>delivered could stop the repair of the mines or</p><p>impact building defenses in Phandalin.</p><p>Complete Dwarven Excavation</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>If player characters choose to take on this</p><p>contract, the member of the Lords’ Alliance</p><p>will be contacted to get a status update from</p><p>the dwarves on the progress of the digsite. The</p><p>Lords’ Alliance can now be considered as spon-</p><p>sors of the dig, hoping that the excavation will</p><p>lead to an uncovering of treasure. The alliance</p><p>is privy to 50% of treasure found, which may</p><p>encourage characters to help dig out the Hall</p><p>of Greed.</p><p>| 38 | 38</p><p>Random Tasks</p><p>Dedication to the crown shouldn’t be limited</p><p>for any aspiring guild member. As such, the</p><p>DM always has the option to create their own</p><p>missions of royal loyalty. But just in case some</p><p>help is needed, these d6 charts can provide</p><p>great start-off points!</p><p>Levels 1-6Levels 1-6</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Watch a prisoner overnight</p><p>2 Escort a landowner to a location</p><p>3 Provide training to guards of an</p><p>otherwise undefended town</p><p>4 Seek out and destroy bandits along</p><p>a trade route</p><p>5 Work to bring more towns and</p><p>leaders into the Lords Alliance</p><p>6 Maintain control of important</p><p>trade based locations such as mines</p><p>and farms</p><p>Levels 7-13Levels 7-13</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Ensure a traitor is brought to jus-</p><p>tice</p><p>2 Aid in raising an army across</p><p>various free city states to defend</p><p>against an existential threat</p><p>3 Oversee diplomatic trade negotia-</p><p>tions between city states.</p><p>4 Stop an assassination attempt</p><p>against a lord.</p><p>5 Assassinate an enemy of an allied</p><p>city that may be attempting to sub-</p><p>vert the populace.</p><p>6 Bring a large city state into the</p><p>Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>Levels 14-20Levels 14-20</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Lead a regional army in a battle</p><p>against an existential threat.</p><p>2 Destroy an organization attempt-</p><p>ing to overthrow a government</p><p>power.</p><p>3 Oversee administration of a re-</p><p>gion’s trade</p><p>4 Peacefully bring a kingdom or em-</p><p>pire into the Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>5 Kill a potential source of trade dis-</p><p>ruption (i.e. an ancient dragon that</p><p>moved into the region).</p><p>6 Overthrow an enemy government</p><p>and bring the new government</p><p>power into the Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>39 | 39 |</p><p>Sanctioned Mission:</p><p>Southkrypt</p><p>Upon reaching 5th level and having at least 3</p><p>renown, the player character in the Lords’ Al-</p><p>liance should be contacted about a sanctioned</p><p>mission by Sildar.</p><p>An enemy of the Lords’ Alliance has taken over</p><p>Southkrypt Garden, the ruins of an old Dwarf-</p><p>hold that has been run by goblins and their</p><p>lord, the hill giant Morg. He has rallied several</p><p>bands and tribes of nearby goblins to build a</p><p>goblin army, and may lay siege on Phandalin.</p><p>The enemy of the Lords’ Alliance should be</p><p>Iarno, Sildar’s friend who likely escaped the</p><p>party when they moved through the Redbrand</p><p>Hideout in LMoP. If this was not played or</p><p>Iarno escaped, other good enemies include</p><p>Nezznar or whomever the players escorted to</p><p>Neverwinter, with the prisoner managing to</p><p>escape justice once again.</p><p>ABOUT SOUTHKRYPTABOUT SOUTHKRYPT</p><p>The ruins of the dwarfhold known as</p><p>Southkrypt or Southkrypt Garden lies</p><p>above the Kryptgarden Forest, on the</p><p>southern facing cliffs of the Sword Moun-</p><p>tains. Over 5000 years ago, the city was</p><p>one of the larger dwarfholds of a seafar-</p><p>ing dwarf empire known as Haunghdan-</p><p>nar that spanned across the Moonshae</p><p>Isles, controlled a long lost city under</p><p>what is now Leilon, and into the Sword</p><p>Mountains that they called Maruutdin.</p><p>After the collapse of the Haunghdannar,</p><p>the city became a silver mine, digging</p><p>deeper and deeper. The upper levels</p><p>explored in this adventure were main-</p><p>tained as a symbol of wealth and prosper-</p><p>ity, allowing traveling adventurers and</p><p>traders a place to stay in luxury while</p><p>facilitating deals. As the silver mine dried</p><p>up, the once beautiful outer gardens</p><p>whithered,the last of the dwarves depart-</p><p>ing after the eruption of Mount Hotenow,</p><p>leaving the hold empty, and to be taken</p><p>over by giants and goblins.</p><p>| 40 | 40</p><p>The Siege of Phandalin</p><p>If the players fail to go to Southkrypt within</p><p>10 days, the enemy- an evil mage of the DM’s</p><p>choice- will lay siege to Phandalin.</p><p>A goblin army will manifest on the northern</p><p>side of the Sword Mountains, coming through</p><p>a secret passage from Southkrypt. They will</p><p>then move over the hills towards Phandalin</p><p>over the next 2 days, taking time to surround</p><p>it. Players can easily see the goblin army</p><p>amassing on the second night with a DC 10</p><p>Perception check. Failure to see this occur has</p><p>the goblins attack early in the morning.</p><p>This siege will never manifest if Iarno (or the</p><p>chosen antagonist) is killed.</p><p>In the event a siege occurs, there will be 100</p><p>goblinsgoblins in groups of 4 (serving under a single</p><p>of the 25 bugbears bugbears that sit on the northern</p><p>edge of town), firing in volleys of arrows and</p><p>fire arrows to burn the buildings. The bug-</p><p>bears serve as protection for the goblin ar-</p><p>chers.</p><p>In the south are 10 hobgoblins hobgoblins riding wolves</p><p>that will attack the townspeople attempting</p><p>to flee. Moving in from the western hill are</p><p>20 squads of goblinoids, each made up of one</p><p>nilbog, nilbog, 3 norkers, norkers, and 2 varags varags. These squads</p><p>will make their way through the town try to</p><p>push the townspeople into the the way of the</p><p>hobgoblins, killing whoever they can.</p><p>The enemy will ride a hill giant hill giant. (Use the evil evil</p><p>magemage stat block from LMoP with 75 health and</p><p>mage armor, bringing the AC to 15.)</p><p>Their goal is to destroy the buildings, kill</p><p>nearly every villager, and cause general de-</p><p>struction.</p><p>Should the characters choose to flee or help</p><p>the townspeople flee, allowing the evil ,age</p><p>to succeed, over the next 2 tenday the army</p><p>will increase in size 20x and will lead a siege</p><p>against Neverwinter.</p><p>Should the player characters kill the hill giant</p><p>and evil mage, the rest of the goblin army will</p><p>flee.</p><p>It is recommended to half the hit points of</p><p>each goblinoid enemy during the siege.</p><p>Reaching Southkrypt</p><p>Southkrypt Garden is an old dwarfhold on the</p><p>southern side of the Sword Mountains, resting</p><p>above Kryptgarden Forest and southwest of</p><p>Triboar.</p><p>The fastest way to get there would be to take</p><p>the Triboar Trail and then south mildly down</p><p>the Long Road, then west into the Kryptgarden</p><p>Forest, and up the mountain. It should take</p><p>characters about 3 days travel time.</p><p>Running the Dungeon</p><p>While in the dungeon, it is considered dark</p><p>and descriptions assume players have darkvi-</p><p>sion or a light source to see in the dark. Fur-</p><p>thermore, each square is 10 feet and the ceiling</p><p>is 40 feet high with stone arches unless speci-</p><p>fied otherwise. Each door is a double door that</p><p>is 15 feet high and 20 feet wide unless specified</p><p>otherwise.</p><p>On the DM’s map there are several trap loca-</p><p>tions shown. Doors and areas with a single</p><p>spike are also trapped. Locations with an “S”</p><p>means that there is a secret passage.</p><p>When the players enter a area, or for every 1</p><p>minute they spend in the area after entering</p><p>(unless specified otherwise), roll a d20. On a</p><p>17-19, read the following:</p><p>“You notice a distant and rhythmic rum-</p><p>bling slowly getting louder and closer.</p><p>Something massive is nearby.”</p><p>41 | 41 |</p><p>If you roll a</p><p>17-19, the next roll has advantage.</p><p>On a 20, read the above, and have the hill giant hill giant</p><p>named Grom enter unless players are in Area</p><p>5-10.</p><p>In fact, he may even eat dead goblins that the</p><p>party left behind. In the place of a giant club,</p><p>Grom carries a massive brass hammer ripped</p><p>from a statue in the chapel. He is not intelli-</p><p>gent and our villain outwitted him to become</p><p>leader of the dungeon. As such, Grom is now</p><p>on patrol duty, but won’t necessarily mind</p><p>dead goblins. Gorm also carries the key to Area</p><p>10.</p><p>Goblinoids do fight, so players using regular</p><p>weapons won’t set off any alarm bells. But if</p><p>players are loud, use lots of magic with obvi-</p><p>ous effects (i.e. fireball leaving scorch marks),</p><p>they will raise quiet alarms through the</p><p>dungeon and begin hunting the players. The</p><p>villain will normally be located in Area 33,</p><p>but will join the hunt if alarms are raised. For</p><p>active hunting goblinoids, use the mechanic</p><p>described above.</p><p>Furthermore, roll a d20 +10 every hour the</p><p>players are in the dungeon. If it is a number</p><p>of a area in the dungeon, a roaming group of</p><p>goblinoids made up of 4 norkers, norkers, one bugbear bugbear,</p><p>and 2 goblins goblins enter the area. Beyond this pack</p><p>of roaming goblinoids, other groups have spe-</p><p>cific schedules, so it is important to keep track</p><p>of where the enemies are.</p><p>| 42 | 42</p><p>1 - Southkrypt Entrance</p><p>“Making your way up a winding, narrow</p><p>road you eventually come to a cold and</p><p>dead cliff. In front of you lies the magnifi-</p><p>cent glory of what was once one of the great-</p><p>est Dwarf strongholds in the north. Two</p><p>overgrown dwarf statues tower over you,</p><p>carved into the mountainside, flanking the</p><p>striking arch and frame that a forty foot</p><p>tall and twenty foot wide stone door rests</p><p>within; upon which lies an intricate carving</p><p>of a seven pointed star surrounding a fish</p><p>above a mountain. .”</p><p>Southkrypt Garden’s entrance is an ornate</p><p>doorway, standing on a cliff edge over a</p><p>winding pathway that doubles back on itself</p><p>several times, leading to the forest 300 feet</p><p>below.</p><p>These doors are very heavy and would re-</p><p>quire a strength check with a DC 25 to be</p><p>able to open a single door enough to make it</p><p>budge.</p><p>43 | 43 |</p><p>While walking forward, characters will</p><p>immediately notice that the dwarf statue’s</p><p>mouths appear to be open and hollow. Long</p><p>ago, dwarves would stand guard in the mouth</p><p>which connected into the dwarfhold, though</p><p>those tunnels have long since collapsed. Inside</p><p>the mouths are cranks that allow the guards</p><p>to use a hidden system of chains to easily open</p><p>the doors.</p><p>A DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a</p><p>usable rope hanging out the right side of the</p><p>right dwarf mouth.</p><p>If players attempt to climb up a dwarf statue</p><p>without the rope, it will take 2 Strength (Ath-</p><p>letics) checks with a DC 16 to make it. Other</p><p>climbing tools, such as pitons, should give the</p><p>player character advantage. Using the rope</p><p>that’s anchored on a dwarf’s tooth with only</p><p>take a DC 13 to climb. The cranks in the dwarf</p><p>mouth work without issue, but only open up</p><p>one side of the door each, though players only</p><p>need one of the doors open to enter.</p><p>2 - Grand Vestibule</p><p>“Entering the grand vestibule, dim light</p><p>from outside partially illuminates the</p><p>massive 250 foot long hallway that’s sixty</p><p>feet tall and 100 feet wide. Fifteen foot wide</p><p>pillars are spaced evenly and are decorat-</p><p>ed with intricate gold niches showcasing</p><p>the glory of Southkrypt. Layered in dust</p><p>and minor rubble are broken down stands</p><p>surrounding many of the pillars. Dead</p><p>and decaying vines creep up the walls and</p><p>across the pillars, hanging below the vault-</p><p>ed arches of the ceiling. ”</p><p>Entering the door takes players into the</p><p>Grand Vetsibule. This is a giant and beautiful</p><p>entryway that was once the heart of this civ-</p><p>ilization, allowing for trade between dwarfs</p><p>and outsiders just within the walls.</p><p>Multiple labyrinthian tunnels used to shoot</p><p>off in most directions, though some have now</p><p>collapsed, leaving only 2 tunnels into the</p><p>dungeon to the west and north. The enemies</p><p>within will not generally investigate the door</p><p>opening, as it does happen from time to time</p><p>and there are plenty of large stone doors that</p><p>sound similar. They may investigate if players</p><p>make a lot of noise while here, but it would</p><p>otherwise be safe to rest.</p><p>3 - Central Hall</p><p>“Making your way through the door you</p><p>find yourself in a long hallway. Intricate</p><p>carvings once decorated the walls but have</p><p>long since fallen apart and crumpled onto</p><p>the cracked stone tile flooring.”</p><p>To the north of the Grand Vestibule (Area 2),</p><p>there is the Central Hall which runs east to</p><p>west, connecting Areas 2, 4, 27, and 29. No</p><p>doors to this hallway are locked or trapped.</p><p>4 - Armory</p><p>The room is shaped like a large oval, and</p><p>within it is a second oval, forming a crum-</p><p>bled wall, from within which you can</p><p>clearly see what were once ballistae aimed</p><p>into the hallway. Just around the corner of</p><p>the ruined wall, you can see four goblinoid</p><p>creatures arguing about crossing the pit.</p><p>As a goblin turns around, an angry Varag</p><p>stomps out from the ruins and picks it up,</p><p>attempting to throw it to the other side,</p><p>whereupon the thrown goblin falls into</p><p>the dark hole below, his screaming slowly</p><p>fading to silence.”</p><p>East of Area 3 is the Armory. The door to enter</p><p>is not locked or trapped, but it does contain</p><p>3 goblins, goblins, 1 norker norker, and 1 varagvarag. The goblins</p><p>and norker are chatting loudly about how to</p><p>cross the pit and find the treasure.</p><p>The area itself is in ruins. A central oval area-</p><p>now destroyed- once held ballistae aimed out</p><p>arrow slits into the hallways around the cen-</p><p>tral armory. Inside these ruined walls broken</p><p>axes and hammers can be found, but nothing</p><p>of true value. During the eruption of Mount</p><p>Hotenow, a large crack</p><p>| 44 | 44</p><p>opened up in the area, ripping apart the cen-</p><p>tral oval armory. Across from the crack, which,</p><p>at its closest, is about 20 feet wide, is an easily</p><p>visible doorway, which the Goblins believe</p><p>leads to one of the upper vaults of Southkrypt.</p><p>FALLING INTO THE RIFTFALLING INTO THE RIFT</p><p>Clever players may attempt to explore</p><p>the rift through magical flight or other</p><p>means. The rift itself continues about</p><p>another 100 feet up before closing off, and</p><p>jagged walls cover any near the rift that is</p><p>not directly in the armory.</p><p>Should the players fall into the rift, it</p><p>does not necessarily mean death. Below</p><p>Southkrypt is the Underdark, and in</p><p>particular this is the middledark, which</p><p>means the players will fall for 20,000+</p><p>feet, which will take at least 40 rounds or</p><p>4 minutes. Due to the intense pressure,</p><p>atmospheric changes, and potential oxy-</p><p>gen deprivation from falling so fast for so</p><p>long, any character should pass out after</p><p>about 2 minutes of straight free-falling.</p><p>Rather than instantly dying, the uncon-</p><p>scious characters could fall into a massive</p><p>spider nest, bursting through several lay-</p><p>ers of soft webs that cushion the fall. This</p><p>could prove to be an excellent plot hook</p><p>to immediately lead into an underdark</p><p>campaign arc, be it homebrew or an offi-</p><p>cial adventure such as Out of the Abyss.</p><p>5 - Ballistae Hall</p><p>“Looking down the dark hallway, you can</p><p>just make out the details of a wooden pali-</p><p>sade and ballista standing firm, acting as</p><p>some line of defense against intruders for</p><p>whatever lays at the end of this hall.”</p><p>To the south of the armory (Area 4), after</p><p>crossing the pit is a short hallway, at the end</p><p>of which are wooden palisades and a loaded</p><p>ballista. There is a line of raised tiles on the</p><p>floor 30 feet from the ballista that is a trap.</p><p>Stepping on it causes the Ballista to fire a</p><p>shot wherever the step was taken, and is then</p><p>automatically reloaded with a loud mechani-</p><p>cal click. This trap continues every 10 feet. The</p><p>ballista has a +6 to hit and deals 3d10 piercing</p><p>damage.</p><p>It takes a passive</p><p>Perception of 16 to see the</p><p>tiles, or an active DC14 Intelligence (Investiga-</p><p>tion) check.</p><p>The door to the south is locked and trapped.</p><p>Furthermore, all hallways and doors in areas</p><p>6-10 are only 10 feet wide. This stone door</p><p>south of the palisades has a 2 inch gap under</p><p>it, allowing smart players to try to scout ahead.</p><p>While bloodstains and bodies described in the</p><p>following areas are present, the halls are ex-</p><p>tremely quiet and perfectly still until the door</p><p>is opened, at which point all the traps loudly</p><p>activate.</p><p>The trap in the door, beyond activating other</p><p>traps, is a poison cloud mechanism for any-</p><p>one who tries to lockpick the door. Anyone</p><p>within 5 feet of the door must make a DC 13</p><p>Constitution saving throw, or be poisoned for</p><p>one minute. While poisoned, all ability checks</p><p>and attacks have disadvantage. This trap has</p><p>3 charges of poison spray. The trap can be seen</p><p>with a successful DC14 Intelligence (Investi-</p><p>gation) skill check. The trap can be disarmed</p><p>with a DC15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) skill</p><p>check. Failure by 5 or more activates the trap.</p><p>Success of over 10 gives the player any usable</p><p>poison charges in small vials, which can be</p><p>used on weapons.</p><p>The door can be lock picked with a successful</p><p>DC 16 Dexterity (Lockpicking) check. Players</p><p>attempting to break the door will have to over-</p><p>come its AC of 18 and 20. The door is enchant-</p><p>ed and is immune to poison damage, but not</p><p>psychic damage. Players can try to persuade</p><p>the door to open with a DC 20 Charisma (Per-</p><p>suasion) check. Players who speak to the door</p><p>in Dwarvish have advantage.</p><p>45 | 45 |</p><p>The door normally opens up as a pair of</p><p>double doors, inward towards Area 6, which</p><p>is what activates the traps. If a Persausion</p><p>check succeeds by more than 5, the door will</p><p>instead raise up and not activate the traps in</p><p>Areas 6, 7, or 8.</p><p>6 - Spinning Blade Hall</p><p>“Around the corner you are faced with a</p><p>long hallway, splattered dried blood deco-</p><p>rating the length of it, before it turns out of</p><p>view.”</p><p>This hallway has a series of sharp spinning</p><p>blades that oscillate in and out from opposite</p><p>walls. They make a loud whirring sound,</p><p>much like a fan.</p><p>Due to there being 30 feet with several of</p><p>these spinning blades, it will take 3 Dexterity</p><p>(Acrobatics) skill checks with a DC 13 for each</p><p>player to pass by. Failure causes the character</p><p>to be bumped by the blade, taking 1d8 slash-</p><p>ing damage. Failure by more than 10 causes</p><p>the character to get fully caught and take 2d8</p><p>slashing damage.</p><p>If the spinning blades are active, also read:</p><p>“Oscillating from the walls are a series</p><p>of sharp spinning blades, creating a loud</p><p>hum.”</p><p>7 - Rolling Ball Hall</p><p>“Just beyond the next arch, you see a per-</p><p>fectly cylindrical hallway that slopes down</p><p>slightly, and contains a perfectly round ori-</p><p>fice on both ends. Another hallway appears</p><p>to be carved into the cylinder just a few feet</p><p>away from the orifice.”</p><p>This hallway is curved in the floor, ceiling,</p><p>and walls, creating a large circle. It slopes</p><p>slightly down towards the west and has a</p><p>curved orifice on both ends of the hallway.</p><p>Rolling down the hallway is a massive ball</p><p>that perfectly fills the hallway. Upon reach-</p><p>ing the western orifice, it dissolves and</p><p>reappears on the eastern side, rolling down</p><p>again.</p><p>Players must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics)</p><p>or Strength (Athletics) skill check with a DC</p><p>14 to outrun the ball. On a failure, charac-</p><p>ters take 1d8 bludgeoning damage as they</p><p>reach the next hallway, getting bumped by</p><p>the boulder. On a failure of more than 5, the</p><p>character is run over by the stone ball, being</p><p>knocked prone and taking 3d8 bludgeoning</p><p>damage. On the next round, the DC to reach</p><p>the edge is reduced by half to the next hall-</p><p>way.</p><p>In the middle of the western orifice is a dwar-</p><p>ven rune. An Intelligence (Arcana) check</p><p>with a DC 16 makes characters understand</p><p>that this magically teleports the ball to the</p><p>other side of the hall. A level 4 Dispel Magic</p><p>would remove this rune. Removing the rune</p><p>or blocking it would not block the doorway.</p><p>If the rolling ball is active, also read:</p><p>“Right as you feel it’s safe to step in, a loud</p><p>crash is timed with a massive perfectly</p><p>round boulder appearing in front of you as</p><p>it quickly rolls down the hallway, hitting</p><p>the orifice with a booming thud, before</p><p>melting, and reappearing just next to you</p><p>again.”</p><p>8 - Swinging Ax Hall</p><p>“Beyond the entrance, you are faced with</p><p>another long hallway. Three thin grooves</p><p>run across the floor and up the wall, from</p><p>which a metal arm extends into the dark-</p><p>ness of the hole.”</p><p>Within this rectangular hallway are 3</p><p>grooves in the floor that are about 4 inches</p><p>wide and 6 inches deep. These grooves line</p><p>up with slots in the wall that hold massive</p><p>axes. These axes swing north to south across</p><p>the hall in regular intervals and can be avoid-</p><p>ed with a Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check,</p><p>DC 15.</p><p>| 46 | 46</p><p>Failure causes the character to be caught by</p><p>the ax, taking 2d6 slashing damage. Each</p><p>character must succeed on 3 checks.</p><p>If the swinging axes are active, also read:</p><p>“With a sudden motion, the metal arms</p><p>release and swing out from the slits in the</p><p>wall are massive metal blades, sticking into</p><p>the opposite side and then swinging back</p><p>again.”</p><p>9 - Pitfall Hall</p><p>“At first glance this hallway seems un-</p><p>trapped. Taking a few steps in, you imme-</p><p>diately see a large pit filling the hallway.</p><p>Inside are long spiked poles and a skeleton</p><p>of a former adventurer.”</p><p>Within this final eastern hallway lies 2 im-</p><p>portant traps.</p><p>The first is a double pit trap. Players when</p><p>entering the hall can immediately see a 10</p><p>foot wide/10 foot long pit/10 feet deep pit</p><p>containing spikes at the bottom. Falling in</p><p>the spikes causes 1d10 piercing damage. Play-</p><p>ers can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check</p><p>to attempt to cross. On a result of 1-11, char-</p><p>acters fall into the spike pit. On a result of</p><p>12-15, characters land on the other side of the</p><p>spike pit. On a 16 or higher, the character will</p><p>overshoot and fall through illusory terrain</p><p>into the second pit trap. Players who make a</p><p>running jump have advantage.</p><p>The second pit trap is a foot away from the</p><p>first, and is 10 feet wide/10 feet long/20 feet</p><p>deep. Over the pit is illusory terrain that can</p><p>be dispelled with a 4th level or higher Dispel</p><p>Magic. This terrain looks like the normal</p><p>floor, but players with a passive Perception</p><p>of 17 can see that there are scorch marks on</p><p>the other side of this pit that are cut off by the</p><p>illusion. Otherwise an Intelligence (Investi-</p><p>gation) check with a DC 15 will alert players</p><p>to the floor being an illusion.</p><p>At the bottom of this pit is a gelatinous cube gelatinous cube</p><p>that is 10 feet on all sides, sitting in a thirty</p><p>foot wide/long and 10 foot high area. Inside</p><p>the cube is a ladder to aid characters that</p><p>fall down. Players that fall into the pit have</p><p>disadvantage on the save to be engulfed by</p><p>the cube.</p><p>Following this set of traps is a locked door to</p><p>Area 10 (Upper Vault), which is also trapped.</p><p>The door is stone and will take a Strength</p><p>check DC 25 to push it open. Alternatively</p><p>the door can be lock picked with a DC 22, or</p><p>the door can be destroyed. It has an AC of 18</p><p>and 50 hit points. It is immune to psychic and</p><p>poison damage, and resistant to slashing and</p><p>piercing damage from non-magical attacks.</p><p>It is weak to bludgeoning damage. If the door</p><p>is attacked or someone attempts to lockpick</p><p>it, it will activate the trap. The trap can be</p><p>found with an intelligence (Investigation)</p><p>check with a DC 15. This trap is a large flame-</p><p>thrower that spews down upon a random tile</p><p>on the floor each round until it’s deactivated</p><p>in Area 10.</p><p>The tiles correspond to 5 foot squares be-</p><p>tween the door and pit. As seen on the map,</p><p>there are 2 10-by-10 foot tiles, which equates</p><p>to 8 5-by-5 foot tiles. These are ordered as 1-4</p><p>on the northern 4 tiles (going west to east),</p><p>and 5-8 on the southern tiles</p><p>going (west to</p><p>east). On each round, roll a d8. If a character</p><p>is in that spot, they must make a Dexterity</p><p>saving throw (DC 13) or take 6d6 fire damage,</p><p>and half as much on a successful save.</p><p>If the players activate the fire trap, read:</p><p>“As you attempt to get this door open, you</p><p>are interrupted by a sudden loud noise.</p><p>3 quick clicks in succession. Looking up,</p><p>you see a massive glowing nozzle ready to</p><p>throw fire straight down.</p><p>47 | 47 |</p><p>10 - Upper Vault</p><p>“Entering the room, you are met with</p><p>gorgeous glimmering walls of marble and</p><p>brass, each containing beautifully crafted</p><p>weapons, potions, and gems. In the center</p><p>of the room is a mountain of coins, having</p><p>been untouched for a century.”</p><p>This is a large reinforced vault, which con-</p><p>tains a huge horde of silver, gems, and other</p><p>goodies. The dwarves of Southkrypt once</p><p>used this vault as a sales pitch to show how</p><p>secure it was, and stated that the lower vaults</p><p>were more secure, allowing certain individ-</p><p>uals to pay for access, acting as a bank. As a</p><p>result, this vault never actually contained the</p><p>most valuable goods, but instead the illusion</p><p>of value.</p><p>In the center of the area is a small mountain</p><p>of coins, the outermost layer of which is gold,</p><p>with a number of platinum sprinkled on top.</p><p>While it looks like a huge haul of gold coins,</p><p>it’s actually mostly copper and silver beneath</p><p>the gold, made from the cheaper materials</p><p>found in the mines. In total there are 100 pp,</p><p>1,000 gp, 10,000 sp, and 25,000 cp.</p><p>On the wall north of the horde is a rack of</p><p>weapons, such as short swords, glaives, spears,</p><p>and a quiver of arrows. Any weapon a player</p><p>may be looking for is available. All weapons</p><p>are made with high quality silver that has en-</p><p>dured the test of time, but offer no additional</p><p>benefit besides being silvered.</p><p>On the west wall are a number of gems. There</p><p>are 3 diamonds worth 500 gp, 10 rubies worth</p><p>50 gp, and 10 sapphires worth 100 gp.</p><p>On the south wall is a shelf of potions of</p><p>scrolls. Most potions have turned black, and</p><p>many scrolls have decayed over time. It’s rec-</p><p>ommended to give players one greater healing</p><p>potion (heals 4d4+4) and 2 (normal) potions of</p><p>healing per player.</p><p>In terms of scrolls, it would be recommended</p><p>to include a good damage dealing spell (i.e.</p><p>Lightning Bolt or Fireball) an additional util-</p><p>ity spell scroll that could be used by a wizard</p><p>(i.e. Tiny Hut or Identify).</p><p>On the east wall is a lever that when</p><p>switched, deactivates all traps in Areas 5-9.</p><p>| 48 | 48</p><p>Items in this area can be taken and removed</p><p>based on the needs of your campaign. This is a</p><p>great way to introduce a unique potion, a sim-</p><p>ple ring or piece of armor, a low leveled sen-</p><p>tient weapon, or your own homebrew items to</p><p>help spice up the campaign. It is important to</p><p>remember that coins normally take up weight</p><p>and space too. It may be wise to review your</p><p>table’s encumbrance rules.</p><p>11 - Western Hall</p><p>“Entering this dark hall, you can see or-</p><p>nately carved flagstones covering the floor</p><p>with intricate carving covering evenly space</p><p>pillars along the walls. Unlit sconces coated</p><p>in brass line the walls..”</p><p>Connecting to the west of Area 2 (the Grand</p><p>Vestibule) is the western hall, which joins sev-</p><p>eral areas and areas together, most notably the</p><p>dining hall and bed chambers. When players</p><p>enter this hall, roll a d20 with disadvantage</p><p>for the roaming pack of golbinoids, even if it</p><p>has not been one hour yet. Keep track of where</p><p>this pack is as the players explore.</p><p>The door connecting to Area 2 is rigged with a</p><p>rudimentary trap. The door has a bucket with</p><p>rocks in it, weighing about 15 pounds. Char-</p><p>acters only need a passive Perception of 14 or</p><p>an Intelligence (Investigation) DC 12 to see the</p><p>bucket.</p><p>If characters just walk through the door, it</p><p>will crash down, alerting the goblinoids in all</p><p>adjoining areas. Goblins in Area 22 will inves-</p><p>tigate. Furthermore, it deals 1d4 bludgeoning</p><p>damage to the first creature through the door.</p><p>12 - Makeshift Prison</p><p>“The interior of the cell is dark and dingy.</p><p>Rats scurry across the floor into cracks in</p><p>the wall. Chained with manacles is an un-</p><p>conscious Nilbog.”</p><p>On the northeast end of Area 11 (Western Hall)</p><p>is a trapped door leading into the makeshift</p><p>prison. The door is locked and requires a DC</p><p>13 Lockpicking check. The evil mage carries</p><p>a key that can safely unlock all doors west of</p><p>Area 4.</p><p>In the event that the key is not used, the trap</p><p>activates, which is a small spike that deals 1d4</p><p>piercing damage under the door’s handle. This</p><p>can be found with an Intelligence (Investiga-</p><p>tion) check DC 12. No check is needed to dis-</p><p>arm the trap once it is known.</p><p>If the time is between 12pm and 8pm, there</p><p>will be 2 bugbears bugbears torturing the nilbognilbog.</p><p>The nilbog’s name is Graztch. He was taken</p><p>prisoner for stealing food and attempting to</p><p>poison Gorm. Gorm ate Graztch’s mate, and</p><p>Graztch is happy to work with the party to kill</p><p>Gorm if they release him.</p><p>He will try to steal from the party as soon as</p><p>they kill Gorm. When Graztch tries to steal</p><p>from the party roll a Sleight of Hand check,</p><p>contested by the party’s Passive Perception.</p><p>Any player that had verbalized they were</p><p>watching Graztch can roll an active Wisdom</p><p>(Perception) check.</p><p>Graztch is unaware of any plans from the evil</p><p>mage, but does know the mage is often in his</p><p>throne room. He is not aware of any traps or</p><p>secrets other than what’s in Area 11.</p><p>49 | 49 |</p><p>13 - Upper Barracks</p><p>“Beyond the door stretches a long and nar-</p><p>row corridor. Eight doors line its walls and</p><p>a solitary guard sits at the other end of the</p><p>hall, bathed in dim light.”</p><p>This hallway was once a nice dwarven-run</p><p>inn for travelers who had to stay the night, so</p><p>that they were not brought into the depths of</p><p>Southkrypt. It is now a makeshift barracks</p><p>for goblinoids who got there first. Hundreds</p><p>of goblinoids currently live in Southkrypt,</p><p>though most live in the lower sections.</p><p>At the end of this hall is a small guard station.</p><p>The guard switches every few hours.</p><p>• From 4am - 10am the guard is a hob-hob-</p><p>goblingoblin</p><p>• From 10am to 4pm the guard is a bug-bug-</p><p>bearbear</p><p>• From 4pm to 10pm the guard is a nor-nor-</p><p>kerker</p><p>• From 10pm to 4am the guard is a gob-gob-</p><p>lin.lin.</p><p>The hobgoblin and bugbear will be immedi-</p><p>ately hostile to any non-goblinoids in the area.</p><p>The norker and goblin will be far friendly as</p><p>long as the players do not enter the private</p><p>rooms.</p><p>14 - Bugbear Captain Bedroom</p><p>“This room is old and worn down, cracks</p><p>making their way up the walls like a stair-</p><p>case. At the back of the room is a bed covered</p><p>in fine furs. Near the bed is a wooden chest.”</p><p>This is the bedroom of a single large bugbearbugbear,</p><p>with 60 hit points. He acts as a captain to the</p><p>goblin band in these upper barracks. His</p><p>schedule is as follows:</p><p>• From 12am - 6am, he’s asleep in his</p><p>room.</p><p>• From 6am - 7am, he’s in the mess hall</p><p>• From 7am - 11am, he is in a makeshift</p><p>training hall that is in the lower sec-</p><p>tions.</p><p>• From 11am - 12pm he is in the mess</p><p>hall.</p><p>• From 12pm - 8pm he is torturing a</p><p>nilbog in the Makeshift Prison.</p><p>• From 8pm - 9pm he is in a meeting</p><p>with the evil mage in the Throne</p><p>Room.</p><p>• From 9pm - 10pm he is in the Mess</p><p>Hall.</p><p>• From 10pm - 12am he is in the bath</p><p>house.</p><p>Inside the chest are a few trinkets like a wooden</p><p>doll, a rusty frying pan, a broken sword, and 2</p><p>green gems worth 30 gp each.</p><p>| 50 | 50</p><p>15 - Bugbears Bedroom</p><p>“The room is small and dark, and has a</p><p>very distinct and noxious smell of ammo-</p><p>nia. A single stained bed takes up most of</p><p>this room, though there are two stands for</p><p>armor and weapons.”</p><p>This is the bedroom, 2 bugbears bugbears that share a</p><p>bed. They are the direct subordinates of the</p><p>bugbear captain. Their schedule is as follows:</p><p>• From 11pm - 5am, they’re asleep in</p><p>their room.</p><p>• From 5am - 6am, they’re</p><p>in the mess</p><p>hall</p><p>• From 6am to 10am- they are in a make-</p><p>shift training hall that is in the lower</p><p>sections.</p><p>• From 10am - 4pm, the first bugbear is</p><p>on guard duty in the barracks.</p><p>• From 10am - 12pm, the second bug-</p><p>bear attends sermons and aids the</p><p>chapel.</p><p>• From 12pm - 8pm, the second bugbear</p><p>is torturing a nilbog in the Makeshift</p><p>Prison.</p><p>16 - Hobgoblin Shaman Bedroom</p><p>“This room is comfortably sized and fur-</p><p>nished. A simple bed sits in the corner near</p><p>a table covered in books and notes written</p><p>in goblin.”</p><p>This is the bedroom of a hobgoblin shaman</p><p>named Uthonogho, who leads the goblinoids</p><p>in prayer on a daily basis. He accepts anyone</p><p>who accepts Maglubiyet, the chief deity of</p><p>goblins and hobgloblins. He has also been</p><p>studying the dwarven carvings in the chapel.</p><p>He distrusts the evil mage, but fully believes in</p><p>the cause.</p><p>Anyone who can read the Goblin language</p><p>can read that Uthonogho’s notes are largely</p><p>prayers to Maglubiyet, but do also mention the</p><p>great dwarven works by the Haunghdannar,</p><p>and indicate that there is more in the chapel</p><p>and a connecting area.</p><p>• From 10pm - 4am, he’s asleep in his</p><p>room.</p><p>• From 4am - 5am, he’s in the mess hall.</p><p>• From 5am - 7pm, he’s in the chapel.</p><p>• From 7pm - 8pm, he’s in the mess hall.</p><p>• From 8pm - 10pm, he’s in the bath</p><p>house</p><p>Uthonogho’s schedule is as follows:</p><p>17 - Hobgoblin Warriors Bedroom</p><p>“What you find within is a larger bed room</p><p>that contains three beds, one of which is bro-</p><p>ken, with the rock frame crumbling away.”</p><p>Within this room are three beds, each be-</p><p>longing to a hobgoblin. These hobgoblins are</p><p>highly trained warriors and are bonded with</p><p>wargs in the kennels of the lower areas of</p><p>Southkrypt.</p><p>This is their daily schedule:</p><p>• From 11pm to 5am Hobgoblins 1-2 are</p><p>asleep in their room.</p><p>• From 4am to 10am Hobgoblin 3 is on</p><p>guard duty.</p><p>• From 5am to 6am Hobgoblins 1-2 are</p><p>in the Mess Hall</p><p>• From 6am to 10am Hobgoblins 1-2</p><p>are in the training room in the lower</p><p>levels.</p><p>• From 10am to 1pm all 3 are in the ken-</p><p>nels in the lower level.</p><p>• From 1pm to 2pm all 3 are in the mess</p><p>hall.</p><p>• From 2pm to 4pm all 3 are in the</p><p>Archives (Room 31). Hobgoblin 1 and 2</p><p>stay here until 6pm.</p><p>• From 4pm to 6pm Hobgoblin 3 is in</p><p>the training room in the lower sec-</p><p>tion.</p><p>• From 6pm to 7pm all three hobgoblins</p><p>are in the chapel.</p><p>• From 7pm to 8pm Hobgoblin 1 and 2</p><p>are in the Mess Hall</p><p>• From 7pm to 3am Hobgoblin 3 is</p><p>asleep in their room.</p><p>• From 8pm to 11pm Hobgoblin 1 and 2</p><p>are in the Bath house.</p><p>• From 3am to 4am, Hobgoblin 3 is in</p><p>the kitchen eating food.</p><p>51 | 51 |</p><p>18 - Goblin Chef Room</p><p>“Your senses are immediately overwhelmed</p><p>from what lies within. Four beds are sur-</p><p>rounded by boxes and barrels of grains,</p><p>salted meats, jerky, vegetables, and fine</p><p>wines that have been looted during raids. “</p><p>Here is the bedroom of the 4 goblin goblin chefs that</p><p>feed most of the growing goblinoid army.</p><p>While making new perpetual stews and gruel,</p><p>these cooks will feed themselves the best food</p><p>they have available.</p><p>This the schedule for chef 1 and 2:</p><p>• From 10pm - 6am, chef 1 and 2 are</p><p>sleep in here.</p><p>• From 4pm - 10pm, chef 3 and 4 are</p><p>sleep in here.</p><p>• From 6am - 8am, all 4 goblins are in</p><p>the bath house</p><p>• From 8am - 4pm, all the goblins are in</p><p>the kitchen. Chef 1 and 2 stay in here</p><p>until 10pm.</p><p>• From 10pm - 6am, chef 3 and 4 are in</p><p>the kitchen.</p><p>Unbeknownst to the goblins in this area, the</p><p>goblins goblins on watch from 10pm to 4am will often</p><p>visit the bath house after shift, then sneak off</p><p>to their room for a few hours of sleep and after</p><p>stealing their nice food between 6am and 4pm.</p><p>19 - Norker Room</p><p>“Trash and debris is piled up to your knees</p><p>in this room. There is no easy or quiet way</p><p>to move through it, though you do notice a</p><p>glimmer of a gold piece among the scrap.”</p><p>This is the bedroom for 3 norkers norkers. It is a mess,</p><p>debris including furs, leather, metal shards,</p><p>toys, rotting wood, coins, food. Players can</p><p>find up to 4 gp, 17 sp, 52 cp, and 2 days of ra-</p><p>tions for the whole party. Attempting to move</p><p>through will be noisy, and stealth checks in</p><p>the area are at disadvantage.</p><p>The daily routine of the norkers are:</p><p>• From 12am - 8am, all 3 norkers are</p><p>stripping animals for butchering in</p><p>Area 23, for the goblin chefs to pre-</p><p>pare.</p><p>• From 8am - 10am, all 3 norkers are in</p><p>the bath house.</p><p>• From 10am - 4pm, norker 1 and 2 are</p><p>asleep, and norker 3 is on watch.</p><p>• From 4pm to 12am, norker 1 and 2</p><p>are cleaning the butchery, norker 3</p><p>asleep.</p><p>20 - Nilbog Room</p><p>“Four small beds decorate this room and</p><p>each are covered in small tools, toys, and</p><p>paints. Tiny gears and half baked inven-</p><p>tions lie scattered along the ground and</p><p>tables, and a partial map of Southkyrpt</p><p>is painted onto the wall, with X’s drawn</p><p>through several rooms.”</p><p>A small group of 4 nilbogs nilbogs stay within this</p><p>area. They are feisty little tricksters who</p><p>adhere to no set schedule, and will regularly</p><p>play pranks on the other goblinoids in South-</p><p>krypt. Roll a d20 and add 10. That is the area</p><p>the nilbogs are in, plotting or hatching their</p><p>next prank.</p><p>These are the bedrooms of previous victims.</p><p>A character that can read goblinoid can read</p><p>who their next victim will be, at your discre-</p><p>tion.