North Mail, Newcastle Daily Chronicle from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England (2025)

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North Mail, Newcastle Daily Chroniclei

Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England

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MQKTO HAML MHO io will be made to tbe Committee Application THE NEWCASTLE EXCHANGE fc-lin mm MM wBBmmwTaL Al flBBMAtHM TBS MONEY "'lrCTnWtAffrn1T AMffb P1MANCEII fUtld tsnX aBmmmtt Mt3ammmmmmwBu -L mmmjZJBImXM sfVaPap dpTwA MWMnV49V WwM(MMwO "awT w8wUBMMwWfaPPW BBBP 1 HpBJBjManaMwMfaMwaaM torn official quotation 'o? 'sbiroScHJ male to'SEV Stock Exchanges ia due TttS fhamBSpffsm List ems hs ssnya OSaymensw RtS aSSa wseere awvAup raw iPi stern OPFlCltVL CLOSING QUOTATIONS FINLAND'S INQUIRIES FOR HOUSE' KATHEtt OVERCAST INFLtJENCE OF NEW YORK PARIS BIDDNG GLASS XETAL SAFETY COAL EXCHANGE Mb IBM) mB StwfW P- IUTUK8 Of BUSINESS ON UXWOH LIMITSD (Incorporated coder the Ooaapalaa Acta 1MB to 19171 to lis fid on the refefwaes in the North snt bid CAPITAL £188 HT1MD INTO Mail" Titling were better at 4 Bv te CeaaoJdated 4 per STRONGER POSITION QUAYSIDE Tuesday Wall over a hundred vessels of con- Bead at 4U Aerated Bread at Us fid 135000 10 per sent iltttw at S74 ht Wan torn Lombard Street i and fond at szs uenennams OrdiiMuy Sbaras of Mit sdi by window-dresein Wevarfhslani a Ted at td British MatchM at 95a A at 41 Inoerial CheMieats at UNION CORPORATIONS RAND MINES ZZZZZ ji OMtt the per 1000000 Deferred Shares It eiderably more than half-amillion gross rate uta dee to the Bank of per cent aad 3V 35 and the def at 12s fid Sauce rose to 64 paid off Old day-to-day renewed at per cent tgsrtead of St Tbe holders Shares will ka eatitjsd Vivos uoorways were dealt ia at as so aad tuo def at Ss iWutsfga far coming oat" took nlace in Garrard Eiwineerins at 7s 3d of tba Prefwed Ordinary rata ol 10 aar cent far i to inch Dividend tba Oi rata Dividend at tbe mi nam on too capnai tor usa 94 WOO KXCMAMSM mm Share will rank tor a Maw per cent while up to 44 per cent commanded by night leans There was a little more train Sham Subject Dividend at th rate IO Mr rant- an aanwm on K- Gatrftal la tbe time tbe tisae ham aaMl nm heri Lea Qaranss were 2s td and tbe prefs Its te RfLfl Any surplus profit which it shall front tiasa to tia te dtoeemiaed to distribute am boaaVi ne-fifth tbereol to tbe holders of tba Pretorrad Ordinary Shares and as to fowrwfth tbaraat to i Pwala 1 Ehaatswaa name I tons are at present being built at yards on the North-iSast Coast It is a very largo amount of work but it a rapidly diminishing quantity as new orders are coming in vary slowly Contrasted with the state of the industry twelve nths ago there are now 15 more steamers and about 35000 tons additional on tbe etoeks The bone is that more cot tract discounts One of the banks Struanr but fid Hovi were dealt in at 6Ss SddSs London of the new Treasuries at 4 ner cent the ineofae Bonds being 130 after a MrURM oi the ueierrea snares In a winding up the holders of the ftpvf erred Ordinary Share tare priority to to retam 4 Capital Hod (be Bank of England rcwve! Has balk of the £1000000 Cape Bar gold Wtctcad of less thaa half of ia tuapjli and the rench hanks wanted May paper at the snares Z7s 4M after Z7s levw and payment oi all arrears of the aata utraraiaire rrere nautiai utviaswn tba aaid Cumulative Preferential Dtvtdewd Brick 4Ss4B Mid liptons 14s 9d-I6s Ud Salt Union 42s Sd-IV 7d Atlas Light IPs tCud-SPM lid Barrow Henburn and 4 per cent but land to reduce the terete to were anoa the Preferred rising not art to tbe commencement whether declared at earned Of of tba winding BP orer all other hare to the Chattel tar the tMp total to onotitk of the surplus Assets ssmmiatng alt' tbe resmynniat el all share tbe remaining fenrtfths gates toe kaUss of tba tliltliK other Si per cent Fine three sat to and the Def to 47 sat of the Company and are entitled itled aatisfaction would have been ielt rails toercial bills and the Capita' paid np on taa ueierrea Ted Gale Ss 6d4s ftd Rroowhton Copper 2 3d-2s 2d Combined Pulp 48m fxUls fid Henry Glave def 2s Od-3s 3d Tate and Lyle 41s snares at Brittoh Subject to tbe nihu of bolder of shares in anil leaned anna eoaMiiloaa nan a enow will secured for the later part oi th roM further to as Branstons hands every member present ia person shall ham ana rota and wnna a fnQ ovary Mmr ptwsmrt Mi tgUoted 4 per cent Norwegian kroner were a feature in foieivn excluutgea iutpiovins te 1841 being intinmtaafthat the goW stamUrd will iUok and currency note circnUtknta more to 1m JU and British Vjsada Def person or by proxy on row tor snail hare are rote for every rrawrrwi ordinary Mara aw him shall hare are rotes for every rresofrod Ordinary Mara ana him Ueferred Share held to Sd Illiajrworth Morris rose to 7s and as to ftf MM up tod tor ewab tor ewab or the above Deferred Shares 300000 will ba isaned to the Vendors ered pari sat act-on nl the purchase price 70000 bare bran applied for hp aanf wjl resroreo on May sreruntr on wew Crosses and Winkworth Prefs to 5s 4Hd be artattod at INQUIRIES AND ORDERS A couple of Finnish coal inquiries am Dutch steady at 4JS York was "-we i par to the I lirectrrs 35 OOO hare been applied for by and will ba alMtad tor cask as par to use florins were dearer attain at 12101 25fiOO ham been awaited far br and win be allotted lor eaab at aar at arart awd 42s Sd and bias del Guadalquivir 212-25 OIL SHARES STIttNG Following New York advices oils were strong Shells rose to 4Vk Anglo-Persians to 24 and Bunnahs to 4 1V28 Lobitos spurted to 1S-22 and