</p><p>| 52 | 52</p><p>21 - Varag Room</p><p>“Blood and entrails are strewn across the</p><p>room. A large pool has blackened in the</p><p>middle of the room, beneath the body of a</p><p>dead goblin in the middle of the room that</p><p>had been tortured to death and ripped apart</p><p>by feral creatures. The beds are broken and</p><p>old, seemingly unusable by most humanoid</p><p>creatures.”</p><p>This bedroom belongs to 4 varags varags, the</p><p>mean-spirited and unintelligent offspring of</p><p>dire wolves and hobgoblins. Hobgoblin war-</p><p>lords often would set these feral things upon</p><p>an area to unleash destruction. When fed, they</p><p>are less ravenous and cruel.</p><p>These 4 beasts all share the same schedule.</p><p>• From 12am - 8am, they’re hunting</p><p>in the Southkyrpt Woods.</p><p>• From 8am - 9am, they’re feasting</p><p>in the dining hall</p><p>• From 9am - 3pm, they’re asleep in</p><p>this area.</p><p>• From 3pm - 6pm, they’re relaxing</p><p>in the bath house.</p><p>• From 6pm - 7pm, they’re feasting</p><p>in the dining hall.</p><p>22 - Pantry</p><p>“Barley and other grains fill barrels, herbs</p><p>and spices hang off racks and fill baskets.</p><p>Oils and vinegars in bottles, clearly stolen</p><p>from towns on raids, decorate this pantry.”</p><p>This is a small area filled with basic food goods</p><p>and cooking ingredients. Goblins working in</p><p>the kitchen (Area 25) will often come in here</p><p>throughout the day for supplies.</p><p>23 - Butchery</p><p>“Dead animals hang from large hooks</p><p>attached by chains to the high ceiling. Their</p><p>skins, furs, and pelts have been stripped</p><p>away and tossed in a mound in a basket in</p><p>the corner. Animal blood has pooled around</p><p>a large block table in the center of the room,</p><p>where a mountain of stripped bones has</p><p>grown.”</p><p>This area is a butchery, used by norkers to</p><p>clean animals hunted by the Varags. The nor-</p><p>kers will deliver the pelts to goblinoids in the</p><p>lower sections daily to begin turning it into</p><p>leather.</p><p>The blood is mopped daily, but just gets spread</p><p>across the floor, and the mountain of bones is</p><p>only cleared once per month.</p><p>24 - Restroom</p><p>“You enter this room and know immedi-</p><p>ately you should leave. It is covered floor to</p><p>ceiling in goblinoid waste. In the middle of</p><p>the room is a lone crying, squatting goblin.”</p><p>This large area was once a bedroom, but has</p><p>been forcibly converted by the goblins and the</p><p>previous hill giants into a restroom.</p><p>A character who stays in here for more than 2</p><p>rounds (12 seconds) needs to make a Constitu-</p><p>tion saving throw DC 12 or become poisoned</p><p>until they leave the area.</p><p>Regardless of the time of day, a single consti-</p><p>pated goblin goblin will be in this area. He is no use to</p><p>the party, though every goblinoid will ignore</p><p>his screams about the party, as no one wants to</p><p>walk into the area to aid him. This</p><p>goblin does</p><p>have the poisoned condition from being in the</p><p>area for so long. The goblin also cannot move,</p><p>and does not have any weapons on him.</p><p>53 | 53 |</p><p>25 - Kitchen</p><p>“Large counters surround the room and</p><p>are in its center. Small stools on rails and</p><p>wheels attach to the counters, allowing</p><p>for shorter creatures to reach the top of the</p><p>counters and move quickly along them. In</p><p>the center of the room is a massive boiling</p><p>pot of stew. In the far north is another large</p><p>pot of simmering grog, and is surrounded</p><p>by stovetops containing dozens of pans with</p><p>an unappetizing gruel inside. On the west</p><p>side is a sink connected to a piston pump</p><p>well, filled with dishes.”</p><p>Goblin chefs work here throughout the day,</p><p>with minimal breaks. They are consistently</p><p>chopping vegetables, meats, and other goods</p><p>from the pantry to ensure a constant high</p><p>quantity of perpetual stew (primarily for</p><p>higher ranking goblinoids) and grog/gruel</p><p>(for the lower ranking goblinoids). This is not</p><p>the only manned kitchen in Southkrypt, but</p><p>it’s the largest and produces the best food.</p><p>GoblinsGoblins working in this area will not pay</p><p>attention to the characters. They are too busy</p><p>running a kitchen. The goblin chefs do cook</p><p>the best for themselves.</p><p>26 - Mess Hall</p><p>“A chandelier hangs precariously over a</p><p>massive central wooden tables, stacked high</p><p>with silverware and wooden plates and</p><p>bowls, nearly licked clean.”</p><p>This is where nearly every creature goes to eat.</p><p>(See their schedules for when they’d be in this</p><p>area!)</p><p>The chandelierchandelier hanging above the table is con-</p><p>nected to the high ceiling from an old chain</p><p>and a few ropes. The chain has an AC 15, resis-</p><p>tance to slashing damage, and 5 hit points. If</p><p>the chain was broken, it would swing down</p><p>and crash into the east wall, bursting through</p><p>the kitchen just above the door connecting the</p><p>kitchen and mess hall. Any creature caught in</p><p>this would take (33) 10d6 bludgeoning dam-</p><p>age.</p><p>The ropes have an AC 10 and 2 hit points. If</p><p>they break, the chandelier would fall straight</p><p>down in the middle of the table. Anyone with-</p><p>in 5 feet of it would take 33 (10d6) bludgeoning</p><p>damage.</p><p>| 54 | 54</p><p>27 - Long Hall</p><p>“This long elegant hallway is dimly lit,</p><p>but radiates the excellence that once graced</p><p>Southkrypt. Multiple doors branch off in</p><p>every direction from this corridor.”</p><p>The Long Hall is the longest intact hall in the</p><p>upper floors of Southkrypt. On the south end</p><p>are 2 doors that connect to the central hall</p><p>(Area 3) and western hall (Area 11). Just across</p><p>from these is a large iron portcullis. It will</p><p>generally be closed, save for when a few gob-</p><p>linoids go past it to go past some rubble and</p><p>down some stairs to the lower sections.</p><p>In the event that a player passes the portcullis</p><p>and enters the lower sections, they immediate-</p><p>ly come to a short hallway. Within the hallway</p><p>of the lower sections is a lever that can open</p><p>and close the portcullis. Just beyond this hall</p><p>is a massive training room that would at any</p><p>time contain dozens (upwards of one hundred)</p><p>goblins. Beyond them are the kennels. Unless</p><p>the character actively makes their presence</p><p>known, the goblins are too busy training to</p><p>notice them, giving them time to get back</p><p>upstairs.</p><p>At the northern end of the hallway are doors to</p><p>the chapel (Area 28), bath house (Area 29), and</p><p>meeting room (Area 30). There is also a secret</p><p>entrance to Area 34 in an inlet in the wall.</p><p>It takes a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)</p><p>check to find a button in the stonework that</p><p>opens the secret door to Area 34 (Evil Mage’s</p><p>Bed Chamber).</p><p>28 - Chapel</p><p>“Stunning ancient dwarven carvings cover</p><p>the walls of this chapel, overlooking break-</p><p>ing and rotting wooden pews. Ornate pil-</p><p>lars covered in brass, silver, and gold stretch</p><p>to the high ceiling. Between the petroglyphs</p><p>lie 30 foot tall brass statues of a dwarven</p><p>god, three of which hold a large hammer,</p><p>while the fourth appears to be missing its</p><p>weapon. Blood stains a carpet and stone</p><p>altar at the back of the room.”</p><p>A hobgoblin shamanhobgoblin shaman often spends his time in</p><p>this chapel, studying goblinoid texts and the</p><p>ancient dwarven walls. Within this area he</p><p>has a notebook that is readable to any charac-</p><p>ter who can read Goblin about the Haungh-</p><p>dannar and a secret power source under what</p><p>is now Leilon. Alternatively, a character who</p><p>can read dwarvish can piece together the same</p><p>info by studying the carvings on the walls.</p><p>Despite the artwork in the chapel being dedi-</p><p>cated to dwarven gods, the hobgoblin shaman</p><p>and his followers use it to worship Maglubi-</p><p>yet. Maglubiyet was a god of war and leader-</p><p>ship, ruling over other goblin deities with an</p><p>iron fist, from his flaming iron throne. Other</p><p>gods that Uthonogho may mention in a ser-</p><p>mon would be Khurgorbaeyag (the goblin god</p><p>of slavery, oppression, and morale and Bar-</p><p>grivyek (the god of co-operation and territory</p><p>among goblins). A sermon would often end</p><p>with the ritual sacrifice of a small beast.</p><p>The sacrifice would normally be performed at</p><p>the altar at the back of the chapel. Under the</p><p>altar is a small lever that can be found with</p><p>a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. Flipping</p><p>this switch opens up a secret door to Area 31</p><p>(the Archives).</p><p>55 | 55 |</p><p>29 - Bath House</p><p>“Steam from a central pool fills the room</p><p>and makes it hard to see. However, you can</p><p>see white marble pillars rising above the</p><p>fog at even spaces across a beautiful tile</p><p>ground. Lattice work between the pillars</p><p>and walls create small relaxing rooms.</p><p>Arches stretch across the columns to the</p><p>ceiling, holding up a once breathtaking mu-</p><p>ral that is now partially collapsed. A giant</p><p>stone from the ceiling is held aloft over the</p><p>pool by a network of vines that stretch into</p><p>the collapsed wall on the east end, that falls</p><p>into a deep and dark pit.”</p><p>The bath house is a popular destination for</p><p>relaxation by many of the goblinoids in South-</p><p>krypt. (See their schedules for when they’d be</p><p>visiting!)</p><p>The bath house, like the armory, has had to</p><p>deal with cracks. The entire eastern portion of</p><p>the bath house has been torn asunder, causing</p><p>the support columns, arches, and trellises to</p><p>have collapsed, and a large pit going to the</p><p>underdark sits where a wall once was. Despite</p><p>this, the bath house has a constant flowing</p><p>of natural water into it, and furnaces in the</p><p>lower sections keep it warm and steaming.</p><p>The steam is so intense near the pool that you</p><p>can only see dark shapes, and not finer details</p><p>of creatures.</p><p>On the western side are pillars holding up</p><p>arches. Between the pillars and wall are rot-</p><p>ting wooden lattices that create small relaxing</p><p>areas where travelers and dwarves once hung</p><p>their belongings before going into the pool.</p><p>The marble stone arches aid in holding up an</p><p>ornate ceiling, that was once beautifully paint-</p><p>ed, but is now cracked and destroyed from the</p><p>steam and eruption.</p><p>Vines from the garden have thrived in the en-</p><p>vironment and a large grouping covers much</p><p>of the ceiling, and holds a massive stone that</p><p>hangs over the center of the pool that fell from</p><p>the ceiling. These vines have an AC 12 and 10</p><p>hit points. If that is exceeded, the rock will fall</p><p>straight down into the pool. Any creature with</p><p>15 feet of it will take 33 (10d6) bludgeoning</p><p>damage.</p><p>If the stone falls, the entire pool will break</p><p>and half of the area from the western edge of</p><p>the pool going to the northernmost point of</p><p>the area and the southern edge of the pool to</p><p>the easternmost point of the area will crum-</p><p>ble into the pit of the underdark. A creature</p><p>caught in this as it crumbles must make a</p><p>Dexterity saving throw DC 18 or fall into the</p><p>pit. Water will continuously trickle into the</p><p>pit from the natural springs that feed the pool.</p><p>30 - Kitchen</p><p>“This dimly lit room has a small sconce lit</p><p>on one side, illuminating a sundered stone</p><p>table that contains an intricate map.”</p><p>This area was once used to hold</p><p>meetings</p><p>between various dwarf factions, and later</p><p>for important trade deals. An enormous and</p><p>formerly solid stone table sits in the middle,</p><p>the geography of the Sword Coast, Trackless</p><p>Sea, and Moonshae Isles flawlessly carved</p><p>into it. 3 castle icons appear on the map, one</p><p>in the sword mountains where the characters</p><p>are now, one in the moonshae isles, and anoth-</p><p>er has broken off where the table broke, but</p><p>belonged where the town of Leilon now is. As</p><p>a note, the Mere of Dead Men or any modern</p><p>settlements around the Sword Coast.</p><p>The door the archives (Area 31) is unlocked,</p><p>but is trapped. Nilbog tricksters have wired</p><p>a crystal around the door knob, anyone who</p><p>touches it immediately takes 1d6 lightning</p><p>damage. A passive Perception of 15, an active</p><p>Wisdom (Perception) check DC 13, or an Intel-</p><p>ligence (Investigation) check DC 12 reveals a</p><p>buzzing sound coming from the knob indicat-</p><p>ing that it is likely a trap.</p><p>Characters in Area 31 can immediately see and</p><p>disable the trap without a roll. If the character</p><p>wants to push through the pain, they will take</p><p>the lightning damage and must roll a consti-</p><p>tution saving throw DC 14 to be able to push</p><p>through the shocks to open the door.</p><p>| 56 | 56</p><p>31 - Archives</p><p>“Diamond shaped boxes line the walls and</p><p>several large shelves in the center of the</p><p>room. Old scrolls and letters line their inte-</p><p>riors, while new parchment and notes line</p><p>the floors written in an entirely different</p><p>language.”</p><p>Characters can immediately see a small level</p><p>on the west wall that can open up the secret</p><p>chamber to the chapel. It is also easy to see a</p><p>glowing crystal wired to the door knob to Area</p><p>30 that is a nilbog trick/ trap. It is crudely con-</p><p>structed and can be disabled without a roll.</p><p>The area itself contains several hundred dia-</p><p>mond shaped shelves that contain scrolls and</p><p>letters used to note large trade deals and com-</p><p>munication. This can be easily read by anyone</p><p>who can read dwarvish. A DC16 Intelligence</p><p>(Investigation) check made by someone who</p><p>can read dwarvish reveals the secret entrance</p><p>to Area 34.</p><p>Anyone who can read Goblin can read that the</p><p>goblins have been attempting to decipher the</p><p>information, and notes about battle plans can</p><p>be found in here as well, indicating the search</p><p>for Barrhindlun, the belief that it is under</p><p>Neverwinter, and the building of a goblin</p><p>army.</p><p>32 - The Statue Room</p><p>“The room is nearly empty; save for an old</p><p>and dusty carpet stretching from door to</p><p>door and two large statues of dwarves that</p><p>feel like they’re staring at you.”</p><p>This area is nearly empty except for 2 statues</p><p>of a dwarf with an ax. Any creature connect-</p><p>ed to the throne in Area 33 (can see and hear</p><p>through the dwarf, watching what is coming</p><p>to them, and perhaps gives them the chance to</p><p>sneak out.</p><p>Characters that come through here will imme-</p><p>diately alert the evil mage and his minions. If</p><p>the characters sit in here for more than one</p><p>33 - Throne Room</p><p>“A carpet extends from the main entrance</p><p>to an exquisite stone throne that sits atop a</p><p>raised platform.”</p><p>The throne room is dimly lit with braziers and</p><p>has a thin carpet leading to the throne, which</p><p>stands on a raised platform. The evil mage, evil mage,</p><p>whomever you choose it to be, will generally</p><p>be working in here, with 3 bugbearsbugbears at his aid.</p><p>Each of the bugbears has 50 hit points. If the</p><p>evil mage saw the players coming, they will</p><p>have cast Mage Armor on themselves.</p><p>34 - Evil Mage’s Bed Chamber</p><p>“The room is nearly empty; save for an old</p><p>and dusty carpet stretches from door to door</p><p>and two large statues of dwarves that feel</p><p>like they’re staring at you.”</p><p>This is primarily connected to the throne</p><p>room. While once used as a study and escape</p><p>chamber for the prior ruler, it has become a</p><p>area for study and sleeping for the current</p><p>ruling evil mage. A bedroll sits atop an old</p><p>mattress in the corner near a desk. If searched</p><p>the desk contains paper and ink that is high</p><p>enough quality for wizards, and a purse with</p><p>200 gp, 17 sp, and 51 cp.</p><p>SecretSecret. The southern wall of the chamber has</p><p>a secret entrance/exit to Area 27. It takes a DC</p><p>14 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find a</p><p>button in the stonework that opens the secret</p><p>door.</p><p>minute, the evil mage evil mage will sneak out from</p><p>Area 34 (Evil Mage’s Bed Chamber) and alert</p><p>the dungeon, getting the hill giant hill giant to attack</p><p>from Area 31 alongside 6 bugbears bugbears from Area</p><p>34. Characters that make an Intelligence (Ar-</p><p>cana) check DC 15 will realize the statues are</p><p>enchanted.</p><p>57 | 57 |</p><p>The Order of the Gauntlet</p><p>How to Join</p><p>Player characters may choose to join the Or-</p><p>der of the Gauntlet as part of their backgound</p><p>or by impressing their local guild contact.</p><p>Around Phandalin, the local guild contact is</p><p>Daran Edermath, a local orchard owner who</p><p>retired from the Order. He can be impressed by</p><p>the removal of Redbrand scourge from Phan-</p><p>dalin and the investigation into the Old Owl</p><p>Well.</p><p>The Order of the Gauntlet is a dedicated, tight-</p><p>knit group of holy-minded crusaders driven</p><p>by a finely honed sense of duty and honor.</p><p>They seek to uphold justice, and to continual-</p><p>ly test their mettle against the forces of evil.</p><p>The organization is honorable, vigilant, and</p><p>zealous. Clerics, monks, and paladins of good</p><p>(often lawful good) alignments are commonly</p><p>drawn to the Order of the Gauntlet. Principle</p><p>deities worshiped are Tyr, Torm, and Ilmater,</p><p>although the order embraces any with a sense</p><p>of honor and trustworthiness.</p><p>GOALS</p><p>• Be armed and vigilant against evil.</p><p>• Identify evil threats such as secretive</p><p>power groups and inherently evil</p><p>creatures.</p><p>• Enforce justice.</p><p>• Enact retribution against evil ac-</p><p>tions—do not strike preemptively.</p><p>BELIEFS</p><p>• Faith is the greatest weapon against</p><p>evil—faith in one’s god, one’s friends,</p><p>and one’s self.</p><p>• Battling evil is an extraordinary task</p><p>that requires extraordinary strength</p><p>and bravery.</p><p>• Punishing an evil act is just. Punish-</p><p>ing an evil thought is not.</p><p>Guild Contact</p><p>The scripted guild contact in LMOP is Daran</p><p>Edermath, a silver-haired half-elf over one</p><p>hundred years old who was once an active</p><p>member of the Order of the Gauntlet. Now</p><p>retired to his orchard in Phandalin, he main-</p><p>tains contacts throughout the Order and is</p><p>watchful for any evil afoot.</p><p>During the time of this adventure, he has a</p><p>15-year-old daughter named Bertice .Unbe-</p><p>known to him, she has fallen for a boy her</p><p>same age named Grovet, who is following in</p><p>his father’s footsteps in becoming a miner.</p><p>| 58 | 58</p><p>Ranks and Rewards</p><p>Friendship and camaraderie are important to</p><p>members of the order, and they share a trust</p><p>normally reserved for siblings. There are few,</p><p>if any, lone operatives in this organization.</p><p>Working in pairs and small groups reinforces</p><p>the bonds of friendship and helps keep mem-</p><p>bers from straying off the path of righteous-</p><p>ness.</p><p>Ranks within the Order include–</p><p>Chevall</p><p>A newly-christened Order member is a chevall,</p><p>and can gain renown and participate in fac-</p><p>tion tasks and activities.</p><p>Furthermore, the character gains the Insignia</p><p>of the Faction, a silver pendant depicting the</p><p>blade of retribution held in place by the gaunt-</p><p>let of justice.</p><p>Marcheon</p><p>A character is a marcheon once they accumu-</p><p>late 3 renown from tasks and activities com-</p><p>pleted for the faction.</p><p>Marcheon have shown that they can take on</p><p>more responsibility and they align with the</p><p>goals and beliefs of the Order of the Gauntlet.</p><p>As a result, characters can now take on a sanc-</p><p>tioned mission.</p><p>Furthermore, characters now have access to</p><p>faction training. In exchange for 125 gp and</p><p>one day of downtime, player characters can be</p><p>trained and become proficient in Smith’s Tools,</p><p>Leatherworker’s Tools, Carpenter’s Tools, Ma-</p><p>son’s Tools, or vehicles.</p><p>• Chevall (1 renown)</p><p>• Marcheon (3 renown)</p><p>• Whitehawk (10 renown)</p><p>• Vindicator (25</p><p>renown)</p><p>• Righteous Hand (50 renown)</p><p>Whitehawk</p><p>A character can be promoted to Whitehawk</p><p>once they are level 5, have completed one sanc-</p><p>tioned mission, and have at least 10 renown.</p><p>Player characters now have access to special-</p><p>ty downtime activities for the Whitehawk.</p><p>During downtime, a character can give a reli-</p><p>gious sermon to fight against evil, providing</p><p>them and each player character present inspi-</p><p>ration.</p><p>Characters can also receive special items from</p><p>the faction. When they first reach this rank,</p><p>give them a +1 weapon, shield, armor, the Ring</p><p>of Warmth, or the Cloak of Protection. Any other</p><p>items the player would like can be specifically</p><p>requested through their guild contact. Uncom-</p><p>mon items will take 50 days and 500 gp, and</p><p>rare items 100 days and 5000 gp.</p><p>59 | 59 |</p><p>Vindicator</p><p>Characters are promoted to vindicator once</p><p>they are level 11, have completed 3 sanctioned</p><p>missions, and have at least 25 renown.</p><p>The character is now considered a champion</p><p>within the guild, and at any point can requisi-</p><p>tion a veteran of the gauntlet or guild-affiliat-</p><p>ed priest to serve them. Treat these as fighter</p><p>and spellcaster sidekicks respectively, as</p><p>defined in the Essentials Kit rulebook</p><p>(see rulebook that came with D0IP).</p><p>Righteous Hand</p><p>Righteous Hands are exemplars within the Or-</p><p>der of the Gauntlet, becoming a master of tac-</p><p>tics and combat. To become a Righteous Hand,</p><p>a character must be at least level 17, completed</p><p>10 sanctioned missions, and have 50 renown.</p><p>Over the course of the character’s career in the</p><p>Order of the Gauntlet, they have learned to be-</p><p>come proficient in Athletics, Religion, Insight,</p><p>Arcana, and Perception. The player may also</p><p>choose one of those skills to become an expert</p><p>in.</p><p>As a mentor, the Righteous Hand player char-</p><p>acter may spend one tenday and 500 gp to</p><p>teach one other player character to become</p><p>proficient in any skill they have expertise in.</p><p>Finally, as a faction exemplar, the player char-</p><p>acter may choose to give inspiration to any</p><p>other Order member in their party at the start</p><p>of the game session. The inspiration expires at</p><p>the end of the game session.</p><p>Tasks and Activities</p><p>Every good Order memember should be raring</p><p>and ready to prove their mettle, tasks helping</p><p>them with this. Renown, of course, is also a</p><p>great incentive.</p><p>In addition to ones of the DM’s design, such</p><p>tasks include–</p><p>Rescue the Dendrar Family</p><p>+2 Renown - +2 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters can gain renown or entrance to the</p><p>Order by stopping the Redbrand and rescuing</p><p>Mirna Dendrar. The Redbrand had been ha-</p><p>rassing Mirna and her family, leading to her</p><p>husband Thel, standing up to the Redbrand</p><p>and being killed prior to the player characters</p><p>arriving in Phandalin. Mirna was then impris-</p><p>oned alongside her children Nars and Nilsa.</p><p>If the players defeat the Redbrand without</p><p>saving the Dendrar family, it’s possible that</p><p>the Redbrand have already left with the fam-</p><p>ily in a cage to be sold as slave. Characters can</p><p>easily find the cart tracks. Have the players</p><p>tracking make a wisdom (Survival) check.</p><p>On a 15 or higher, it takes only 8 hours to find</p><p>the cart. Escorting the cart will be 3 redbrand redbrand</p><p>ruffiansruffians and 1 bugbear bugbear (see LMoP appendix for</p><p>statblocks). Add 1 redbrand ruffian and one day</p><p>of travel for every 5 below check of 15.</p><p>Old Owl Well</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Alternatively, characters can gain renown</p><p>or entrance to the Order by investigating the</p><p>Old Owl Well on behalf of Darran. There are</p><p>rumors of a undead in the area menacing</p><p>travelers. This quest is the same as it was in the</p><p>original adventure.</p><p>The cause is Hamun Kost, a Red Wizard of</p><p>Thay investigating ancient Netheril magic.</p><p>Thay is a distant country, over 3,000 miles</p><p>away from Phandalin ruled by an evil lich</p><p>known as Szass Tam. As a result, the desires of</p><p>| 60 | 60</p><p>Hamun Kost are likely not good, though he</p><p>will never divulge this. When the characters</p><p>meet him at the Old Owl Well, Hamun Kost</p><p>has found the entrance to the dungeon but re-</p><p>alizes he needs to learn the name of the person</p><p>who built it to proceed, and will ask the char-</p><p>acters for help.</p><p>Hamun Kost can be a good recurring villain</p><p>if you are playing all the adventures in this</p><p>supplement.</p><p>Woodland Manse</p><p>+2 Renown - +2 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>This quest can be done the same as it was in</p><p>DoIP, though with the added quest hook that</p><p>the orcs in this old manse appear to be leading</p><p>in part the assaults across the North, and stop-</p><p>ping them will help stop their evil chaos.</p><p>This mission directly ties into a response at</p><p>Falcon’s Hunting Lodge. After witnessing this,</p><p>Falcon could give the characters information</p><p>about the next mission, the Shrine of Savras.</p><p>Shrine of Savras</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>This quest can be done the same as it was in</p><p>DoIP, though with the added quest hook that</p><p>the leader of the orc tribe is here. Killing him</p><p>should stop organized orc raids. It is recom-</p><p>mended to do this after the Woodland Manse.</p><p>Random Tasks</p><p>If the idea of your Order member studying</p><p>scripture is more exciting than the tasks pro-</p><p>vided, then maybe it’s time that the DM creat-</p><p>ed their own tasks!</p><p>The tables below include several prompts.</p><p>Levels 1-6Levels 1-6</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Rescue a person or people that has</p><p>been captured by bandits/goblins/</p><p>cannibals</p><p>2 Stop a burglar/thief/robbery</p><p>3 Observe a local populace for signs</p><p>of evil cult activities</p><p>4 Purge evil forces from a nearby</p><p>shrine</p><p>5 Kill monster(s) to aid a town in</p><p>need</p><p>6 Help end petty disputes before they</p><p>devolve</p><p>61 | 61 |</p><p>Levels 7-13Levels 7-13</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Stop a demon/devil invasion of the</p><p>material plane at a single location.</p><p>2 Take down a cult cell attempting to</p><p>aid demons or devils.</p><p>3 Defeat a large tribe of orcs/goblins/</p><p>kobolds/bandits that threaten</p><p>people</p><p>4 Locate and successfully dispose of a</p><p>demonic relic</p><p>5 Aid local temples into becoming</p><p>more of a protective force towards</p><p>its people</p><p>6 Weed out a possessed person and</p><p>free them</p><p>Levels 14-20Levels 14-20</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Enter the planes of Hell or the</p><p>Abyss to fight an Archdevil or De-</p><p>mon Prince.</p><p>2 Hunt down and kill the head of a</p><p>dangerous cult, destroying it</p><p>3 Rid a sacred location of a destruc-</p><p>tively corrupting influence</p><p>4 Defeat a prophesied evil that</p><p>threatens the land</p><p>5 Free a city/kingdom that’s ruled by</p><p>a tyrannical dark/demonic being</p><p>6 Defeat a highly-influential person</p><p>that secretly works for demonic</p><p>forces</p><p>| 62 | 62</p><p>Sanctioned Mission:</p><p>Old Owl Well</p><p>Upon reaching 5th level and having at least</p><p>3 renown, the player character in the Order</p><p>of the Gauntlet should be contacted about a</p><p>sanctioned mission by Darran, to investigate</p><p>further into the Old Owl Well.</p><p>If the players did not complete the Old Owl</p><p>Well activity prior to this, read:</p><p>“Some weeks ago the Order had investigat-</p><p>ed a nearby ruined watchtower named the</p><p>Old Owl Well, finding a necromancer there</p><p>claiming to be researching it for purely</p><p>scholarly purposes. And so we left him be.”</p><p>If the players did complete the Old Owl Well</p><p>activity or you read the above, read the follow-</p><p>ing:</p><p>Darran sighs. “The current resolution at</p><p>the Old Owl Well doesn’t sit right with me.</p><p>I’ve done more digging and learned that</p><p>this watchtower was once an important site</p><p>in the Netheril Empire, built by the ancient</p><p>lich Arthindol. The power contained within</p><p>could be unfathomable. I would like you to</p><p>explore deeper, and find this power source,</p><p>to ensure that it has not been misused, and</p><p>that it won’t be.”</p><p>ABOUT OLD OWL WELLABOUT OLD OWL WELL</p><p>The Old Owl Well is an ancient watch-</p><p>tower built at the border of the Netheril</p><p>Empire and Illefarn. The Netherese were</p><p>ancient humans with flying cities. Ille-</p><p>farn was an elven city state thousands</p><p>of years ago. The Netherese,</p><p>looking to</p><p>defend their borders started the Caravan</p><p>War in the region, clearing out Owl Bears</p><p>and marked the success with Netherese</p><p>arcanists drilling a hole 5 miles deep into</p><p>the ground and using a series of pipes, en-</p><p>sured that the well would always contain</p><p>water.</p><p>The ancient Sarrukh lich, Arthindol,</p><p>then aided the Netherse and built a large</p><p>watchtower atop the well, which the</p><p>Netherse named the Old Owl Well due</p><p>to victory in the Caravan War. Below the</p><p>tower, Arthindol created a series of cham-</p><p>bers in which Netherse arcanists could</p><p>use a crystal ball to scry upon Illefarn,</p><p>watching and waiting for aggression.</p><p>That crystal ball has since been stolen,</p><p>and rests in another dungeon.</p><p>Running the Dungeon</p><p>This dungeon uses 5 foot squares and is con-</p><p>sidered to have magical dim light. The ceiling</p><p>height on the second and third layer is 10 feet</p><p>unless specified otherwise.</p><p>One month prior to Hamun Kost arriving, the</p><p>dungeon was occupied by a vampire and his</p><p>spawn, who primarily fed on the kuo-toa that</p><p>lived in the aquifers connected to the dun-</p><p>geon. A gnome vampire hunter named Ipaxim</p><p>Ginnadir tracked down these vampires and</p><p>dispatched most fo them with his constructs.</p><p>The kuo-toa now are attempting to claim the</p><p>dungeon and fighting against the constructs</p><p>within.</p><p>Hamun Kost was exploring the exterior of the</p><p>dungeon, attempting to find magical secrets,</p><p>such as a Netherese crystal ball that used to</p><p>reside here. During this deeper exploration of</p><p>this dungeon, it’s assumed that Hamun Kost</p><p>has already left, to make it easier if your play-</p><p>ers killed him, scared him away, or let him do</p><p>his work; though perhaps he is here and ac-</p><p>companies your players through the dungeon.</p><p>63 | 63 |</p><p>The well is full of cool, deep blue drinking</p><p>water. A player who succeeds a DC 11 Wisdom</p><p>(Perception) check can see a crack in the well</p><p>wall about 20ft down.</p><p>A player may attempt to swim down to the</p><p>crack in the well rolling a Strength (Athletics)</p><p>check, disadvantage if in heavy armor.</p><p>“As you come up to the top of the hill you see</p><p>the dilapidated remains of an ancient for-</p><p>tress, the walls so decrepit that the remains</p><p>are only chest high rubble, save for the old</p><p>watch tower that remains faithfully about</p><p>a story above the rest.”</p><p>1 - Courtyard If the Strength check for swimming is 15 or</p><p>greater, than the player is able to swim down</p><p>to the crack without issue. On a roll of 7 - 14,</p><p>the player must make a DC 13 Constitution sav-</p><p>ing throw. On a success, they make it through</p><p>without issue. On a failure the creature is out</p><p>of breath.</p><p>If the roll is 1 - 6 the character is unable to</p><p>make it to the crack and comes back to the sur-</p><p>face of the well.</p><p>If the player is able to successfully swim to the</p><p>crack they move onto Area 5, which is 50 feet</p><p>through a tunnel shaped like a “U”.</p><p>| 64 | 64</p><p>The southeastern corner of this room has</p><p>completely fallen apart, allowing for an easy</p><p>entrance through the outer wall or inner</p><p>doorway to the room. While once a barracks,</p><p>nothing of value remains.</p><p>“Large blocks of stone are strewn across</p><p>and down the hillside, creating an open-</p><p>ing across from the door into this room.”</p><p>2 - Upper Barracks</p><p>This room was once an armory and used to</p><p>contain many racks of weapons and ammo.</p><p>Several old and unusable handles and broken</p><p>arrows can be seen without issue, however a</p><p>DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check will reveal</p><p>that under some dirt and rock is an intact flail</p><p>of Gruumsh. This would have come from orcs</p><p>who controlled this tower about 100 years ago.</p><p>“Small nooks line the walls, some of which</p><p>have the rusted and destroyed handles of</p><p>swords and spears poking through. The</p><p>ground is littered with dirt and debris in-</p><p>cluding chipped arrowheads.”</p><p>3 - Armory</p><p>Broken stairs in the tower lead nowhere, and</p><p>rubble covers the floor. There was once a path</p><p>here down to the rooms below, but this path-</p><p>way has been sealed for hundreds of years by</p><p>debris and dirt.</p><p>“Broken stones that were once stairs wrap</p><p>around the interior of the circular tower.</p><p>The ground is covered in wreckage from the</p><p>tower crumbling from the passage of time.</p><p>Carved into a single stone on the wall is a</p><p>picture of an owlbear.”</p><p>4 - Watchtower</p><p>This area connects to Area 1 through the un-</p><p>derwater cave. Players may return to Area 1</p><p>using the same rules as they got in.</p><p>The door is magically enchanted, and bears</p><p>and ancient form of the Ulou language that</p><p>roughly translates to “Only those invited by</p><p>name may enter.”</p><p>Anyone who can read any Ulou language</p><p>(Netherese, Ulutim, Chard, or D’tarig) can</p><p>read this translation. Likewise, the Dwarvish</p><p>language was distantly influenced the Ulou</p><p>language. Any character that can read Dwar-</p><p>vish can make a DC 18 Intelligence check to</p><p>translate.</p><p>If there is no party member that can read an</p><p>Ulou language, you can have a notebook left</p><p>behind by Hamun Kost that contains the trans-</p><p>lation.</p><p>If players are confused by this puzzle, they</p><p>can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check to</p><p>realize that this may be referring to who built</p><p>the tower. If the players have forgotten who</p><p>built it, have them roll an Intelligence (Histo-</p><p>ry) check. The character with the highest roll</p><p>remembers that it was Arthindol.</p><p>“As you push your way through the under-</p><p>water tunnel, you manage to finally push</p><p>yourself through, into a small air pocket.</p><p>Ahead of you is a stone door, glowing faint-</p><p>ly with runic letters carved into it.”</p><p>5 - Arcanist Entrance</p><p>65 | 65 |</p><p>| 66 | 66</p><p>Nothing of value is in this room.</p><p>“As the door opens to this foyer, the cave</p><p>behind you is flooded with a dim but warm</p><p>white light. Just inside you see beautiful</p><p>remnants of shattered statues across the</p><p>polished green floors. Directly in front of</p><p>you is another large door, and you now</p><p>notice that in the bottom corner to your left</p><p>and the corner behind you to your right</p><p>contain another set of doors.”</p><p>6 - Arcanist Foyer</p><p>This room has a complex trap in it.</p><p>The room contains 4 statues, 3 of which are</p><p>smashed, and the third is actually a clockwork clockwork</p><p>stone defenderstone defender. A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)</p><p>check will reveal that the smashed stone piec-</p><p>es on the floor actually make up 4 statues, and</p><p>the statue standing in the north east corner is</p><p>not original.</p><p>Next, the door on the southern end has a glyph</p><p>of warding under the door. Anyone who gets</p><p>within 1 foot of the door hits a magical force</p><p>wall that does not deal damage. This can be</p><p>removed with a DC 15 Dispel Magic. Alterna-</p><p>tively, the key found with Tsernoth’s body in</p><p>area 16 can penetrate this field and unlock the</p><p>southern door.</p><p>Finally, the clockwork stone defender is</p><p>standing on a platform. When it steps off, the</p><p>platform will rise several inches. This will be</p><p>noticed by any character with a passive per-</p><p>ception of 13 or higher. When the clockwork</p><p>stone defender is off the platform, bars rise</p><p>over the northern door, preventing anyone</p><p>from leaving. Pipes in the room will also open</p><p>up and begin to flood the room with water.</p><p>After 2 rounds, the water is ankle high and is</p><p>considered rough terrain. It takes 2 minutes or</p><p>20 rounds for the water to reach the top of the</p><p>room. The bars on the north door will open if</p><p>the clockwork stone defender is placed back</p><p>on the pedestal. The water drains if either door</p><p>“Entering the next room, three more</p><p>smashed statues lie scattered across the pol-</p><p>ished tile floor, the fourth standing resolute</p><p>near the door atop an ornate pedestal.”</p><p>7 - Trapped Chamber</p><p>is opened. Attacks that deal lightning damage</p><p>will deal damage to all creatures in the water,</p><p>who automatically fail any saving throw to</p><p>resist the damage.</p><p>If the player characters enter the room</p><p>through the north door, read the following:</p><p>“As you approach the door, you’re suddenly</p><p>stopped by an unexpected wall of invisible</p><p>force. A sudden scraping</p><p>a vision of Orcs in</p><p>Mount Hotenow, allying with fire elementals</p><p>and destroying everything in their path.</p><p>This leads to the Emerald Enclave mission,</p><p>focused on the travel and reaching the Orcs.</p><p>The orcs will reveal (either through dialogue</p><p>or written notes) that they were actually tar-</p><p>geting goblins in Southkrypt, which had been</p><p>taken over by an evil mage.</p><p>Tying this back into the Old Owl Well, if the</p><p>players did not kill Hamun Kost, he could be</p><p>the villain of the Lords’ Alliance mission, in</p><p>which players storm Southkrypt to stop the</p><p>mage from laying waste to Neverwinter and</p><p>Phandalin.</p><p>While inside Southkrypt Garden, players</p><p>discover that the goblins, under command</p><p>of the evil mage, have been working with the</p><p>Xanathar Guild to locate the long lost city</p><p>of Barrhindlun under Leilon. Xanathar gets</p><p>the money and treasure, while the evil mage</p><p>would gain the ancient Netherese magic with-</p><p>in. The characters must go on the Zhentarim’s</p><p>quest to stop the Xanathar Guild and bury this</p><p>secret once and for all.</p><p>WHAT IS RENOWN?”WHAT IS RENOWN?”</p><p>“Renown” is a stat referring to your work</p><p>within your guild. Completing certain</p><p>tasks for them is each worth a certain</p><p>level of renown. Reaching a certain level</p><p>of renown will raise the player to a new</p><p>rank within their guild. (For example, 10</p><p>renown raises the player to the Autumn-</p><p>reaver rank in the Emerald Enclave.)</p><p>| 4 | 4</p><p>The Emerald Enclave</p><p>How to Join</p><p>Players may choose to join the Emerald En-</p><p>clave as part of their backgound or by im-</p><p>pressing their local guild contact. Around</p><p>Phandalin, the local guild contact is Reidoth,</p><p>who was residing in Thundertree (east of</p><p>Neverwinter). Impressing him can be done by</p><p>driving off or killing Venomfang, the young</p><p>green dragon in Thundertree. (See LMoP, Part</p><p>3, Ruins of Thundertree, Section 4. Druid’s Watch</p><p>for more details.)</p><p>The Emerald Enclave is a widespread group of</p><p>wilderness survivalists who preserve the natu-</p><p>ral order while rooting out unnatural threats.</p><p>The organization is decentralized, hardy, and</p><p>reclusive. Barbarians, druids, and rangers of</p><p>good or neutral alignments are commonly</p><p>drawn to the Emerald Enclave.</p><p>GOALS</p><p>• Restore and preserve the natural</p><p>order.</p><p>• Destroy all that is unnatural.</p><p>• Keep the elemental forces of the world</p><p>in check.</p><p>• Keep civilization and the wilderness</p><p>from destroying each other.</p><p>BELIEFS</p><p>• The natural order must be protected</p><p>and preserved.</p><p>• Forces that upset the natural order</p><p>must be destroyed.</p><p>• Civilization and the wilderness must</p><p>learn to coexist peacefully.</p><p>Guild Contact</p><p>Reidoth the druid is found in Thundertree,</p><p>described as lean and haggard with a white</p><p>beard. While a bit of a hermit, he does care</p><p>about others, having placed a sign in Thun-</p><p>dertree warning of the zombies and spiders.</p><p>He is also old friends with Qelline Alderleaf, a</p><p>halfling farmer in Phandalin.</p><p>Reidoth knows the Neverwinter Wood very</p><p>well and will spend much of his time there.</p><p>If the player characters remove the goblins</p><p>entirely from Cragmaw castle, he will spend</p><p>some time there, inspecting it.</p><p>Rather than meeting directly with the players,</p><p>Reidoth may choose to use a Sending spell on a</p><p>semi-regular basis to give new tasks. He might</p><p>also visit Phandalin to meet with his potential</p><p>apprentice and visit Qelline.</p><p>Reidoth has a deep love for natrue and the nat-</p><p>ural order. While not having hatred towards</p><p>orcs in his heart, he realizes that they (and</p><p>dragons) in DoIP are upsetting the natural</p><p>order, and therefore must be stopped.</p><p>5 | 5 |</p><p>Alternatively, if you are running DoIP,</p><p>you could have Falcon act as the Emerald</p><p>Enclave contact. (He’s an experienced</p><p>fighter living in a hunting lodge he owns</p><p>in the Neverwinter Wood.)</p><p>While not officially a member of the Em-</p><p>erald Enclave, Falcon’s status as a ranger</p><p>and his beliefs towards nature would</p><p>make him a decent fit. He is welcoming</p><p>towards Phandalin, and seems to have a</p><p>relationship with Barthen. If you decide</p><p>to use Falcon, he might send messages</p><p>through Barthen to the characters until</p><p>they reach the Hunting Lodge.</p><p>Falcon appears fearless in combat, and</p><p>has a deep hatred of orcs (which fits well</p><p>with DoIP and several of the tasks associ-</p><p>ated with the Emerald Enclave).</p><p>Ranks and Rewards</p><p>Members of the Emerald Enclave usually</p><p>operate in isolation, relying on their instincts</p><p>and abilities to survive. However, some engage</p><p>with the people of the world as protectors,</p><p>emerging from the wilderness to help others</p><p>survive its perils. At times, all are called to-</p><p>gether to combat foes great enough to disrupt</p><p>the natural order of the land.</p><p>The Emerald Enclave comprises of mostly dru-</p><p>ids and rangers, but welcome all with a strong</p><p>tie to nature and a willingness to live with the</p><p>land.</p><p>Ranks within the Emerald Enclave are as</p><p>following–</p><p>Springwarden</p><p>A character is a springwarden when they</p><p>first join the faction. Springwardens can gain</p><p>renown and participate in faction tasks and</p><p>activities.</p><p>Furthermore, the character gains the Insignia</p><p>of the Faction, this being a copper cloak clasp</p><p>in the shape of a leaf and accented with green</p><p>enamel.</p><p>Summerstrider</p><p>Summerstriders have shown that they can</p><p>take on more responsibility, and have proven</p><p>their alignment with the goals and beliefs of</p><p>the Emerald Enclave. As a result, characters</p><p>can now take on a sanctioned mission.</p><p>Moreover, characters now have access to fac-</p><p>tion training. In exchange for 125 gp and one</p><p>day of downtime, player characters can be</p><p>trained and become proficient in the Herb-</p><p>alism Kit, Woodcarver’s Tools, or Cartography</p><p>Tools.</p><p>Finally, at this rank, player characters can take</p><p>on the role of adventure mentor, acting as a</p><p>teacher or mentor to other player characters</p><p>who would like to join or become an appren-</p><p>tice in the Emerald Enclave.</p><p>• Springwarden (1 renown)</p><p>• Summerstrider (3 renown)</p><p>• Autumnreaver (10 renown)</p><p>• Winterstalker (25 renown)</p><p>• Master of the Wild (50 renown)</p><p>| 6 | 6</p><p>Autumnreaver</p><p>A character can be promoted to autumnreaver</p><p>once they are level 5, have completed one sanc-</p><p>tioned mission, and have at least 10 renown.</p><p>Autumnreavers have access to special down-</p><p>time activities for the Emerald Enclave, such</p><p>as completing sustainable hunts to help keep</p><p>wildlife populations in check and feed local</p><p>villages.</p><p>Characters can also receive special items from</p><p>the faction. When they first reach this rank,</p><p>give them a +1 weapon, shield, armor, the Cloak</p><p>of Manta Ray, or the Ring of Animal Influence.</p><p>Any other items the player would like can be</p><p>specifically requested through their guild</p><p>contact.</p><p>Uncommon items will take 50 days and 500 gp</p><p>for an uncommon item, while rare items will</p><p>take 100 days and 5000 gp.</p><p>Winterstalker</p><p>Characters are promoted to winterstalker once</p><p>they are level 11, have completed 3 sanctioned</p><p>missions, and have at least 25 renown.</p><p>The character is now considered a mentor</p><p>within the guild, and at any point can requi-</p><p>sition an Emerald Enclave scout or druid to</p><p>serve them. Treat these as expert and spell-</p><p>caster sidekicks respectively, as defined in the</p><p>Essentials Kit rulebook (see the rulebook that</p><p>came with DoIP).</p><p>Masters of the Wild</p><p>Masters of the Wild are exemplars within the</p><p>Emerald Enclave, becoming one with nature.</p><p>To become a Master of the Wild, a character</p><p>must be at least level 17, completed 10 sanc-</p><p>tioned missions, and have 50 renown.</p><p>Over the course of the character’s career in the</p><p>Emerald Enclave, they have learned to become</p><p>proficient in Animal Handling, Medicine,</p><p>Nature, Perception, and Survival. The player</p><p>may also choose one of those skills to become</p><p>an expert in.</p><p>As a mentor and exemplar, the Master of the</p><p>Wild player character may spend one tenday</p><p>and 500 gp to teach one other player charac-</p><p>ter to become proficient in any skill they (the</p><p>guild member) have expertise in.</p><p>7 | 7</p><p>of metal is heard</p><p>as you turn around, seeing bars covering</p><p>the door you just came from, as the statue</p><p>near the entrance comes to life, stepping off</p><p>his pedestal. With its step, another scraping</p><p>of metal is heard, as pipes along the ceiling</p><p>open and begin pouring in water.”</p><p>If any of the characters get within one foot of</p><p>the southern door when they come from the</p><p>north, read the following, read the following:</p><p>This room was once used to study the celestial</p><p>bodies of realmspace and understanding com-</p><p>ing cycles of the moon/eclipses/etc. Any play-</p><p>er who succeeds a DC 12 Intelligence check</p><p>(Arcana) will know that the mechanical table</p><p>is a model of the sky/calendar device used to</p><p>predict eclipses and planet alignments that</p><p>could enhance magic spells.</p><p>Lying within the gears of this machine is a</p><p>clockwork iron cobraclockwork iron cobra that will attack any crea-</p><p>ture that interacts with the calendar. While</p><p>the clockwork iron cobra is lying on the calen-</p><p>dar, roll a Dexterity (Stealth) check to contest</p><p>any player’s Wisdom (Perception) checks.</p><p>“The tile floor switches quickly to yellow as</p><p>you enter this large chamber that contains</p><p>a massive central table, containing complex</p><p>mechanical devices and markings scrawled</p><p>across a series of painted gears and circles</p><p>that overlap and encircle each other.”</p><p>8 - Astrology Chamber</p><p>67 | 67 |</p><p>Any player who succeeds a DC 12 Intelligence</p><p>(Religion) check will know that the hovering</p><p>ball is a massive thurible used to enhance the</p><p>power of divine magic.</p><p>Under one book is the head of a clockwork</p><p>bronze scout that has burrowed into the tile</p><p>floor and stone beneath. It attacks any charac-</p><p>ter that investigates the thurible.</p><p>“The dim light becomes heavily obscured by</p><p>a thin wispy smoke as you enter the room.</p><p>Waving away the mist, you are confronted</p><p>with a large orb floating above a pyramid</p><p>shaped stand. Books are sprinkled across</p><p>the yellow floor.”</p><p>9 - Divination Chamber</p><p>10 - Western Hall</p><p>“You enter a long and dark hallway that</p><p>narrows in the middle. Stepping through,</p><p>you feel almost as if the tiles are giving out</p><p>from underneath you.”</p><p>If the characters have not entered Areas 10 or</p><p>11 yet, read the following when they enter:</p><p>“Entering the hall, a feeling of déjà vu</p><p>washes over you. You are sure you’ve been</p><p>here before.”</p><p>If the characters had previously entered Area</p><p>11, read the following:</p><p>Either way, players must make a DC 17 Wisdom</p><p>saving throw. On a failure, they become magi-</p><p>cally lost.</p><p>If they attempt to go through a door, roll a 1d3.</p><p>On a 1, players go through the north door. On a</p><p>2 and players go through the east door. On a 3</p><p>players go through the south door.</p><p>Furthermore, on a failure, the ground tile</p><p>appear to warp in size and shape, creating an</p><p>optical illusion that they are different heights</p><p>and locations. This causes mild vertigo and</p><p>to make the character stumble like they are</p><p>drunk across the floor.</p><p>11 - Eastern Hall</p><p>“You enter a long and dark hallway that</p><p>narrows in the middle. Stepping through,</p><p>you feel almost as if the tiles are giving out</p><p>from underneath you.”</p><p>If the characters have not entered Areas 10 or</p><p>11 yet, read the following when they enter:</p><p>“Entering the hall, a feeling of déjà vu</p><p>washes over you. You are sure you’ve been</p><p>here before.”</p><p>If the characters had previously entered Area</p><p>10, read the following:</p><p>Either way, players must make a DC 17 Wisdom</p><p>saving throw.</p><p>On a failure, they become magically lost. If</p><p>they attempt to go through a door, roll a 1d3.</p><p>On a 1, players go through the north door. On</p><p>a 2, players go through the west door. On a 3,</p><p>players go through the south door.</p><p>Furthermore on a failure, the ground tiles</p><p>appear to warp in size and shape, creating an</p><p>optical illusion that they are different heights</p><p>and locations. This causes mild vertigo and</p><p>to make the character stumble like they are</p><p>drunk across the floor.</p><p>This small room was once used to create and</p><p>house potions. While most of the potions have</p><p>been destroyed, a DC 16 Intelligence (Investi-</p><p>gation) check will reveal a potion of heroism.</p><p>“Beyond the door you see large stone shelves</p><p>going up to the ceiling. The shelves and floor</p><p>are covered in empty and broken bottles.”</p><p>12 - Potion Lab</p><p>| 68 | 68</p><p>Within this room is a table surrounded by</p><p>shelves, formerly used for enchanting items to</p><p>become magical. Some old salts can be found,</p><p>but nothing else of value.</p><p>“Within this room is a table that appears to</p><p>have been used for enchanting, with a bag</p><p>of salts sitting atop it. Surrounding it are</p><p>rows of shelves that now are either empty</p><p>or have jars of rotten ingredients or have</p><p>shattered across the floor.”</p><p>13 - Enchanting Lab</p><p>For some time, the vampires and previous</p><p>occupants of this dungeon used this room to</p><p>collect notes and books on alchemy.</p><p>The constructs that invaded have destroyed</p><p>many of the books, many more doused in</p><p>dried vampire bodily fluids. Though, a few</p><p>tomes remain that may be of use to characters</p><p>interested in alchemy and brewing potions.</p><p>Some of the constructs had killed a number of</p><p>vampires here, and have since removed their</p><p>bodies.</p><p>“Blackened dried blood is spattered across</p><p>the wall, the room littered in books and</p><p>paper, torn and scratched apart. Wallpaper</p><p>and plaster peels from the stone along thin</p><p>lines and swipes, also coated in a layer of</p><p>gore.”</p><p>14 - Library of Alchemy</p><p>The vampires and previous occupants of this</p><p>dungeon used this room to collect notes and</p><p>books on enchantments. The constructs that</p><p>invaded have destroyed all of the books via</p><p>incineration.</p><p>“Scorch marks darken the walls and show</p><p>charred stone beneath plaster, the paper</p><p>edges burned and curled up. The blistered</p><p>remains of shelves lie surrounded by ashes</p><p>and debris in an otherwise empty room.”</p><p>15 - Library of Enchantment</p><p>69 | 69 |</p><p>This room was once used to study necromancy</p><p>and collect notes on it.</p><p>After gaining the spellbook of Bowgentle, the</p><p>necromancer Tsernoth traveled here to study</p><p>more until he met an untimely death from</p><p>a stone bookcase falling on him. His skele-</p><p>ton holds a green leather book that details</p><p>his journey from Iriaebor and what he has</p><p>learned about necromancy. It mentions explic-</p><p>itly that he possessed the Spellbook of Bowgen-</p><p>tle, and that it is at Iniarv’s Tower. The journal</p><p>was placed atop his dead hand by a vampire</p><p>who once resided here, albeit after being read</p><p>by the undead creature.</p><p>KeyKey. The door leading to Area 18 is locked. But</p><p>sticking out of the book is an iron key that has</p><p>a purple swirl through it. This key will open</p><p>every door in this dungeon. It was left by the</p><p>vampire that now holds Iniarv’s Tower.</p><p>“A dilapidated library stands before you,</p><p>faded books scattered across the floor and</p><p>stone shelves. A skeleton lies under a stone</p><p>bookshelf, its skull having been crushed</p><p>decades ago. Atop its hand lies a fine, green,</p><p>leather-bound book with a metal object</p><p>sticking out of it.”</p><p>16 - Library of Necromancy</p><p>Trophies of the Caravan War decorated this</p><p>room, other memorials later joining. 4 ani-ani-</p><p>mated armors mated armors sit in the corners watching over</p><p>the room. They will attack any character that</p><p>enters the room once they are several feet in.</p><p>The door to Area 18 is locked and trapped. The</p><p>trap is triggered if anything other than the</p><p>key near Tsernoth’s body in Area 16 is put into</p><p>the keyhole. It shoots a small mote of fire and</p><p>deals 1d10 fire damage.</p><p>“Armor sets stand in the four corners of the</p><p>room, watching over the war memorabilia</p><p>that stretches across thousands of years of</p><p>history within glass cases.”</p><p>17 - Trophy Room</p><p>The trap can be disabled with a DC 25 Dexter-</p><p>ity (Sleight of Hand) check The door has an AC</p><p>of 14 and 20 hit points. To lockpick the door, it</p><p>takes a DC 18 lockpicking check.</p><p>Breaking the glass cases causes the memorabil-</p><p>ia inside to crumble into dust from exposure</p><p>to the air. Newer pieces</p><p>of armor and medals</p><p>cover the floor, but are virtually worthless.</p><p>In the center of this room is a stairwell lead-</p><p>ing down to the third layer. Just in front of the</p><p>stairs is a rug of smotheringrug of smothering, that will activate</p><p>whenever a character touches it.</p><p>All adornments in this room are attached to</p><p>the ground and may not be looted by the play-</p><p>ers. The gold on the statues is foil and is worth-</p><p>less.</p><p>“As you enter through the doorway, you see</p><p>a large room with a staircase surrounded</p><p>by delicately embossed brass in the cen-</p><p>ter. The stairs lead down deeper into the</p><p>dungeon, a well-made rug laying before</p><p>it. Between the three doors that enter this</p><p>room are two decorative stone tables inlaid</p><p>with gold. Flanking the stairs are gleaming</p><p>statues whose gold glitters in the dim light.”</p><p>18 - Second Layer Stairwell</p><p>This large room only contains the staircase</p><p>and doors to Areas 20 and 21. There is nothing</p><p>of value here.</p><p>A DC 16 Intelligence (Nature) check lets a char-</p><p>acter know the muddy prints belong to kuo-</p><p>toa that have stripped the room.</p><p>“Moving down the stairs, the intricate or-</p><p>namentation from the higher floor comes to</p><p>an abrupt halt. Looking around, this room</p><p>completely lacks any decoration. Stone</p><p>walls are exposed, and even the tiles floor</p><p>has muddy prints all across it.”</p><p>19 - Third Layer Stairwell</p><p>| 70 | 70</p><p>Within this room is a large snake statue facing</p><p>the main entrance into the room.</p><p>Any character that enters the room that is</p><p>not of Netherese descent must make a DC 14</p><p>Wisdom saving throw or be charmed. While</p><p>charmed, the character flies into a mad rage</p><p>and will attack everything they see. The rage</p><p>ends after 1 minute or if they do not manage to</p><p>hit a creature or take damage after one round</p><p>of combat. Any creature that resists the charm</p><p>or snaps out of it is immune to it for 24 hours.</p><p>“Just inside the room are several statues</p><p>of human figures in corners, each facing</p><p>towards a massive entrancing snake statue</p><p>with ruby eyes.”</p><p>20 - Western Snake Room</p><p>“Entering the next room, you see a familiar</p><p>sight of a massive entrancing snake statue,</p><p>but this time with ruby eyes.”</p><p>If the characters have already entered Area 21,</p><p>instead read:</p><p>71 | 71 |</p><p>The base of the snake statue has a message say-</p><p>ing “Do not let your greed lead you to a blind</p><p>rage.”</p><p>The snake has ruby eyes; each worth 50 gp, but</p><p>are cursed. Any character that takes the rubies</p><p>will enter a blind rage once they start a long</p><p>rest and will attack the first creature they see</p><p>until their rage ends as mentioned above or</p><p>they drop the rubies.</p><p>Within this room is a large snake statue facing</p><p>the main entrance into the room.</p><p>Any character that enters the room that is</p><p>not of Netherese descent must make a DC 14</p><p>Wisdom saving throw or be frightened. While</p><p>frightened, the character will attempt to flee</p><p>as far as they can, believing there are snakes</p><p>on the ground. Characters who succeed the</p><p>check do see snakes, but are not afraid. A DC 16</p><p>Wisdom (Perception) check lets an unfright-</p><p>ened character realize that these snakes are</p><p>an illusion. The fear effect ends after 1 minute.</p><p>Any creature that resists the fear or waits it out</p><p>is immune to it for 24 hours.</p><p>The base of the snake statue has a message say-</p><p>ing “Do not let your greed exhaust you.”</p><p>The snake statue has emerald eyes; each worth</p><p>50 gp, but are cursed. Any character that takes</p><p>the emeralds will be unable to take the effects</p><p>of a long rest, being haunted by nightmares all</p><p>night until they get rid of the emeralds.</p><p>“Just inside the room are several statues</p><p>of human figures in corners, each facing</p><p>towards a massive entrancing snake statue</p><p>with emerald eyes.”</p><p>21 - Eastern Snake Room</p><p>“Entering the next room, you see a famil-</p><p>iar sight of a massive entrancing snake</p><p>statue, but this time with emerald eyes. As</p><p>you stare at it, snakes begin to slither out of</p><p>cracks in the tile, swarming the floor.”</p><p>If the characters have already entered Area 20,</p><p>instead read:</p><p>“Lavish gold statues line the wall between</p><p>ancient pieces of elegant furniture. The</p><p>walls contain frescoes of ancient warriors</p><p>and gods unknown. Suddenly, a loud bang</p><p>erupts from behind the double doors fol-</p><p>lowed by high pitched shrieks.”</p><p>22 - Central Hall</p><p>This is an ornamental hallway. All statues are</p><p>covered in gold foil and are worthless. The</p><p>furniture is ancient and will crumble if the</p><p>players try to loot it.</p><p>“Upon opening the door, you’re presented</p><p>with a long and wide hall, separated by</p><p>island counters. At the north end of the hall,</p><p>it opens wider where you see a large wall</p><p>lined with ancient ovens. A faint trickle of</p><p>water can be heard in the distance.”</p><p>23 - Kitchens</p><p>This is an ancient kitchen used by the Neth-</p><p>erese who once lived here. Vampires would</p><p>occasionally bring food here, but they let it fall</p><p>into disrepair. Inside are four kuo-toa kuo-toa standing</p><p>between the ovens and Area 28.</p><p>“Turning the corner, you are confronted</p><p>with a long, damp hallway with seven</p><p>rooms on the east side and one on the west.</p><p>Each of the east side rooms has had its door</p><p>smashed open. You can hear faint grunts</p><p>and whistles coming from within each.”</p><p>24 - Bed Chambers</p><p>A long hall houses 7 bed chambers on the east</p><p>side, each of their doors having been smashed</p><p>open.</p><p>Inside each room is a broken ancient bed and a</p><p>destroyed coffin with ashes. 2 kuo-toa kuo-toa are also</p><p>attempting to rest in each room, bringing the</p><p>total in this hall to 14. They will largely ignore</p><p>any movement from the player characters, be-</p><p>lieving it to be other kuo-toa moving through.</p><p>They will react to sounds of battle in this hall,</p><p>though.</p><p>| 72 | 72</p><p>“An awful smell assaults your senses as you</p><p>enter the room. A massive stone slab table</p><p>lies smashed in pieces in the center; with the</p><p>remnants of a coffin nearby inside which</p><p>are the remains of dozens of fish, bones, and</p><p>other rotting refuse from the new inhabi-</p><p>tants. ”</p><p>25 - Grand Dumping Room</p><p>Just a month ago this was used as a bedcham-</p><p>ber and tomb for the true vampire that lived</p><p>here. The kuo-toa that found the smashed</p><p>room, however, have decided to use it as a</p><p>dumping ground.</p><p>“Ahead of you lies a long and straight</p><p>hallway. The doors lie open and appear to</p><p>have once matched the walls, as if this was</p><p>a secret left open for centuries.”</p><p>26 - Secret Tunnel</p><p>In ancient times this was a secret tunnel to</p><p>move across the fort quickly, but has been left</p><p>open for some time. There is nothing of value</p><p>here.</p><p>“The tile floors slope down and meet water</p><p>entering a rough cave area with pipes on</p><p>the other side. A single pipe actively is leak-</p><p>ing, causing a loud dribble of water to echo</p><p>through the otherwise still aquifer. ”</p><p>27 - Large Aquifer</p><p>One of the many aquifers that feeds the well</p><p>itself is here, with pipes feeding into it leading</p><p>through the rest of the fort. The water is very</p><p>deep and leads to a large underwater spring</p><p>where the kuo-toa have lived and been preyed</p><p>upon by the vampires.</p><p>A kuo-toa archpriestkuo-toa archpriest is waiting at the water</p><p>edge with 5 other kuo-toakuo-toa. They will attack un-</p><p>less the characters are escorted by the kuo-toa</p><p>from area 28.</p><p>“A once fine dining hall lies in ruins as</p><p>several fish creatures are pulverized into</p><p>the table and wall. Gore is spattered across</p><p>the room as six more of these creatures fight</p><p>against a mechanized guardian. ”</p><p>28 - Dining Hall</p><p>A long table and chairs bisected the room, but</p><p>is currently collapsed under the weight of a</p><p>shield guardianshield guardian bearing down on 6 kuo-toakuo-toa.</p><p>6 other kuo-toa already lie dead and smeared</p><p>across the room. The shield guardian will</p><p>attack everything it sees, but the kuo-toa will</p><p>only focus on the shield guardian unless the</p><p>players attack them. The shield guardian has</p><p>the spell fireball prepared at fourth level. The</p><p>kuo-toa from area 23 will rush into the room</p><p>if</p><p>they hear the fireball go off.</p><p>If the characters do not attack the kuo-toa</p><p>but do destroy the shield guardian, any at-</p><p>tempt to communicate friendliness with the</p><p>kuo-toa should be met with a DC 8 Charisma</p><p>(Persuasion) check. On a success, the kuo-toa</p><p>believe the characters are gods and will insist</p><p>on bringing them to the archpriest in area 27,</p><p>who will begin to worship the characters for</p><p>killing the shield guardian.</p><p>Netherse Fountain.Netherse Fountain. In the northeast corner of</p><p>the room is a water bowl on a pedestal that has</p><p>a mangled claw reaching out of the water. This</p><p>claw once held a Netherese crystal ball and</p><p>placing such a crystal ball back into the claw</p><p>would allow all creatures who can see into the</p><p>water to see the effects of the scrying spell.</p><p>This fountain is magical, and this information</p><p>could be known with the Identify spell.</p><p>73 | 73 |</p><p>The Zhentarim</p><p>How to Join</p><p>Player characters may choose to join the</p><p>Zhentarim as part of their background or by</p><p>impressing their local guild contact. Around</p><p>Phandalin, the local guild contact is Halia</p><p>Thornton, who can be impressed by aiding</p><p>her in taking over the Redbrands to aid in the</p><p>Zhentarim goals.</p><p>The Zhentarim is a shadowy network that</p><p>considers its members part of an extended</p><p>family. Bonds of oath and honor hold the</p><p>network together and galvanize its members</p><p>in united purpose. When a merchant caravan</p><p>needs an escort, a noble needs bodyguards, or</p><p>a city needs trained soldiers, the Zhentarim</p><p>provides the best-trained fighting forces mon-</p><p>ey can buy. Rogues and warlocks of neutral or</p><p>evil alignments are commonly drawn to the</p><p>Zhentarim.</p><p>GOALS</p><p>• Amass wealth.</p><p>• Look for opportunities to seize power.</p><p>• Gain influence over important people</p><p>and organizations.</p><p>• Dominate Faerûn.</p><p>BELIEFS</p><p>• The Zhentarim is your family. You</p><p>watch out for it, and it watches out for</p><p>you.</p><p>• You are the master of your own desti-</p><p>ny. Never be less than what you de-</p><p>serve to be.</p><p>• Everything—and everyone—has a</p><p>price.</p><p>ADDITIONAL LORE</p><p>The organization is ambitious, opportunis-</p><p>tic, and meritocratic. Rogues and warlocks</p><p>of neutral and/or evil alignments are com-</p><p>monly drawn to the Zhentarim. Following</p><p>the Manshoon Wars of the 14th century,</p><p>the Zhentarim were split as a faction for</p><p>who led them. Pereghost controls much of</p><p>the Zhentarim, but a clone of Manshoon</p><p>survived and controls Waterdeep. Agents</p><p>would often still work together regardless of</p><p>who their leader was, but political violence</p><p>between these sides does continue.</p><p>| 74 | 74</p><p>Guild Contact</p><p>The scripted guild contact in LMoP is Halia</p><p>Thornton. She is a faithful agent of the Zhen-</p><p>tarim under Pereghost. Pereghost’s and the</p><p>Zhentarim’s main activities in the Sword Coast</p><p>and Western Heartlands are expanding the</p><p>slave trade across the black road, as well as</p><p>mercenary work.</p><p>Halia is the middle-aged owner of Phandalin’s</p><p>Miners Exchange. She has ambition for the</p><p>local politics, seeing townmaster Harbin West-</p><p>er as cowardly. She desires control over the</p><p>Redbrand for personal gain in the Zhentarim</p><p>and increasing the value of her outpost. She</p><p>also listens in closely to the going-ons of the</p><p>town, watching for cult or other guild activi-</p><p>ties that may interrupt her successful flow of</p><p>commerce.</p><p>Ranks and Rewards</p><p>The Zhentarim recognizes and rewards ambi-</p><p>tion, granting its members autonomy to pur-</p><p>sue their own interests and gain some measure</p><p>of personal power or influence. In this way, the</p><p>organization is a meritocracy. The Zhentarim</p><p>welcomes dangerous times as opportunities.</p><p>These are the ranks one must climb–</p><p>• Fang (1 renown)</p><p>• Wolf (3 renown)</p><p>• Viper (10 renown)</p><p>• Ardragon (25 renown)</p><p>• Dread Lord (50 renown)</p><p>Wolf</p><p>Having earned 3 renown, wolves have shown</p><p>that they can take on more responsibility and</p><p>they align with the goals and beliefs of the</p><p>Zhentarim. As a result, characters can now</p><p>take on a sanctioned mission.</p><p>Furthermore, characters now have access to</p><p>faction training. In exchange for 125 gp and</p><p>one day of downtime, player characters can be</p><p>trained and become proficient in Disguise Kit,</p><p>Forgery Kit, Poisoner’s Kit, or Thieves’ Tools.</p><p>Viper</p><p>Viper rank is obtained once a player once a</p><p>player reaches level 5, has completed one sanc-</p><p>tioned mission, and gained at least 10 renown.</p><p>Player characters now have access to special-</p><p>ty downtime activities for the Viper. During</p><p>downtime, a character can steal goods and</p><p>fence them. For every one week of downtime,</p><p>a player can roll a d100 and multiply that by</p><p>their proficiency bonus. They gain that much</p><p>in gold.</p><p>Characters can also receive special items from</p><p>the faction. When they first reach this rank,</p><p>give them a +1 weapon, shield, armor, the Ring</p><p>of Evasion, or the Slippers of Spider Climbing.</p><p>Any other items the player would like can be</p><p>specifically requested through their guild con-</p><p>tact. Uncommon items will take 50 days and</p><p>500 gp, and rare items 100 days and 5000 gp.</p><p>Fang</p><p>To enter the Zhentarim is to enter with this</p><p>rank. To proceed further, fangs can gain re-</p><p>nown through faction-related activity.</p><p>Furthermore, the character gains the Insignia</p><p>of the Faction, a gold or iron coin stamped with</p><p>the symbol of the flying wyrm.</p><p>75 | 75 |</p><p>Ardragon</p><p>Characters are promoted to ardragon once</p><p>they are level 11, have completed 3 sanctioned</p><p>missions, and have at least 25 renown.</p><p>The character is now considered a champion</p><p>within the guild, and at any point can req-</p><p>uisition a Zhentarim thug or cult fanatic to</p><p>serve them. Treat these as fighter and expert</p><p>sidekicks respectively, as defined in the Essen-</p><p>tials Kit rulebook (see rulebook that came with</p><p>DoIP).</p><p>Dread Lord</p><p>Characters who are Dread Lords are exemplars</p><p>within the Zhentarim, becoming a master of</p><p>stealth and subterfuge. To become a Dread</p><p>Lord, a character must be at least level 17,</p><p>completed 10 sanctioned missions, and have 50</p><p>renown.</p><p>Over the course of the character’s career in the</p><p>Order of the Gauntlet they have learned to</p><p>become proficient in Acrobatics, Stealth, In-</p><p>sight, Deception, and Intimidation. The player</p><p>may also choose one of those skills to become</p><p>an expert in.</p><p>As a mentor and exemplar, the Dread Lord</p><p>player character may spend one tenday and</p><p>500 gp to teach one other player character to</p><p>become proficient in any skill they have exper-</p><p>tise in.</p><p>Finally, as a faction exemplar, the player char-</p><p>acter may choose to give inspiration to any</p><p>other player character also belonging to the</p><p>Zhentarim at the start of the game session.</p><p>The inspiration expires at the end of the game</p><p>session.</p><p>Tasks and Activities</p><p>Ambition is a virtue amongst the Zhentarim.</p><p>As such, tasks should always be available to</p><p>reward those who want to climb the ranks...</p><p>In addition to ones of the DM’s design, such</p><p>tasks include–</p><p>Halia’s Job Offer</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters can gain renown or entrance to the</p><p>Zhentarim by completing Halia’s mission to</p><p>spare most of the Redbrand and bring her the</p><p>head of Glass Staff. She seeks to control the</p><p>Redbrand and use them for the Zhentarim.</p><p>Zhentarim Control of the Mines</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters can gain renown by claiming the</p><p>mines for the Zhentarm. First, the character</p><p>must inform Halia of the Lost Mine of Phan-</p><p>delver once its location is known. Halia will</p><p>ask the character to ensure the (covert) death</p><p>of the Rockseeker brothers. With them dead,</p><p>the Zhentarim can swoop in and take control</p><p>and ownership of the mines.</p><p>| 76 | 76</p><p>Free the Evil Mage</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Following the excursion into the lost mines,</p><p>players may have come back with Black Spider</p><p>captured. If Black Spider was killed, use an-</p><p>other Evil Mage besides Iarno, such as Hamun</p><p>Kost. Halia believes this evil mage can be of</p><p>service to the Zhentarim, and they need to be</p><p>rescued from prison.</p><p>Be it</p><p>Black Spider or another mage, the char-</p><p>acters will be asked to share a watch over the</p><p>mage in a cell within the town master’s hall.</p><p>If the Zhentarim player character does not</p><p>rescue the mage overnight, the mage will be</p><p>transported in a cage by 6 members of the</p><p>Lords’ Alliance to Neverwinter. For each mem-</p><p>ber, use the statblock of Sildar HallwinterSildar Hallwinter.</p><p>Failure to rescue him before reaching Never-</p><p>winter will only give players 2 days to rescue</p><p>him before he is executed.</p><p>Umbrage Hill Quest</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>Halia is concerned about a late shipment for</p><p>the Zhentarim from Umbrage Hill, and when</p><p>she sees the player characters take this quest,</p><p>she will tell the Zhentarim character to find a</p><p>secret cellar under a fireplace and ensure the</p><p>shipment will be on the way. Once the threat at</p><p>Umbrage Hill is dealt with, the shipment will</p><p>be sent.</p><p>Ensure Payment</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>Local drunkard Fanderth, father of Grovet,</p><p>owes Halia money, forgoing working and pay-</p><p>ing guild fees for tavern trips. As a result, Halia</p><p>has asked you to rough him up to collect the</p><p>money. If an intimidation check is made while</p><p>he is alone, a DC 21 Charisma (Intimidation)</p><p>check is required. If the character mentions</p><p>hurting his son, the DC is reduced to 10. If the</p><p>shakedown occurs in front of Grovet, he</p><p>will offer to pay his father’s debts on top of his</p><p>own guild fees, as he has begun working in the</p><p>mines to support his father.</p><p>Poison Falcon</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>Falcon, a ranger from the Neverwinter Wood,</p><p>has been interfering with Zhentarim activi-</p><p>ties, and handing agents to the Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>These agents are the family of the Zhentarim</p><p>character and Halia, and thus she proposes to</p><p>stop Falcon. Falcon can’t resist fine wine, and</p><p>will always extend his hospitality to some-</p><p>one who brings him wine as a gift. Halia will</p><p>provide the player character with a slow poison</p><p>wine.</p><p>77 | 77 |</p><p>Random Tasks</p><p>If an especially ambitious Zhentarim might</p><p>find the tasks underwhelming, the DM always</p><p>has the option of creating their own tests of</p><p>skill.</p><p>The tables below can provide good starts!</p><p>Levels 1-6Levels 1-6</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Deliver an illicit package.</p><p>2 Ensure payment on dues</p><p>3 Smash and grab/other theft based</p><p>crimes</p><p>4 Fix an issue for a member of the</p><p>Zhentarim family.</p><p>5 Mercenary work/escort goods on</p><p>dangerous Zhentarim highways</p><p>6 Simple spy and subterfuge work.</p><p>Levels 7-13Levels 7-13</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Assassination of a person of minor</p><p>importance</p><p>2 Heist a heavily-armored convoy</p><p>carrying treasure</p><p>3 Kidnap a member of an influential</p><p>family/group and hold them for</p><p>ransom</p><p>4 Disrupt a rival criminal ring’s</p><p>activity</p><p>5 Move an illicit shipment across a</p><p>heavily-guarded/hostile route</p><p>6 Remove a figure who has been</p><p>threatening guild activity</p><p>Levels 14-20Levels 14-20</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Assassination of a person of minor</p><p>importance</p><p>2 Heist a heavily-armored convoy</p><p>carrying treasure</p><p>3 Kidnap a member of an influential</p><p>family/group and hold them for</p><p>ransom</p><p>4 Disrupt a rival criminal ring’s</p><p>activity</p><p>5 Move an illicit shipment across a</p><p>heavily-guarded/hostile route</p><p>6 Weed out and kill a Zhentarim</p><p>traitor</p><p>| 78 | 78</p><p>Sanctioned Mission:</p><p>Barrhindlun</p><p>ABOUT BARRHINDLUNABOUT BARRHINDLUN</p><p>Barrhindlun is an ancient dwarven city</p><p>of the Huanghdannar, which once stood</p><p>where Leilon now is. Several hundred</p><p>years ago, when the Mere of Dead Men</p><p>was created, the flooding expanded north</p><p>and the dwarven city was swallowed by</p><p>mud. The mud cave under Leilon was dis-</p><p>covered under the High Tower of Thali-</p><p>var during its rebuilding.</p><p>Upon reaching 5th level and having at least 3</p><p>renown, the player character in the Zhentarim</p><p>should be contacted about a sanctioned mis-</p><p>sion by Halia to stop the Xanathar Guild from</p><p>retrieving the treasure of the lost city of Bar-</p><p>rhindlun.</p><p>The Xanathar Guild is a rival band of thieves</p><p>and murderers caught in an on-again-off-</p><p>again war with the Zhentarim of Waterdeep,</p><p>headed by the famed beholder known as Xana-</p><p>thar. These bandits are easily recognizable by</p><p>their tattoos of eyes.</p><p>If this mission is being run alone, the Xana-</p><p>thar are looking for an ancient Netherese crys-</p><p>tal ball to scry on their enemies. If this mission</p><p>isn’t run alone, the Xanathar are merely look-</p><p>ing for monetary treasure, and the evil mage</p><p>aiding the Xanathar will take the crystal ball.</p><p>Leilon</p><p>Leilon is a small town along the High Road</p><p>that was deserted and destroyed during the</p><p>Spell Plague about a century ago. About a</p><p>decade ago, the town began rebuilding itself.</p><p>In order to find the entrance to Barrhindlun,</p><p>characters may have to ask locals if they have</p><p>seen someone matching the description of</p><p>a Xanathar bandit. A DC 13 Charisma (Decep-</p><p>tion, Intimidation, or Persusasion) check will</p><p>make most commoners or guards remember</p><p>seeing some “rough looking folk” on the docks.</p><p>Important points of interest are listed on the</p><p>following pages.</p><p>79 | 79 |</p><p>1 - Gates of Leilon</p><p>These are 10 foot tall gates flanked by 15 foot</p><p>tall towers on both sides. A wooden palisade</p><p>extends across a small earthwork around the</p><p>town. Ruins from the old settlement dot the</p><p>outside of the town, save for an exit that leads</p><p>to the mines.</p><p>GuardsGuards from Neverwinter are posted at the</p><p>city gates, ensuring that the important trade</p><p>route stays healthy. The gates are kept open</p><p>during the day, and shut at night, though they</p><p>are opened for travelers who look like they are</p><p>not a threat to the town. A small bribe of a few</p><p>gold will pay off any guard who may suspect</p><p>the players of wrongdoing. It’s not unusual to</p><p>see a ghost of a dead adventurer patrolling the</p><p>earthworks, as they once did in life before the</p><p>spell plague.</p><p>2 - Town Hall</p><p>The small town council is headed by a dwar-</p><p>ven woman named Grizzelda Copperwraught.</p><p>She was hand picked by Lord Neverember, the</p><p>open lord of Neverwinter, to help lead the re-</p><p>building of Leilon, though her prickly attitude</p><p>has lead to disagreements with the other town</p><p>council members, some town members even</p><p>calling her “the Growler” behind her back.</p><p>She will normally be working here, and has no</p><p>time for the player characters.</p><p>The town hall is also the meeting place of</p><p>council member Merrygold Brightshine and</p><p>Valdi Estapaar, who recently elected Vangol</p><p>Kuskolt as judge for legal disputes. The hall</p><p>itself is small, and is made up of 2 areas, an</p><p>open discussion area in the front, and a private</p><p>chamber in the back for the council.</p><p>| 80 | 80</p><p>Across the street from the town hall was a ru-</p><p>ined building, but for some people it appears</p><p>to be fully intact. Have all party members</p><p>roll a d6; odd numbers can see the shop, even</p><p>numbers cannot. Inside is a ghost of a human</p><p>woman named Aubrey Silverspun, and this is</p><p>her Peculiarities Shop, selling magical goods</p><p>to certain individuals. +1 weapons or other</p><p>magical items listed in this supplement may</p><p>be good items for her to sell. Alternatively, she</p><p>might sell a bag of holding for 250 gp.