Anglo fuadorians were better at 1 1142 Creoles wore still supported at 24 and VOC improved to ITnflpiu-ritcrii circulating One is from the fielsingfors Oaa Works for 25(0 to 10000 tons of oar 10 are raaarrad for iaaa at par aantnst Addenbrcoke nnder contract hereinafter referred to 50000 opticn to vendors and 270000 of the above Deterred Shares Ml at Ms lttd and Powell aralUblo tor mwm Swiss franca rallied to Belgian belgas reacted to StffH and Oerntan retells Daffryns a SSs Bkhardf Thomas rose to wpeeial or other high-chum Durham coal with the 133000 Preferred ordinary snare marks tn atl 7s the Prefs to Ha Had held to Its 6d to ne aeiivereu in rue ewvunu pan oi 4015 Mmrdatore Prefs to Is and BSA to 1He otner inquiry irom neisingtnni Rlswtriitv Works for 10009 tona of Sontrh 2 2742 Anglo-Esyptiats were arm- at 2rg te 29M Kumaniaa lei wees frnter at Japanese wen rwrrvwred te Is ttld IMUI AT VMl OF 135000 10 per cost Cmdritm tvtkmrim Prcfarrcol Its Sd aloud Nickels recovered to 7 Iteboock and Wilcox fell to 69s Sd Snan coal wasJred or doable ants deliveries to Trinidad issues rallied with Area Irs and Leaseholds 3 21-32 while L'ai-ed British Cold is needfai However it was not this mild dis- Mntttieet that overcast the tiouae" rather a continuance of profit-taking Meanwhile aa some speculators are converting paper profits into cash others are buying in the belief which we share that a fresh upward movement will come ia due course wl'ch will happen when New York becomes a little more settled Then the gramophone group in particular exiwted Jso diaUpgO'slt itself with But really strong features were net lacking for Paris which so ancceasfnlly sky iwssled Caoiidated Gold Fields awitrhed on to Onion Corjiorationa and Rand Mines both of which are high enough to induce the avenue British Hunter to Sd and Ann strong to Ss Sd Ordiaary Shares of £1 eack aad 270000 Dtfctrtwl SUroo Bue'l Combation dropped to 2 Amalga- upwards of JnHS0nis ts ear gold was available and Mia and the trad alone with the "unknown hnyer alamrhed about JtMAJn kMvinaT anhstantial tnated Anthracites eased to 19s Sd Allied News were steady at and oil- begin ia mid-August in cargoes ot 2000 to 3aoo ions The order for the lfaltno Gas Works is reported to hare been placed for 8000 tons of Wear ordiaary gns coal at 18s 3d pgr ton cif For their renuirearents of 1500 teas of ted Press at SSs Associated def WwmP I'm! MBg TRRB MUjVs9Mw9etMCVl Off 4V aMiaf kifrey fhtllips were tat at 1 on the jumped to Us 2d Mexican Eagles recovered to 29s Sd on the news of another well Tens were irregular British Indians were better at 4i Chelae at 414 Dejoo at 2 Eastern Produce at 4f Gaaha at 2i and Southern India at SA Jokai eased to Sff Jotehaut to 4 and Nedeasa to 3A Subber weakened to under td par lb Shares learted all round Rubber Trusts fell to 30s VM Anglo-Dutch to 1 23-32 Hfwfcitnds to 1 ard Unwcis to 1 17-32- et tn cut tn the di vi trend cjarreras came hack MeTtoar'wwl basaSsSs wTwaSTM wTMMrwtfMl'lw5w eswMb an MM to 131 and the to 23 Imperial Tobeeetk and llritum-America tw Mtored sad JllSeJffle hi suteiehini teasnssd osj account of Poland JOBh SOOTT ORE S3 Chantry Road FRANK TIN KICK USc ILondoal Westfeld iiaweTtMn- BlraiinvhaaB (Retired Cixit Herrantl ChaJrataa StreetTr Sinaiaaham fChenjieaJ UaiMUj Road rtaadiwtsrtS fMMjwa (Uireetor rwawrto aad and at Silver renmtned eoal for next months snipment the Sundsvall Gas Works hare taken a special Wear gas eoal at its per toa crf REEI-INQ TYNCilOE TO THE FRONT The Executive Committee of the Tyne-dde InJitotrial llevelopment Conference is earefullv following np the taquiries for mnrka sites which have come to hand as Brusnebi sold Interna ti no -tl Holdings which fell tn 246 Hvdro-EIectrie recedeil re Braailian Traction kept steady at ffst JOUH PA TUN MOKRIailN 71 WettanMlef Comnanr Limit edl a Mttle buy forward There ing going on Tbe Vendor to tbe Company win Atisociated Anglo-Atlantics save way NATIONAL PROVINCIAL RANK UMITED 19 Kaffirs were still entirely under the influence of Paris which bought Band Mines freely causing a jump of to 3ft Sthe def ttoins 3d after Ss snel'te Trtwta fell to 21 9d ninrnnanam BARCLAYS BANK LIMITED 94 Lombard street London KCS aarf a result of the extensive advertising cam tint and also Union Cornnrations which snarted Oolomtna Grnnhobhones touched 13 paign It may be that Tyneswlc lias not is not to he recomtnended unless nroperlv reacted to 124 Gratnoohones fell tn 114 A to 4U Lonelv Beefs gave way sharply wca SSI Strand understood by the operator As to dealing For the Comnanr EI WELL HARBY A "or the Company STEPHEN GATELEY A I For the Vendors: FLADGATE A CO 18 1 Tw4Meta jpeWt SSTTLSnSMTS closing at II Ducpoone ragged to 3ft and to 1r Miaou Bell to 2A Victors wave wav to Lenas receded to 7s 3d and Busso-Asiaties on what the bucket enop eupnemtstica KWl holder to sell But if Farts intends to persist in bidding then a still more profitable selling price will be obtained ORJwVmmWI anjjsj fr aVhWW Courtaulds 5 per east Preference shares are an investment pure and sitnole and for tbtwe who want a gilr-extaed indttatrial to yield Ss 6d per the pries is Its they are useful But there are people who believe they have apeeulative ptnaUbilitiea Indeed this aspect wae discussed at the meeting where we recall a shareholder asked why the Preference hare ahoud not participate alonar with the Ordinary which receired a 100 per cent strip bonus if only to the extent of being Riven a higher rate than the 5 per cent dividend describes as the cover system this 27 Vocalions dropped sharply to 72s 3d to Ss fid Corporations fell to GEORGE A TOTJOHE CO