</p><p>3 - The Old Knight’s Goblet</p><p>This large building is an inn and tavern,</p><p>standing 3 stories tall, and owned by Amrisi-</p><p>ol Touchfire. It caters specifically to wealthy</p><p>travelers, and as such, does not allow any</p><p>weapons inside. A room costs 5 gp per night,</p><p>and includes a breakfast and dinner. Each</p><p>meal and round of drinks per person costs and</p><p>additional 1 gp.</p><p>4 - High Tower of Thalivar</p><p>Rising above all other buildings in Leilon is the</p><p>High Tower of Thalivar. Many years ago, the</p><p>building existed in its complete form, and the</p><p>wizard who built it, Thalivar, discovered it had</p><p>an equal in the ethereal plane, with a powerful</p><p>artifact call the ruinstone. His tampering with</p><p>it caused his death, and partial collapse of the</p><p>tower. The result left a glowing beacon</p><p>acting</p><p>as a lighthouse, but for any who looked upon</p><p>the light, would be struck with paralyzation.</p><p>After the spellplague, the beacon was deacti-</p><p>vated, and due to the bad reputation, Lord Nev-</p><p>erember had the tower torn down 6 years ago.</p><p>Starting last year, the tower had begun being</p><p>rebuilt, and is now nearly eighty feet tall, even</p><p>without its signature spire roof.</p><p>The tower now has 4 floors. The first floor has</p><p>a large number of supplies, food, and weapons</p><p>for the guards that patrol the town. There is</p><p>also a secret trap door that leads into the mud</p><p>cave of Barrhindlun. It takes a DC 20 Intelli-</p><p>gence (Investigation) check to find unless the</p><p>players know where to look. Xanathar guild</p><p>has been tracking the movements of</p><p>The third floor is the home and workshop</p><p>to the human Wizard Gallio Elibro, who has</p><p>been researching the remnants of the beacon</p><p>and reactivating it on the fourth floor. Gallio</p><p>is a member of the Order of the Many-Starred</p><p>Cloak, a mage guild in Neverwinter opposing</p><p>the Luskan Arcane Brotherhood. Elio is slow to</p><p>talk about his research to outsiders.</p><p>guards in the tower for weeks to learn the best</p><p>timing to go in and out. Players can easily see</p><p>2 Xanathar agents leave the tower at midnight</p><p>if they are watching the tower. (Use the banditbandit</p><p>statblock for all Xanathar agents.)</p><p>The second floor is home to the majority of the</p><p>15 guardsguards in this garrison, who will investigate</p><p>loud noises on the first floor. These guards</p><p>include but are but not limited to:</p><p>• Sargeant Hazz Yorum, the corrupt</p><p>and ineffective leader</p><p>• Elrum a human guard involved in</p><p>tower reconstruction</p><p>• Gori, a timid dwarven solider</p><p>• Koz, a human guard helping recon-</p><p>struction of the tower</p><p>• Private Vester Jessup, who patrols the</p><p>southern end of the town and High</p><p>Road</p><p>• The halfling brothers Tombil and Tug</p><p>Breen who serve as the cook and por-</p><p>ter respectively</p><p>81 | 81 |</p><p>5 - Torvel’s Post</p><p>Torvel’s Post is a modest shop in the northeast</p><p>of town owned and operated by Jack Torver,</p><p>a former member of the town’s council. Jack</p><p>sells common good adventurers need. Rations,</p><p>torches, rope, oil, etc.</p><p>6 - Tyr’s Shrine</p><p>This shrine is the newest religious structures</p><p>in Leilon, built in honor of Tyr (the God of Jus-</p><p>tice). A passionate dwarven priest, Vangol Kus-</p><p>kolt, runs its daily operation. Vangol was also</p><p>recently appointed as Leilon’s judge. Minor</p><p>grievances will often be settled at the footsteps</p><p>of this shrine, though he also has been known</p><p>to take criminal charges to the Town Hall.</p><p>Alleged criminals found guilty will often have</p><p>their sentence of exile handed down in front of</p><p>this shrine.</p><p>7 - Lathander’s Shrine</p><p>This was the first shrine constructed in Leilon</p><p>during the process of rebuilding. Lathander</p><p>a sun god, but his domains also include birth</p><p>and renewal. His blessing is a good omen</p><p>for the people working on restoring this old</p><p>town. Merrygold Brightshine assisted in the</p><p>refounding of the town via the church of</p><p>Lathander, which paid to have this shrine be</p><p>the first built in Leilon. Merrygold has since</p><p>stayed in the town, giving guidance to all those</p><p>who ask, and provides healing word for a 10</p><p>gp donation or lesser restoration for 20 gp.</p><p>His assistance has lead to him also becoming</p><p>a town council member. He often stays in the</p><p>tower atop this shrine, from which you can see</p><p>the docks and fishery.</p><p>8 - Tymora’s Shrine</p><p>Tymora is the goddess of luck, and her church</p><p>was one of the first to be built in the original</p><p>town of Leilon. As a result, Lord Neverember</p><p>ensured hers was the second shrine built,</p><p>and stands at the southern end of the public</p><p>square. Puck Caribdas is a timid and unsure</p><p>man who oversees the shrine’s maintenance.</p><p>He sells potions of healing, climbing, growth,</p><p>water breathing, and heroism for 100 gp each,</p><p>though often will only have one of non-healing</p><p>potions per tenday.</p><p>9 - Public Square</p><p>On the southeast end of town, surrounded by</p><p>2-3 story buildings is a public square. Com-</p><p>moners will often gather here on weekends for</p><p>public entertainment. Young boys standing on</p><p>boxes shout the news to passerbys each morn-</p><p>ing, as there is no newspaper in Leilon. At the</p><p>southern end is Tymora’s Shrine. Despite be-</p><p>ing out of the way for many people in the town,</p><p>most people try to pass by it in the morning</p><p>to hear the news and receive a blessing from</p><p>Tymora.</p><p>Player characters interested in gossiping or</p><p>listening in should roll a d6 and will hear the</p><p>corresponding rumor.</p><p>| 82 | 82</p><p>d6d6 RumorRumor</p><p>1 “Did you hear? The Cult of the</p><p>Dragon is trying to work with</p><p>Voaraghamanthar in the Mere of</p><p>Dead Men.”</p><p>2 “Best be on the lookout. The Zhen-</p><p>tarim have been seen moving</p><p>through the town. Don’t want to be</p><p>their target!”</p><p>3 “Have the mines been reopened</p><p>yet?”</p><p>“Nah. Heard the guards talking</p><p>about some cult activity down</p><p>there.”</p><p>4 “I swear, last night I saw a bright</p><p>beacon in High Tower? Nearly froze</p><p>me in my tracks! Don’t want those</p><p>guards messin’ with what they</p><p>shouldn’t be!”</p><p>5 “Did you see those new guys work-</p><p>ing around the docks? One of ‘em</p><p>had several tattoos of eyes on his</p><p>neck!”</p><p>6 “Heard Matilda spent the night</p><p>on Idol Island again. What crazy</p><p>dreams she have this time?”</p><p>11 - Fishery</p><p>The western border of the town is surrounded</p><p>by a quay, with several wooden stairs leading</p><p>down to the docks. Sitting just off the docks</p><p>and under the quay is a large, 2 story fish-</p><p>ery. This is owned and operated by a half-elf</p><p>named Valdi Estapaar, another local council-</p><p>or. She helps ensure business such as selling</p><p>fish and repairing boats can continue without</p><p>issue. The fishery as a building was used as</p><p>a town hall, until the official town hall was</p><p>established a few months ago. Though, most</p><p>people still use the notice board to list odd jobs</p><p>and adventurer bulletins.</p><p>12 - Barge Yard</p><p>On the southeast side of the Fishery under the</p><p>quay and in the mud flats sits the barge yard,</p><p>operated by the gruff dwarf named Rorsta An-</p><p>vilhand. She rents out boats and houses barges</p><p>for the fishers for a steep price. Characters can</p><p>rent a simple barge for 10 gp per tenday, an</p><p>additional 10 gp deposit for damages</p><p>13 - Umber Hulk’s Shell Inn</p><p>South of the barge yard is a wide, 2 story</p><p>building that stands almost alone on the</p><p>mudflat. This is the Umber Hulk’s Shell Inn,</p><p>the rougher inn of the area. This is where most</p><p>of the poorer townsfolk, fishermen, and hard</p><p>laborers go for a pint after work. Rooms can be</p><p>rented for 5 gp per night, with food and rounds</p><p>of ale each costing 1 gp.</p><p>Behind the bar are 2 doors. The one on the left</p><p>leads to the kitchen, whereas the one on the</p><p>right leads to a storage cellar. There is a door at</p><p>the bottom with a sliding peephole at eye level</p><p>for a human. The door is locked. The door can</p><p>be unlocked with a DC 15 Lockpicking check.</p><p>(There is no trap.)</p><p>Alternatively, a DC 18 Strength Check will kick</p><p>open the door, breaking the lock and effective-</p><p>ly surprising every Xanathar Bandit within</p><p>for one round. At any given time, there would</p><p>be 5 banditsbandits in this area.</p><p>10 - Docks</p><p>The docks have been an important part of</p><p>Leilon’s history, its thick wooden trunks sunk</p><p>deep into the mud. Unfortunately, the mud</p><p>flats surrounding the town make the water too</p><p>shallow to safely cross in big ships, only small</p><p>boats able to reach shore. As a result, the docks</p><p>are more important for launching fishing</p><p>boats daily.</p><p>If players are actively looking for any Xana-</p><p>thar agents, a DC 14 Intelligence (Investiga-</p><p>tion) check will let the players notice a man</p><p>with an eye tattoo on his neck. A DC 16 passive</p><p>Intelligence (Investigation) will yield the same</p><p>results. Once he’s done working, he’ll enter the</p><p>Umber Hulk’s Shell Inn.</p><p>83 | 83 |</p><p>The area is about 30x40 feet, and filled with</p><p>crates and barrels of food goods. If the char-</p><p>acters knock 3 times the peephole opens and</p><p>a bandit from within asks “What buys</p><p>our</p><p>loyalty?”</p><p>If the players found and interrogated a Xana-</p><p>thar agent prior to this, a DC 15 Charisma (In-</p><p>timidation) check will make them give up any</p><p>of the following information:</p><p>• The Xanathar Agents meet in the base-</p><p>ment of the Umber Hulk’s Shell Inn</p><p>• To enter the basement, go to the</p><p>locked door and knock 3 times. Re-</p><p>spond to the question with “Sylgar,</p><p>my friend”. This is an inside joke</p><p>about Xanathar’s pet goldfish.</p><p>• The Agents are attempting to find</p><p>treasure in Barrhindlun, but have</p><p>been unsuccessful due to monsters in</p><p>the mud.</p><p>• The entrance to Barrhindlun is in a</p><p>trap door under a barrel on the first</p><p>floor of the High Tower, under the</p><p>staircase.</p><p>If the characters kill the agents before this</p><p>information is divulged, looking around the</p><p>area will reveal some open letters and journals</p><p>giving the same information. Furthermore,</p><p>making a loud noise while killing these agents</p><p>or kicking down the door will cause locals in</p><p>the bar above to get the guardsguards. It will take</p><p>them about 5 minutes to arrive.</p><p>14 - Idol Island</p><p>About 200 feet away from the docks are a se-</p><p>ries of small islands rising out of the mud. The</p><p>most circular one is called Idol Island, due to</p><p>several small stones rising out of the ground</p><p>that appear immovable. Locals have seen these</p><p>stones as idols to an unknown god, and sleep-</p><p>ing on the island causes the person to have</p><p>vivid dreams that come true later.</p><p>The stones are actually part of a collapsed</p><p>spire from an old dwarven keep that now sits</p><p>below the mud. The dreams are caused by rest-</p><p>ing close the Netherese Crystal Orb.</p><p>Entering Barrhindlun</p><p>Barrhindlun is mostly covered in mud and</p><p>largely inaccessible. What is accessible is a</p><p>small area- the foundations of which have</p><p>been pushed together as mud sunk them</p><p>underground- creating a small air pocket</p><p>beneath the silt. The only known entrance is a</p><p>cave of sludge that runs from a small trap door</p><p>in the High Tower below the town and to a pil-</p><p>lar of clay that helps support this mud cave.</p><p>Read the following when players enter the trap</p><p>door:</p><p>“As you enter the trap door, climbing into</p><p>the darkness below, you taste stale briney</p><p>air. You sludge forward, your footwear</p><p>getting stuck in the mud with every step,</p><p>it sucking you in, and forcing a battle just</p><p>to move forward. After what seems like an</p><p>eternity of pushing through the filth, you</p><p>feel a ladder against a clay pillar, leading</p><p>you down into a larger area, at the entrance</p><p>to Barrhindlun.”</p><p>| 84 | 84</p><p>Running the Dungeon</p><p>The map is positioned so that the keep sits at</p><p>the north, which is under the Idol Island. The</p><p>brown walls are packed mud, and each square</p><p>is represents 10 feet. One square of dark brown</p><p>mud can be dug out with 2 people digging with</p><p>shovels for one hour. Xanathar bandits come</p><p>down in staggered waves to switch shifts at</p><p>midnight and noon.</p><p>LightLight Mud.Mud. Barrhindlun is located in a sub-</p><p>terranean cave made mostly out of thick wet</p><p>mud. All areas on the map where the reddish</p><p>brown mud is difficult terrain, due to the char-</p><p>acters sinking up to their ankles in the silt.</p><p>Difficult terrain means any walking charac-</p><p>ters move at half speed. Furthermore, stealth</p><p>checks have disadvantage.</p><p>Dark Mud.Dark Mud. When chracters enter an area of</p><p>darker brown mud, this is an area where a</p><p>mud slide has occurred and the mud is far</p><p>deeper. Upon entering, the character must</p><p>make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check with the</p><p>following results:</p><p>• • 1-5 –1-5 – The character sinks down com-</p><p>pletely. They are now restrained.</p><p>They must make a DC 10 constitution</p><p>saving throw or begin suffocating.</p><p>At this stage, a creature can survive a</p><p>number of rounds equal to its consti-</p><p>tution modifier minimum of 1. After</p><p>those rounds, if the character is still</p><p>in the mud, it falls unconscious and</p><p>to 0 hp and must start making death</p><p>saving throws. As long as the creature</p><p>is under the mud, it cannot become</p><p>stable. If the character makes the con-</p><p>stitution saving throw, it is considered</p><p>holding its breath, which they can do</p><p>for a number of minutes equal to 1+</p><p>their constitution modifier, where a</p><p>negative constitution modifier means</p><p>30 seconds. Characters can escape the</p><p>restraint of the mud with a successful</p><p>DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.</p><p>Once this is done, the character can</p><p>move as if they rolled a 6-10.</p><p>Buildings.Buildings. Areas on the map that appear to be</p><p>stone or wood are stone and wood, and while</p><p>damaged from the flood and bad conditions,</p><p>are normal terrain. All the windows of the</p><p>buildings are unlocked and can be used to get</p><p>through the houses/around some of the other</p><p>obstacles.</p><p>The houses, despite stone outer walls, have</p><p>wooden ceilings and roofs. Any area can have</p><p>its ceiling broken to pour in mud from above,</p><p>mostly burying the area. The wooden ceilings The wooden ceilings</p><p>have an AC of 10, are immune to psychic and</p><p>poison damage, and have 15 hit points.</p><p>Once collapsed, every creature in that area</p><p>must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. If</p><p>failed, the creature is buried in the mud (see</p><p>the Dark Mud 1-5 results). and take 1d6 blud-</p><p>geoning damage. Any creature who makes the</p><p>save successfully is buried up to their waist (see</p><p>the Dark Mud 6-10 results).</p><p>Lighting.Lighting. This dungeon is considered dark,</p><p>and all descriptions are made with the as-</p><p>sumption that characters have a way to see (i.e.</p><p>magical light, torches, darkvision).</p><p>Central Pillar. Central Pillar. There is a central pillar towards</p><p>the middle of the map between area 2 and 26.</p><p>It is comprised of 2 main parts, the outer shell</p><p>and inner structural support. The outer shell</p><p>has 1000 hit points and is resistant to slashing</p><p>and piercing damage, and immune to psychic,</p><p>poison, necrotic, and radiant damage. Even if</p><p>the harder outside of this pillar is damaged,</p><p>there’s a soft mud interior just under the shell</p><p>that can absorb damage.</p><p>• • 6-10 – 6-10 – The character sinks up to their</p><p>waist. They have disadvantage on all</p><p>dexterity d20 tests and their move-</p><p>ment is slowed to 1/4th.</p><p>• • 11-24 – 11-24 – The character sinks up to their</p><p>shins. All Stealth checks have disad-</p><p>vantage and their movement is slowed</p><p>to 1/2.</p><p>• • 25+ – 25+ – The character manages to stay</p><p>atop the mud, and no negatives are</p><p>imposed on them.</p><p>85 | 85 |</p><p>The structural portion of the pillar is the inner</p><p>section shown on the map, which is very weak.</p><p>Any effect that would cause this interior pil-</p><p>lar to have to make a Dexterity saving throw</p><p>(such as earth tremor or fireball) will break</p><p>the interior of the pillar. This will cause the</p><p>pillar to begin to crumble and cause the cave to</p><p>collapse.</p><p>Collapse.Collapse. In the event of a collapse, the pil-</p><p>lar will begin to break off over the course of</p><p>5 rounds. During this, the rest of the cavern</p><p>will shake, and mud/silt will pour in. After</p><p>the 5 rounds, the mud will collapse, dealing</p><p>20d6 bludgeoning damage to anyone not in a</p><p>building or in area 1. Furthermore, anyone not</p><p>in a building must make a DC 15 Constitution</p><p>saving throw, or they lose their breath on the</p><p>impact. If a character survives being buried</p><p>in mud, use the same rules for sinking in the</p><p>Dark Mud, except for means of escaping, they</p><p>must make 3 DC 20 Strength (Athletics) checks</p><p>to swim vertically out of the mud before they</p><p>run out of breath.</p><p>While this is happening, the water in the bay</p><p>will begin to seep through the collapsed earth-</p><p>works and rush back into the massive gap that</p><p>now exists, forming a large whirlpool and</p><p>ripping away parts of the muddy islands. If</p><p>the character escapes the mud, they are now</p><p>inside the whirlpool and must swim to the top</p><p>of the water, again making 3 DC 20 Strength</p><p>(Athletics) checks. For each failure, the player</p><p>must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw</p><p>or lose one minute of oxygen. This whirlpool</p><p>will last for one tenday. Alternatively, the char-</p><p>acter can swim horizontally through the mud</p><p>at the</p><p>pace of 10 feet per round if they pass a</p><p>DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check.</p><p>During a total collapse, the houses will begin</p><p>to buckle under the weight of all the extra</p><p>mud. The first floors will buckle to only 5 feet</p><p>tall and will give out completely after one</p><p>hour, killing any creature inside. The keep’s</p><p>second floor will bulge but won’t buckle imme-</p><p>diately. It takes 8 hours for the second floor to</p><p>collapse to make the first floor 10 feet tall.</p><p>After 24 hours, the floors buckle completely</p><p>and any creature still inside will be killed. A</p><p>creature in any building after the collapse can</p><p>attempt to swim horizontally through the mud</p><p>to the first area or straight up.</p><p>1 - Packed Mud Cave</p><p>This is a large (mostly) circular area, sur-</p><p>rounded by packed mud and clay. On the south</p><p>side of the central pillar is a ladder used by the</p><p>Xanathar agents to get in and out of Barrhind-</p><p>lun.</p><p>Barrhindlun</p><p>“Making your way down the ladder, you</p><p>come to a large circular room with a cen-</p><p>tral pillar made of clay and other thick</p><p>sediments. The walls are made of unevenly</p><p>packed mud, arched up to a 15 foot high ceil-</p><p>ing. A cobblestone pillar partially juts out</p><p>from the wall near a couple of used shovels.”</p><p>Secret. Secret. If players make a DC 15 Wisdom (Per-</p><p>ception) check, they can see a small bit of wood</p><p>sticking through the packed mud wall on the</p><p>west side near the exposed cobblestone pillar.</p><p>This is the main entrance to the southernmost</p><p>building. It would take 10 minutes from 2</p><p>characters to dig this out using nearby shovels,</p><p>allowing easy entrance to area 5.</p><p>2 - Barrhindlun Main Street</p><p>“As you walk into this narrow street, you</p><p>can see now that this cavern has opened up</p><p>to be seventy feet tall, with mud cascades</p><p>over several rooftops of homes that appear</p><p>to be mostly intact. A massive pillar stands</p><p>between the houses, from behind which you</p><p>can see the remnants of an old keep that has</p><p>a tower stretching up into the ceiling of this</p><p>mud cave. Screams cut through the air as</p><p>small flying muddy creatures detach them-</p><p>selves from the walls and dive behind the</p><p>houses.”</p><p>| 86 | 86</p><p>87 | 87 |</p><p>The round entrance opens up into an expan-</p><p>sive cave formed by an air bubble beneath the</p><p>mud as the city sank. Several buildings were</p><p>pushed closer together as the land slid under</p><p>them, creating a narrow street between 2</p><p>buildings that goes up to a large mud pillar.</p><p>There is a one foot gap between the pillar and</p><p>the southernmost house, and this gumbo is</p><p>packed and hardened, making it impossible</p><p>for most adventurers to fit through. Anyone</p><p>who disturbs this pillar will be attacked by</p><p>3 mud mephitsmud mephits. Characters can easily make</p><p>their way into areas 3, 15, or 17 through the</p><p>windows or doors that are unlocked. There are</p><p>also mud mephits attacking a group of Xana-</p><p>thar bandits in Area 26 that can be heard.</p><p>3 - Southern Master Bedroom</p><p>“A large room with a nice wooden floor is</p><p>open before you. Rotting furniture has been</p><p>pushed off to a small corner, making way</p><p>for Xanathar Agents to place their bags and</p><p>some cushions for seating during breaks.</p><p>Two of these bandits sit under an open win-</p><p>dow on the east side of the area.”</p><p>4 - Southern Walk In Closet</p><p>“Inside is a large walk-in closet. Shelves and</p><p>racks line the walls, with several stacks of</p><p>old clothes having fallen down, crumpled</p><p>on the ground for centuries, making it seem</p><p>like the person who once lived here was</p><p>leaving in a hurry.”</p><p>5 - Southern Hallway</p><p>“This long hallway has multiple doors at</p><p>all ends. Towards the center is a staircase</p><p>wrapping around the corner, from which</p><p>oozes a large mound of sludge, excreting</p><p>from the second floor that is completely</p><p>submerged.”</p><p>6 - Southern Reception Hall</p><p>“Muddy footprints march back and forth</p><p>across this room, avoiding the massive pile</p><p>of dirt pouring in from the fireplace and</p><p>south western windows. The northern cor-</p><p>ner that meets the staircase from the pre-</p><p>vious hallway has more mud percolating.”</p><p>Centuries ago, this served as a nice master bed-</p><p>room for the owner of this home. In the mod-</p><p>ern day, the rotting furniture has been pushed</p><p>to the south western corner of the area. Several</p><p>cushions and packs line the wall near the open</p><p>eastern windows where 2 banditsbandits sit and talk.</p><p>Loud noises in this area attract the enemies</p><p>from Areas 7 and 9. These windows on the east</p><p>side of the area lead to a small alcove of deep</p><p>brown mud surrounded by a packed mud wall.</p><p>There is nothing of value there.</p><p>This is an old walk-in closet. There are some</p><p>old clothes left inside, but nothing of value.</p><p>This is the main hallway to enter and move</p><p>through the building. The secret entrance to</p><p>this area is easily visible (if not previously</p><p>found), though clearly packed in mud. Stairs</p><p>going up round the corner, but are also cov-</p><p>ered, completely blocking the staircase, and</p><p>filling the upper floor and roof of this build-</p><p>ing. 2 sets of doors lead into Area 6, while</p><p>single doors lead into Areas 3, 7, and 9.</p><p>Hundreds of years ago, this fine hall was used</p><p>to receive guests, though now the furniture is</p><p>covered in mud or rotted. Despite this, it still</p><p>gives the impression that someone with mon-</p><p>ey lived here. Xanathar Agents responding</p><p>to commotion in Areas 7 and 9 from Area 3 or</p><p>vice versa will often move through this area</p><p>to avoid the mud. The south eastern windows</p><p>can be opened into a small alcove covered in</p><p>thick brown mud that contains nothing of</p><p>value.</p><p>| 88 | 88</p><p>7 - Southern Sitting Room</p><p>“Buried in the soft slop that leaks from the</p><p>western window are multiple formerly nice</p><p>seating arrangements. Around the room are</p><p>remnants of the former home this was, as</p><p>the wallpaper peels, revealing more seeping</p><p>slush coming from above. ”</p><p>8 - Southern Washroom</p><p>“This is a simple washroom. A close stool</p><p>sits over a chamber pot several feet from a</p><p>washing basin with a large window near</p><p>the stool opens to the outside.”</p><p>9 - Southern Dining Room</p><p>“A fallen table lies on the ground, with</p><p>stacks of new gear used for exploring and</p><p>digging this cave sitting atop it. ”</p><p>10 - Southern Mud Room</p><p>The ironically-named mud room was once</p><p>used to remove shoes when coming in from</p><p>outside (as not to track mud through the</p><p>house), though now only has mud footprints</p><p>tracking into the other areas. The area does</p><p>not contain anything valuable. The doors con-</p><p>necting to area 14 and 9 are unlocked.</p><p>“This small room is mostly empty, save for</p><p>a few muddy bootprints going in and out of</p><p>the house. ”</p><p>11 - Southern Stairwell</p><p>“You see a tall staircase blocked by a wall</p><p>of mud that has oozed through the walls.</p><p>Several doors lie in front of you.”</p><p>Furniture lays strewn across the floor, rotted</p><p>and decomposing under the mud and prog-</p><p>ress of time. Despite the decay, 10 bandits bandits and</p><p>3 gazers gazers move back and forth between this</p><p>area thick brown mud that contains nothing</p><p>of value. and Area 9 where they are eating</p><p>and loudly planning how to bypass the Mud</p><p>Mephits of Area 14, 26, and 33. Please note</p><p>that these are the same enemies as Area 9. The</p><p>doorway is open and they are actively moving</p><p>back and forth.</p><p>This is a simple washroom. A window leads to</p><p>Area 14 and the door leads to Area 7.</p><p>Within this area is a table that has fallen to</p><p>pieces. New pieces of gear stand atop it used</p><p>by the 10 Bandits and 3 Gazers that are moving</p><p>back and forth between here and Area 7 trying</p><p>to figure out the best way to deal with or by-</p><p>pass the Mud Mephits. Please note that these</p><p>are the same enemies as Area 7. The doorway</p><p>is open and they are actively moving back and</p><p>forth.</p><p>Another staircase leading up to the second</p><p>story is interrupted by a wall of soggy soil that</p><p>seeps though the wooden walls. Several doors</p><p>are unlocked leading to Areas 12 and 13.</p><p>89 | 89 |</p><p>A nice counter lines the walls of what was once</p><p>a functional kitchen. The</p><p>cupboards contain</p><p>about half a dozen ceramic plates and cutlery</p><p>that would be worth about 1gp. Tucked away</p><p>inside one drawer is a +1 dagger that can be</p><p>found with a DC 16 Investigation check.</p><p>“Fine counters inlaid with cupboards and</p><p>drawers and topped with marble line the</p><p>outer wall, near a sizeable stone brick oven</p><p>inset against the back wall.</p><p>13 - Southern Pantry</p><p>“Old rotting wood shelving stands around</p><p>the small room, just under a thin window.</p><p>Old barrels and boxes sit in the corner,</p><p>covered in black and shriveled remnants of</p><p>food.”</p><p>14 - Mud Gallery</p><p>“Stepping into this area feels tight. A packed</p><p>mud ceiling hangs between the buildings at</p><p>only 6 feet high, and the corridors weave in</p><p>and out, snaking around the old homes.”</p><p>“You have entered a simple hallway, with a</p><p>door on each wall.”</p><p>16 - Eastern Kids Room</p><p>“Opening the door you find an adult hu-</p><p>manoid skeleton laying on the floor, clutch-</p><p>ing 2 smaller skeletons. Surrounding them</p><p>are corroded bags and toys and a bunk bed</p><p>that has fallen down upon itself.”</p><p>17 - Eastern Eat-In Kitchen</p><p>“A table is upside down and has settled in</p><p>decomposing ruin, surrounded by heaps</p><p>of black goops of former foods that came</p><p>pouring out of a box lying tipped over off a</p><p>counter on the south wall.”</p><p>12 - Southern Kitchen</p><p>This was an old pantry, once used to store</p><p>goods like boxes of grains. A small window sits</p><p>above some shelving. There is nothing of value</p><p>here.</p><p>This area of the cave is a tighter section of</p><p>muddy hallways between the southern and</p><p>western buildings. Packed mud hangs over-</p><p>head, creating a claustrophobic feeling. Play-</p><p>ers have multiple easy points of entry through</p><p>doors and windows to the western and south-</p><p>ern building, along with the ability to squeeze</p><p>past in a 4 foot wide area between the wall and</p><p>southern building leading into Area 33. The</p><p>pillar in the center leaves a hole to enter Area 2</p><p>that is only one foot wide.</p><p>When characters enter this area, have every-</p><p>one roll a Stealth check as a group, contested</p><p>by a Perception check by mud mephitsmud mephits. If the</p><p>characters are detected, a single mud mephit</p><p>will come out of the ceiling and attack on</p><p>round 1. Round 2 and afterwards will double</p><p>the number of mud mephits attacking until</p><p>the characters successfully hide in a building.</p><p>This is a simple hallway with several doors</p><p>connecting to the main areas of the house.</p><p>There are muddy footprints from some ban-</p><p>dits exploring, but this area contains nothing</p><p>of value.</p><p>15 - Eastern Hall</p><p>Inside this area lay the remnants of the family</p><p>that once lived here. Their bones disintegrate</p><p>if disturbed. The area is littered with rotted</p><p>toys and bags, the furniture having long since</p><p>collapsed. On the eastern wall is a window that</p><p>opens into Area 20. If searched, a small iron</p><p>post can be found under the bed.</p><p>This was a simple kitchen, now tossed and</p><p>turned in the aftermath of the wave that</p><p>rocked this house. Doors lead to Areas 15</p><p>and 18. The window leads into a small alcove</p><p>between Area 2 and the central pillar, and a</p><p>character can easily squeeze back into Area 2</p><p>or into the window. There’s nothing of value</p><p>here.</p><p>| 90 | 90</p><p>18 - Eastern Living Room</p><p>“Deep cuts in the floor show ancient furni-</p><p>ture violently slid and crashed into the west-</p><p>ern wall, being crushed to bits and falling</p><p>into a disgusting dirty heap at its impact</p><p>site over the past centuries. Dampened soil</p><p>mixed with other debris has washed into</p><p>the area by the window and fireplace in the</p><p>northern wall.”</p><p>The former couches lie smashed into the west-</p><p>ern wall. It’s clear that the wave and landslide</p><p>that moved this house was extremely violent.</p><p>Mud creeps out of the fireplace and window on</p><p>the north wall. For every member of the party,</p><p>there are 2 gazersgazers.</p><p>These gazers are using their telekineses to</p><p>move the mud that’s between this area and</p><p>the nearest window of area 32 in the keep.</p><p>Despite their efforts, this would still require</p><p>another couple of hours to be able to enter</p><p>Area 32 through a window, which are all com-</p><p>pletely encased in mud. Players could use this</p><p>window to crawl out into Area 33 and climb</p><p>around to the main entrance of the castle.</p><p>19 - Eastern Master Bedroom</p><p>“A flood of silt sediment has pushed its way</p><p>through a window on the wall and covered</p><p>a mattress. Remnants of clothes and furni-</p><p>ture lies scattered across the floor.”</p><p>20 - Barrhindlun Old Road</p><p>“Beyond the windows is a narrow path</p><p>flanked by mud that leads into a dark</p><p>trench between tight walls.”</p><p>Between the packed mud is what remains of</p><p>the old road this house laid on.</p><p>The Body. The Body. When entering the area have every</p><p>player character roll an athletic check. The</p><p>lowest character will trip in the mud, having</p><p>fallen over a boot slightly sticking out. If the</p><p>players uncover it, a well-preserved but gaunt</p><p>corpse of an illuskan human man will be</p><p>found. The top of the man’s head is partially</p><p>caved in.</p><p>A Wisdom (Medicine) check of 9 or lower</p><p>makes the character believe that the person</p><p>died recently, though a 10 or higher reveals</p><p>that he died hundreds of years ago (the mud</p><p>having preserved him).</p><p>This man and the other former residents</p><p>heard rumors a local seer who practiced in the</p><p>tallest tower of the old keep, which fortold of</p><p>an invading army and the destruction of Bar-</p><p>rhindlun. They tried to move as much of their</p><p>treasure as they could (as to help rebuild their</p><p>home later), but were killed by the seismic</p><p>wave while packing to flee.</p><p>TreasureTreasure. Just past the body’s location, the</p><p>path narrows considerably. It’s only 2 feet</p><p>wide, making it difficult to see in. A DC 13 Wis-</p><p>dom (Perception) check would allow any char-</p><p>acter looking in to see the glimpse of a wooden</p><p>cart sticking out of the mud, along with part of</p><p>a chest. This was the belongings of the family</p><p>in the eastern house, and is the buried remain-</p><p>der of their cart and horses. Inside the chest is</p><p>mostly unusable clothes and illegible books,</p><p>but also a couple hundred Huanghdannar gold</p><p>pieces (which would value at 350 gp) and a</p><p>Huangdannar Gravity Warhammer. This ham-</p><p>mer vibrates with a magical forceful energy</p><p>that feels as though it can bend gravity around</p><p>you. This magic was first used by Huangdan-</p><p>nar for mining before moving to weaponry.</p><p>This was once the master bedroom of the</p><p>owners of this home. A degraded mattress is</p><p>stuck under mud that has forcefully poured in</p><p>through the window. A character could move</p><p>out through the window with a little bit of ma-</p><p>neuvering, and would enter into a small alcove</p><p>in Area 20. Nothing of value can be found in</p><p>this area.</p><p>91 | 91 |</p><p>Debris comprised of old furniture, books, and</p><p>shelves is scattered across the floor. The wreck-</p><p>age has nothing of value. Amidst the rubble</p><p>are 5 bandits bandits, hunkering down to avoid the</p><p>mud mephits. The bandits fear to leave this</p><p>area and will bargain with the player charac-</p><p>ters for life, but will also stab them in the back</p><p>immediately, such as blocking the characters</p><p>in Area 22 once the player characters enter.</p><p>“Debris is scattered across the dirty old</p><p>floors, covering every inch in squishy rem-</p><p>nants of books, furniture, shelving, and</p><p>home decorations.”</p><p>Dark brown mud has swallowed the staircase</p><p>going down and covers the stairs going up. The</p><p>second floor is inaccessible through the mud.</p><p>There are several doors leading to the other ar-</p><p>eas, but most involve crossing the mud. On top</p><p>of the normal checks to move across the mud,</p><p>have each player make a stealth check. The</p><p>party’s average is contested by a perception</p><p>check by 5 mud mephitsmud mephits. 5 of these elementals</p><p>are hiding in the staircase mud, as is known by</p><p>the Bandits in Area 21</p><p>“Where a stairwell once stood now stands a</p><p>pillar of the familiar sludge that covers this</p><p>entire cavern, having oozed across much of</p><p>the floor in this hallway.”</p><p>A large pantry dedicated to holding foods for</p><p>the family that</p><p>once lived here. Nothing of</p><p>value remains.</p><p>“Shelves on the wall have long since fallen,</p><p>cracking open several boxes of deteriorat-</p><p>ed food goods that have not been edible in</p><p>centuries.”</p><p>21 - Western Sitting Room</p><p>22 - Western Stairwell</p><p>23 - Western Pantry</p><p>| 92 | 92</p><p>24 - Western Dining Room</p><p>“Mud protruding from the fireplace and</p><p>windows is piled high on top of an old din-</p><p>ing table.”</p><p>25 - Western Kitchen</p><p>“The ground is covered in a layer of dirt</p><p>and rocky sediments, having poured in</p><p>from both the fireplace and a window. With-</p><p>in the fireplace, you can barely make out a</p><p>decrepit cooking pot buried in mud. ”</p><p>26 - Mud Square</p><p>“Crimson puddles collect in shallow pockets</p><p>of mud across this open area. 7 Xanathar</p><p>agents lie face down in the dirt, unmoving.”</p><p>27 - Keep Guard Station</p><p>“This small room contains an old decaying</p><p>weapon rack, now void of any tools, sitting</p><p>just under several lines of indented arrow</p><p>slits.”A large dining room table still stands, mostly</p><p>buried in mud in the center of the area. Char-</p><p>acters can find the backpacks of a few bandits</p><p>in this area; they contain 25 gp, 17 sp, 83 cp, and</p><p>a map of the Sword Coast with Leilon circled.</p><p>Mud poured out of the fireplace and southern</p><p>window, covering the counters. A metal pot</p><p>hangs in the fireplace, barely visible. Beyond</p><p>this, there is nothing of value in this area.</p><p>Dead bandits are scattered across the mud.</p><p>The screaming that characters could hear was</p><p>these bandits being killed. This should act as</p><p>a warning to players about this area. The mud</p><p>mephits are extremely hostile here.</p><p>If any character disturbs the dark brown mud</p><p>that is in most of this area, 10 mud mephits</p><p>will peel themselves from the wall and attack.</p><p>5 more join the combat at initiative count 20</p><p>until every character has left the area.</p><p>There is a wooden fence around the door to</p><p>the western house. Any character submerged</p><p>in mud up to their waist will run into this and</p><p>will need to spend an action to climb over or</p><p>make a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check.</p><p>This is a small guard station for the back en-</p><p>trance to the keep.</p><p>The door to enter Area 26 is unlocked. The</p><p>door to Area 28 is locked, but not trapped. It</p><p>takes a DC 15 Lockpick check to unlock the</p><p>door. Otherwise, the door has an AC of 10 and 5</p><p>hit points.</p><p>Any attempt to kick down this door or any</p><p>door in the keep will alert all of the enemies</p><p>within. There is nothing of value in this area.</p><p>93 | 93 |</p><p>28 - Keep Main Hall</p><p>The main hall has a large central door leading</p><p>to Area 33 and a small door leading to Area 27.</p><p>A long red carpet stretches between them. The</p><p>northwest corner contains the foundations</p><p>of a circular tower. This is a feast hall, though</p><p>the wooden table and chairs have collapsed.</p><p>An old chandelier made of gold and crystals sits</p><p>in the center of the area, held by a chain with</p><p>an AC of 14 and 10 hit points. If it were to fall,</p><p>it would cause 5d6 bludgeoning damage and</p><p>5d6 piercing damage to anything under it. The</p><p>crystals could also be salvaged and sold for 250</p><p>gp.</p><p>Within this area are 2 zombie beholders zombie beholders, work-</p><p>ing as mindless servants for Xanathar, who</p><p>can see through their eyes. One hovers over the</p><p>broken table while the other floats idly in the</p><p>center of the area, just under the chandelier. If</p><p>combat breaks out loudly, the bandits in Areas</p><p>29 and 31 will join in, helping the beholders.</p><p>If the players enter through any area but 29,</p><p>read:</p><p>“An elegant red carpet stretches between</p><p>doors at opposite ends of this magnificent</p><p>main hall of the keep. Sitting directly above</p><p>it is an ostentatious chandelier of gold and</p><p>crystals. You now notice that directly below</p><p>it is a large floating creature with 10 ten-</p><p>drils delicately whispering off the top of its</p><p>head. It turns revealing a single eye and a</p><p>massive toothy maw surrounded by gray</p><p>decaying flesh.”</p><p>If the players enter through Area 29 read:</p><p>“A once ornate feasting hall lies directly in</p><p>front of you, surrounded by curved walls</p><p>featuring grandiose stained glass windows.</p><p>You now notice that directly below these</p><p>windows is a large hovering creature with</p><p>10 tendrils delicately wisping off the top of</p><p>its head. It turns revealing a single eye and</p><p>a massive toothy maw surrounded by grey</p><p>decaying flesh.”