Chartered like playing against loaded dice the cover ai 1 Vocaliea (roretga) beinr If premittm Ss fid Bolivia Confessions gave way 9 Easy Row Birmingham Contango days April 13 Uay 7 Ticket days April 24 4 liny I Intermediate days April 3S A May Account days April 34 May fhoteutaton weakened te Ifis Oauatoat to 1-23 and the to Us rW seiuR Not is the instalmenl evstent adopted Ira 8PURL1NG SKINNER TUDOR 4 CO 3a Toheabonee BniMtoaa Uwdow ECR and Stock Exchange tn Hi fM llma tn Sin HMd dmnned tr lis Sd outside brokers a desirable method Met ish ad to 27s Marines to 46s fid Swears Tin shares were not much affected br only is it costly which it mast necessarily HAKGETTS AUUEfiBROOIUC 95 Colmore Row Birmingbam aad Mack tflccnange SECRRTARV AMR RBCItTERRR RPPICR JAMES LEWIS Xetal Works Stapleford Notts and ens to I Inures to Us Sd and the rise in the metal arart from London Gordon Hotels te Tins which strengthened to 22-22 Toyas be if the outside broker ts to make anything out of the but it has pitfalls that United rreatter Oil Cakes rose further gained Sd at ISs Sd on the progress report NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED 15 Bishop sgate London ECU and Hen net ts Hill Birmingham and other Branches and BARCLAYS BANK LIMITED 54 Lcmbard Ptrnet London are not susnected bv the average neraon sutBcient'y ptare known to Ihe worM its Industrie1 advantages and facilities in tie past but the ht'vinrs of the Conference ia the past two years are coasidered to have been wall worth all the euergv pat tata ECS and Colmore Row Birmingham end otber Branches are antbwrirad at Bankera lor and on be ball Pellowing are losing Prices of the Ixmtton St act Kaelnnge) with the rise or oi the Company to receive applications for tba above-mentioned with taa previous markets The securities do not actually beung to the purchaser until all the money including interest is paid in fall and in tbe aneaa-tinte should there be a depreciation in market value the purchaser is reoponsibW RREFCRREB ORDINARY SMARRS RRR tfiRCt Why should they" Originally they were given away as a bonus to Ordinary share holder so (hat one would be uutesonble illogical to expect a bona It a ork shire reader who has nrompted this On Appiicaton gf par On Allotment bar On 1st June 195S ffc par On 2nd Jury i9a a Sr Caaaai St an- S44 54 TvMV40AA3OV74-4044i Sewing Cotton 53 6 546 VaulisBi Weivvts 11 tor putting up more cover Cknssal 4ns StkTA 91 Sell igor 18 1 ST3 3 9 Um aine Ty 'l- VS rav piiu Cotton Sprs Sf A3d tumtaent lie says he is holdinn in the vpe of particioation in any Ordinary bonus or alternatively a higher rate of fixed dividend We are afraid he is hoping agapor f2-l 10 l-14d Slug 1 pore SO -44 cav ims at nc eat firwm aad Co 55 1 Subscribers for Preferred Ordinary Shares may pay in lull in adeance at any time after AQotraeot bat no Discount will be allowed on such payments in advance Hopl uloshnai 212 year the business of Thomas Salt aad OoM the Bui ton brewers was acouiied Bass Snavei Km IBM 89 36-3d war una awe St iw Fnaaa bMtu 111 Stmatm MM 34 310t-14d Rfltelift'! ami Oretten Thus the report is VU- Bds lias SS4 SM against hope CsMwate er ttrnnf8Sf--Our remark nuide np for IS months the protat for 'hts The Comma has bean termed for the sntraoaes maatioaod la the Memorajadwas of ftsaariatian aad Listen 323 53 S64 nVww i Naera 410 4S0 Nnera Oef 32 Paews 6 R-srins 34r9 359 S'a Viieosa 4C'0 41Of Wtrdle Daveop I 44 Viscose Del 36 40 Tatplug 1W-I ifi uti Tali Are wn" Tit" Tanvnng 14 if T43af ll-i Te'og redj 1J 1-Vf-TV Vtd Serdsng IS4 379 4O-Sd pelted being £121494 er at the rate alieut for a year This compa itvnr iui as wT3ws ma panicniar to require: i4cai uoaas ape oo lrtti Lane 2 we 39 60 India 54 fvc TO Til India 41 nx 94 84 IvrfU 3 102 103 (ai The rights in the subject mat with 713 (or ttie twHve months ann ter of Patent Speeitkation No 277044 tor tbe Cnited Ringdom all special agwnggara and all foreign rights respect of tbe glass known as Xetal Safety Utass yesterday that the United Premier 9il Cake Company has turned the corner ts practically confirmed by the admission that thrf eomnanv is doing a great deal better runner penning applications invention lor the manufacture of nnsnltnterable gl of nnsnlinterable ire including plant machinery etc (V Certain freehold works at Stacleford MoUinchamsh Ctd Sua Bctcng 2 Sfsnatra (8M110 nrovitled the same rate of profit is maintained the purchasers would get the purchase price hack in about 12 years I'rnm til a hiMtittntair nf llisa voap naiLwava (c) The Trade Mark Xetal aa applied to glass but we are taken to task for quoting the Vallwbroia (2-H1 The ereat develonment of motor traffic ha brousht with it an increasine risk of accidents Groat Western 98 9M4- sa tuu ing lil and limb One serious danger ia ntch accidents is that arising from flying fragments of ordinary glass Up to the present time the higher cost of safety nnsnlinterable glare baa beea a data rout to Stock Exchange view that a dividend oi anything: from per cent to It oer cent wil be paid Tbe criticism is to the effect that anv estimate of a dividend is nurelv TO i'i ei i au i i 1 aaa vm matisiRiaia At ft 15 Ttod'g 250 S60 Allied -Newsp 3fV 3 Ald Hen Spe CP 236 Allied New Dbs 99A ICO STRONG COAL MtlTIORj The local easl market has a very stony apnearunce Most af the trade is based oa tit (a montb'a delivery as neither coUieries nor eon tract org are canting far May ea the rattier remote passihilitv of wt annul at the Oerntan ens mines as a result of Ins wages award lately made known ia which the men obtained an eight per teat advance The sward has not nfetaed eitlier the owners or the men but it will perhaps be ultimately accepted Abroad there sloes not seem any apprehension as to a cessation of work at the mines Price of all kinds of steam coals are fully maintained on the Newcastle market and the shivNueats from local p-vrts will tn bet (er this wek than last week even after allowing for the Easter interruption Gas coaly are ia good demand also and the caking -section is receiving ita share of snoport There is little ani nation in Iks coke department One sorts are in suiply and rather easier at 1S td to Sax Othr dewerintions are mainly dull at unchanged prices COAL AN0 COKE PRICES The minimum price for beat steam orals an well maintained bwt there does not seem anything higher as was the caw ia one or two taPaares but week Vatnes lor gas tool are also very steady la AngiO'Amer -h Angto-E sudor iaa 1- surmise and that one should make Unclear Ang'o-hgyptn 9 if Mb i ns 4 pc ru 74 fM fl 4pc Pf -2S TSS UfR Spc krd 34 fief Ord 15 UiS 4m IM It wi tiff 4ne tm IN 56 Aiid Rtha Db lent 05t SI 16 67 57 lituumn cniii i mi vv sun uctwt miuuhi no reflected in tbe report which will he made up to September 30 an interim dividend being due next month At 72s Sd the yield af Bam shares is 4 per cent tax free and we regard them as a good brewery investment 1AU Alisapps 3196 SO6- that it eannot be aaythina but surmise at nresent" Anyto-renan pt gf-r gk Ana-Per 8 nc PI RS3 839 Ana-Per pc its general use ana an pnsplinterable glass WOies can be snppnea at a winy row price wovra ineranwe be welcomed by all manufacturers aad users of motor cars motor omnibuses and otber vehicles on which is necessary Other directions in which a relatively cheap nnsplinterable fclass would be in great demand are to glass roofs glass doors ship lights jewellers' windows and for show oases generally Tba fact that XeUi Satetv Glass does not discolour makes it eminently suitable for ail these purposes The tendency of present day legis'ation is steadily towards the imposing of restrictions aad rest latiosi design sd to protect the public against all avoidable risks and the Sttfag of safety glass ia all public vehicles may eventually be made compulsory ft may be anticipated that when Xetal Safety Glass is available the of safety glass will become standard practice a the extra cost will he negligible when the Metropolitna tun TO 714-Distrlct Ml V7-Praf Ord Tf 78 We that an particularly a Stock Exchange eannot be anything tut a surmise seeing that the accounts will not be published in the n-tro Sthra 9 Apes Ttawsu-- i-vt Brit Con rolled 5 9 Bwrmab Oil 4 Bern River 93 Looitos 3A- Mex Eagle (20618851 Faa nc CP 19 0 has St'iiw Def Ord it fives are taken into consideration avtna been stated that in conseouence of the process has the following advantages: safety Glass made by the Xetal ietal 7 TTcrowad tlert RT ordinary course til! June ft) It rou7s te a Card lae Raal89 lSO-l I9r It f3es net d'sfur tor Safetv Glass An PHmaia 16H 16934 (3) It can be produced at an ajrtraat taw pvks Dies llOORi 284 941 (4 It h) matt ny a vary stnrrn irwapm a prattlcallv elfmlnatea less bv br SbeU TraDtPW-'t Amals riess 246 236 Amalr Pret 20 6 21 0 AtoaL Press Deb 98 9811 Ass paper Of 104 10-tV At S7 Cement 25 Ufc0id Raw Ratcllg 723 733 3d Boot Put Brag 6tV 6- Boras Cl Pel 246 256 Bovra Del 403 413-fad ftrasilian Tracfa i454 2441 Brt Ain ininm446 456 Brit-Am Tcba- I15i0 llStWtot Brit Cement 496 50664 Cement Pfd Of 159 169-3d ll-i i lted 6 PA It 5'tish Mieh 349 3539d ft Oil 9 Cake 303 313 Taim Line lv-v Call-nders 850 970 Cirr ras 194 194 -tV Cham ll fbinese Eng 3 3j facilitates a quick turnover af ttt warhlag Tr'n k'boMv it can be nM prwwaasy at a artaa Trarnuelan Cm Antofagasto Con 91 924 PA PacJSe 91 98-1 a Ot Ethrn XOS 104 BA Western SSI Hal nsdian Pacific 814 81 5-1 of pleasure vehisles feat to (fi It is mitta antirel af a coke the position has not the sam arm trait Vj 5fSuJS thafatTenTulnf'anaae users and ordtrc onvertng very Oa makae are a abide newer aad more raaa Assam Campaay 9yV As Dm (filOl IiT nnantilie per annum have been offered One merchant fhrm has swkwod te eater into a 23w aad ether vartoUa are la large Cull eat ensatotleM are Cent Aapiatiae 95 SO ret Urn nay 89 90 Cordoba Central 35 3 Cor Cent wad PI 55 S6 i I SWfeSIa AhM Uff offer is made at par of 135000 10 per cent cumulative partir-ipatin: Preferred Ordinary fl sliares atirl 270000 Deferve! Is sliares of Xetal Safety Glass Ltd Sub-Rcriljers can apply for two Ireferred fn respect of each Preferred Ordinary The company acquires patent rights tor the manufacture of unspl inferable trjass fiee-iuild works at Stapleford Xottinghapt-shire and the tradr-mark Xetal" It is estimated that the works when fu'ly installed with the necessary plant will be capable of producing over 1(W0W souare feet of class yearly the profit tin which is calculated at £100000 In due course a substantial revenue is exneeted Kmc h-w a iorv satlsfae'arY araflt tJl ftowtrM Inquirirs lr Xrtal Safetv Class have aha toon Bengal United a Chatgola 1 a a a Entre Rtos 84 851 Birth beat SS 69 Dim bo ia alley Oaneeti a Vants B'ytb ben neaam Tin primes 44 Door 4 Saa panto SO? 809 Cnited Marana SSt SMj Cv of Lon Bwy829 839 13 13 13 10 19 fan Tea prioj Jon Imoma 4 Srf ColwmVa Graph 124 12 1 Second sjti prolonged political chaos the Chinese railways are in a deplorable state and that considerable sums will be necessary to recondition them The Shanghai-Nanking Railway is believed to he the best by comparison of the lot so it is interesting to rote that the dividend coupon which was dne on December 1 last on the Imperial Railway Shanghai-Nankin 5 per cent Bonds is now to be