</p><p>29 - Keep Kitchen</p><p>“Fanciful tiles cover the floor, many of</p><p>which still shine despite the centuries of</p><p>dirt layering them, and only outdone in</p><p>decadence by the extravagant counters of</p><p>marble inlaid with golden and platinum.</p><p>While this room was obviously a kitchen,</p><p>it was clearly a display of the prosperity of</p><p>this ancient empire.”</p><p>30 - Keep Guard Station</p><p>“Leading up in this room is a grand spiral</p><p>staircase made of intricately carved stone,</p><p>inset into the wall itself. After the fourth</p><p>step, the stairs come to a crumbling halt.”</p><p>Centuries ago this was a fine kitchen, with</p><p>excellent space for multiple cooks to prepare</p><p>large feasts for the local lords, though now</p><p>it is old and decrepit. Soaked sediments flow</p><p>through an open window over the counters.</p><p>3 bandits bandits are in this area, looking through ev-</p><p>ery cabinet for anything of value, and finding</p><p>nothing. If the characters become loud in Area</p><p>33, the bandits will try to investigate through</p><p>the mud and bad angle of the window. Roll a</p><p>DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check for the</p><p>bandits. On a success, they alert the rest of the</p><p>keep the party’s presence. On a failure, they</p><p>believe the party are reinforcements finally</p><p>getting past the mud mephits.</p><p>A beautiful spiral staircase laid into the wall</p><p>curves around this tower, but the landslide</p><p>and flood centuries ago have caused a collapse</p><p>of much of the staircase.</p><p>Flying characters will find the upper floors</p><p>are unable to be accessed due to walls of mud</p><p>blocking doors.</p><p>Characters can find a dwarf skeleton crushed</p><p>under a rock that has an opal necklace worth</p><p>150 gp with a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)</p><p>check.</p><p>| 94 | 94</p><p>31 - Keep Throne Room</p><p>“A glorious purple carpet lies ripped and</p><p>scattered around a raised platform to a</p><p>golden throne, surrounded by 4 broken and</p><p>rusted chandeliers. The throne has dozens</p><p>of small and beautiful gems placed delicate-</p><p>ly inside it.”</p><p>“As you move closer, your light hitting the</p><p>throne creates a dazzling effect of dancing</p><p>rainbows across the plaster walls.”</p><p>32 - Keep Treasure Room</p><p>“Gold, platinum, and silver coins lie on the</p><p>ground, buried in mud. A light shimmer</p><p>passes over them as you feel a cold brush of</p><p>air, with a ball glowing deep blue hanging</p><p>on a broken floor above you.”</p><p>33 - Mud Canyon</p><p>“High walls of the cave and the keep sep-</p><p>arate you from the rest of the cave as you</p><p>head deeper into the ravinelike tunnel.”</p><p>This area has 4 rusted chandeliers that lie on</p><p>the ground, encircling a throne on a raised</p><p>platform. The throne has gems inlaid into it,</p><p>and for an hour of work characters can extract</p><p>400 gp of precious gems.</p><p>4 bandits bandits are already working on extracting</p><p>these gems, and are about half way through.</p><p>Loud noises other than screaming will not</p><p>alert the bandits due to the nature of the work</p><p>they’re doing.</p><p>If the characters are holding a light source,</p><p>read the following:</p><p>Within this area is a small horde of treasure,</p><p>formally laying in a secure area at the top of</p><p>the tower. But the landslide caused the floors</p><p>to collapse, and now 27 pp, 320 gp, and 460 sp</p><p>lie on the floor, buried in mud. Above this, 50</p><p>feet straight up is the Netherese Crystal Ball</p><p>hanging precariously on a ledge near the top</p><p>of the tower.</p><p>A lone assassin assassin has been attempting to safely</p><p>collect it. In its current state, it has been send-</p><p>ing out pulses of fear to anyone within 20 feet</p><p>of it, making the creature see their worst fear.</p><p>Any player character that enters this 20 foot</p><p>radius must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving</p><p>throw or become frightened. This</p><p>effect</p><p>This area of the cavern is almost entirely</p><p>blocked off from the rest of the cave, due to the</p><p>large structures of the buildings and the high</p><p>walls of the cave itself. This creates a can-</p><p>yon-like effect that wraps from the west side to</p><p>the east side of the keep.</p><p>When characters enter this area, have every-</p><p>one roll a Stealth check as a group, contested</p><p>by a Perception check by mud mephitsmud mephits. If the</p><p>characters are detected, a single mud mephit</p><p>will come out of the ceiling and attack on</p><p>round 1. Round 2 and afterwards will double</p><p>the number of mud mephits attacking until</p><p>the characters successfully hide in a building.</p><p>Characters can use the mud like a slide to enter</p><p>Area 29 (Keep Kitchen) without issue, though</p><p>it would take a DC 18 Strength (Athletics)</p><p>check to get back up this makeshift slide.</p><p>ends when a living creature touches the ball.</p><p>This fear effect has led to the severe injury of</p><p>one Xanathar agent already and rumors of</p><p>prophecies on the Idol Island above, so the</p><p>assassin is taking their time. If they hear the</p><p>characters fighting in the other area, they will</p><p>hide on the door frame above the door to enter</p><p>this area and attack the first character they</p><p>see.</p><p>95 | 95 |</p><p>Appendices</p><p>The Emerald Enclave</p><p>Nature and the natural world is extremely im-</p><p>portant to you. By living from the land within</p><p>nature and experiencing coexistence, you have</p><p>learned how to survive and thrive. You have</p><p>since joined the Emerald Enclave, working</p><p>to help keep nature and civilization balanced</p><p>and work to destroy the unnatural forces that</p><p>disrupt this balance.</p><p>Skill Proficiencies:Skill Proficiencies: Insight and either Nature,</p><p>Animal Handling, Medicine, Perception, or</p><p>Survival.</p><p>Tool Proficiencies:Tool Proficiencies: Choose either Cartogra-</p><p>pher’s Tools, Woodcarver’s Tools, or Herbalism</p><p>Kit.</p><p>Languages:Languages: Druidic and another language of</p><p>your choice.</p><p>Equipment:Equipment: A copper cloak clasp in the shape of</p><p>a leaf and accented with green enamel, a book on</p><p>flora and fauna or your region, a walking stick</p><p>or staff, and a pouch containing 15 gp.</p><p>Feature: Safe Haven</p><p>As an agent of the Emerald Enclave, you have</p><p>access to a decentralized network of support-</p><p>ers and operatives who can provide assistance</p><p>on your adventures. You know a set of secret</p><p>signs that can lead you to such operatives who</p><p>can provide you with access to a hidden safe</p><p>house, free room and board, or assistance in</p><p>finding information.</p><p>Appendix A: Revised Backgrounds</p><p>During character creation, players can select the</p><p>following backgrounds for their characters with</p><p>your approval. The backgrounds are appropriate</p><p>for any character or campaign associated with</p><p>these factions in Phandalin and the Forgotten</p><p>Realms.</p><p>d8d8 Survival SkillSurvival Skill</p><p>1 Tracking</p><p>2 Fishing</p><p>3 Hunting</p><p>4 Collecting Water</p><p>5 Building Shelters</p><p>6 Building Fires</p><p>7 Trapping</p><p>8 Pelt Tanning/Butchering</p><p>Survival Background</p><p>As someone who has spent much time in</p><p>nature, you learned a lot of skills to survive or</p><p>teach others to do the same. Despite a general</p><p>proficiency in survival, you have found the</p><p>most success in one of the following skills.</p><p>Choose a survival skill or roll a d8 on the table.</p><p>| 96 | 96</p><p>Suggested Characteristics</p><p>Emerald Enclave members are often recluses,</p><p>living alone in nature or in small communes</p><p>while surviving off the land. They often work</p><p>with local towns and lords to help encourage</p><p>prosperity and peace between nature and</p><p>civilization.</p><p>d6d6 BondBond</p><p>1 My animal companion saved my</p><p>life once, and we are forever bond-</p><p>ed.</p><p>2 I can feel the plants speak to me,</p><p>asking for help in this world.</p><p>3 I have a duty as a humanoid to pro-</p><p>tect both nature and civilization.</p><p>4 A spirit of nature speaks through</p><p>me and guides me on my quests.</p><p>5 A spirit of nature speaks through</p><p>me and guides me on my quests.</p><p>6 The Emerald Enclave will help me</p><p>complete my spiritual training.</p><p>d6d6 Personality TraitPersonality Trait</p><p>1 I prefer the serenity of nature to</p><p>the busy life of the city.</p><p>2 Animals are often better compan-</p><p>ions than people in my opinion.</p><p>3 The most beautiful thing in the</p><p>world is an untouched landscape.</p><p>4 I devote my life to preserving the</p><p>natural order.</p><p>5 I hate those who pervert the natu-</p><p>ral beauty of the world.</p><p>6 Civilization has become too de-</p><p>tached from the natural world.</p><p>d6d6 IdealIdeal</p><p>1 HarmonyHarmony. I want civilization to be</p><p>at peace with nature. (Good)</p><p>2 WrathWrath. Civilization should be</p><p>destroyed for the good of nature.</p><p>(Evil)</p><p>3 ControlControl. Beast and Humanoid pop-</p><p>ulation sizes must be kept in check.</p><p>(Neutral)</p><p>4 NatureNature. Animals are innocent and</p><p>exploitation of them is wrong.</p><p>(Any)</p><p>5 TeacherTeacher. I must show people how to</p><p>survive in nature. (Good)</p><p>6 ExplorerExplorer. Travel should be safe</p><p>throughout all parts of the world.</p><p>(Good)</p><p>d6d6 FlawFlaw</p><p>1 I have a hard time talking to people</p><p>and making friends.</p><p>2 People in civilization often see me</p><p>as barbaric because of bad habits</p><p>from living in the wilds.</p><p>3 I am terrified of leaving my home</p><p>region.</p><p>4 I know I’m better than anyone</p><p>from a city. They couldn’t survive</p><p>like me.</p><p>5 I feel like an imposter within the</p><p>Enclave because I have yet to be</p><p>blessed by Nature’s magic.</p><p>6 I never bathe, and may have small</p><p>animals living in my hair.</p><p>97 | 97 |</p><p>You’ve always been good at people watching;</p><p>having great insight into people’s thoughts,</p><p>actions, and feelings. The Harpers have pro-</p><p>vided you a home, a sense of camaraderie and</p><p>put those talents to use. .</p><p>Skill Proficiencies:Skill Proficiencies: Insight and either Nature,</p><p>Stealth, Arcana, History, Investigation, or</p><p>Deception.</p><p>Tool Proficiencies:Tool Proficiencies: Choose either Calligrapher’s</p><p>Supplies, Disguise Kit, or an instrument of your</p><p>choice.</p><p>Languages:Languages: Choose 2 languages of your choice.</p><p>Equipment:Equipment: A small pin in the shape of a silver</p><p>harp, a code book, a purple scarf, and a pouch</p><p>containing 15 gp.</p><p>Feature: Safe Haven</p><p>As an agent of the Harpers, you have access to</p><p>a secret network of supporters and operatives</p><p>who can provide assistance on your adven-</p><p>tures. You know a set of secret signs that can</p><p>lead you to such operatives who can provide</p><p>you with access to a hidden safe house, free</p><p>room and board, or assistance in finding infor-</p><p>mation. Some agents may risk their lives - but</p><p>potentially not their missions and cover - to</p><p>help you.</p><p>d8d8 Spy SkillSpy Skill</p><p>1 Interrogation</p><p>2 Stealth</p><p>3 Disguises</p><p>4 Subterfuge</p><p>5 Forgery</p><p>6 Combat Prowess</p><p>7 Sabotage</p><p>8 Codebreaking</p><p>Spy Background</p><p>Natural talent only went so far, leading you to</p><p>train heavily in the various arts and subtleties</p><p>of being an effective spy. Choose a skill that</p><p>you specialized in or roll on the Spy Skill Table</p><p>below.</p><p>The Harpers</p><p>| 98 | 98</p><p>Suggested Characteristics</p><p>Harper agents are spies, often working and liv-</p><p>ing alone, able to survive undercover with no</p><p>access to their resources for months at a time.</p><p>But they know this is all for the greater good.</p><p>d6d6 BondBond</p><p>1 I’m guilty of a terrible crime. I hope</p><p>I can redeem myself for it.</p><p>2 My honor is my life.</p><p>3 Someone I loved died because of</p><p>a mistake I made. That will never</p><p>happen again.</p><p>4 My fellow Harpers are my broth-</p><p>ers/sisters in arms.</p><p>5 I fight for those who cannot fight</p><p>for themselves.</p><p>6 The Harpers saved my life, and I</p><p>can never repay that debt.</p><p>d6d6 Personality TraitPersonality Trait</p><p>1 I prefer to be an invisible force</p><p>while I work.</p><p>2 I always have a plan for what to do</p><p>when things go wrong.</p><p>3 I am always calm, no matter what</p><p>the situation. I never raise my voice</p><p>or let my emotions control me.</p><p>4 I am incredibly slow to trust. Those</p><p>who seem the fairest often have the</p><p>most to hide.</p><p>5 The first thing I do in a new place</p><p>is note the locations of everything</p><p>that could be used as a weapon—or</p><p>|</p><p>Tasks and Activities</p><p>If an Emerald Enclave member wants to earn</p><p>renown, they can do so by participating in</p><p>guild-related activities.</p><p>In addition to ones of the DM’s design, such</p><p>tasks include–</p><p>Drive off/Kill Venomfang</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters can not only be inducted into the</p><p>Emerald Enclave for making Thundertree saf-</p><p>er, but can also gain 1 renown for completing</p><p>this.</p><p>Clear out Cragmaw Castle</p><p>+2 Renown - +2 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Cragmaw Castle is an old castle with poten-</p><p>tially powerful and dangerous magic. Allow-</p><p>ing the goblins to stay here could have dire</p><p>consequences. Players must either kill them</p><p>all, or convince the Goblins to leave and never</p><p>return.</p><p>Save Butterskull Ranch</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>This quest is the same as it was, but rather</p><p>than being another bulletin on the board, al-</p><p>low it to be brought to the players by the Guild</p><p>Contact as an urgent matter. Orcs attacking</p><p>farmsteads is disruptive to the natural order,</p><p>and must be taken care of at once.</p><p>Kill Gorthok the Thunder Boar</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>This is brought to the players attention a few</p><p>times, being through Xanth the Centaur or</p><p>the counter attack following the Woodland</p><p>Manse. Upon hearing the rumor from Xanth,</p><p>players should speak to their contact about</p><p>the rumor for the contact to investigate. At an</p><p>appropriate level, the contact will ask them to</p><p>kill the boar.</p><p>If the counter attack on Woodland Manse oc-</p><p>curs first, they will be contacted directly about</p><p>dealing with the monstrosity.</p><p>If players deal with the Thunder Boar at the</p><p>Circle of Thundr before speaking with their</p><p>guild contact, they should be reprimanded for</p><p>not contacting their superior first, but will</p><p>still gain the renown. If players manage to kill</p><p>th boar during the counter attack on Falcon’s</p><p>Hunting Lodge, the character should not be</p><p>reprimanded.</p><p>Kill Cryovain</p><p>+2 Renown - +2 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>Cryovain is the white dragon that has been</p><p>flying around the Sword Coast. The dragon is</p><p>an active threat to the community and needs</p><p>to be taken care of. The Emerald Enclave tasks</p><p>the player character to deal with finding the</p><p>Dragon’s current den and killing it.</p><p>| 8 | 8</p><p>Random Tasks</p><p>If none of the above tasks interest you/your</p><p>players or you need more, consider making</p><p>your own. The below tables may help. Assign 1</p><p>or 2 renown based on the complexity and dif-</p><p>ficulty of the task and 3 renown for sanctioned</p><p>missions.</p><p>Levels 1-6Levels 1-6</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Stop a raid by orcs/gnolls/goblins</p><p>2 Escort an NPC through a dangerous</p><p>area</p><p>3 Investigate a minor elemental dis-</p><p>turbance</p><p>4 Help a village with repairs and</p><p>gathering supplies after a natural</p><p>disaster.</p><p>5 Defeat a low level monstrosity</p><p>6 Deliver animal or plant based</p><p>goods to a small village.</p><p>Levels 7-13Levels 7-13</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Help stop a fire</p><p>2 Prevent a giant attack on a town</p><p>3 Investigate a major elemental inci-</p><p>dent and stop it.</p><p>4 Stop a dragon terrorizing a region</p><p>5 Secure trade route safety in a re-</p><p>gion</p><p>6 Investigate wild magic surges.</p><p>Levels 14-20Levels 14-20</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Enter an elemental plane and stop</p><p>a massive elemental threat or inci-</p><p>dent.</p><p>2 Prevent an archfey from entering</p><p>the material plane.</p><p>3 Prevent a titan of the sea such as a</p><p>kraken or massive dragon turtle</p><p>from destroying a seaside city.</p><p>4 Save a species of animal from ex-</p><p>tinction</p><p>5 Confront a lesser deity that is caus-</p><p>ing an abnormal weather event,</p><p>such as Auril creating an eternal</p><p>winter.</p><p>6 Prevent a powerful being from de-</p><p>stroying a forest or flooding a city</p><p>that would kill many people.</p><p>9 | 9 |</p><p>Sanctioned Mission:</p><p>Mount Hotenew</p><p>ABOUT MOUNT HOTENEW</p><p>Pronounced “HOE-teh-NEW, ”this vol-</p><p>cano violently errupted about 50 years</p><p>prior to the events of LMoP and DoIP. The</p><p>ash blanketed the surrounding area and</p><p>the force of the eruption ripped the city of</p><p>Neverwinter apart, its continuing recov-</p><p>ery only thanks the leadership of Dagult</p><p>Neverember.</p><p>Lava still flows through the volcano as</p><p>ash continuously spews over the crags,</p><p>causing a foreboding appearance that has</p><p>oft been described as a portal to the hells</p><p>or the plane of fire. While untrue, fire</p><p>elementals and heat-loving creatures do</p><p>make the volcano its home, though this</p><p>mission will only give players a glimpse</p><p>into part of what lives on the fiety slopes</p><p>as they approach from a mildly cooler</p><p>side.</p><p>Reaching Mount Hotenow</p><p>Characters must first reach the volcano. Head-</p><p>ing directly north, this is about 100 mile jour-</p><p>ney. If players head north and stay to the west</p><p>of the Neverwinter Wood, they’ll find that they</p><p>will have to cross the Neverwinter River.</p><p>In Neverwinter, there are 3 bridges that cross</p><p>the river, which is about 300 feet wide in the</p><p>city. Further to east of the city, the river widens</p><p>to a maximum of 1000 feet, but stays at an av-</p><p>erage of about 600 feet. The river currents are</p><p>the weakest here, and it’s easy to find a fisher</p><p>or a boat who can ferry the player’s across.</p><p>Players with minimal armor and extra weight</p><p>on them can swim across with 2 DC 12 Athlet-</p><p>ics checks. Players that are carrying more than</p><p>50 pounds in equipment must make that check</p><p>3 times with the DC raising by 1 for every 10</p><p>pounds of equipment on them above 50. Play-</p><p>ers who are in heavy armor are at disadvan-</p><p>tage unless they remove the armor.</p><p>Upon reaching 5th level and having at least 3</p><p>renown, the player character in the Emerald</p><p>Enclave should be contacted about a sanc-</p><p>tioned mission.</p><p>A band of local orcs is moving to Mount Hote-</p><p>new, the volcano that heats Neverwinter River,</p><p>located about 100 miles north of Phandalin.</p><p>They are attempting to gain the help of ele-</p><p>mentals in the volcano to wreak havoc.</p><p>If you are running LMoP, these orcs may be</p><p>related to the orcs at Wyvern Tor, and are seek-</p><p>ing revenge for the destruction of their allies.</p><p>If you are running DoIP, these orcs may be part</p><p>of the group forced out of Icespire Hold, and</p><p>are looking for aid from elementals to retake</p><p>their home.</p><p>| 10 | 10</p><p>To the east, in the Neverwinter Wood, the char-</p><p>acters will have to only pass a 300 foot wide</p><p>river. Though, this river has a stronger current</p><p>and the likelihood of finding a ferry is far low-</p><p>er. Players might find a ferry at the Logger’s</p><p>Camp if they cleared it out at least a tenday</p><p>ago. Otherwise, players can swim across here.</p><p>Use the rules described with the previous</p><p>river, but light characters must only make DC</p><p>1 Athletics check to swim across, and heavier</p><p>characters need to make 2. The DC base has</p><p>also been raised from 12 to 1.</p><p>Traveling in Neverwinter Wood is rough ter-</p><p>rain, and players must succeed on a DC 13 sur-</p><p>vival check to not get lost once per day while</p><p>in the woods. While traveling in the woods,</p><p>be sure to utilize the random encounter table</p><p>in LMoP at least once per day and roll with</p><p>advantage. Do not roll with advantage if the</p><p>players travel outside the woods.</p><p>Alternatively, players may travel around the</p><p>eastern edge of the woods, past Conyberry and</p><p>into the Star Metal Hills before moving north</p><p>to the Crags and traveling south West. This</p><p>route is less direct, and is 150 miles. Travel-</p><p>ing in the Star Metal Hills and Crags is rough</p><p>terrain, but is safer than traveling through the</p><p>woods.</p><p>Be sure to track the number of days it takes for</p><p>the party to reach the mountain.</p><p>When the players arrive at the mountain, read</p><p>the following:</p><p>“You have arrived at the footsteps of Mount</p><p>Hotenew. Dark smoke billows from the top</p><p>of the mountain, causing a constant dust-</p><p>ing of ash to sweep across the rough terrain.</p><p>Beginning the trek upwards, you can’t</p><p>help but to immediately be hit by a wall of</p><p>heat, radiating from the ground. Looking</p><p>around. pockets of multi-colored hotsprings</p><p>steam and bubble as gasses occasionally</p><p>where such things could be hidden.</p><p>6 I prefer the life of working under-</p><p>cover. It’s easier for me to under-</p><p>stand than the politics of the real</p><p>world.</p><p>d6d6 IdealIdeal</p><p>1 Freedom. Freedom. Chains are meant to be</p><p>broken, as are those who would</p><p>forge them. (Chaotic)</p><p>2 People. People. I’m loyal to my friends, not</p><p>to any ideals, and everyone else can</p><p>take a trip down the Styx for all I</p><p>care. (Neutral)</p><p>3 Redemption. Redemption. There’s a spark of</p><p>good in everyone. (Good)</p><p>4 Order.Order. I must do as my officers com-</p><p>mand to keep order. (Lawful)</p><p>5 Patriotism. Patriotism. I love my home, and I</p><p>will do anything to protect it. (Any)</p><p>6 Power. Power. People will always do as I</p><p>say with force. (Evil)</p><p>d6d6 FlawFlaw</p><p>1 I am a pathological liar, and can’t</p><p>stop even when I mean to.</p><p>2 If there’s a plan, I’ll forget it. If I</p><p>don’t forget it, I’ll ignore it.</p><p>3 I have a “tell” that reveals when I’m</p><p>lying.</p><p>4 I can be bribed easily. A few gold</p><p>here, please...</p><p>5 I care only for my own authority.</p><p>6 My hatred for bandits is blinding</p><p>and furious.</p><p>99 | 99 |</p><p>You’ve always enjoyed being part of something</p><p>bigger than yourself, and not just following,</p><p>but leading. You have a natural charisma</p><p>about you, and ability to get people to trust</p><p>you, but also the strength to fight when neces-</p><p>sary, which has led you to become an agent of</p><p>the Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>Skill Proficiencies:Skill Proficiencies: Insight and either Athlet-</p><p>ics, Survival, Intimidation, Performance, or</p><p>Persuasion</p><p>Tool Proficiencies:Tool Proficiencies: Choose either Jeweler’s</p><p>Tools, Mason’s Tools, Painter’s Supplies, Naviga-</p><p>tor’s Tools, 3-Dragon Ante Set, or Dragon Chess</p><p>Set</p><p>Languages:Languages: Choose 2 languages of your choice.</p><p>Equipment:Equipment: A signet ring etched with the Alli-</p><p>ance symbol of the crown, a finely crafted dagger,</p><p>and a pouch containing 15 gp.</p><p>Feature: Safe Haven</p><p>As an agent of the Lords’ Alliance, you have</p><p>access to a large network of supporters and</p><p>operatives who can provide assistance on your</p><p>adventures. You know a set of secret signs that</p><p>can lead you to such operatives who can pro-</p><p>vide you with access to a hidden safe house,</p><p>free room and board, or assistance in finding</p><p>information. Most agents may not risk their</p><p>lives to help you, at least without orders from</p><p>their commanding officer.</p><p>d8d8 Military RoleMilitary Role</p><p>1 Officer</p><p>2 Scout</p><p>3 Infantry</p><p>4 Cavalry</p><p>5 Quartermaster</p><p>6 Standard Bearer</p><p>7 Healer</p><p>8 Support Staff</p><p>Military Background</p><p>Nearly all members of the Lords’ Alliance have</p><p>a background in some sort of militarized ser-</p><p>vice, be it private or public service. Roll a d8 or</p><p>choose from the options in the table below to</p><p>determine your role.</p><p>The Lords’ Alliance</p><p>| 100 | 100</p><p>Suggested Characteristics</p><p>Lords’ Alliance agents require rigid discipline</p><p>in the face of the horrors of war, which often</p><p>leaves its marks on its agents that shape their</p><p>ideals, bonds, and flaws.</p><p>d6d6 BondBond</p><p>1 My honor is my life.</p><p>2 I owe my life to the agent who took</p><p>me in when my parents died.</p><p>3 Those who fight beside me are</p><p>those worth dying for.</p><p>4 I fight for those who have some-</p><p>thing to lose.</p><p>5 I come from a noble family, and one</p><p>day I'll reclaim my lands and title</p><p>from those who stole them from</p><p>me.</p><p>6 Someone saved my life on the</p><p>battlefield. To this day, I will never</p><p>leave a friend behind.</p><p>d6d6 Personality TraitPersonality Trait</p><p>1 I idolize a particular hero of the Al-</p><p>liance, and constantly refer to that</p><p>person’s deeds and example.</p><p>2 I’m haunted by memories of war. I</p><p>can’t get the images of violence out</p><p>of my mind.</p><p>3 I enjoy being strong and like break-</p><p>ing things.</p><p>4 I’ve enjoyed fine food, drink, and</p><p>high society among my city’s elite.</p><p>Rough living grates on me.</p><p>5 Flattery is my preferred trick for</p><p>getting what I want.</p><p>6 I’m full of inspiring and cautionary</p><p>tales from my military experience</p><p>relevant to almost every combat</p><p>situation.</p><p>d6d6 IdealIdeal</p><p>1 Greater Good.Greater Good. Our lot is to lay</p><p>down our lives in defense of others.</p><p>(Good)</p><p>2 Charity. Charity. I always try to help those</p><p>in need, no matter what the person-</p><p>al cost. (Good)</p><p>3 Power. Power. I hope to one day rise to the</p><p>top of the Lords’ Alliance. (Lawful)</p><p>4 Nation. Nation. My city, nation, or people</p><p>are all that matter. (Any)</p><p>5 Responsibility. Responsibility. I do what I must</p><p>and obey just authority. (Lawful)</p><p>6 Might.Might. In life as in war, the stron-</p><p>ger force wins. (Evil)</p><p>d6d6 FlawFlaw</p><p>1 I have little respect for anyone who</p><p>is not a proven warrior.</p><p>2 I obey the law, even if the law caus-</p><p>es misery.</p><p>3 I judge others harshly, and myself</p><p>even more severely.</p><p>4 I'm too greedy for my own good. I</p><p>can't resist taking a little off the top.</p><p>5 I’d rather eat my armor than admit</p><p>when I’m wrong.</p><p>6 Once I pick a goal, I become ob-</p><p>sessed with it to the detriment of</p><p>everything else in my life.</p><p>101 | 101 |</p><p>Your devotion to your deity is what led you to</p><p>hear the call. Honor, faith, trustworthiness,</p><p>the goodness of civilization is what drives</p><p>you and calls to you to fight the forces of dark-</p><p>ness. You understand you must be the light to</p><p>cleanse the darkness.</p><p>Skill Proficiencies:Skill Proficiencies: Insight and either Athlet-</p><p>ics, Arcana, Religion, or Perception</p><p>Tool Proficiencies:Tool Proficiencies: Choose either Carpenter’s</p><p>Tools, Leatherworker’s Tools, Mason’s Tools,</p><p>Smith’s Tools, or vehicles</p><p>Languages:Languages: Choose 2 languages.</p><p>Equipment:Equipment: A silver pendant depicting the blade</p><p>of retribution held in place by the gauntlet of</p><p>justice, a holy symbol of your deity, and a pouch</p><p>containing 15 gp.</p><p>Feature: Safe Haven</p><p>As an agent of the Order of the Gauntlet, you</p><p>have access to a close network of supporters</p><p>and operatives who can provide assistance on</p><p>your adventures. You know a set of secret signs</p><p>that can lead you to such operatives who can</p><p>provide you with access to a hidden safe house,</p><p>free room and board, or assistance in finding</p><p>information. Agents almost always work in</p><p>pairs or small groups that feel like family. d8d8 Temple RoleTemple Role</p><p>1 Temple Leader</p><p>2 Evangelist</p><p>3 Inquisitor</p><p>4 Cultist</p><p>5 Preacher</p><p>6 Cloistered</p><p>7 Exorcist</p><p>8 Guardian</p><p>Religious Background</p><p>Many members of the Order of the Gaunt-</p><p>let come from a religious background, often</p><p>having spent considerable time at a temple for</p><p>their deity. Roll a d8 or choose your role at the</p><p>temple from the table below.</p><p>The Order of the Gauntlet</p><p>| 102 | 102</p><p>Suggested Characteristics</p><p>Order of the Gauntlet agents are shaped by</p><p>their religious views and experiences. Their</p><p>study of their faith and their relationships to</p><p>temples/shrines/hierarchies affect their man-</p><p>nerisms and ideals. Their flaws might be some</p><p>hidden hypocrisy or heretical idea, or an ideal</p><p>or bond taken to an extreme.</p><p>d6d6 BondBond</p><p>1 I was once part of an evil cult, and</p><p>fled once I realized. I have devoted</p><p>my life to stopping them.</p><p>2 Those who fight beside me are</p><p>those worth dying for.</p><p>3 I will do anything to protect the</p><p>temple where I served.</p><p>4 I seek to preserve a sacred text that</p><p>my enemies consider heretical and</p><p>seek to destroy.</p><p>5 I would die to recover an ancient</p><p>relic of my faith that was lost long</p><p>ago.</p><p>6 My honor is my life.</p><p>d6d6 Personality TraitPersonality Trait</p><p>1 I can find common ground between</p><p>the fiercest enemies, empathizing</p><p>with them and always working</p><p>toward peace.</p><p>2 I see omens in every event and ac-</p><p>tion. The gods try to speak to us, we</p><p>just need to listen.</p><p>3 I am tolerant (or intolerant) of oth-</p><p>er faiths and respect (or condemn)</p><p>the worship of other gods.</p><p>4 Nothing can shake my optimistic</p><p>attitude.</p><p>5 I quote (or misquote) sacred texts</p><p>and proverbs in almost every situ-</p><p>ation.</p><p>6 I can stare down a hell hound with-</p><p>out flinching.</p><p>d6d6 IdealIdeal</p><p>1 Tradition. Tradition. The ancient traditions</p><p>of worship and sacrifice must be</p><p>preserved</p><p>and upheld. (Lawful)</p><p>2 Charity. Charity. I always try to help those</p><p>in need, no matter what the person-</p><p>al cost. (Good)</p><p>3 ChangeChange. We must help bring about</p><p>the changes the gods are constantly</p><p>working in the world. (Chaotic)</p><p>4 Live and Let Live.Live and Let Live. Ideals aren’t</p><p>worth killing over. (Neutral)</p><p>5 Aspiration. Aspiration. I seek to prove myself</p><p>worthy of my god's favor by match-</p><p>ing my actions against their teach-</p><p>ings. (Any)</p><p>6 Faith. Faith. I trust that my deity will</p><p>guide my actions. I have faith that</p><p>if I work hard, things will go well.</p><p>(Lawful)</p><p>d6d6 FlawFlaw</p><p>1 I put too much trust in those who</p><p>wield power within my temple's</p><p>hierarchy.</p><p>2 I am inflexible in my thinking.</p><p>3 My piety sometimes leads me to</p><p>blindly trust those that profess</p><p>faith in my god.</p><p>4 I am suspicious of strangers and</p><p>expect the worst of them.</p><p>5 My hatred of my enemies is blind</p><p>and unreasoning.</p><p>6 I can’t keep a secret to save my life,</p><p>or anyone else’s…</p><p>103 | 103 |</p><p>You’ve always enjoyed being part of something</p><p>bigger than yourself, and not just following,</p><p>but leading. You have a natural charisma</p><p>about you, and ability to get people to trust</p><p>you, but also the strength to fight when neces-</p><p>sary, which has led you to become an agent of</p><p>the Lords’ Alliance.</p><p>Skill Proficiencies:Skill Proficiencies: Insight and either Acrobat-</p><p>ics, Stealth, Deception, or Intimidation</p><p>Tool Proficiencies:Tool Proficiencies: Choose either Disguise Kit,</p><p>Forgery Kit, Poisoner’s Kit, or Thieves’ Tools</p><p>Languages:Languages: Thieves Cant and one language of</p><p>your choice.</p><p>Equipment:Equipment: A gold or iron coin stamped with the</p><p>symbol of the flying wyrm, a weighted dice, and</p><p>a pouch containing 15 gp.</p><p>Feature: Safe Haven</p><p>As an agent of the Zhentarim, you have access</p><p>to a shadowy network of supporters and op-</p><p>eratives who can provide assistance on your</p><p>adventures. You know a set of secret signs that</p><p>can lead you to such operatives who can pro-</p><p>vide you with access to a hidden safe house,</p><p>free room and board, or assistance in finding</p><p>information. Most agents see you as family,</p><p>and will help in any way that they can.</p><p>d8d8 Criminal SkillCriminal Skill</p><p>1 Blackmailer</p><p>2 Burglar</p><p>3 Enforcer</p><p>4 Fence</p><p>5 Forger</p><p>6 Assassin</p><p>7 Thief</p><p>8 Smuggler</p><p>Criminal Specialty</p><p>There are many types of criminals, and with-</p><p>in the Zhentarim, individual members have</p><p>particular specialties. Choose the role you play</p><p>in the organization, or roll a d8 on the table</p><p>below.</p><p>The Zhentarim</p><p>| 104 | 104</p><p>Suggested Characteristics</p><p>It’s easy to dismiss the Zhentarim as mere</p><p>faces in the darkness. However, the paths that</p><p>lead them to joining this guild couldn’t be any</p><p>more varied, each of their traits unique from</p><p>one another.</p><p>d6d6 BondBond</p><p>1 I'm trying to pay off an old debt I</p><p>owe to a generous benefactor.</p><p>2 Something important was taken</p><p>from me, and I aim to steal it back.</p><p>3 Someone I loved died because of</p><p>I mistake I made. That will never</p><p>happen again.</p><p>4 I swindled and ruined a person</p><p>who didn't deserve it. I seek to</p><p>atone for my misdeeds but might</p><p>never be able to forgive myself.</p><p>5 I owe everything to my mentor – a</p><p>horrible person who's probably</p><p>rotting in jail somewhere.</p><p>6 I fleeced the wrong person and</p><p>must work to ensure that this indi-</p><p>vidual never crosses paths with me</p><p>or those I care about.</p><p>d6d6 Personality TraitPersonality Trait</p><p>1 I always have a plan for what to do</p><p>when things go wrong.</p><p>2 I don't pay attention to the risks in</p><p>a situation. Never tell me the odds.</p><p>3 The first thing I do in a new place</p><p>is note the locations of everything</p><p>valuable – or where such things</p><p>could be hidden.</p><p>4 The best way to get me to do some-</p><p>thing is to tell me I can't do it.</p><p>5 I blow up at the slightest insult.</p><p>6 Sarcasm and insults are my weap-</p><p>ons of choice.</p><p>d6d6 IdealIdeal</p><p>1 Honor. Honor. I don't steal from others in</p><p>the trade. (Lawful)</p><p>2 Fairness. Fairness. I never target people who</p><p>can't afford to lose a few coins.</p><p>(Lawful)</p><p>3 Creativity. Creativity. I never run the same con</p><p>twice. (Chaotic)</p><p>4 People.People. I'm loyal to my friends, not</p><p>to any ideals, and everyone else can</p><p>take a trip down the Styx for all I</p><p>care. (Neutral)</p><p>5 Greed. Greed. I will do whatever it takes to</p><p>become wealthy. (Evil)</p><p>6 Aspiration. Aspiration. I’m determined to</p><p>make something of myself. (Any)</p><p>d6d6 FlawFlaw</p><p>1 An innocent person is in prison for</p><p>a crime that I committed. I'm okay</p><p>with that.</p><p>2 When I see something valuable, I</p><p>can't think about anything but how</p><p>to steal it.</p><p>3 I'm convinced that no one could</p><p>ever fool me the way I fool others.</p><p>4 I can't resist swindling people who</p><p>are more powerful than me.</p><p>5 I hate to admit it and will hate</p><p>myself for it, but I'll run and pre-</p><p>serve my own hide if the going gets</p><p>tough.</p><p>6 I put too much trust in those who</p><p>wield power within the Zhentarim.</p><p>105 | 105 |</p><p>Appendix B: Monster Statblocks</p><p>This section contains statblocks and short</p><p>descriptions for the creatures that appear in</p><p>Factions of Phandalin, along with what source</p><p>The most evil-tempered and vile of the chromat-</p><p>ic dragons, black dragons collect the wreckage</p><p>and treasure of fallen peoples. These dragons</p><p>loathe seeing the weak prosper and revel in the</p><p>collapse of humanoid kingdoms. They make</p><p>their homes in fetid swamps and crumbling</p><p>ruins where kingdoms once stood. For more in-</p><p>formation, see the Monster Manual and Fizban’s</p><p>Treasury of Dragons.</p><p>Adult Black DragonAdult Black Dragon</p><p>Huge dragon, chaotic evil</p><p>Armor ClassArmor Class: 19 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit PointsHit Points: 195 (17d12 +85)</p><p>SpeedSpeed: 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>23 (+6) 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3)</p><p>Saving Throws:Saving Throws: Dex +7, Con +10, Wis +6, Cha +8</p><p>Skills: Skills: Perception +11, Stealth +7</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: Acid</p><p>SensesSenses: blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., pas-</p><p>sive perception 21</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: Common, Draconic</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +5</p><p>AmphibiousAmphibious: The dragon can breathe air and</p><p>water.</p><p>Legendary Resistance (3/day):Legendary Resistance (3/day): If the dragon fails</p><p>a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.</p><p>Adult Black Dragon</p><p>ClawClaw: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) slashing damage</p><p>TailTail: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 15 (2d8+6) bludgeoning damage</p><p>Frightful PresenceFrightful Presence: Each creature of the drag-</p><p>on’s choice that is within 120 feet of the Dragon</p><p>and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom</p><p>saving throw or become frightened for 1 min-</p><p>ute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at</p><p>the end of each of its turns, Ending the Effect on</p><p>itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is</p><p>successful or the Effect ends for it, the creature</p><p>is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for</p><p>the next 24 hours.</p><p>Acid Breath (Recharge 5-6):Acid Breath (Recharge 5-6): The Dragon exhales</p><p>acid in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each</p><p>creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexteri-</p><p>ty saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage on</p><p>a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc-</p><p>cessful one.</p><p>Multiattack:Multiattack: The dragon can use its Frightful</p><p>Presence. It then makes 3 attacks: one with its</p><p>bite and 2 with its claws.</p><p>BiteBite: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 17 (2d10+6) piercing damage plus</p><p>4 (1d8) acid damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>The dragon can take 3 Legendary Actions, choos-</p><p>ing from the following options. Only one leg-</p><p>endary Action can be used at a time, and only at</p><p>the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon</p><p>regains spent legendary actions at the start of its</p><p>turn.</p><p>Legendary ActionsLegendary Actions</p><p>you can use to find</p><p>more information. The</p><p>creatures that appear in this section are listed</p><p>in alphabetical order.</p><p>| 106 | 106</p><p>BiteBite: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 17 (2d10+6) piercing damage plus</p><p>4 (1d8) acid damage.</p><p>Detect:Detect: The dragon makes a Wisdom (Percep-</p><p>tion) check.</p><p>Tail Attack: Tail Attack: The dragon makes a tail Attack.</p><p>Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions): Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions): The dragon beats</p><p>its wings. Each creature within 10 ft. of the</p><p>dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving</p><p>throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage</p><p>and be knocked prone. The Dragon can then fly</p><p>up to half its flying speed.</p><p>This empty steel shell clamors as it moves,</p><p>heavy plates banging and grinding against</p><p>one another like the vengeful spirit of a fallen</p><p>knight. Ponderous but persistent, this magical</p><p>guardian is almost always a suit of plate armor. .