paid They are quoted 8-58 inclusive af this particular coupon for £2 fa They -are net without merit as a IS per cent speculation a Mstiofiaf Martina Ifrtsrhn PranMsett Although the profit has praeticaUe doubled be r- 240S3 against £tb013 no dividend ia declared for the past year by the National Mining Corporation out in view of certain profitable realisations of investments since the financial year closed the question of aa interim dividend will be dealt with at the meeting Prospect of the Chemical and Metallurgical Corporation are descriibed as exceot ion ally eood and this holding has greatly appreciated in value Out of the available balance of a Mtm of jeiflSP2 has be-r written rff investments leaving £653fJ5 toe he carried forward The 8s shares stand at Ss Cr taU 53 546 84 1 Kaatera Assam Kmoira of India Unscreened Canard 396 330 Sec nd steam Jbansie 5 Aag-Stb Daily Mail Trust 54 5 is Jokal Araer 81 84 i 4h IPI 573 576d IRI Pally Mirror 81 8 4t trebant A Barclays Dcnni Bros 104 IO frvn the foreign rights A valuation of the works and other information will he found in the prospectus in another column Jet inn Valla 244 fHstlllen 700 71 0 Nonb MortAawbrrttaw 13 Ka Kerthambwrlawd wmalw- 10 Birth small Movthnmbaad treble 15 54 nareiap fu saaal an wo rvtd of India 204 SI -g teboeg SyV Nedcem Silo 3V mau wwawgsw' ton a So Amer 10 AtMttier Bteger Tea Dlvtelend Amnle 11 6 6 to 14 0 9 to 12 0 OtelS StolS a 6w 9 OtatS OtolS 6 to 16 6 to It 6 to 14 3 to 13 6 Oto14 6 to IS A to 15 6 to 20 Ot18 OtoSS 0 to 27 iustification is now forUtcominir for the Lloyds Ol MWland ee t3 IS 13 13 ess-tod A-t-iT optimistic view of tea shares expressed here 94 9 toMlaaa Ify pdl satrrn afbican minrs Afro fc Earoym 240 24 6 3d Am Mng Trust 246 83034 Cnkint wucrp4 13 Coking smalts 13 Prow 11 It Prov IR4 pd! 13 New Zealand 58 i 13 6 591 Itorbam doobw 16 Angl-Am Carp 144 14 Ancl -French Ex 29 9 30334 303 Darbam stosda 16 during recent months i oi lowing tne Deundi the Jetinga Valley Tea Co whose shares were especially singled oit is paying a bigger dividend The final of 29 pc makes 30 pc for the year instead of 221 pc so that at 3 tbey offer well over 10 fd of 8 Africa 151 Westminster 19 Bratina Cam aad Motor recriw-fl frnm onriibiis rnnrpsnies motor wannlartnrer and tfce War OBea Ovrins: to tbe simplicity of the Xetal process of maaofaetwra compa rattvUf tow akilleS or bight pai operative? are reanired and suitable labour in abundance ia available in tbe vtcinny of tne works It estimated tin the works when Inllj installed with the accessary plact will be capable ol pro-dn-in' "vor cn minion snnare feet of glass ner annma ft 1 fronosed to snwpjy Xetal Claw at a price which will be lower than any similar glass used for the same pnnoseaMttsShMannwM an ou cut of 1000000 square teat aar arsHunt wsuto (has a araSt to at leart £1004100 The Directors bare the offer ol tbe services ia the capacity of Manager of a gentleman bas had twentv vcars exnerience with an important firm of motor Body biilders in nirnnnlw ana wno is tn the oninicn of the Directors well qualified to undertake the sMaaawmtmt of th CJomeaay The inventor Mr Percy Herbert Bead who is a Director ol the vendor syndicate will join the Hoard aftri a'lotment and is willing to act as Technical Adviser ot the Company T' work to be acquired by the Company are conveniently situated in Nottingham ttoad SUflefoTd The briUlings are sitbstintial and la good order and very few alterations to them will be required to mnk- them suitable for the crrryink on nt the basinets of the Company VALUaTinn OF PRRfiHata The following ia a copy ot the wtnattonh Jas A Whstoall MI MechlE I IEeT 2 Chancery Lane London WC2 of the Freehold Works acquired tbe Company CBaTtFICATE OF VALC AVION THIS IS TO CERTIPT that I value the JLn Buildings Plant Rhtchtrwry Pnrntture FiTtnres Internal Fittings E'ectric Lighting Heating etc both Sxed and movable at the Xetal Wort- situate at Nottingham Road Stapleford Nottinghamshire all as a going concern and accordance with the attached Schedule as follows: Value CIO sou (Say Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds! Dated this Seventeenth da ol January rStlTiS report eu PAsraav Pf-Airr ana eesT ee n-m''Liillx agj report on the factory the proposed plant and costing which ha been sntoaUed by Messrs wnatnail and Potter Consulting Engineers af 37 Chancery Use Lqadne 08 Lonsdale Chambers 27 Chancery Lane London wca The Directors of Messrs Kemn Syndicate Lhuitod 17th February 1938 Xetal Works Nottingham Rod -MnS tWts Dear Sirs XETAL WORKS STAPLEJJOfUl SOTTM We nave mada a careful examination of the wJS is ample space to enable the manttlactarc at about 10O0OOO sqnare feet of the Xetal Safety GaSTh7 i'yrothWorkleoo'themses very eMetoUylor thl iPfa extensive alterations or additions will not be necessary Thecost of the alteration and jditions to the Works Manufacturing Plant and Machinery Heating Power LigMiug to enable the above ontpnt to be obtained daring ordinary working hours will he about £ZSSASGSwi gone earetan Into the coat entarW the manllctnre of this quantity of Xetal Safety Glasj inclnding in these costs £1 Insi ranee Office and Works Labour Snncrvfrion daterials Power and Lighting Heating Uepre- ciatiot of Bnildinn and Depreciation ol Plant and Machinery Ih-- On o-ir estimate ot Works Costs and on documents we have inspeetod Rowing the boSJoess already evaibble on firm offer the Nett Profit on this portion alone oniy a part of a atrcanv pvamme on una e- Cm Mia a bv 194 sen oimker Ordinary bankers ttwectal hunker Oa oak Pa tew feandry cake Snecisl fonndiy eolo 32 32 ss 4si Folders of vjnarvwwa 14 18 14 19 17 23 25 18 pc witnout allowing lor accruer! dividend (4s less taxi included in the price They 86 City Argent 4nc Rsse 1 lOSl lost mVGT "Ok SlAt MR a 810 tl 6-34 Deep cons constitute a sound tea share investment 1 Anstr'an owe Be-g nm 7 PC Cons ion us I Blutfnrnace coke Cons Minos Sel 180 186 Way Pavinz outrieht for Br-ail 694 Rraail PSpe 14 88 Rrasil 5pc 1915 76 Consolidated Waterworks of Rosnrio are offered one new tlrdinary share at 113 for every four shares now held As the price of the existing shares is 15 this makes the rights" worth 28s The dividend is ft per cent 'fas-free and assuming Ide maintenance of this rate the yield when the ritrhts are deducted will he the substantial one or per cent tax free Oiinlop Rubber 30 0 30 3144 Pnonm? 3i 34-4 B-iophone pref 180 186 D'ohonr New Pf 160 166 Eastwoods 366 376 Fln'ay (Jame) 4 44 Forestal Lands 313 31 9-3d Fnrness Withy 399 40 9 Gaumont 326 33 O-16 Genersl Electric 359 369 Gramoph-ae 11 -i 11--X Tninnos 475 495 farrods 676 68 '6 fUrredi IBI19 3 19 Tel Wks SStI If oap and Co 720 730 rpment 9 40 9 ''dsoii's Bag 5tV 5tV Itlus Newsnapers 840 2509d CTem Ord 34104 35 1 14-lid Imp Chen Def 12 4 2T i Im Tob (GBI 1107A lll li-lld tod Goope 756 766 tot 9t 9j tat Share Trust 169 173 nferesk P-ner 4 JL t'hnsnn Phillips -Hr 2 i Kassala Cotton 6 0 66 Krenger 4 To'l 49 49i nc Pref 99 6 2S Lever 8 pr- Pref 236 24 fiotons 150 I60 IonInn Brick -450 46 014 Tvons fj) Co 4-r 4J4 tearooni e17i H-lld Cnlon 3 Maypole Def 50 53 29 9 309 Vfn VJIrkel Is 7TJJL im cm what one can afford is the one and only safe way of dealing in stocks and shares Of course there is option busine but it Bijgaran 7pc 894 CVnesc Spe 9 99 Chinese 4MB 8B i 14 Chinese Spe '13 61 Cseebeai-v'fe 8pc 109 fta'sto 7 pr 96 INDEPENDENT UEL VALUES The independent estimate of the eoal position sal prices is: Although there la no improvement tn the inquiry from abroad collieries are fa a favour ibl posiosa an tar a April trade hi concerned aad prices aa well maintained Nominal values for present shipment fCOMTIMUEO IM NEXT COLUMN) Con HW Africa 174 19 Crow a Mine' 3 A- 34 yV Ui 14 Duroaa Deep 4 Fast Cednld 8 2JL Rand Prop 1771 18 lVi-lld Oaba 419 txfc GednM Prop 3 3H Cn Mln fc Pin lf liyV Globe A Pbetote 126 ISO GSd Rhod 100 106-ltd Govrrnmt Area 8 24-JL aa i 77 90 93 78 61 110 97 17- W- i lit 101 tf24-i Fgyptiaa Ca fied 884 XETALSaPRTY ai-ASS LIMtTUB COewttoJlM- French 5 pc 171 French 4 PC 141 Oerstoa nc By a farther contract dated the lUth day 31 April 128 and made htrweeil margetts a AoMten brooke of lie one part and Edwin John Cvershed as Trost-e for and On behalf of the Company af the other part Marcetls A Addenbrnoke have agreed to advance a sam not exceeding £5000 for registration fees advertising expenses etc and ss consideration therefor are to have the right to apply for at par and have aliened to them the 25000 Deferred Shares before referred to The follow'ne contract is material namely a contract dated th? lOth dm nt tVtaher IOS9 mmm PrTender Tr 3 3 3 6-ltd Creek 7 pc lOOl Hunysrian 74P 108 Jans 4nC 1899 741 TS4-t 0CB large DCB small Trao prim largo Type itrimc smalls Best Dorham ras Wear special paa Durham coktag Bast Oarham bankers Second clam banter lull vear ontpnt and based on a fall year outpnt would amount to 51 OOO We are Dear Sirs Yours very truly Japan 5pc 1907 90 91 1 Japan ape 1994 99 1O044 13 8 12 9 IS 13 13 14 13 20 IT 2h made between Safety Glass and Xetal Pre ducts ltd by Stanley Rlvthen pf the ftret part Percy Herbert Head of the second part and Kemp Syndicate Ltd of the third part The following Directors are interested as sub-underwriters of the issue at a commission of 4 aw rrmk 6 6to 9 9 to 13 6 6tol3 6 to lo StolS 6 to 13 0 StolS OtoSS 6 MemiOM 5 44 as- I at slVAS A WHAT ALU that is to say J'horg lavest 489 49'33d Ijinatoagte Est 239 243-34 Modtfrfa (Mewl 54 S4IJL Mr-Mrfa (BIB49 25 3 Voddrfa East 14t- 14 Moddrfotn Deep 144 144 lfosambiejv Co 810 81 '6 New Bute Area Iff II nw 116 190 Ridfnta Estate 109 It 3 Pand Mines 34- Rand Selections 186 196-3d mas patent ABKN-PS Mr Erie Potter Patent Agent af Nottingham aad Untoaa 594 6Ut 894 Wi1 39 eoi 454 6 Pern rrx Poland Purtawesa Spe rrank Tinker looo Preferred Ordinary and 2 OOO Deferred Shares and John Paton Mormon 1000 Preferred Ordinary and 2 000 Deferred Shares They bare also snbscribed for the following numbers Deferred Shar namely trank Tinke 33100 and John Paton Morrison 35 (inana Awe Con POrMet Kemp Syndicate Limited Path Raw Ntottm Xetal Works SUpleford "ftto nosSlttoVto Tin" im Patent foundry coke Beehive foundry coke Spe rial beehive fonndry cuke John raton Morrison tne ot tne uire tors is a oartner 1n the firm of Mat setts ami IssnkMS em usu a tf Colmore Row Birmingham wtic are acting as Brokers to the Com cany are underwriting tbe present issue ouares anu nave eniejeu mio ne lunner roniracr previously rcrerrea to Ttnp-fnflam IvV Non-lnS'sm Def 63 A proved prfw the ma gTsssISfida a risnltof exhnrtTvo torches provea process ror inc i in tjilinc that in mv ontnion the The preliminary expenses including legal and other expenses and advertising in connection with tba formation of the Company and also inclusive of about £1 900 parable in respect of Government Stem duties and registration fees but excluding Brokerage Brokers' Fees fTndcmitins and iteMMrfcHM Am wrgenne tV mane in mis country uon auu oauuuj 0 said Swcification constitutes subject matter for good and valid Letters Patent I am also of opirin that you are at liberty to manufacture in accordance with this process without infringing Alliance iNewl 81 Atlaa RTf otnaoereial Ca 29 mission are payable by tne