</p><p>For more information, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Animated ArmorAnimated Armor</p><p>Medium construct, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 33 (6d8+6)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1(-5) 3 (+4) 1 (-5)</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: poison, psychic</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,</p><p>frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned</p><p>Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Senses: darkvision 60 ft. (blind beyond this radi-</p><p>us), passive perception 6</p><p>Languages: Languages: –</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Antimagic Susceptibility. Antimagic Susceptibility. The armor is incapac-</p><p>itated while in the area of an antimagic field. If</p><p>targeted by dispel magic, the armor must suc-</p><p>ceed on a Constitution saving throw against the</p><p>Animated Armor</p><p>caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1</p><p>minute.</p><p>False Appearance. False Appearance. While the armor remains mo-</p><p>tionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal</p><p>suit of armor.</p><p>Multiattack. Multiattack. The armor makes two melee attacks.The armor makes two melee attacks.</p><p>Slam. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Reach 5 ft., +4 to hit, Reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. one target. HitHit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Assassins are humanoid NPCs that players may</p><p>encounter. Trained in the use of poisons, assas-</p><p>sins are remorseless killers who work for no-</p><p>bles, guildmasters, sovereigns, and anyone else</p><p>who can afford them. For more information,</p><p>see the Monster Manual.</p><p>AssassinAssassin</p><p>Medium Humanoid (any race), any non-good</p><p>alignment</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 15 (studded leather)</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 78 (12d8 + 24)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)</p><p>Assassin</p><p>107 | 107 |</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 12 (leather armor)</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 11 (2d8 + 2)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)</p><p>Saving Throws:Saving Throws: Dex +6, Int +4</p><p>Skills: Skills: Acrobatics +6, Deception +3, Perception</p><p>+3, Stealth +9</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: Poison</p><p>SensesSenses: passive perception 10</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: Any one language (usually com-</p><p>mon)</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Scimitar: Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5</p><p>ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage</p><p>Light Crossbow:Light Crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,</p><p>range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) pierc-</p><p>ing damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Bandits rove in gangs and are sometimes led by</p><p>thugs, veterans, or spellcasters. For more infor-</p><p>mation, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>BanditBandit</p><p>Medium Humanoid (any race), non-Lawful align-</p><p>ment</p><p>BanditSaving Throws:Saving Throws: Dex +6, Int +4</p><p>Skills: Skills: Acrobatics +6, Deception +3, Perception</p><p>+3, Stealth +9</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: Poison</p><p>SensesSenses: passive perception 13</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: Thieves’ cant plus any 2 languages</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +3</p><p>AssassinateAssassinate. During its first turn, the assassin</p><p>has advantage on attack rolls against any crea-</p><p>ture that hasn’t taken a turn. Any hit the assassin</p><p>scores against a surprised creature is a critical</p><p>hit.</p><p>Evasion.Evasion. If the assassin is subjected to an effect</p><p>that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw</p><p>to take only half damage, the assassin instead</p><p>takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving</p><p>throw, and only half damage if it fails.</p><p>Sneak Attack. Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the assassin deals</p><p>an extra 14 (4d6) damage when it hits a target</p><p>with a weapon attack and has advantage on the</p><p>attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of</p><p>an ally of the assassin that isn’t incapacitated</p><p>and the assassin doesn’t have disadvantage on</p><p>the attack roll.</p><p>Multiattack:Multiattack: The assassin makes 2 shortsword</p><p>attacks.</p><p>Shortsword: Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,</p><p>reach 5 ft., one target.</p><p>Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target</p><p>must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,</p><p>taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save,</p><p>or half as much damage on a successful one.</p><p>Light Crossbow:Light Crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,</p><p>range 80/320 ft., one target.</p><p>Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target</p><p>must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,</p><p>taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save,</p><p>or half as much damage on a successful one.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>A bronze scout seldom emerges from under-</p><p>ground. Its telescoping eyestalks observe foes</p><p>at close range while most of its segmented body</p><p>remains buried. If detected, it sends electrical</p><p>shocks through the ground toward pursuers</p><p>while it retreats. For more information, see</p><p>Monsters of the Multiverse.</p><p>Clockwork Bronze Scout</p><p>| 108 | 108</p><p>Clockwork Bronze ScoutClockwork Bronze Scout</p><p>Medium construct, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 13</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 36 (8d8)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>10 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 1 (-5)</p><p>Skills: Skills: Perception +6, Stealth +7</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: poison</p><p>Condition Immunities: Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,</p><p>frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 16</p><p>Languages:Languages: understands one language of its</p><p>creator but can’t speak</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Earth Armor. Earth Armor. The clockwork doesn’t provoke</p><p>opportunity attacks when it burrows.</p><p>Magic Resistance. Magic Resistance. The clockwork has advantage</p><p>on saving throws against spells and other magi-</p><p>cal effects.</p><p>Unusual Nature. Unusual Nature. The clockwork doesn’t require</p><p>air, food, drink, or sleep.</p><p>Bite. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus</p><p>3 (1d6) lightning damage.</p><p>Lightning Flare (Recharges after a Short or Long Lightning Flare (Recharges after a Short or Long</p><p>Rest). Rest). Each creature in contact with the ground</p><p>within 15 ft of the bronze scout must make a DC</p><p>13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) light-</p><p>ning damage on a failed save, or half as much</p><p>damage on a successful one.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Clockwork Iron CobraClockwork Iron Cobra</p><p>Medium construct, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class:</p><p>Armor Class: 13</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 91 (14d8+28)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)</p><p>Skills: Skills: Stealth +7</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: poison</p><p>Condition Immunities: Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,</p><p>frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10</p><p>Languages:Languages: understands one language of its</p><p>creator but can’t speak</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Magic Resistance. Magic Resistance. The clockwork has advantage</p><p>on saving throws against spells and other magi-</p><p>cal effects.</p><p>Unusual Nature. Unusual Nature. The clockwork doesn’t require</p><p>air, food, drink, or sleep.</p><p>Bite. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. If the</p><p>target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13</p><p>Constitution saving throw or suffer one random</p><p>effect (roll a d6):</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>• • 1-2: Confusion.1-2: Confusion. On its next turn, the target</p><p>must use its action to make one weapon</p><p>attack against a random creature it can</p><p>see within 30 ft of it, using whatever</p><p>weapon it has in hand and moving before-</p><p>hand if necessary to get in range. If it’s</p><p>holding no weapon, it makes an unarmed</p><p>strike. If no creature is visible within 30</p><p>ft, it takes the Dash action, moving toward</p><p>the nearest creature.</p><p>• • 3-4: Paralysis. 3-4: Paralysis. The target is paralyzed un-</p><p>til the end of its next turn.</p><p>• • 5-6: Poison Damage. 5-6: Poison Damage. The target takes 13</p><p>(3d8) poison damage.</p><p>An iron cobra is exactly what its name implies: a</p><p>metal snake with a poisonous bite. Gnomes load</p><p>this clockwork with alchemical concoctions</p><p>that can paralyze creatures and cloud the mind.</p><p>For more information, see Monsters of the Multi-</p><p>verse.</p><p>Clockwork Iron Cobra</p><p>109 | 109 |</p><p>A faint humanoid shape shows in a fire ele-</p><p>mental’s capricious devastation. Wherever it</p><p>moves, it sets its surroundings ablaze, turning</p><p>the world to ash, smoke, and cinders.For more</p><p>information, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Fire ElementalFire Elemental</p><p>Large elemental, neutral</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 13</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 102 (12d10 + 36)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 50 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>10 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)</p><p>Damage Resistances: Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing,</p><p>and slashing from nonmagical attacks</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: Fire, poison</p><p>Condition Immunities:Condition Immunities: exhaustion, grappled,</p><p>paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, re-</p><p>strained, unconscious</p><p>SensesSenses: darkvision 60ft., passive perception 10</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: Ignan</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +3</p><p>Fire Form.Fire Form. The elemental can move through a</p><p>space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeez-</p><p>ing. A creature that touches the elemental or</p><p>hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of</p><p>it takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. In addition, the el-</p><p>emental can enter a hostile creature’s space and</p><p>stop there. The first time it enters a creature’s</p><p>space on a turn, that creature takes 5 (1d10) fire</p><p>damage and catches fire; until someone takes</p><p>an action to douse the fire, the creature takes</p><p>5 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its</p><p>turns.</p><p>Illumination.Illumination. The elemental sheds bright light</p><p>in a 30-foot radius and dim light in an addition-</p><p>al 30 feet.</p><p>Water Susceptibility.Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the ele-</p><p>mental moves in water, or for every gallon of</p><p>water splashed on it, it takes 1 cold damage.</p><p>Fire Elemental</p><p>The thick plates of stone riveted onto a stone</p><p>defender give it substantial protection. Its chief</p><p>role is as a bodyguard. For more information,</p><p>see Monsters of the Multiverse.</p><p>Clockwork Stone DefenderClockwork Stone Defender</p><p>Medium construct, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 16 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 105 (14d8+42)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>19 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: poison</p><p>Condition Immunities: Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,</p><p>frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10</p><p>Languages:Languages: understands one language of its</p><p>creator but can’t speak</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Magic Resistance. Magic Resistance. The clockwork has advantage</p><p>on saving throws against spells and other magi-</p><p>cal effects.</p><p>Unusual Nature. Unusual Nature. The clockwork doesn’t require</p><p>air, food, drink, or sleep.</p><p>Clockwork Stone Defender</p><p>Slam. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage,</p><p>and if the target is Large or smaller, it is knocked</p><p>prone.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Intercept Attack. Intercept Attack. In response to another creature</p><p>within 5 ft of it being hit by an attack roll, the</p><p>stone defender gives that creature a +5 bonus to</p><p>its AC against that attack, potentially causing a</p><p>miss. To use this ability, the stone defender must</p><p>be able to see the creature and the attacker.</p><p>ReactionsReactions</p><p>| 110 | 110</p><p>Multiattack: Multiattack: The elemental makes 2 touch at-</p><p>tacks.</p><p>Touch: Touch: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) fire damage. If the tar-</p><p>get is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites.</p><p>Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire,</p><p>the target takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start</p><p>of each of its turns.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Salamanders hatch from eggs that are 2-foot-di-</p><p>ameter spheres of smoldering obsidian. When</p><p>a salamander is ready to hatch, it melts its way</p><p>through the egg’s thick shell and emerges as a</p><p>fire snake. A fire snake matures into a salaman-</p><p>der adult within a year. For more information,</p><p>see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Fire SnakeFire Snake</p><p>Medium elemental, neutral evil</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 14 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 22 (5d8)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)</p><p>Damage Vulnerabilities: Damage Vulnerabilities: Cold</p><p>Damage Resistances: Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing,</p><p>and slashing from nonmagical attack</p><p>Condition Immunities:Condition Immunities: Fire</p><p>SensesSenses: darkvision 60ft., passive perception 10</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: understands Ignan, but can’t speak</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 1 (200 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Heated BodyHeated Body.. A creature that touches the snake</p><p>or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet</p><p>of it takes 3 (1d6) fire damage.</p><p>Fire Snake</p><p>Multiattack: Multiattack: The snake makes 2 attacks, one</p><p>with its bite and one with its tail.</p><p>Bite:Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage plus 3</p><p>(1d6) fire damage.</p><p>Tail: Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage</p><p>plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>A gazer is a tiny manifestation of the dreams</p><p>of a beholder. It resembles the beholder who</p><p>dreamed it into existence, but its body is only</p><p>8 inches wide and it only had 4 eyestalks. See</p><p>Monsters of the Multiverse for more information.</p><p>GazerGazer</p><p>Tiny aberration (beholder), typically neutral evil</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 13</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 13 (3d4 + 6)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>3 (-4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)</p><p>Saving Throws: Saving Throws: Wis +2</p><p>Skills: Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +5</p><p>Condition Immunities: Condition Immunities: prone</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60ft., passive perception 14</p><p>Languages: Languages: —-</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Mimicry. Mimicry. The gazer can mimic simple sounds of</p><p>speech it has heard, in any language. A creature</p><p>that hears the sounds can tell they are imita-</p><p>tions with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight)</p><p>check.</p><p>Gazer</p><p>111 | 111 |</p><p>Bite: Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target.</p><p>Hit: 1 piercing damage.</p><p>Eye Rays: Eye Rays: The gazer shoots 2 of the following</p><p>magical eye rays at random (roll 2 d4s, and reroll</p><p>duplicates), choosing one or 2 targets it can see</p><p>within 60 feet of it:</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>1. 1. Dazing Ray. Dazing Ray. The targeted creature must</p><p>succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving</p><p>throw or be charmed until the start of</p><p>the gazer’s next turn. While the target is</p><p>charmed in this way, its speed is halved,</p><p>and it has disadvantage on attack rolls.</p><p>2. 2. Fear Ray. Fear Ray. The targeted creature must suc-</p><p>ceed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or</p><p>be frightened until the start of the gazer’s</p><p>next turn.</p><p>3. 3. Frost Ray. Frost Ray. The target must succeed on a</p><p>DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 10</p><p>(3d6) cold damage.</p><p>4. 4. Telekinetic Ray.Telekinetic Ray. If the target is a creature</p><p>that is Medium or smaller, it must suc-</p><p>ceed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or</p><p>be moved up to 30 feet directly away from</p><p>the gazer. If the target is a Tiny object</p><p>that isn’t being worn or carried, the gazer</p><p>moves it up to 30 feet in any direction.</p><p>The gazer can also exert fine control on</p><p>objects with this ray, such as manipulat-</p><p>ing a simple tool or opening a container.</p><p>Aggressive. Aggressive. The gazer moves up to its speed to-</p><p>ward a hostile creature that it can see.</p><p>Bonus ActionBonus Action</p><p>These creatures scour dungeon passages in</p><p>silent, predictable patterns, leaving perfectly</p><p>clean paths in their wake. They consume living</p><p>tissue while leaving bones and other materials</p><p>undissolved. A gelatinous cube is all but trans-</p><p>parent, making it hard to spot until it attacks. A</p><p>cube that is well fed can be easier to spot, since</p><p>its victims bones, coins, and other objects can be</p><p>suspended inside the creature. For more infor-</p><p>mation, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Gelatinous CubeGelatinous Cube</p><p>Large ooze, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 6</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 84 (8d10 + 40 )</p><p>Speed: Speed: 15 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>14 (+2) 3 (-4) 20 (+5) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 1 (-5)</p><p>Condition Immunities:Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deaf-</p><p>ened, exhaustion, frightened, prone</p><p>SensesSenses: blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radi-</p><p>us)</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: —-</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 2 (450 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Ooze Cube. Ooze Cube. The cube takes up its entire space.</p><p>Other creatures can enter the space, but a crea-</p><p>ture that does so is subjected to the cube’s En-</p><p>gulf and has disadvantage on the saving throw.</p><p>Creatures inside the cube can be seen but have</p><p>total cover. A creature within 5 feet of the cube</p><p>can take an action to pull a creature or object</p><p>out of the cube. Doing so requires a successful</p><p>DC 12 Strength check, and the creature making</p><p>the attempt takes 10 (3d6) acid damage. The</p><p>cube can hold only one Large creature or up to 4</p><p>Medium or smaller creatures inside it at a time.</p><p>Transparent.Transparent. Even when the cube is in plain</p><p>sight, it takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Per-</p><p>ception) check to spot a cube that has neither</p><p>moved nor attacked. A creature that tries to en-</p><p>ter the cube’s space while unaware of the cube is</p><p>surprised by the cube.</p><p>Gelatinous Cube</p><p>| 112 | 112</p><p>Pseudopod: Pseudopod: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach</p><p>5 ft., one creature.</p><p>Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage.</p><p>Engulf: Engulf: The cube moves up to its speed. While</p><p>doing so, it can enter Large or smaller creatures’</p><p>spaces. Whenever the cube enters a creature’s</p><p>space, the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity</p><p>saving throw. On a successful save, the creature</p><p>can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the</p><p>side of the cube. A creature that chooses not to</p><p>be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed</p><p>saving throw. On a failed save, the cube enters</p><p>the creature’s space, and the creature takes 10</p><p>(3d6) acid damage and is engulfed. The engulfed</p><p>creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and takes</p><p>21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the</p><p>cube’s turns. When the cube moves, the engulfed</p><p>creature moves with it. An engulfed creature</p><p>can try to escape by taking an action to make a</p><p>DC 12 Strength check. On a success, the creature</p><p>escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5</p><p>feet of the cube.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>These are rats native to Iniarv’s Tower, and thus</p><p>are new to Factions of Phandalin. These crea-</p><p>tures have been corrupted by dark magic that</p><p>has its roots in Iniarv’s Tower and have grown</p><p>with these dark powers to be the size of a dog.</p><p>Giant Iniarv’s RatsGiant Iniarv’s Rats</p><p>Medium monstrosity, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 13</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 15 (3d6 + 5)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)</p><p>Damage Vulnerabilities: Damage Vulnerabilities: fire, radiant</p><p>Damage Resistances: Damage Resistances: necrotic, poison, psychic</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive perception 10</p><p>Languages: Languages: —-</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Giant Iniarv’s Rats</p><p>Keen SmellKeen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom</p><p>(Perception) checks that rely on smell.</p><p>Pack Tactics. Pack Tactics. The rat has advantage on an attack</p><p>roll against a creature if at least one of the rat’s</p><p>allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally</p><p>isn’t incapacitated.</p><p>Light Sensitivity. Light Sensitivity. While in any bright light, the</p><p>rat has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as</p><p>on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on</p><p>sight.</p><p>Vampiric Bite:Vampiric Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,</p><p>reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing</p><p>damage plus 2 (1d4) necrotic damage. The</p><p>target’s hitpoint maximum is reduced by an</p><p>amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and</p><p>the rat regains hitpoints equal to that amount.</p><p>The reduction lasts until the target finishes a</p><p>long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its</p><p>hit point maximum to 0.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Guards include members of a city watch, sen-</p><p>tries in a citadel or fortified town, and the body-</p><p>guards of merchants and nobles.</p><p>GuardGuard</p><p>Medium humanoid, any alignment</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 16 (chain shirt, shield)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 11 (2d8 + 2)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)</p><p>Skills: Skills: Perception +2</p><p>Senses: Senses: passive perception 12</p><p>Languages: Languages: Any one language (usually Com-</p><p>mon)</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus: Proficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Guard</p><p>113 | 113 |</p><p>Hill giants are selfish brutes that hunt and raid</p><p>in constant search of food. Their skins are tan</p><p>from lives spent beneath the sun, and their</p><p>weapons are often uprooted trees and rocks</p><p>pulled from the earth. While Gorm carries a</p><p>massive brass hammer, use the normal great-</p><p>club attack stats. For</p><p>more information on hill</p><p>giants, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Hill GiantHill Giant</p><p>Huge giant, chaotic evil</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 13 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 105 (10d12 + 40)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 40 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 5 (-3) 9 (-1) 6 (-2)</p><p>Hill Giant</p><p>Spear. Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,</p><p>reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4</p><p>(1d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing</p><p>damage if used with two hands to make a melee</p><p>attack.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Skills:Skills: Perception +2</p><p>Senses:Senses: passive perception 12</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: Giant</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +3</p><p>Multiattack: Multiattack: The giant makes 2 greatclub at-</p><p>tacks.</p><p>Greatclub:Greatclub: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach</p><p>10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning</p><p>damage.</p><p>Rock:Rock: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range</p><p>60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeon-</p><p>ing damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Kuo-toa are sadistic, degenerate fish-like hu-</p><p>manoids that once inhabited the shores and</p><p>islands of the surface world. Long ago humans</p><p>and their ilk drove the kuo-toa underground,</p><p>where they dwell in madness and everlasting</p><p>night. Kuo-toa can no longer abide sunlight. For</p><p>more information on kuo-toa, see the Monster</p><p>Manual.</p><p>Kuo-toaKuo-toa</p><p>Medium humanoid (kua-toa), neutral evil</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 13 (natural armor, shield)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 18 (4d8)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>13 (+1) 10 (-0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)</p><p>Skills: Skills: Perception +4</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive perception 14</p><p>Languages: Languages: Undercommon</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Amphibious. Amphibious. The kuo-toa can breathe air and</p><p>water.</p><p>Otherworldly Perception. Otherworldly Perception. The kuo-toa can</p><p>sense the presence of any creature within 30 ft</p><p>of it that is invisible or on the Ethereal Plane. It</p><p>can pinpoint such a creature that is moving.</p><p>SlipperySlippery. The kuo-toa has advantage on abili-</p><p>ty checks and saving throws made to escape a</p><p>grapple.</p><p>Sunlight Sensitivity. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the</p><p>kuo-toa has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well</p><p>as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on</p><p>sight.</p><p>Kuo-toa</p><p>Bite.Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.</p><p>Actions Actions</p><p>| 114 | 114</p><p>Spear.Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,</p><p>reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4</p><p>(1d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing</p><p>damage if used with two hands to make a melee</p><p>attack.</p><p>Net. Net. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 5/15</p><p>ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The tar-</p><p>get is restrained. A creature can use its action</p><p>to make a DC 10 Strength check to free itself or</p><p>another creature in a net, ending the effect on</p><p>a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net</p><p>(AC 10) frees the target without harming it and</p><p>destroys the net.</p><p>Sticky Shield. Sticky Shield. When a creature misses the kuo-</p><p>toa with a melee weapon attack, the kuo-toa</p><p>uses its sticky shield to catch the weapon. The</p><p>attacker must succeed on a DC 11 Strength sav-</p><p>ing throw, or the weapon becomes stuck to the</p><p>kuo-toa’s shield. If the weapon’s wielder can’t or</p><p>won’t let go of the weapon, the wielder is grap-</p><p>pled while the weapon is stuck. While stuck, the</p><p>weapon can’t be used. A creature can pull the</p><p>weapon free by taking an action to make a DC 11</p><p>Strength check and succeeding.</p><p>ReactionsReactions</p><p>Kuo-toa worship gods of their own insane cre-</p><p>ation, but if enough kuo-toa believe that a god is</p><p>real, the energy of their collective subconscious</p><p>can cause that god to manifest as a physical</p><p>entity. For more information on kuo-toa, see the</p><p>Monster Manual.</p><p>Kuo-toa ArchpriestKuo-toa Archpriest</p><p>Medium humanoid (kua-toa), neutral evil</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 13 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 97 (13d8 + 39)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)</p><p>Kuo-toa Archpriest</p><p>Skills: Skills: Perception +9, Religion +6</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive perception 19</p><p>Languages: Languages: Undercommon</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +3</p><p>Amphibious. Amphibious. The kuo-toa can breathe air and</p><p>water.</p><p>Otherworldly Perception.Otherworldly Perception. The kuo-toa can</p><p>sense the presence of any creature within 30 ft.</p><p>of it that is invisible or on the Ethereal Plane. It</p><p>can pinpoint such a creature that is moving.</p><p>Slippery. Slippery. The kuo-toa has advantage on abili-</p><p>ty checks and saving throws made to escape a</p><p>grapple.</p><p>Sunlight Sensitivity.Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the</p><p>kuo-toa has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well</p><p>as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on</p><p>sight.</p><p>SpellcastingSpellcasting. The kuo-toa is a 10th-level spell-</p><p>caster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell</p><p>save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The kuo-</p><p>toa has the following cleric spells prepared:</p><p>• • Cantrips (at will): Cantrips (at will): guidance, sacred flame,</p><p>thaumaturgy</p><p>• • 1st level (4 slots): 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, sanctuary,</p><p>shield of faith</p><p>• • 2nd level (3 slots): 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual</p><p>weapon</p><p>• • 3rd level (3 slots):3rd level (3 slots): spirit guardians, tongues</p><p>• • 4th level (3 slots): 4th level (3 slots): control water, divination</p><p>• • 5th level (2 slots): 5th level (2 slots): mass cure wounds, scry-</p><p>ing</p><p>Multiattack. Multiattack. The kuo-toa makes two melee at-</p><p>tacks.</p><p>Scepter. Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5</p><p>ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning dam-</p><p>age plus 14 (4d6) lightning damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>115 | 115 |</p><p>Mephits are capricious, imp-like creatures</p><p>native to the elemental planes. Ageless trick-</p><p>sters, mephits gather in large numbers on the</p><p>Elemental Planes and in the Elemental Chaos.</p><p>They also find their way to the Material Plane,</p><p>where they prefer to dwell in places where their</p><p>base elements are abundant. For more informa-</p><p>tion, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Mud MephitsMud Mephits</p><p>Small elemental, neutral evil</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 11</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 27 (6d6+6)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 20 ft., fly 20 ft., swim 20 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)</p><p>Skills:Skills: Stealth +3</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: poison</p><p>Condition Immunities: Condition Immunities: poisoned</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10</p><p>Languages: Languages: Aquan, Terran</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>False Appearance. False Appearance. While the mephit remains</p><p>motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordi-</p><p>nary mound of mud.</p><p>Death Burst. Death Burst. When the mephit dies, it explodes</p><p>in a burst of sticky mud. Each Medium or small-</p><p>er creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a</p><p>DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained</p><p>until the end of the creature’s next turn.</p><p>Mud Mephit</p><p>Unarmed Strike.Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,</p><p>reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning</p><p>damage.</p><p>Fists: Fists: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning dam-</p><p>age.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Mud Breath (Recharge</p><p>6): Mud Breath (Recharge 6): The mephit belches</p><p>viscid mud onto one creature within 5 feet of</p><p>it. If the target is Medium or smaller, it must</p><p>succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be</p><p>restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat</p><p>the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,</p><p>ending the effect on itself on a success.</p><p>A nilbog is an invisible spirit that possess only</p><p>goblins. When bereft of a host, the spirit has a</p><p>flying speed of 30 feet, it can’t be attacked, and is</p><p>immune to all damage and conditions.</p><p>If its host is killed or the possession is ended</p><p>by a spell such as hallow, magic circle, or pro-</p><p>tection from good and evil, the spirit searches</p><p>for another goblin to possess. A goblin targeted</p><p>by the spirit must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma</p><p>saving throw or become possessed. While pos-</p><p>sessed, the goblin uses the nilbog statblock. If</p><p>the save succeeds, the spirit can’t possess that</p><p>goblin for 24 hours. For more information, see</p><p>Monsters of the Multiverse.</p><p>NilbogNilbog</p><p>Small fey (goblinoid), typically chaotic neutral</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 13</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 7 (2d6)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 15 (+2)</p><p>SkillsSkills: Stealth +6</p><p>SensesSenses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 9</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: Common, Goblin</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 1 (200 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>NilbogismNilbogism. Any creature that attempts to dam-</p><p>age the nilbog must first succeed on a DC 12 Cha-</p><p>risma saving throw or be charmed until the end</p><p>of the creature’s next turn. A creature charmed</p><p>in this way must use its action praising the nil-</p><p>bog. The nilbog can’t regain hitpoints, including</p><p>through magical healing, except through its</p><p>Reversal of Fortune reaction.</p><p>Nilbog</p><p>| 116 | 116</p><p>Fool’s Scepter: Fool’s Scepter: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,</p><p>reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning</p><p>damage.</p><p>Mocking Word: Mocking Word: The nilbog targets one creature</p><p>it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must</p><p>succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or take</p><p>5 (2d4) psychic damage and have disadvantage</p><p>on its next attack roll before the end of its next</p><p>turn.</p><p>Spellcasting: Spellcasting: The nilbog casts one of the follow-</p><p>ing spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting</p><p>ability (spell save DC 12):</p><p>At will: Mage Hand, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Nimble Escape.Nimble Escape. The nilbog takes the Disengage</p><p>or Hide action.</p><p>Bonus ActionBonus Action</p><p>Reversal of Fortune. Reversal of Fortune. In response to another crea-</p><p>ture dealing damage to the nilbog, the nilbog</p><p>reduces the damage to 0 and regains 3 (1d6) hit</p><p>points.</p><p>ReactionsReactions</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>13 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)</p><p>SkillsSkills: Athletics +3</p><p>SensesSenses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 9</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: Common, Goblin</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Multiattack: Multiattack: The norker makes one mace and</p><p>one bite attack.</p><p>Bite: Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.</p><p>Mace: Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Defensive Rebuke. Defensive Rebuke. If a creature within 5 feet of</p><p>the norker makes a melee attack against it, the</p><p>norker can use its reaction to cause 4 piercing</p><p>damage to it.</p><p>ReactionsReactions</p><p>Cruel, vicious, and lazy even by the standards</p><p>of goblinoids, norkers are are tough humanoids</p><p>whose long, sharp fangs and thick, bony exo-</p><p>skeletons make them well suited to the ranks</p><p>of hobgoblin armies. Unfortunately for their</p><p>would-be masters, norkers are rebellious, truc-</p><p>ulent, and prone to indolence unless watched</p><p>with a keen eye and a hand that is quick to whip.</p><p>See Mordenkainen’s Fiendish Folio Volume 1 for</p><p>more information.</p><p>NorkerNorker</p><p>Small humanoid (goblinoid), chaotic evil</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 16 (3d8 + 3)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>Norker</p><p>The war chief of an orc tribe is its strongest and</p><p>most cunning member. The reign of a war chief</p><p>lasts only as long as it commands the fear and</p><p>respect of other tribe members, whose blood-</p><p>lust must be regularly satisfied lest the chief</p><p>appear weak. For more information, see the</p><p>Monster Manual.</p><p>Orc War ChiefOrc War Chief</p><p>Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 16 (chain mail)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 93 (11d8 + 44)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3)</p><p>Saving Throws: Saving Throws: Str +6, Con +6, Wis +2</p><p>Skills: Skills: Intimidation +5</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10</p><p>Languages: Languages: Common, Orc</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Orc War Chief</p><p>117 | 117 |</p><p>AggressiveAggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move</p><p>up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it</p><p>can see.</p><p>Gruumsh’s Fury.Gruumsh’s Fury. The orc deals an extra 4 (1d8)</p><p>damage when it hits with a weapon attack (in-</p><p>cluded in the attacks).</p><p>Multiattack: Multiattack: The orc makes 2 attacks with its</p><p>greataxe or its spear.</p><p>Greataxe: Greataxe: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5</p><p>ft., one target. Hit: 15 (1d12 + 4 plus 1d8) slashing</p><p>damage.</p><p>Spear: Spear: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,</p><p>reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 12</p><p>(1d6 + 4 plus 1d8) piercing damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4)</p><p>piercing damage if used with 2 hands to make a</p><p>melee attack.</p><p>Battle Cry (1/Day): Battle Cry (1/Day): Each creature of the war</p><p>chief’s choice that is within 30 feet of it, can hear</p><p>it, and not already affected by Battle Cry gain ad-</p><p>vantage on attack rolls until the start of the war</p><p>chief’s next turn. The war chief can then make</p><p>one attack as a bonus action.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Would-be thieves and careless heroes arrive at</p><p>the doorsteps of an enemy’s abode, eyes and ears</p><p>alert for traps, only to end their quest prema-</p><p>turely as the rugs beneath their feet animate</p><p>and smother them to death. For more informa-</p><p>tion, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Rug of SmotheringRug of Smothering</p><p>Large construct, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 12</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 33 (6d10)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 10 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 1(-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)</p><p>Rug of Smothering</p><p>Damage Immunities:Damage Immunities: poison, psychic</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,</p><p>frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60 ft. (blind beyond this radi-</p><p>us), passive perception 6</p><p>Languages: Languages: –</p><p>Challenge:Challenge: 2 (450 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Antimagic Susceptibility. Antimagic Susceptibility. The rug is incapaci-</p><p>tated while in the area of an antimagic field. If</p><p>targeted by dispel magic, the armor must suc-</p><p>ceed on a Constitution saving throw against the</p><p>caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1</p><p>minute.