Company and are est 'mated to amount to 814000 koowsww vj Pnblnsoa On -nV (B) li tZ any exisMng Patents The ioi lowing c- cirai'im or pies thereof can be seen at the OsSoes of the Company's Solicitors Messrs Htlliwell Hsrbv ana tCrershed between the hours nl 11 am and 4 am no an wwstriiu 4mm sliiu Robinson Dp Dp Acting on oir 'instructions I have obtained Connsersn ctf nkm as to that Specification No nstitnte Eagle Stsr Iff Rose Ueep 79 833d ana uoansei ll aisu ui uhiuwii una 0 4l nri valil Letters Patent and that roar process does not infringe any oi the prior Specifications i also of opinion 27J044 laiiJ Letters patent ana tost yowr psweis me iih remains oyeu ruav is vo Kay the Memorandum and Articles of Assooiation at4 the ahswweaea istirn A copy ol the Memorandum of Association wMh the name itiMen voiiTTHr if vvi'rtim iiies unj vai Oesnral Accident 104 4 considered by him fn addition I descriptions and addresses of the Signatories and the number et subscribed tor hp iwapectivelg tot have carefnlly examined the 8eciflcatioo of your Patent APii manufacture of strengthened glass and I am Tiondov is enciorsea nereon ana lorms pan oi tms rrosnecins 994 HM a in limner irawovemeiiiB in ic mia ium these improvements should prove of value to yon in your business and constitute subject mawer lor rtbei imntovements in the The minimum Subscription on which the Director may proceed to allotment as Ssed by the Articles of Association is Seren Shares but inasmuch as 135000 Preferred Ordinary and 870OO0 Deferred Shares have been underwritten the Directors wil proceed to allotment immediately after the rkwtog et the List AonHcations for Shares should be Tadn on the accomnanvinsr form and tnanal arfak vha valid Patents bout tn tata coaatry an aoroaa Yonrs very iruiy 89 '1J 7391U 11 11 il4 3463d 43 Bankers witb a remittance for the amount navahlp or amVratinn m-ofessional renorte aad opinions quoted in this mn' o' fvw --m Tbe Directors have carefnlly considered the various fSiruiM i Tl i it' mkow ha xHixl Alt An nAM RMR IDC PTOCB CT Where no allotment is made the application money will be returned In faS and where the number L'aVas i gte te the ZT their ahflR m4 avSMtM Ma ihm rrast 144 sgL 8A Tow wlip 146 130 Rhod Base 9 6 10 6 art" 34 344 Snb Nigel 344 344 Tanganyika 34 3-- Taov Eg 84 2 Tens Pt a BevtOm ltO-Sd ito Corn 444 444A Vn IWo 9j5 fx Tan Ryn Estate 14 ISO Tereeaiging Ill 2 VOJage Deep 3IS 3 Pd Cosh IP'S lS9-34 Sprints 240 846 Wtwatersr'd Op) 30 69 Sambesa 2g 8f nuiLcit is i man vnt- nuuoer nvpiieu lor me Daiance oi rne application money Will we Sunt ted I -nWllK 134 Prodeatial 0f 3jP cj-al 4f Poral 71 eotti-'h TJa (A )s Sen Fir 344 Yorkshire 13 ion on a eoramercias acaw the claims made are likely to be borne out hy results when sol the payment of amount due on allotment and any excess will be returned to tbe applicant Failure to pay any fnttre instalments ea Shares allotted when dne esffl astute aha sal vi-nt i 1 -u -6d Deferred 255 265 PhifHs tGiaCo If 1JL 159 lft'36d" Pinchin Johnson 6 64 Prov'l Onems 2(6 27'6-Sd er Cinraa P' RP-O 6 Tivrl Cinema Pf 9 2S3 vil Mafl 75 77 Salt Cn'on 24 2 Pvlt Union Pef 3 73 3-64 P--weoTes Tef SeierWg Prov 179 I83 "'Ir dge Prov Of Siemens 879 283 Poolers Hiring 819 229 P'rftefns 3J 5J Sunday 5 Swea-s ft Well 39 6 40S-Sd Pwctjf W-tch 90lr tSv'or's Drug Df 66 70-34 f-inVg io lOi-i rtntted D-irios 336 MO 'Wor Ts'Wnj 87i- Vin Producte 9IO 0-il Voaijow -ro 7T 20 ft- ft Cot rt io Waii Paper Ord 889 29 3 Paper Del Whitcley ('m T20 T30 iMMt ikM nmitM Thv TONNAGE IN BETTER DEMAND looa oat ward freight business maintains a tafe moderate average and steadier rates materialise the Mediterranean section under a brisker demand Today a small vessel was taken lor the Genoa range at Ts T4d with option CSvita Veecbia at 8v Hi and a Urge boat was placed tor tbe former range at 7s ld These rates am ia advance those which were obtainable last week" Tbe demand to the coastwise trade ia scarce presaiag to view of the large supply of tonnage available to take Cnmat ppsitiosts hat fates are beiug tr4ily op Id laiha remain wuebanged ta value being at 44 and Ss 744 We tar the Continent Havre is reported at 3 3d and Zanvoorde at Bstthi business is lor Konigsrerg' at 4s 9d sol Rolberg at Ss 9d ud the general feeling lor thB oamrtor ts est RISE IN WHITE IE AOS la the non-ferrous metal) market coppers are distorted bp any fluctuation but there is a irregumr mnvesnsnt in leads Sheet and pipe leai and rod lead are slightly reduced in value spHar mark an advance of IO while ground wbia lead and dry white lead are quoted much stronger Quotations copier sheets and rodr bath £93 per ten tough copper £65 to £66 ek tswtvtm oopsssr wire ban £66 10 to £67 ea 6ener plate yellow meial basis 8td per lb: tehee he 11 4 per lb rolled brass basis 4 per th bras wire basis 9d per lb copper tabes best 1 16 per lb bra condenser tabes Jia- anticipate that till work win ne reaoy aw pwuw-Muv tZT ments already caid liable to forfeiture Interest at the rate of Ten ner cent saw una wmmm rkuaj ennrmy stifiMTa lit VMf MMttL It ia exaected that MS aareaM vvgwe an awawws en all instalments in arrear Tbe Company will pa brokerage at tbe rate 31 3d per share in reswoet ot aRotwasata at ffkawaswesl nrsees: ill 3 Twnfah win walawg to th laway wlB In dne crsebrio a asbrtwt rwven nt riglM have been granted for Belgium Italy ana wwwa ww mmm r- Pan Ordinary Shares made on public applications bearing the stamp of a Broker Banter or ether apmutt agent Prospecti'ses and Forms of Application can bo obtained from the Banters Brokers and Sofieftor i it i i MmtM ni America ana ranoe awa mm rvM-hn Slovakia