</p><p>Damage Transfer. Damage Transfer. While it is grappling a crea-</p><p>ture, the rug takes only half the damage dealt</p><p>to it, and the creature grappled by the rug takes</p><p>the other half.</p><p>False Appearance. False Appearance. While the rug remains mo-</p><p>tionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal</p><p>rug.</p><p>Smother. Smother. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach</p><p>5 ft., one Medium or smaller creature. Hit: The</p><p>creature is</p><p>grappled (escape DC 13). Until this</p><p>grapple ends, the target is restrained, blinded,</p><p>and at risk of suffocating, and the rug can’t</p><p>smother another target. In addition, at the start</p><p>of each of the target’s turns, the target takes 10</p><p>(2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Wizards and other spellcasters create shield</p><p>guardians for protection. A shield treads beside</p><p>its master, absorbing damage to keep its master</p><p>alive as long as possible. For more information,</p><p>see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Shield GuardianShield Guardian</p><p>Large construct, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 17</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 142 (15d10 + 60)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>Shield Guardian</p><p>| 118 | 118</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>18 (+4) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 7(-2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: poison</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,</p><p>frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned</p><p>Senses:Senses: blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., pas-</p><p>sive perception 10</p><p>Languages: Languages: understands commands given in</p><p>any language but can’t speak</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +3</p><p>BoundBound. The shield guardian is magically bound</p><p>to an amulet. As long as the guardian and its</p><p>amulet are on the same plane of existence, the</p><p>amulet’s wearer can telepathically call the</p><p>guardian to travel to it, and the guardian knows</p><p>the distance and direction to the amulet. If the</p><p>guardian is within 60 ft. of the amulet’s wearer,</p><p>half of any damage the wearer takes (rounded</p><p>up) is transferred to the guardian.</p><p>Regeneration. Regeneration. The shield guardian regains 10</p><p>hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1</p><p>hit point.</p><p>Spell StoringSpell Storing. A spellcaster who wears the</p><p>shield guardian’s amulet can cause the guard-</p><p>ian to store one spell of 4th level or lower. To do</p><p>so, the wearer must cast the spell on the guard-</p><p>ian. The spell has no effect but is stored within</p><p>the guardian.</p><p>When commanded to do so by the wearer or</p><p>when a situation arises that was predefined by</p><p>the spellcaster, the guardian casts the stored</p><p>spell with any parameters set by the original</p><p>caster, requiring no components. When the</p><p>spell is cast or a new spell is stored, any previ-</p><p>ously stored spell is lost.</p><p>Damage Vulnerabilities: Damage Vulnerabilities: fire, radiant</p><p>Damage Resistances: Damage Resistances: necrotic, poison, psychic,</p><p>bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing</p><p>Condition Immunities: Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened,</p><p>grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, re-</p><p>strained, stunned</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive perception 10</p><p>Languages: Languages: —-</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>Keen Smell. Keen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom</p><p>(Perception) checks that rely on smell.</p><p>Swarm. Swarm. The swarm can occupy another crea-</p><p>ture’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can</p><p>move through any opening large enough for a</p><p>Tiny rat. The swarm can’t regain hit points or</p><p>gain temporary hit points.</p><p>Light Sensitivity. Light Sensitivity. While in any bright light, the</p><p>rat has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as</p><p>on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on</p><p>sight.</p><p>Swarm of Iniarv’s Rats</p><p>Multiattack: Multiattack: The guardian makes two fist at-</p><p>tacks.</p><p>Fist:Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Shield: Shield: When a creature makes an attack against</p><p>the wearer of the guardian’s amulet, the guard-</p><p>ian grants a +2 bonus to the wearer’s AC if the</p><p>guardian is within 5 feet of the wearer.</p><p>ReactionsReactions</p><p>These are tiny rats native to Iniarv’s Tower, and</p><p>thus are new to Factions of Phandalin. These</p><p>creatures have been corrupted by dark magic</p><p>that has its roots in Iniarv’s Tower and have tak-</p><p>en in some of this dark magic.</p><p>Swarm of Iniarv’s RatsSwarm of Iniarv’s Rats</p><p>Medium swarm of tiny monstrosities, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 10</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 29 (8d8 - 7)</p><p>Speed:Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>9 (+0) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)</p><p>119 | 119 |</p><p>Vampiric Bite (full health): Vampiric Bite (full health): Melee Weapon At-</p><p>tack: +2 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6)</p><p>piercing damage plus 2 (1d4) necrotic damage.</p><p>The target’s hitpoint maximum is reduced by an</p><p>amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and</p><p>the rat regains hitpoints equal to that amount.</p><p>The reduction lasts until the target finishes a</p><p>long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its</p><p>hit point maximum to 0.</p><p>Vampiric Bite (half health): Vampiric Bite (half health): Melee Weapon At-</p><p>tack: +2 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6)</p><p>piercing damage plus 1 (1d2) necrotic damage.</p><p>The target’s hitpoint maximum is reduced by an</p><p>amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and</p><p>the rat regains hitpoints equal to that amount.</p><p>The reduction lasts until the target finishes a</p><p>long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its</p><p>hit point maximum to 0.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Most of a vampire’s victims become vampire</p><p>spawn - ravenous creatures with a vampire’s</p><p>hunger for blood, but under the control of the</p><p>vampire that created them. If a true vampire</p><p>allows a spawn to draw blood from its own body,</p><p>the spawn transforms into a true vampire no</p><p>longer under its master’s control. Few vampires</p><p>are willing to relinquish control in this manner.</p><p>Vampire spawn become free willed when their</p><p>creator dies. For more information, see the Mon-</p><p>ster Manual.</p><p>Vampire SpawnVampire Spawn</p><p>Medium swarm of tiny monstrosities, unaligned</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 82 (11d8 + 33)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 30 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)</p><p>Vampire Spawn</p><p>Saving Throw:Saving Throw: Dex +6, Wis +3</p><p>SkillsSkills: Perception +3, Stealth +6</p><p>Damage ResistancesDamage Resistances: necrotic, bludgeoning,</p><p>piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks</p><p>SensesSenses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 13</p><p>LanguagesLanguages: the languages it knew in life</p><p>ChallengeChallenge: 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +3</p><p>RegenerationRegeneration. The vampire regains 10 hit points</p><p>at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point</p><p>and isn’t in sunlight or running water. If the</p><p>vampire takes radiant damage or damage from</p><p>holy water, this trait doesn’t function at the</p><p>start of the vampire’s next turn.</p><p>Spider ClimbSpider Climb. The vampire can climb difficult</p><p>surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,</p><p>without needing to make an ability check.</p><p>Vampire WeaknessesVampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the fol-</p><p>lowing flaws:</p><p>Forbiddance. The vampire can’t enter a</p><p>residence without an invitation from one of the</p><p>occupants.</p><p>Harmed by Running Water. The vampire</p><p>takes 20 acid damage when it ends its turn in</p><p>running water.</p><p>Stake to the Heart. The vampire is de-</p><p>stroyed if a piercing weapon made of wood is</p><p>driven into its heart while it is incapacitated in</p><p>its resting place.</p><p>Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire</p><p>takes 20 radiant damage when it starts its turn</p><p>in sunlight. While in sunlight, it has disadvan-</p><p>tage on attack rolls and ability checks.</p><p>| 120 | 120</p><p>Multiattack: Multiattack: The vampire makes 2 attacks, only</p><p>one of which can be a bite attack.</p><p>Claws: Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,</p><p>one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. In-</p><p>stead of dealing damage, the vampire can grap-</p><p>ple the target</p><p>(escape DC 13).</p><p>Bite: Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5</p><p>ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is</p><p>grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or</p><p>restrained. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus</p><p>7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point</p><p>maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the</p><p>necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains</p><p>hit points equal to that amount. The reduction</p><p>lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The</p><p>target dies if this effect reduces its hit point max-</p><p>imum to 0.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Varags are new to fifth edition through Factions</p><p>of Phandalin. Often called “blood chasers,” this</p><p>feral species of goblinoids possess a hairy and</p><p>primitive form with double jointed hind legs</p><p>and two horns that curve away from the skull.</p><p>Varags the result of forced union between hob-</p><p>goblins and direwolves.</p><p>VaragVarag</p><p>Medium humanoid (goblinoid), chaotic evil</p><p>Armor Class:Armor Class: 15</p><p>Hit Points:Hit Points: 26 (4d8 + 8)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 35 ft.</p><p>Varag</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>13 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (0) 8 (-1)</p><p>Senses: Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10</p><p>Languages: Languages: Goblin</p><p>Challenge: Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +2</p><p>AggressiveAggressive. As a bonus action, the varag can</p><p>move up to its speed toward a hostile creature</p><p>that it can see.</p><p>Multiattack:Multiattack: The varag makes 2 attacks with its</p><p>scimitar.</p><p>Scimitar: Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5</p><p>ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>Sinister necromantics magic infuses the re-</p><p>mains of the dead, causing them to rise as zom-</p><p>bies that do their creator’s bidding without</p><p>fear or hesitation. Zombies take the most direct</p><p>route to any foe, unable to comprehend obsta-</p><p>cles, tactics, or dangerous terrain. For more in-</p><p>formation on zombies, see the Monster Manual.</p><p>Zombie BeholderZombie Beholder</p><p>Large undead, neutral evil</p><p>Armor Class: Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)</p><p>Hit Points: Hit Points: 93 (11d10 + 33)</p><p>Speed: Speed: 0 ft., fly 20 ft.</p><p>STR DEX CON INT WIS CHASTR DEX CON INT WIS CHA</p><p>10 (+0) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 8 (0) 5 (-3)</p><p>Saving Throws: Saving Throws: Wis +2</p><p>Damage Immunities: Damage Immunities: poison</p><p>Condition Immunities:Condition Immunities: poisoned, prone</p><p>SensesSenses: darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 9</p><p>Languages: Languages: understands Deep Speech and Un-</p><p>dercommon, but can’t speak</p><p>Challenge:Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency BonusProficiency Bonus: +3</p><p>Undead Fortitude. Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zom-</p><p>bie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution</p><p>saving throw with a DC of 5+the damage taken,</p><p>unless the damage is radiant or from a critical</p><p>hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point</p><p>instead.</p><p>Zombie Beholder</p><p>Keen SmellKeen Smell. The varag has advantage on Wis-</p><p>dom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.</p><p>Pack Tactics. Pack Tactics. The varag has advantage on an at-</p><p>tack roll against a creature if at least one of the</p><p>varag’s allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and</p><p>the ally isn’t incapacitated.</p><p>121 | 121 |</p><p>Bite: Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one</p><p>target. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage.</p><p>Eye Rays: Eye Rays: The zombie uses a random magical eye</p><p>ray, choosing a target that it can see within 60</p><p>feet of it.</p><p>ActionsActions</p><p>1. 1. Paralyzing Ray. Paralyzing Ray. The targeted creature</p><p>must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution sav-</p><p>ing throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute.</p><p>The target can repeat the saving throw</p><p>at the end of each of its turns, ending the</p><p>effect on itself on a success.</p><p>2. 2. Fear Ray. Fear Ray. The targeted creature must suc-</p><p>ceed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or</p><p>be frightened for 1 minute. The target can</p><p>repeat the saving throw at the end of each</p><p>of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a</p><p>success.</p><p>3. 3. Enervation Ray. Enervation Ray. The targeted creature</p><p>must make a DC 14 Constitution saving</p><p>throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on</p><p>a failed save, or half as much damage on a</p><p>successful one.</p><p>4. 4. Disintegration Ray. Disintegration Ray. If the target is a crea-</p><p>ture, it must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity</p><p>saving throw or take 45 (10d8) force dam-</p><p>age. If this damage reduces the creature</p><p>to 0 hit points, its body becomes a pile of</p><p>fine gray dust.</p><p>If the target is a large or small nonmagical</p><p>object or creation of magical force, it is disinte-</p><p>grated without a saving throw. If the target is a</p><p>huge or large nonmagical object or creation of</p><p>magical force, this ray disintegrates a 10-foot</p><p>cube of it.</p><p>| 122 | 122</p><p>Appendix C: Magic Items</p><p>This section contains statblocks and short</p><p>descriptions for the creatures that appear in</p><p>Factions of Phandalin, along with what source</p><p>Bag of HoldingBag of Holding</p><p>Wondrous Item, Uncommon</p><p>Weight: 15</p><p>This bag has an interior space considerably</p><p>larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2</p><p>feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep.</p><p>The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceed-</p><p>ing a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15</p><p>pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an</p><p>item from the bag requires an action.</p><p>If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it rup-</p><p>tures and is destroyed, its contents scattered in</p><p>the Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out,</p><p>its contents spill forth, unharmed, but the bag</p><p>must be put right before it can be used again.</p><p>Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive</p><p>up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided</p><p>by the number of creatures (minimum 1 min-</p><p>ute), after which time they begin to suffocate.</p><p>Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimen-</p><p>sional space created by a handy haversack,</p><p>portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys</p><p>both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane.</p><p>The gate originates where the one item was</p><p>placed inside the other. Any creature within 10</p><p>feet of The gate is sucked through it to a random</p><p>Location on the Astral Plane. The gate then</p><p>closes. The gate is one-way only and can’t be</p><p>reopened.</p><p>Cape of MountebankCape of Mountebank</p><p>Wondrous Item, Rare</p><p>This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While</p><p>wearing it, you can use it to cast the dimension</p><p>door spell as an action. This property of the cape</p><p>can’t be used again until the next dawn.</p><p>When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud</p><p>of smoke, and you appear in a similar cloud of</p><p>smoke at your destination. The smoke lightly</p><p>obscures the space you left and the space you</p><p>appear in, and it dissipates at the end of your</p><p>next turn. A light or stronger wind disperses the</p><p>smoke.</p><p>Cloak of ElvenkindCloak of Elvenkind</p><p>Wondrous Item, Uncommon, (requires attune-</p><p>ment)</p><p>While wearing this cloak with its hood up,</p><p>Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you</p><p>have disadvantage, and you have advantage on</p><p>Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide, as the</p><p>cloak’s color shifts to camouflage you. Pulling</p><p>the hood up or down requires an action.</p><p>Cloak of Manta RayCloak of Manta Ray</p><p>Wondrous Item, Uncommon</p><p>While wearing this cloak with its hood up, you</p><p>can breathe underwater and have a swimming</p><p>speed of 60ft. Pulling the hood up or down re-</p><p>quires an action.</p><p>This item does not require attunement.</p><p>Cloak of ProtectionCloak of Protection</p><p>Wondrous Item, Uncommon, (requires attune-</p><p>ment)</p><p>You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws</p><p>while you wear this cloak.</p><p>you can use to find more information. The</p><p>creatures that appear in this section are listed</p><p>in alphabetical order.</p><p>123 | 123 |</p><p>the well can see the same visions from the</p><p>scrying spell.</p><p>Mind Reading.Mind Reading. You can use an action to cast</p><p>Detect Thoughts (save DC 22) while you are</p><p>scrying with the Crystal ball, targeting crea-</p><p>tures you can see within 30</p><p>feet of the spell’s</p><p>sensor. You don’t need to concentrate on this</p><p>spell to maintain it during its duration, but it</p><p>ends if the scrying ends.</p><p>Dominate Person. Dominate Person. You can use an action to cast</p><p>the Dominate Person spell at 6th level (save DC</p><p>22) while you are scrying with the crystal ball,</p><p>targeting Creatures you can see within 30 feet</p><p>of the spell’s sensor. You don’t need to concen-</p><p>trate on this Dominate Person to maintain it</p><p>during its duration, but it ends if the scrying</p><p>ends.</p><p>Netherese Protection.Netherese Protection. This crystal ball was</p><p>created for Netherese. If a creature using this</p><p>is not a pureblood Netherese human, then</p><p>once the scrying ends, they must make a DC 22</p><p>Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they</p><p>take 8d10 psychic damage, have their intel-</p><p>ligence lowered by 3d6, and lose all memory</p><p>regarding the scrying incident. If a charac-</p><p>ter’s intelligence is dropped to 0, they become</p><p>stunned until they regain a point of intel-</p><p>ligence, such as through the use of Greater</p><p>Restoration. On a success, the psychic damage</p><p>and lower intelligence penalty is halved.</p><p>Flail of GruumshFlail of Gruumsh</p><p>Weapon (Flail), Rare, (requires attunement)</p><p>A powerful flail constructed by orcs for their</p><p>god, Gruumsh, this weapon is magical and deals</p><p>an extra 1d6 force damage on every hit.</p><p>Huanghdannar GravityHuanghdannar Gravity</p><p>WarhammerWarhammer</p><p>Weapon (Warhammer), Very Rare, (requires at-</p><p>tunement)</p><p>You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls</p><p>made with this magic weapon. On critical hits,</p><p>the creature must make a Strength saving</p><p>throw with a DC of 8 + your strength modifier +</p><p>your proficiency bonus. On a failure, the crea-</p><p>ture falls prone.</p><p>Launch Attack.Launch Attack. When you move straight for-</p><p>ward at least 20 feet using your movement, you</p><p>can use your action to launch yourself into the</p><p>air with the hammer. Roll a d10 and multiply</p><p>the number by 5 to determine how high you</p><p>go. If there is a creature below you in a 5 foot</p><p>radius, as part of the same action you can make</p><p>an attack against that creature. On a hit, all fall</p><p>damage (1d6 per 10 feet) is transferred through</p><p>the hammer to the creature. On a miss or not</p><p>swinging, your fall damage is halved.</p><p>Alternatively, if you use the dash action as part</p><p>of the same action you can use the hammer to</p><p>launch yourself forward a number of feet equal</p><p>to 1d10 times 5. As a bonus action you can make</p><p>an attack roll against any creature you pass by</p><p>in mid air or that you land within 5 feet of, deal-</p><p>ing an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit.</p><p>Netherese Crystal BallNetherese Crystal Ball</p><p>Wondrous Item, Artifact, (requires attunement)</p><p>Sitting at about 6 inches in diameter, a crystal</p><p>ball is a very rare item. While touching it, you</p><p>can cast Scrying (save DC 22) with it at will. If it</p><p>is placed in the claw of the fountain in the Old</p><p>of the Old Owl Well, any creature looking into</p><p>Potion of HeroismPotion of Heroism</p><p>Potion, Rare</p><p>This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boil-</p><p>ing. For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10</p><p>temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. For the</p><p>same duration, you are under the effect of the</p><p>Bless spell (no concentration required).</p><p>While blessed, any time you make an attack roll</p><p>or a saving throw before the effect ends, you can</p><p>roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack</p><p>roll or saving throw.</p><p>| 124 | 124</p><p>Ring of Animal InfluenceRing of Animal Influence</p><p>Ring, Rare</p><p>This ring has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expend-</p><p>ed charges daily at dawn (to roll a d3, roll a d6.</p><p>divide the number by 2, then round up). While</p><p>wearing the ring, you can use an action to ex-</p><p>pend 1 charge to cast one of the following spells:</p><p>This ring does not require attunement.</p><p>• Animal Friendship (save DC 13)</p><p>• Fear (save DC 13, and can only be</p><p>towards an animal with an Intelli-</p><p>gence of 3 or lower).</p><p>• Speak with Animals</p><p>Ring of EvasionRing of Evasion</p><p>Ring, Rare, (requires attunement)</p><p>This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 ex-</p><p>pended Charges daily at dawn. When you fail</p><p>a Dexterity saving throw while wearing it, you</p><p>can use your Reaction to expend 1 of its Charges</p><p>to succeed on that saving throw instead.</p><p>To roll a 1d3, roll a 1d6 and divide the result in</p><p>half, rounding up.</p><p>Ring of Mind ShieldingRing of Mind Shielding</p><p>Ring, Rare, (requires attunement)</p><p>While wearing this ring, you are immune to</p><p>magic that allows other creatures to read your</p><p>thoughts, determine whether you are lying,</p><p>know your alignment, or know your creature</p><p>type. Creatures can telepathically communicate</p><p>with you only if you allow it.</p><p>You can use an action to cause the ring to be-</p><p>come invisible until you use another action to</p><p>make it visible, until you remove the ring or</p><p>until you die.</p><p>If you die while wearing the ring, your soul en-</p><p>ters it, unless it already houses a soul. You can</p><p>remain in the ring or depart for the afterlife.</p><p>As long as your soul is in the ring, you can tele-</p><p>pathically communicate with any creature</p><p>wearing it. A wearer can’t prevent this telepath-</p><p>ic communication.</p><p>Ring of ResistanceRing of Resistance</p><p>Ring, Rare, (requires attunement)</p><p>You have resistance to one damage type while</p><p>wearing this ring. The gem in the ring indicates</p><p>the type which the DM chooses or determines</p><p>randomly.</p><p>d10d10</p><p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p><p>4</p><p>5</p><p>6</p><p>7</p><p>8</p><p>9</p><p>10</p><p>Damage TypeDamage Type</p><p>Acid</p><p>Cold</p><p>Fire</p><p>Force</p><p>Lightning</p><p>Necrotic</p><p>Poison</p><p>Psychic</p><p>Radiant</p><p>Thunder</p><p>Jewel TypeJewel Type</p><p>Pearl</p><p>Tourmaline</p><p>Garnet</p><p>Sapphire</p><p>Citrine</p><p>Jet</p><p>Amethyst</p><p>Jade</p><p>Topaz</p><p>Spinel</p><p>Ring of WarmthRing of Warmth</p><p>Ring, Uncommon (requires attunement)</p><p>While wearing this ring, you have resistance to</p><p>cold damage. In addition, you and everything</p><p>you wear and carry are unharmed by tempera-</p><p>tures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit.</p><p>Scroll of DaylightScroll of Daylight</p><p>Scroll, Uncommon</p><p>Scrolls contain magic that allow a caster to use</p><p>them for one time spell effects. (For information</p><p>on how spell scrolls work, see Appendix A, Mag-</p><p>ic Items of LMoP.) For more information on the</p><p>spell, see the Daylight Spell.</p><p>125 | 125 |</p><p>Slippers of Spider ClimbingSlippers of Spider Climbing</p><p>Wondrous Item, Uncommon, (requires attune-</p><p>ment)</p><p>While you wear these light shoes, you can move</p><p>up, down, and across vertical surfaces and</p><p>upside down along ceilings, while leaving your</p><p>hands free. You have a climbing speed equal to</p><p>your walking speed. However, the slippers don’t</p><p>allow you to move this way on a slippery sur-</p><p>face, such as one covered by ice or oil.</p><p>Slow Poison WineSlow Poison Wine</p><p>Adventuring Gear (consumable)</p><p>This a 750ml bottle of fine poisoned wine.</p><p>This wine deals 7d6 poison damage for each sip</p><p>taken, 5 hours after the wine is drunk. The char-</p><p>acter must make a DC 16 constitution saving</p><p>throw, with half damage taken on a successful</p><p>save.</p><p>For each extra cup drank, the time until the</p><p>poison acts is reduced by one hour and the con-</p><p>stitution save is increased by 2. If a character</p><p>drinks half the bottle alone, they have disadvan-</p><p>tage on the saving throw.</p><p>From the time a character takes a sip until the</p><p>damage is dealt, they are considered poisoned.</p><p>Any effect that could cure the poisoned status or</p><p>purify drinks can render the poison inert.</p><p>Standard cups of wine are about 5oz, and as a</p><p>result can fill about 5 cups. A standard sip is</p><p>about 20-25ml. As a result, a cup will generally</p><p>last about 6 sips.</p><p>Cantrips:</p><p>Control Flames, Identify, Light, Mending</p><p>1st</p><p>Sleep, Detect Evil and Good, Protection from Evil</p><p>and Good</p><p>2nd</p><p>Magic Mouth, Locate Object, Knock, Levitate, Rope</p><p>Trick</p><p>3rd</p><p>Blink, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Hold Person,</p><p>Leomund’s Tiny Hut, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Water</p><p>Breathing</p><p>4th</p><p>Charm Monster, Confusion, Dimension Door, Fire</p><p>Shield, Polymorph</p><p>5th</p><p>Bigby’s Hand, Cone of Cold, Hold Monster, Wall of</p><p>Force</p><p>Wand of SecretsWand of Secrets</p><p>Wand, Uncommon</p><p>This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you</p><p>can use an action to expend 1 of its charges, and</p><p>if a secret door or</p><p>sizzle from cracks in the dirt.”</p><p>Climbing Mount Hotenow</p><p>Characters must climb a short way up the vol-</p><p>cano to reach the magma caves where the orcs</p><p>and elementals are. Orcs and fiery creatures</p><p>are regularly patrolling this mountainside</p><p>area.</p><p>Furthermore, players must make a DC 11 Con-</p><p>stitution saving throw once per hour or take</p><p>1 point of exhaustion from the extreme heat.</p><p>Characters that are resistant to heat/fire have</p><p>advantage on this check. Characters in heavy</p><p>armor must make the rolls at disadvantage</p><p>due to their armor heating up. Characters with</p><p>magical effects that can cool players without</p><p>damaging them, or have magic items such as</p><p>a decanter of endless water can give players</p><p>advantage on the check.</p><p>The mountain is rough terrain, and will take</p><p>about 4 hours to climb at a normal pace, 3</p><p>hours at a fast pace, and 6 hours as a slow/</p><p>stealthy pace. Each of the following areas takes</p><p>one hour to get through at a normal pace.</p><p>In each area, roll a d20 with advantage. On</p><p>results ranging from 17 to 20, players will have</p><p>the described encounter.</p><p>Lower Colored Springs</p><p>On the trek up the mountain, there are large</p><p>stagnant pools of water resting in shallow,</p><p>large natural cauldrons (shaped more like a</p><p>plate than a bowl). Around the edges of the</p><p>rocks submerged in the water are a series of</p><p>bacteria colonies that cause the pools of water</p><p>to have rings of red, yellow, orange, green, and</p><p>blue.</p><p>This bacteria is highly specialized and dead-</p><p>ly though, as it can only live in calm and</p><p>extremely hot environments. Touching this</p><p>water deals 1d10 fire damage and players must</p><p>make a DC 14 constitution save or take 1d10</p><p>poison damage.</p><p>11 | 11 |</p><p>Despite the dangerous water, this section of</p><p>the mountain is relatively safe and the easiest</p><p>to walk up a somewhat steep hill. Orcs patrol</p><p>this area, and rolling an encounter here means</p><p>the players will run across a band of 1d8 orcs orcs</p><p>(statblock is in both DoIP and LMoP).</p><p>Jagged Steam Field</p><p>“The first hill crests as you find yourself at</p><p>the beginning of a jagged ridge of glassy</p><p>rocks. On your left side is a steep cliff going</p><p>down over 100 feet to the rocks below. On</p><p>the right side is a serrated wall of spikes</p><p>and holes that is a composite of volcanic</p><p>rock and ash. In the distance a light explo-</p><p>sion, a burst of some sort, echoes over the</p><p>uneven pass.”</p><p>This ridge is about 100 feet wide throughout,</p><p>and slightly slopes up as it curves around the</p><p>mountain for the better part of 2 miles. The</p><p>right side of the cliff wall is nearly impossible</p><p>to climb. The rocks are hot and rough, which</p><p>would deal 1d10 fire damage and 1d4 piercing</p><p>damage with every foot moved. The wall is</p><p>about 200 feet high, and even a flying charac-</p><p>ter who could lower rope would see the rope</p><p>cut by the sawtooth rocks. If players manage</p><p>to reach the top, they would reach the Upper</p><p>Springs.</p><p>The environment here is the real challenge.</p><p>The sharp rocks are difficult to walk across.</p><p>Players must make a DC 14 Stealth check if</p><p>moving slowly, Athletics if moving at a normal</p><p>pace, or Acrobatics if running. On a success,</p><p>they take no damage; on a failure they take</p><p>1d4 piercing damage as a volcanic rock cuts</p><p>through their foot. If a character is in metal</p><p>boots, they automatically succeed on this</p><p>check.</p><p>Players must travel about 2 miles over this.</p><p>During this trip, they must make this check 5</p><p>times. Half way through, the ground erupts</p><p>with a geyser of heated water. Players must</p><p>make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, or take</p><p>1d10 fire damage and 1d10 bludgeoning dam-</p><p>age.</p><p>More geysers will erupt as they move through</p><p>this area. Every 1000 feet, roll for another</p><p>geyser eruption. On a 1-10 the geyser erupts</p><p>far away, but an 11-20 erupts right under the</p><p>party. If the party is moving slowly/stealthily,</p><p>roll with disadvantage. If they sprint across</p><p>the field, roll with advantage. In total, this is 5</p><p>geyser checks and 5 jagged rock checks to pass</p><p>through this field.</p><p>Thin Lava Flow Ridges</p><p>“As you round the corner of the mountain-</p><p>side, you come to a large mostly vertical</p><p>cooled lava flow that has created multiple</p><p>tiers of thin ridges just barely wide enough</p><p>to walk on.”</p><p>These ridges are about 2 feet wide, meaning</p><p>that characters need to sidle to cross them.</p><p>The lava ridge is not completely vertical, and</p><p>has 4 layers, so if a player slips off the first,</p><p>they can slide down the flow to the next ridge.</p><p>If the player fails after sliding to the fourth</p><p>ridge, they will fall 200 feet to the Lower Col-</p><p>ored Springs below.</p><p>| 12 | 12</p><p>The ridge is 100 feet long, and opens back up to</p><p>a 15-20 foot wide slope that continues to wrap</p><p>around the mountain. Sidling across the ridge</p><p>requires two DC 13 Acrobatics checks. Failure</p><p>causes the character to slip down to the next</p><p>layer, and causes them to have to make another</p><p>check until they succeed or fall. The cliff side</p><p>from the lower ridges are easily accessible</p><p>without a skill check.</p><p>Upon reaching the wider slope, you can have</p><p>an encounter. 1d4 fire snakesfire snakes (see appendix)</p><p>like to sit and sun themselves on this ridge if</p><p>you roll a 17-20.</p><p>Before reaching the next area, there is a second</p><p>layered lava flow. Repeat the above rules once</p><p>more.</p><p>Upper Springs</p><p>“The smell of sulfur and brimstone fades</p><p>away as you are enveloped by steam rising</p><p>from a series of pools of clear blue water in</p><p>the ground. The soft trickle of water run-</p><p>ning down the rocks into other pools can</p><p>just barely be heard over the roar of the</p><p>bubbling caldera. You can only see a few</p><p>feet ahead, which is just far enough to make</p><p>out the remains of a cracked staircase, par-</p><p>tially buried in soot.”</p><p>FALL DAMAGEFALL DAMAGE</p><p>Player characters can fall a maximum of</p><p>500 feet per round (6 seconds). Every 10</p><p>feet fallen translates to 1d6 bludgeoning</p><p>damage that will be calculated when the</p><p>player lands.</p><p>Official rules state that the max fall</p><p>damage is 20d6, though many DMs like to</p><p>double this to 40d6 or set no limit. Be sure</p><p>to set the expectation with your players</p><p>if you decide to use a house rule, which is</p><p>generally best discussed during a session</p><p>0.</p><p>If the character falls into lava/ magma</p><p>and is fully submerged, they take 18d10</p><p>fire damage upon entering and at the</p><p>start of each of their turns.</p><p>A creature that dies in lava will be com-</p><p>pletely destroyed, preventing resurrec-</p><p>tion other than from a wish spell. This</p><p>also applies to magic items that are not</p><p>resistant or immune to fire damage.</p><p>13 | 13 |</p><p>Players are now walking past another series</p><p>of hot springs along a steep slope. Though,</p><p>these springs are significantly cooler and do</p><p>not have the same bacteria inside them, as the</p><p>water is also running down small streams and</p><p>waterfalls to other pools.</p><p>Sauna.Sauna. The stairs mentioned above are rem-</p><p>nants of an old spa that resided on the volcano</p><p>that made use of these natural hot springs.</p><p>Players can take a short rest here and if they</p><p>do so in the hot spring any expended hit dice</p><p>are doubled. Furthermore, players can reduce</p><p>1d4 points of exhaustion from the heat by</p><p>using the heat spring for one hour. Exhaustion</p><p>from other means is not remedied by using the</p><p>springs.</p><p>The intense steam makes it difficult to see.</p><p>Characters can only see 10-15 feet in front with</p><p>normal vision. Spells like Gust are useful for</p><p>clearing the steam, but will draw patrolling</p><p>orcs to the party.</p><p>Roll for an encounter for each hour players</p><p>spend in the springs. For any 17-20, 1d4 orcs orcs</p><p>will be patrolling the area.</p><p>As a note, it is recommended forgo rolling for a</p><p>random encounter when the party enters, and</p><p>instead have 4 orcs relaxing in the hot springs</p><p>rather than on patrol.</p><p>Players can use this to get surprise on enemies</p><p>not wearing armor, reducing the orcs’ AC to</p><p>11. This will also hint to the players that the</p><p>spring is safe to enter.</p><p>Due to the difficulty seeing, the party’s mem-</p><p>ber leading the group</p><p>trap is within 30 feet of you,</p><p>the wand pulses and points towards the near-</p><p>est one to you. The wand regains 1d3 (roll a d6,</p><p>divide by 2, and round up) expended charges</p><p>daily, at dawn.</p><p>Spellbook of BowgentleSpellbook of Bowgentle</p><p>Wondrous Item, Artifact</p><p>This book is the spellbook bound in black</p><p>Amnian Yoxen leather, once belonging to the</p><p>legendary wizard Bowgentle. Many of the spells</p><p>within the 53 pages are now illegible, but others</p><p>can still be used.</p><p>| 126 | 126</p><p>Appendix D: Sword Coast Map</p><p>127 | 127 |</p><p>must make 3 DC 13 Sur-</p><p>vival check. On a success, the party continues</p><p>to move forward. On a 7-12, the party gets lost</p><p>momentarily. On a 1-6, the party leader comes</p><p>to the edge of a cliff and must make a DC 14</p><p>Dexterity saving throw or fall of the cliff.</p><p>A player character that falls will fall down the</p><p>rocky hill to the Thin Lava Flow Ridges, about</p><p>50 feet below.</p><p>| 14 | 14</p><p>NOTE: Each square represents 5ft.NOTE: Each square represents 5ft.</p><p>15 | 15 |</p><p>1 - Volcanic Cliffs</p><p>“Stepping out of the steam, your senses are</p><p>once again assaulted by the volcano. Just</p><p>ahead of you is an active flow of lava ooz-</p><p>ing over the black stone and under a cooled</p><p>part of the flow that covers the molten</p><p>sludge falling into a large cavern pool just</p><p>over the cliff.”</p><p>This cliffside is about 10 feet wide. Each square</p><p>is 5 feet wide. Players must first cross the lava</p><p>flow by walking on the cooled section of flow.</p><p>No DC check is required.</p><p>On the western edge of the cliff is a dead and</p><p>burnt tree near the opening to the magma</p><p>caves. 2 orcs orcs are standing at attention at the</p><p>cave entrance.</p><p>The cliffs to the south open into a cavern with</p><p>a large pool of magma and lava below.</p><p>LAVA DAMAGELAVA DAMAGE</p><p>Player characters that end their turn</p><p>standing on top of the orange cracks in</p><p>this map will take 1d10 fire damage.</p><p>If the player character grazes magma</p><p>or lava they will take 2d10 fire damage.</p><p>Walking into the magma or lava will re-</p><p>sult in 10d10 fire damage, which is repeat-</p><p>ed every turn the character starts in lava</p><p>and when entering lava the first time.</p><p>If the character falls into lava/ magma</p><p>and is fully submerged, they take 18d10</p><p>fire damage upon entering and at the</p><p>start of each of their turns.</p><p>A creature that dies in lava will be com-</p><p>pletely destroyed, preventing resurrec-</p><p>tion other than from a wish spell. This</p><p>also applies to magic items that are not</p><p>resistant or immune to fire damage.</p><p>2 - Magma Caves Entrance</p><p>“Entering the cave feels like you have</p><p>stepped through a portal to Hell itself.</p><p>Ahead of you is a large magma pool with</p><p>molten rock licking a foot tall cliff on the</p><p>eastern side of the room. Smoke and intense</p><p>heat from the magma obscures your vision</p><p>past this room. .”</p><p>The western wall extended from the floor to</p><p>the ceiling about 40 feet up. Area 2 is raised</p><p>slightly above the magma pool by about 1-2</p><p>feet, with a steep slope of dirt and rock enter-</p><p>ing the pool at the edges. The walkway to Area</p><p>3 slopes down a few feet.</p><p>Players can hide behind the rocks at the edge,</p><p>though touching them or the walls shows they</p><p>are too hot. Actively trying to hold onto the</p><p>rocks or wall deals 1d10 fire damage.</p><p>On the eastern side past the magma pool is</p><p>Area 4, which is about 15 feet higher than Area</p><p>2. Area 4 contains 4 orcs orcs. If the fight in Area 1 is</p><p>loud, they will be hiding behind rocks and try</p><p>to attack players as they enter Area 2.</p><p>Large explosions like fireballs in these caves</p><p>can cause a rock to fall or a giant fire beetle to</p><p>be shaken out of the ceiling and fall into the</p><p>magma pool.</p><p>| 16 | 16</p><p>3 - Lower Magma Caves</p><p>“Down a slight incline you enter into a</p><p>much bigger room. The magma cascades</p><p>from a 30 foot high cliff into a stream be-</p><p>low, pooling at the ground level you are at.</p><p>Forty feet away is a cool magma flow from</p><p>the cliff sides that may be climbable.”</p><p>2 anchorites of Talosanchorites of Talos guard this area, unable</p><p>to see past the billowing smoke and heat</p><p>plumes from the magma pool in the center.</p><p>Players can cross this area to Area 4 by mak-</p><p>ing a DC 13 Acrobatics or Athletics check to</p><p>reach the cooled lava flow on the ridge. This</p><p>can be climbed without a check.</p><p>Players who fail the check with a 7-12 result</p><p>still reach the flow, but grazes the magma</p><p>with their foot. A 1-6 result means the charac-</p><p>ter falls into the lava.</p><p>4 - Upper Magma Cave Ridge</p><p>“As you climb above the magma chamber,</p><p>the ridge ascends 15 feet northward to a</p><p>large molten pool. The south descends to a</p><p>natural defensive walkway that oversees</p><p>the lower caves.”</p><p>The southern part of this area contains 4 orcs orcs</p><p>that watch over Area 2.</p><p>Area 3 is barely visible from their position in</p><p>the rocks due to the smoke and heat.</p><p>The walls and rocks here are also super heat-</p><p>ed, despite their relative height (as mentioned</p><p>in Area 2).</p><p>5 - Upper Magma Chamber</p><p>“Proceeding into the uppermost chamber,</p><p>you witness an orc war chief and his entou-</p><p>rage attempting to converse with a hulking</p><p>body made of flame, surrounded by several</p><p>fire snakes.”</p><p>Orc war chiefOrc war chief (see appendix) has 3 orcs orcs and</p><p>one anchorite of Talos anchorite of Talos at his side, attempting</p><p>to convince the neutral fire elemental fire elemental and his</p><p>3 fire snakes fire snakes to aid them in their goals.</p><p>If players attack the orcs directly, the fire ele-</p><p>mental and fire snakes will aid the orcs.</p><p>If the player characters attempt to persuade</p><p>the elemental and snakes to aid them, a</p><p>Persuasion check DC 14 + (Days to reach the</p><p>mountain divided by 2). If players roll up to</p><p>8 under that DC, the elemental stays neutral.</p><p>Rolling lower than 8 beneath the DC will</p><p>make the fire elemental and snakes actively</p><p>hostile to the characters.</p><p>If the player characters attempt to persuade</p><p>the elemental and snakes to stay neutral, use</p><p>the above rules for the persuasion check, but</p><p>start with a base DC of 8 rather than 14.</p><p>17 | 17 |</p><p>The Harpers</p><p>How to Join</p><p>Players may choose to join the Harpers as part</p><p>of their background or by impressing their</p><p>local guild contact. The guild contact is Sister</p><p>Garaele, and impressing her can be done by</p><p>completing the Banshee’s Bargain quest. (See</p><p>LMoP, Part 2, Phandalin, Section: Shrine of Luck</p><p>for more details.)</p><p>The Harpers are a scattered network of spell-</p><p>casters and spies who advocate for equality</p><p>and covertly oppose the abuse of power. Bards</p><p>and wizards of good alignments are commonly</p><p>drawn to the Harpers.</p><p>GOALS</p><p>• Gather information throughout</p><p>Faerun.</p><p>• Promote fairness and equality</p><p>through covert means.</p><p>• Thwart tyrants and leaders, govern-</p><p>ments, and organizations that grow</p><p>too powerful.</p><p>• Aid the weak, poor, and oppressed.</p><p>BELIEFS</p><p>• One can never have too much infor-</p><p>mation or arcane knowledge.</p><p>• Too much power leads to corruption.</p><p>The abuse of magic must be closely</p><p>monitored.</p><p>• No one should be powerless.</p><p>Guild Contact</p><p>The guild contact in both LMoP and DoIP is</p><p>Sister Garaele, the Phandelin-based elf cleric</p><p>of the luck goddess Tymora. She’s described as</p><p>being young, scholarly, and zealous.</p><p>The Harpers have tasked her with finding</p><p>Bowgentle’s Spellbook. Bowgentle was a human</p><p>wizard who died about 250 years prior to the</p><p>events of the story.</p><p>Ranks and Rewards</p><p>Harpers are trained to act alone, not even</p><p>asking for the aid of fellow Harpers in scrapes.</p><p>The exception is when Harpers must band to-</p><p>gether to face world-threatening foes, at which</p><p>point the deep friendships between them act</p><p>as the kind of fighting force needed to over-</p><p>throw tyranny and eradicate evil.</p><p>The Harpers are comprised of mostly wizards</p><p>and bards, but welcome all with a strong tie to</p><p>society and a drive to fight tyranny.</p><p>Ranks within the Harpers are–</p><p>• Watcher (1 renown)</p><p>• Harpshadow (3 renown)</p><p>• Brightcandle (10 renown)</p><p>• Wise Owl (25 renown)</p><p>• High Harper (50 renown)</p><p>| 18 | 18</p><p>Watcher</p><p>A character is a watcher when they first join</p><p>the faction. Watchers can gain renown and</p><p>participate in faction tasks and activities.</p><p>Furthermore, the character gains the Insig-</p><p>nia of the Faction, a silver pin in the shape of</p><p>a harp. (Though, some Harpers also wear a</p><p>purple scarf to identify themselves.)</p><p>Harpshadow</p><p>Havin earned 3 renown from guild-related</p><p>tasks, Harpshadows have shown that they can</p><p>take on more responsibility and they align</p><p>with</p><p>the faction’s goals and beliefs. As a result,</p><p>characters can now take on a sanctioned mis-</p><p>sion.</p><p>Furthermore, characters now have access to</p><p>faction training. In exchange for 125 gp and</p><p>one day of downtime, player characters can be</p><p>trained and become proficient in the Disguise</p><p>Kit, Calligrapher’s Tools, or any musical instru-</p><p>ment.</p><p>Finally, player at this rank can take on the role</p><p>of adventure mentor, acting as a teacher or</p><p>mentor to other player characters who would</p><p>like to join or become an apprentice in the</p><p>Harpers.</p><p>Brightcandle</p><p>A character can be promoted to brightcandle</p><p>once they are level 5, have completed one sanc-</p><p>tioned mission, and have at least 10 renown.</p><p>Player characters now have access to specialty</p><p>downtime activities for the Harpers. During</p><p>downtime, a character can watch an area and</p><p>learn one rumor per day of surveillance.</p><p>Characters can also receive special items from</p><p>the faction. When they first reach this rank,</p><p>give them a +1 weapon, shield, armor, the Ring</p><p>of Resistance, or the Cloak of Elvenkind. Any</p><p>other items the player would like can be specif-</p><p>ically requested through their guild contact.</p><p>19 | 19 |</p><p>Uncommon items will take 50 days and 500 gp,</p><p>while rare items will need 100 days and 5000</p><p>gp.</p><p>Wise Owl</p><p>Characters are promoted to wise owl once they</p><p>are level 11, have completed 3 sanctioned mis-</p><p>sions, and have at least 25 renown.</p><p>The character is now considered a champion</p><p>within the guild, and at any point can requisi-</p><p>tion a Harper bard or illusionist to serve them.</p><p>Treat these as expert and spellcaster sidekicks</p><p>respectively, as defined in the Essentials Kit</p><p>rulebook (see rulebook that came with D0IP).</p><p>High Harper</p><p>High Harpers are exemplars within the Harp-</p><p>ers, becoming a master of knowledge and</p><p>subterfuge. To become a High Harper, a char-</p><p>acter must be at least level 17, completed 10</p><p>sanctioned missions, and have 50 renown.</p><p>Over the course of the character’s career in the</p><p>Harpers they have learned to become profi-</p><p>cient in Stealth, Arcana, History, Investigation,</p><p>and Deception. The player may also choose</p><p>one of those skills to become an expert in.</p><p>As a mentor and exemplar, the High Harper</p><p>player character may spend one tenday and</p><p>500 gold to teach one other player character to</p><p>become proficient in any skill they have exper-</p><p>tise in.</p><p>Finally, as a faction exemplar, the player char-</p><p>acter may choose to give inspiration to any</p><p>fellow Harpers in their party at the start of the</p><p>game session. The inspiration expires at the</p><p>end of the game session.</p><p>Tasks and Activities</p><p>To prove one’s dedication to their cause, an as-</p><p>piring Harper must complete guild-affiliated</p><p>missions.</p><p>In addition to ones of the DM’s design, such</p><p>tasks include–</p><p>Complete Banshee’s Bargain</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Characters can not only be inducted into the</p><p>Harpers for helping Sister Garaele in her mis-</p><p>sion, but can also gain 1 renown for complet-</p><p>ing this.</p><p>Inform on the Location of the Lost Mines</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - LMoPLMoP</p><p>Telling their guild contact the location of the</p><p>Lost Mines of Phandelver is an ideal mission.</p><p>The Harpers are very interested in knowl-</p><p>edge and protection of magical secrets, so this</p><p>would be imperative for them to know.</p><p>Remove Harbin Wester from Office</p><p>+2 Renown - +2 Renown - LMoP/DoIPLMoP/DoIP</p><p>This is asked of the adventurers due to the</p><p>weakness of the townsmaster, Harbin Wester.</p><p>It is preferential that the players do not kill</p><p>him, as a public killing would lead to an inves-</p><p>tigation. However, players can trigger a vote</p><p>of no confidence, given that the townspeople</p><p>are already upset with Harbin. During LMoP,</p><p>he capitulated to the Redbrand which killed</p><p>and kidnapped townspeople and their goods.</p><p>During DoIP, he was a coward and stayed in his</p><p>home to hide from a dragon, rather than being</p><p>an effective leader.</p><p>To trigger this vote, players must first convince</p><p>Elmar Barthen, small business owner of Bar-</p><p>then’s Goods, to agree to act as townsmaster.</p><p>Barthen is well known and liked around town,</p><p>| 20 | 20</p><p>Next, players must talk to the other towns-</p><p>people and convince them to trigger a vote</p><p>of no confidence against Harbin, and to vote</p><p>for Elmar as the replacement. Players need to</p><p>succeed on at least 5 Charisma (Persuasion)</p><p>checks with NPCs that are around town. Halia</p><p>has a DC 18, though all other townspeople are</p><p>a DC 12.</p><p>If players succeed this far, the townspeople</p><p>will have a meeting in the town master’s hall</p><p>at dusk (if you are playing DOIP, the town will</p><p>gather in the square outside the townmaster’s</p><p>hall) where they will vote to remove Harbin</p><p>from office. If playing DOIP, he will not be</p><p>present in the meeting, forcing the people to</p><p>break down his door and forcibly remove him</p><p>from the town hall.</p><p>Complete Tower of Storms</p><p>+1 Renown - +1 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>This quest is the same as it was in DoIP, but</p><p>rather than being another bulletin on the</p><p>board, allow it to be brought to the players by</p><p>the Guild Contact as an urgent matter. Ships</p><p>crashing into a rock coast and a mysterious</p><p>green light needs to be investigated, but Sister</p><p>Garaele can’t leave her post right now. the play-</p><p>er character to deal with finding the Dragon’s</p><p>current den and killing it.</p><p>Secret of Umbrage Hill</p><p>+2 Renown - +2 Renown - DoIPDoIP</p><p>Sister Garaele is sure there is something more</p><p>going on at Umbrage Hill, and when she sees</p><p>the player characters take this quest, provides</p><p>the Harper Agent with a wand of secrets and</p><p>tells the character to use it near the windmill</p><p>and ruins and report back with findings.</p><p>Doing so reveals a secret basement in the</p><p>fireplace of the ruins, that has a large stash of</p><p>potions being sold to the Zhentarim.</p><p>21 | 21 |</p><p>Random Tasks</p><p>Perhaps your aspiring Harper isn’t too keen</p><p>on the provided missions. Thankfully, the DM</p><p>always has the option of making their own</p><p>tasks. Assign 1 or 2 renown based on the com-</p><p>plexity and difficulty of the task and 3 renown</p><p>for sanctioned missions.</p><p>Levels 1-6Levels 1-6</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Spy on a noble/crime syndicate/</p><p>civilian</p><p>2 Ensure a shipment of supplies</p><p>reaches a location</p><p>3 Investigate bandit attacks</p><p>4 Investigate a lighthouse that</p><p>stopped shining</p><p>5 Create a small spy ring</p><p>6 Learn the location of a unique mag-</p><p>ical artifact.</p><p>Levels 7-13Levels 7-13</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Interrogate a mage for abuse of</p><p>arcane power</p><p>2 Secretly overthrow a local corrupt</p><p>politician</p><p>3 Provide healing to poor and sick</p><p>people</p><p>4 Expand the spy ring to cover a</p><p>region</p><p>5 Shut down a factory or camp that</p><p>is enslaving people or making a</p><p>region sick</p><p>6 Recover an ancient arcane power</p><p>source</p><p>Levels 14-20Levels 14-20</p><p>d6d6 Task/ActivityTask/Activity</p><p>1 Covertly start a revolution to topple</p><p>a government</p><p>2 Destroy an evil or corrupt organi-</p><p>zation that has been stealing power</p><p>from the people.</p><p>3 Destroy a large scale crime syndi-</p><p>cate.</p><p>4 Find the means to and destroy an</p><p>ancient arcane power source</p><p>5 Expand the spy ring across the</p><p>continent</p><p>6 Oversee the creation of a hospital</p><p>or library.</p><p>| 22 | 22</p><p>Sanctioned Mission:</p><p>Iniarv’s Tower</p><p>Upon reaching 5th level and having at least</p><p>3 renown, the player character in the Harp-</p><p>ers should be contacted about a sanctioned</p><p>mission by Sister Garaele. If another member</p><p>of the party is in the Order of Gauntlet, it is</p><p>recommended to use their sanctioned mission</p><p>first.</p><p>ABOUT INIARV’S TOWERABOUT INIARV’S TOWER</p><p>Iniarv was a famous mage who achieved</p><p>lichdom centuries prior to this adven-</p><p>ture and made his home in 2 towers– the</p><p>Uthtower and Iniarv’s Tower. 800 years</p><p>ago, there was a large force of goblins and</p><p>orcs rampaging through the land, and</p><p>the defensive force hid at Iniarv’s Tower,</p><p>awakening the lich, who agreed to take</p><p>care of the threat, by flooding the land,</p><p>killing everything, and creating the Mere</p><p>of Dead Men.</p><p>Time passed and it’s not clear what hap-</p><p>pened to Iniarv, but his tower and crypt</p><p>became a common hideout for bandits,</p><p>thieves, orc raiders, and adventurers.</p><p>About 100 years ago, the ‘Black Death’, Vo-</p><p>araghamanthar (AKA “the Black Death”)</p><p>took over the lich’s towers.</p><p>“I know this is asking a lot from you,</p><p>however, our organization believes we have</p><p>found the current location of Bowgentle’s</p><p>Spellbook. We sent a single agent, Brodven,</p><p>to Iniarv’s Tower in the Mere of Dead Men,</p><p>and he went silent a few days ago. We fear</p><p>the worst. Please go to the tower, find what</p><p>happened to Brodven, and retrieve the spell-</p><p>book.”</p><p>-Sister Garaele .</p><p>Reaching Iniarv’s Tower</p><p>The tower is about 75 miles away from Phand-</p><p>alin if the players use Triboar Trail to connect</p><p>into High Road. Traveling this way will lead</p><p>player characters through the town of Leilon.</p><p>(See the sanctioned mission for the Zhentarim</p><p>for more information on that town.) Traveling</p><p>via the roads should take about 3 days, though</p><p>player characters can shave a day off by travel-</p><p>ing directly through the hills.</p><p>Iniarv’s Tower is located south of Leiron, on</p><p>the east side of the High Road, on the border of</p><p>the Mere of Dead Men. If asked, Sister Garaele</p><p>believes that Brodven was killed by the legend-</p><p>ary black dragon Voaraghamanthar, who has</p><p>been known to frequent the tower.</p><p>23 | 23 |</p><p>The tower has been taken over by a vampire.</p><p>As a result, wolf attacks have become more</p><p>common in the vicinity of the tower, as have</p><p>swarms of bats and rats (especially at night).</p><p>Mornings have been unusually chilly, with a</p><p>thick fog rolling through the hills.</p><p>At night, while the characters are resting, roll</p><p>a d20.</p><p>On a 17-20, a pack of 2d6 wolves wolves (statblock is</p><p>in LMoP) attack. These wolves will stalk the</p><p>players to the tower. When within 25 miles of</p><p>the tower, roll the d20 with advantage, if the</p><p>wolves have not attacked. If the wolves have</p><p>not attacked when the characters get within</p><p>5 miles of the tower, regardless of the time of</p><p>day, they will attack.</p><p>NOTE: Each square represents 5ft.NOTE: Each square represents 5ft.</p><p>| 24 | 24</p><p>1 - Iniarv’s Tower Exterior</p><p>“Pushing your way forward through dense</p><p>withered vines that cover the path, you</p><p>come to a clearing in which fog lies over</p><p>the surface of the hill. You can just barely</p><p>make out the steep grey walls, jutting out of</p><p>the tor accessible only through a moat you</p><p>cannot see the bottom of, or the old rickety</p><p>wooden drawbridge, inviting you to the</p><p>dented iron portcullis that stands 25 feet</p><p>tall.”</p><p>Despite the name, Iniarv’s Tower is actually</p><p>a stone castle, with a fortified gatehouse, a</p><p>(now muddy) moat, 2 short turrets overlook-</p><p>ing the hill it sits atop, and a sizeable keep in</p><p>the back of the bailey. While trees now grow</p><p>around the hill leading up to it, it’s easy for</p><p>characters to understand why this was once</p><p>such a defensible and desirable position.</p><p>The gatehouse directly in front of the players</p><p>would be difficult to get through. The first</p><p>layer of defense is a large iron portcullis that</p><p>is 25 feet tall. Players directly next to the</p><p>portcullis can see machicolations that would</p><p>allow defenders to pour oil, coals, or arrows</p><p>onto the attackers below. This remains true</p><p>of the crenelations that lie atop the curtain</p><p>wall, which stands 30 feet tall with the cren-</p><p>elations, though the walkway is only 25 feet</p><p>high. Arrow slits line the tops of the gate-</p><p>house and turrets on the north east and south</p><p>west corners. If players pass the first layer of</p><p>the portcullis and wooden door, there is a sec-</p><p>ond, smaller 15 foot tall portcullis and wood-</p><p>en door to pass. Directly above the characters</p><p>is a large iron grate in which defenders in the</p><p>gatehouse could shoot arrows or pour oil and</p><p>coals onto attackers below.</p><p>From across the moat at the drawbridge,</p><p>players can make a Wisdom (Perception)</p><p>check DC 14 to see that the wall is broken.</p><p>Characters will automatically see this if they</p><p>move to the east while staying up on the hill.</p><p>There are 2 ways to try to reach the hole in</p><p>the wall; by the drawbridge or the moat.</p><p>The drawbridge is hundreds of years old and</p><p>falling apart, and the recent influx of mois-</p><p>ture from fog due to the vampire making its</p><p>lair in the clips has led to faster decay and</p><p>rot in the wood. As a result, player characters</p><p>over 100 pounds must succeed on 2 Dexterity</p><p>(Acrobatics) checks DC 15. On a failure, they</p><p>will break through and fall into the moat, 10</p><p>feet below, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage.</p><p>Furthermore, the DC goes up by 1 for each</p><p>character that fails on their checks to cross</p><p>the bridge. If characters make it across, they</p><p>must make a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or</p><p>Strength (Athletics) check to get around the</p><p>corner of the castle, or roll down the hill into</p><p>the foggy moat.</p><p>If characters enter or fall into the moat they</p><p>are stuck in foot thick mud and move at half</p><p>speed.</p><p>Furthermore, they must make a wisdom</p><p>saving throw DC 16 or become magically</p><p>confused by the fog.If the saving throw suc-</p><p>ceeds or confusion is broken, the character is</p><p>immune to the confusion for 24 hours. Con-</p><p>fusion can be broken by exiting the fog or by</p><p>using a spell such as dispel magic.</p><p>While confused, sound seems to come from</p><p>the opposite direction. For every 10 feet they</p><p>move, make the player roll a d4. On an even</p><p>number they move in the wrong direction,</p><p>and on an odd they move in the correct direc-</p><p>tion. After 3 rounds of movement, they will</p><p>be able to escape the moat. With 3 correct</p><p>movements, the character climbs up near the</p><p>rubble. With two correct movements, they</p><p>climb the hill near the drawbridge, and must</p><p>still make a check as described above to get</p><p>around the corner. Finally, if the character</p><p>moved the wrong way two or more times,</p><p>they will find themselves climbing the hill</p><p>where they started to cross the drawbridge or</p><p>entered the fog.</p><p>25 | 25 |</p><p>If a player character enters the fog a second</p><p>time, they are immune to the confusion, but</p><p>will see a spectral hand in the fog swat at</p><p>them. It does so every 2 turns and disappears</p><p>after it attacks. It has a +3 to hit, and deals 1d6</p><p>psychic damage. If a character is immune to</p><p>being frightened or cannot see, they are not</p><p>affected by this spectral hand.</p><p>2 - Iniarv’s Tower Bailey</p><p>“Entering the bailey you see the remains</p><p>of a crumbled turret near you and another</p><p>intact across from it. Between them lies the</p><p>keep, which has a wooden door dented and</p><p>broken, partially off its hinges and lying</p><p>open. In the center of the courtyard are 3</p><p>tattered tents only a few feet away from</p><p>decomposing stables. Uneven stairs lead to</p><p>the ramparts.”</p><p>Rats. Rats. While the castle and its crypts have</p><p>been taken over by a vampire, the vampire</p><p>lives on the rats that rule the walls, which</p><p>have taken on some vampiric properties and</p><p>hate light. They are extremely sensitive to</p><p>light such as from the sun and fire. These spe-</p><p>cialized rats are weak to both fire and radiant</p><p>damage, and should any character hold a</p><p>source of light, the rats will stay away at least</p><p>10 feet.</p><p>During the night time, every area on the</p><p>ground floor and second floor will be filled</p><p>with a swarm of Iniarv’s rats in every single</p><p>square. To help foreshadow this and their</p><p>weakness to light, if players seem to want to</p><p>rest here, have a rat from Area 8 drop into</p><p>Area 3 or have the rats leave Area 4 early. The</p><p>rats will not leave the walls of the castle.</p><p>Brodven.Brodven. A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)</p><p>check into the bones in the tents will allow a</p><p>character to find the symbol of the Harpers,</p><p>that which belonged to Brodven, who was</p><p>reduced to bones after being swarmed by rats</p><p>in the night.</p><p>3 - Iniarv’s Tower Keep First Floor</p><p>“A cold fireplace is set into the northern</p><p>wall, and strewn about the room are decay-</p><p>ing broken chairs, a table, crates, and the</p><p>rubble of what was once a staircase.”</p><p>The keep is in ruins,</p><p>though several giant rats giant rats</p><p>live in Area 8 above and will drop down to</p><p>surprise characters if the sun is low enough.</p><p>Searching the crates and rubble reveals noth-</p><p>ing.</p><p>4 - Iniarv’s Tower Keep First Floor</p><p>“Opening the door, you are presented with</p><p>an empty closet containing a wooden trap</p><p>door in the back, partially ajar. Before you</p><p>can investigate, a tidal wave of squeaks and</p><p>squeals pour forth as a swarm of rats floods</p><p>the room, sticking to the shadows.”</p><p>The door to the turret rests a few inches off</p><p>the ground, just large enough for rats to get</p><p>through.</p><p>Opening up the door alerts the swarm to a</p><p>meal and they will pour out of the trap door</p><p>that leads to Area 10 of the Crypt. The rats</p><p>will stick to the shadows but continue mov-</p><p>ing towards the player characters as the sun</p><p>sets if they do not create light or find a way</p><p>forward.</p><p>| 26 | 26</p><p>5 - Iniarv’s Tower Gatehouse Second Floor</p><p>The gatehouse contains several arrow slits</p><p>and machicolations on both the exterior</p><p>and interior of the castle. Minimal sunlight</p><p>enters the area, and should be treated as dim</p><p>light during the day. A large grate lies in the</p><p>center of the area with cool pots sitting over</p><p>it, allowing hot oil and coals to be dropped</p><p>onto attackers below. A single mechanism</p><p>controls both of the portcullis on the western</p><p>wall. Only one portcullis can be opened</p><p>at a time, and the dent in the outermost port-</p><p>cullis prevents it from being lifted. The roof</p><p>is intact and is about 20 feet high.</p><p>2 giant Iniarv’s rats giant Iniarv’s rats have made a nest in the</p><p>north west corner of the area. They will at-</p><p>tack anything that enters.</p><p>NOTE: Each square represents 5ft.NOTE: Each square represents 5ft.</p><p>27 | 27 |</p><p>6 - Iniarv’s Tower Upper Southern Turret</p><p>The southern turret has arrow slits in the</p><p>wall surrounding it and an intact roof about</p><p>15 feet up. With several arrow slits facing</p><p>towards the south, a few thin beams of light</p><p>pierce through the window across the floor.</p><p>1 giant Iniarv’s ratgiant Iniarv’s rat is lying in this area,</p><p>trapped by the light. It will try to attack any-</p><p>thing that enters the area, but will only go as</p><p>far as the nearest beam of light on the floor. It</p><p>will not try to cross</p><p>7 - Iniarv’s Tower Ramparts</p><p>The ramparts are about 25 feet off the ground</p><p>and encircle the majority of the curtain wall,</p><p>connecting to the second floor of the keep,</p><p>the turrets, and the gatehouse.</p><p>The side open to the interior of the bailey is</p><p>guarded by a decrepit wooded handrail that</p><p>can be broken with little force. Facing out</p><p>of the castle are 5 foot tall crenelations and</p><p>machicolations that protrude outwards 2</p><p>feet. The merlons do not contain arrow slits,</p><p>and the embrasures still are 3 feet tall.</p><p>Under several merlons are rotting racks,</p><p>devoid of weaponry.</p><p>8 - Iniarv’s Tower Keep Second Floor</p><p>“Entering the keep presents you with a gap-</p><p>ing hole in the middle of the room, the worn</p><p>wood seeming to be too malleable for most</p><p>creatures to walk on safely. The roof and</p><p>third floor have also partially collapsed,</p><p>exposing the interior of the keep to the ele-</p><p>ments.”</p><p>The center of the area has collapsed as has</p><p>part of the third floor which is now inacces-</p><p>sible. Windows on the north and west wall</p><p>are slightly ajar allowing enough light in to</p><p>trap 3 giantgiant Iniarv’s ratsIniarv’s rats in the southwestern</p><p>corner.</p><p>As the sun moves, they gain more area allow-</p><p>ing them to drop into Area 3 about an hour</p><p>before sunset.</p><p>If the player characters enter the area before</p><p>sunset, read the following:</p><p>“Light trickles in across the flooring from</p><p>windows that sit slightly ajar, trapping</p><p>three hissing giant rats that stand, ready to</p><p>attack, in the corner.”</p><p>| 28 | 28</p><p>9 - Iniarv’s Tower Destroyed Turret</p><p>The turret in the north east corner is nearly</p><p>destroyed. Characters can enter the area, but</p><p>there is a large gaping hole in the interior</p><p>wall that has crumbled into the debris, mix-</p><p>ing with the debris from the curtain wall.</p><p>The center of the floor has collapsed, as has</p><p>half the roof, though the tower looks mostly</p><p>intact from the exterior, and the arrow slits to</p><p>the outside are still functional if need be.</p><p>The rubble around the wall can be easily slid</p><p>down to the ground level, though with how</p><p>loose it is, it would take a DC 18 Dexterity</p><p>(Acrobatics) check to climb up to the second</p><p>story.</p><p>10 - Iniarv’s Crypt Entrance</p><p>“Rats swarm around you, occasionally</p><p>dripping from the walls and ceiling as</p><p>they scurry about. As you move around the</p><p>corner you come to a hall containing six</p><p>tapered hexagonal, stone sarcophagi un-</p><p>touched by even the rats. Forty feet ahead of</p><p>you are two ornate stone doors.”</p><p>While in the crypt, there is (normal) dark-</p><p>ness and the floor is covered in swarms of swarms of</p><p>Iniarv’s ratsIniarv’s rats. Descriptions of visuals read to</p><p>players is assuming they have dark vision or</p><p>a light source that allows them to see in this</p><p>area unless specified otherwise. Ceilings are</p><p>15 feet tall unless specified otherwise.</p><p>NOTE: Each square representsNOTE: Each square represents</p><p>5ft.5ft.</p><p>29 | 29 |</p><p>Coming down the stairs from the trap door</p><p>in Area 4 leads to the entrance of the crypt.</p><p>At the end of the first hall is a large pair of</p><p>double doors made of thick stone. These are</p><p>unlocked and can be opened with a loud</p><p>sound and enough force.</p><p>Inset into the walls are 6 stone sarcophagi.</p><p>If a character touches one, all 6 will open up</p><p>with a skeleton skeleton (see LMoP for stat block) in-</p><p>side. If characters loot the sarcophagus after</p><p>defeating the skeleton(s), they will find 2 gp</p><p>in each one.</p><p>11 - Iniarv’s Crypt Stair Hall</p><p>“Just beyond the ornate double doors lies</p><p>another single door. Across from it, stairs</p><p>lead down to a curved hallway where the</p><p>high pitched screams of rats nearly over-</p><p>whelm the ears.”</p><p>This is a small hallway in the crypt, connect-</p><p>ing the entrance to the rounded hall (Area 13)</p><p>and the study (Area 12). The door to the study</p><p>is locked and rigged with a trap. Only the</p><p>key to the study, found in Area 18, can safely</p><p>unlock the door.</p><p>If characters check the door for traps, it takes</p><p>a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) to find</p><p>the trap. If the player character has already</p><p>sprung the trap once, the player has advan-</p><p>tage on finding it. The trap in question is a</p><p>poison dart. If stung, the player must make a</p><p>DC 14 Constitution saving throw. The charac-</p><p>ter takes 2d6 poison damage on a failed save,</p><p>and half as much on a successful save. The</p><p>trap has 5 charges, and can’t hurt the charac-</p><p>ters after using all charges.</p><p>If the character attempts to disarm the trap,</p><p>they need Thieves Tools, and require a DC</p><p>18 check. Rolling more than 5 below the</p><p>DC causes the trap to activate. Rolling with</p><p>thieves tools to disarm traps uses a d20 roll</p><p>+ the character’s Dexterity modifier + their</p><p>proficiency bonus (if the character is profi-</p><p>cient in Thieves Tools).</p><p>If the character attempts to lock-pick the</p><p>door without disabling the trap, they will</p><p>activate the trap. If the trap was disabled,</p><p>players must meet a DC 19 check with their</p><p>Thieves Tools.</p><p>12 - Iniarv’s Study</p><p>“You are greeted by what was once a fine</p><p>study, filled with shelves of books and</p><p>scrolls, some of which now lie in a dishev-</p><p>eled and sad state. Across from the door is a</p><p>sturdy desk that contains a book bound in</p><p>black leather, and a sealed scroll.”</p><p>This was the study of Iniarv, and has been</p><p>used by many necromancer scholars since.</p><p>Several of the shelves and scrolls in the study</p><p>have been smashed and vandalized. Though,</p><p>the desk in the back is still in great condition,</p><p>holding both the Spellbook of Bowgentle and a</p><p>Scroll of Daylight.</p><p>| 30 | 30</p><p>13 - Iniarv’s Crypt Round Hall</p><p>“The dark hallway curves around though</p><p>you can make out two rectangular stone</p><p>sarcophagi upright against</p><p>the wall, being</p><p>eclipsed by rats. Between them stands a sol-</p><p>itary door. The roar of the rats grows more</p><p>intense as you see them spill from cracks in</p><p>the walls.”</p><p>The round hall circles around, connecting</p><p>Areas 11 to 15, while also having 3 branches to</p><p>other areas. Every square of the lower round</p><p>hall is covered in a swarm of Iniarv’s ratsswarm of Iniarv’s rats.</p><p>Area 16 and 17 are both behind stone sarcoph-</p><p>agi that can be touched without issue.</p><p>Characters can hear running water in Area</p><p>16 behind the sarcophagi if they are not</p><p>deafened by the noise. Furthermore, a DC 12</p><p>Wisdom (Perception) check will show marks</p><p>on the floor that indicate the sarcophagi have</p><p>been opened. Area 14 is behind an unlocked</p><p>door.</p><p>Due to the number of rats, the noise is in-</p><p>tense. All players that can hear must make a</p><p>Constitution saving throw DC 14. On a fail-</p><p>ure, the characters are deafened for 10 min-</p><p>utes.</p><p>As characters move around the hall and can</p><p>see the doorway to Area 15, read this:</p><p>“As the hallway comes to an end, you are</p><p>met with a set of double doors made of stone</p><p>with intricate carvings. The door on the left</p><p>is badly damaged, with chips and breaks</p><p>allowing you to see dim light on the other</p><p>side.”</p><p>If the players reduce the vampirevampire in Area 15</p><p>to 0 hit points, it will flee to its coffin in Area</p><p>18. As a result, when characters next enter</p><p>this hallway, the sarcophagus to Area 17 will</p><p>have fallen over.</p><p>31 | 31 |</p><p>14 - Iniarv’s Crypt Sepulcher</p><p>“The room is a small dark sepulcher, con-</p><p>taining six tapered hexagonal, stone sar-</p><p>cophagi untouched by even the rats that</p><p>flow around your light. In the back of the</p><p>room is a mountain of bones, covered in</p><p>rats that tear through any remaining flesh</p><p>they can find. One intact bone appears to be</p><p>a five foot long femur.”</p><p>This is a small area in which bodies had the</p><p>final preparation and were put to rest in the</p><p>sarcophagi.</p><p>Like in Area 10, touching any of them will</p><p>lead to a skeletona skeleton rising out of each of the 6</p><p>sarcophagi. There is also a large pile of bones</p><p>covering what used to be a preparation table,</p><p>though one bone does appear to be a 5 foot</p><p>long femur, which players may find helpful to</p><p>navigate Area 17.</p><p>15 - Iniarv’s Crypt Subterranean Chapel</p><p>“Bathed in dim light, radiating from</p><p>beautiful stained glass windows is a sub-</p><p>terranean chapel, with an arched painted</p><p>plastered roof 25 feet above the ground, and</p><p>carved stone rafter holding it aloft. Rows of</p><p>pews stand untouched between elaborate</p><p>pillars. Around the pillars base are piles of</p><p>bones reaching up, as if to support the col-</p><p>umns. At the end of the room is a decorated</p><p>marble altar. Behind it is a gripping golden</p><p>statue.”</p><p>The double doors from Area 13 open into an</p><p>elaborate subterranean chapel, which has</p><p>dim light glowing through from biolumi-</p><p>nescent lichen and fungi from Area 16, that</p><p>shines in through stained glass windows. As</p><p>a result, the rats don’t dare to enter this area.</p><p>If characters come through the door, the</p><p>vampirevampire will hear and hide in the rafters to</p><p>get a surprise attack on the characters. If they</p><p>come through Area 16, they will find the vam-</p><p>pire feasting on a giant rat behind the marble</p><p>altar. For this fight, use the vampire spawn vampire spawn</p><p>statblock.</p><p>In the back of the area is a large gold statue</p><p>that holds 200 gp. If anything is taken from</p><p>this, it triggers the Dragon Event.</p><p>| 32 | 32</p><p>ABOUT VAMPIRESABOUT VAMPIRES</p><p>Vampires originated from an old curse,</p><p>and can create more vampires known as</p><p>vampire spawn which are thralls of that</p><p>lord. When that lord is killed, its thralls</p><p>become free and can take their own do-</p><p>minions.</p><p>When vampires make their lairs some-</p><p>where, it has an effect on the environ-</p><p>ment, killing plants, creating fog, and</p><p>causing an increase in the numbers of</p><p>rats, bats, and wolves. Killing the vam-</p><p>pire will make these effects end, includ-</p><p>ing the rats swarming the halls and</p><p>magical darkness of Area 17.</p><p>The vampire that now resides in this</p><p>crypt has not lived here long. Maybe 1-2</p><p>years at most, with food being regularly</p><p>delivered by the rats that have taken on</p><p>some of the vampiric essence from its</p><p>feeding. This vampire was originally a</p><p>spawn of an older lord that lived within</p><p>the laboratory of Old Owl Well. More info</p><p>about that in the Order of the Gauntlet</p><p>quest.</p><p>Vampires are weak to running water (see</p><p>the river in Area 16), Sunlight (see the</p><p>scroll in Area 12), and resist normal dam-</p><p>age from non-magical attacks. When they</p><p>are lowered to 0 hit points, they turn into</p><p>mist and try to reach their resting place.</p><p>This will not happen in running water</p><p>or daylight. If they do not reach their</p><p>destination within 2 hours, they die. If</p><p>they reach the resting place, they recor-</p><p>porealize and are effectively paralyzed</p><p>for 1 hour. If the vampire’s resting place</p><p>is destroyed, it cannot return, and dies.</p><p>Alternatively, while in its resting place, a</p><p>wooden stake through the heart will kill</p><p>it (see Area 17).</p><p>16 - Iniarv’s Cavern</p><p>Behind the eastern sarcophagus is a small</p><p>cave, partially natural and partially dug out</p><p>(by a dragon). A small river of rushing water</p><p>flows through here, fed by an aquifer. Dim</p><p>light is given off by fungi on the walls, keep-</p><p>ing rats away.</p><p>A short 3 foot waterfall separates the pool</p><p>in the south from the northern half of the</p><p>stream. It’s in this area where characters</p><p>can see the stained glass of Area 15. There is</p><p>no opening in the glass, so characters would</p><p>have to smash the glass to enter. Any attack</p><p>against the glass with bludgeoning or slash-</p><p>ing damage will cause an entire pane to</p><p>shatter.</p><p>In the northern end of this area is another</p><p>waterfall that’s 15 feet tall. Behind the water</p><p>is a small inlet leading to a wall. This is an</p><p>illusion made by the dragons, and characters</p><p>can walk right through, or disrupt it with</p><p>dispel magic. Following this cave leads down</p><p>about 300 feet of wide-clawed corridors be-</p><p>fore entering into an even larger cave, with a</p><p>horde of hundreds of thousands of gold, plati-</p><p>num, gems, and perhaps a magic item of your</p><p>choosing. Sleeping atop the horde is an adult adult</p><p>black dragonblack dragon, who will attack on sight.</p><p>Some glowing lichen and fungi near pools</p><p>of murky water are present down here to</p><p>allow players the ability to see the dragon</p><p>and escape. This dragon will only wake up if</p><p>someone touches his gold here or in Area 15.</p><p>See the Dragon Event for more information.</p><p>If players do decide to attack, the dragon will</p><p>escape through one of many tunnels into the</p><p>swamp if he dips below half health. This is</p><p>only a portion of their wealth.</p><p>If characters venture above the 15 foot water-</p><p>fall, they will find another taller waterfall</p><p>that is fed from the aquifer, and it’s impos-</p><p>sible to move forward. Moving south of the</p><p>pool where characters entered this area will</p><p>eventually lead players to a small cave in the</p><p>Mere of Dead Men, several miles away.</p><p>33 | 33 |</p><p>17 - Iniarv’s Dark Crypt</p><p>Behind the western sarcophagus is a area</p><p>of magical darkness, which cannot be seen</p><p>through by darkvision or torches. This can</p><p>be dispelled with dispel magic, some magical</p><p>light stronger than 2nd level, or killing the</p><p>vampire.</p><p>Rats do not venture past this sarcophagus,</p><p>as there are wooden spikes sticking out of</p><p>the floor that are barbed with small wooden</p><p>stakes. Characters must figure out how to</p><p>navigate around these, such as by using a</p><p>stick or bone to feel around. Touching a spike</p><p>deals 1d4 piercing damage. Characters can</p><p>break off a stake to use against the vampire.</p><p>18 - Iniarv’s Dark Crypt</p><p>Beyond the darkness is a completely empty</p><p>area save for a wooden coffin, the resting</p><p>place of the vampire. Inside the coffin is the</p><p>key to Area 12.</p><p>DRAGON EVENTDRAGON EVENT</p><p>This swamp and tower is guarded by</p><p>“the Black Death”, a pair of twin black</p><p>dragons named Voaraghamanthar and</p><p>Waevaerendor. Only Voaraghamanthar</p>
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.