Holland and 8wKterland or ironi rue wirapaTiY MinCHASR Tbe Vendors to the Company are 3 Kemp SynAicate Limited whose Dates tne ibtb day of April Ant Anthracite 13mO 140-13 Arnutroag a Ca 36 4014d nvbrook 9710x69 0 70 0-6d Offlw is at Windsor Hons Victoria Street l-ondc SW7 By a Agreement dated the lOtb jmai TffiwSl-" "aarT 'no By aii Agreement aatea tne xwrn mw awn AUeai nt kfi Percv Herbert Head of The Orchards 5104 W44 Bildwins XETAL SAFETY GLASS UMim 1 um ngoia wst iiniun I Tntf II 1 1 11 hi iui wiwvwx at Pan bp issoeo sex cumuiati tbe of Pa rent Specification No 277044 lor tbe Cnited Ktegitem and Uwmvents Ol WO a AatiMti Gold 9S3 96 3-3d hkn Bill Prop 826 236 Pn Bill fNevthi 4A 44 Bkn HIS Snath 2i 24 t04 Catnn Itinl a tm em ahw grnheee subject matter together witb the nenent ana exeswiye nsun Ti II TZZ rKJiirt Sead in connection therewith aad all future improvement and invewtwns saasW wy htm 949 2519 110 lt6-t-Sd tfO 76 13V0 140 133 143 57 A 58 6 133 139 38 43 beneSt ol certain farther BrttMh IJateot jmVlT 'LSS awary r-t(rr1 in therewith IW the Cimmell Laird Cargo Fleet Con sett Coir tWsol Bermaa Lwag Ebbw Pal as mm Foreign Letters Patent ana paicn app'icatmwa ibi wo w-iiuii -l S-w I V- mrmt mxs dul ihI SiIiitm thereon -wfmw "0 Bird Ptef 169 173 -3d APPtlCATION glass and io in All fcieiftn I Ights in connection with the said ioventipps and process ate included the sale HE mm 1874 1314- Hon lor the sale all of wbiea is MyaMe to we earn vewaors 23 3 243 39 0 40 To the Directors XETAL SAFETV CLASS LIMITED Gentlemen Having paid to your Bankers tba ram oi ft aeon attrinuttDl to xooawui lexrspi a log bas's Is 14d per lb phosphor bronc bronrc ItL lJSSli 1 to 30000 to the invtiois procese trade anuh SIUm Roll 0 330 340 3 take View fnv Viung Cortm Mount fyefl Myaora Ria Tina MM 1 sd per lb pig lead B91 9 139 143 309 313 166 176-64 Ww to 2t JSJS Is tH had white te Mteuts and patent right and a to ClOOOOte th works and plant and wiMJ be Angle-Patch (2-) 30 Anglo-Malay 4i Bah Las BaJoe Kidoel 1 sheet sad pipes £28 to £28 10 Prefed Ordinary £39 9s ground white lead £30 dry rv Saa Francisco 87 SS0 ambert Bros 479 4R Pease Partners 80 96 Piatt Bro 196 996 Powell Dnffrya 286 936 13 Durham Steel SyV Stvrt A Lloyd Dt280 190 3d San 'a Oertmdia 149 tr atn liga if li Bertan Con (2-I 40 aAX4 5- par s'aaa payable on application for (hi 1- per share payable on application for Iwe hereby request that yon will allot mea ateas apnter aa 10 par ton AMMONIA FIRM Price ot eteaueili aw suite steady as a Tatel STMM MTimw wjaj swnnwai i wawyrn Selnkwe 11T4 104-lx "mtpo rwa 194 133 arae fStopV Its ita asS m'J-te BwwSl RwataSSMMI SSS MM WwaMS ajwf to LstSSrs tkatoat tth snmbatn ot ammonia Srmty wooted Bna Cnited Steel 2 10 34A-14d rVsoeW 1 I4-4 Cloh t2- 3I 4444 BW MJam 12-1 RW Rafah It 1jl Serbaw'g IR-I ltf4 81I-d rttersovwae fA4 26' 3054 teu iwa-1-ifa wilL it is estrmated fsrovtoa tar the Share of £1 eacS and Deferred Share ot It- easts to Um 190 1963d Tfrhers Pi ess AarlaBarma 14- i and I we hereby agree to accept the same or any lea number ami may at WORKING The ProceOt sa Jtu'an wi atocwa so saw wrnsswary rawensrv the oaaaioa of the Directors we iwan sua ocxiaiiions oi rue rrcfcprcuis as una wiin me vvcKivvar oi qai and Is Mod to the latter tMnmmttp hat rather earn to the rest Owotetions: Sutpbate ol £3 Meschfac powder IO to £8 ra nbi amssowfa eaport £10 ta 64 home £10 15s Shato of tsepsv £94 IO to £95 caustic soda T4 77 per cent £14 te £19 lOt sida crystals to £5 3 per tc snbiect to tbe Memorandum and Articles of Asrociation of tbe 63 von asasay ss will he amnla nav the furtLer instalment navabh ia resoect of the Shares of the Carnn swovide (inter aHSI as toUo The Article of Association Cotnoada 1 right and sol Bolder of provided by the said Prospectus and authorise yon to register aaess aa tbe haMattst of the AQ every snrecwr srsu oe i Tbe qaaliacatioo os Th noaliacatioo 01 Aswitct 7 0 90 awgmAhrewtol 144 ISA Assoc ted ISO 1RO Bwgr a 9 StVt BS ichi 1279 13 lOwa ms 8tV 4w-yjtjr -twM Pma vf 14 soars saitniuiiy ak ol tba Ckimnane to tbe Lsataro 4 A 4yV Hvcnvml oft MO aceha lOO 110 fcssria 143 153 Tamunrgai 970 XlO lPSceha lOO 110 osarj iwo lOolrtew Itbpe II II I Woldea Hope 1 Director shall be at Ihe rate of nisso per aannw or swrw was i 70 The remuneration of the mm mmm Apiwi and nch temsmerattoa shall be dtvtsea aaxoag tnam ia sum swoaRsrMoiu aw delaaH of aareemeat eaaaOy wrav laed tea any iMcctor wno snan socb manner a they shall agree and ia FOREIGN EXCHANGES hieh the itatMistta lAall see- wety an a ua woao 'Jentrai CSa ptJZ 'il lM gnsm rmi'AM MttR-s 4 mi It Hit Grand Central 1 a low 1 Amalr 14 not have served during th whole period tar amount proportioned to the time erved bf nnn i MBMit i tb iMtwetors reaaaeration KltoPs Majsva 1O0 106-44 Kris imb I M' totnstM Meeting may mcreasa or 1 lAmal Cuttow Tn 46 50 w' K9 I Urtai CHRISTIAN NAME OR NAMES 1 Mto lfl-l JKanar Para Inwap 1 InCtotoVTwia ti a IffPo-t 49 59-Sd mom tnaisf (9- Kawar Para Bepong 181 loager period sacn be paid their travelltat tio-as shall he jMMMd to accrue da dti an i Stem exwrases ot atteodlag aad rwtsttmiag from 1 liaetM of Ahewse la conaoa wttb tb Poreiga garhisMu the rates wterrtog to tsew-tiaaaftoi ewcept wbre toVmwpw llflQEs" 2t 93 M4U48 RteJaTeiro" ''Spi 33 33A3 90 days 39 48 BEgs a8 idiS tbArtiM ia A Lady aheald state whether the it a SpiMtw Matvtod Weama er vFhhyaj ITlf iSdlfi MaJ if ir fRnj ij? irHm hri I- la sill MmWmS fJfTfjf TgTfa-MW swssvjwps jaS'TaaVJstPlTav Rl cwBiwwv'snjsTtsrT MwMMMt MrwJ MPta PM mm nan 4B9 IB 9 toMMMM mj 'arpr" w-.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.