Staffordshire Newsletter from Stafford, Staffordshire, England (2025)

-1 All these greatly reduced carpet offers were bought months ago at big savings io cost. These savings are passed on to )41. in the form of unrepeatably lower prices all completely unaffected by recent rises in transport costs. Carpeu and Rugs In beautiful oriental skeleton designs. CARPETS 12 9 2' each RUGS.

(examples only) Ti l'x'T 122 18 0 86 9 6 I' £4113. Super Embossed Carpets Rugs with delightful Floral corner sprays In pastel ookmoix. EMBOSSED IX VI £44 6 each (examples only) xT6' 7 50 ASTONS 27, GAOLGATE STREET, STAFFORD Td. BROWNING STREET, STAFFORD 111 i Tanustry Offers in INDIAN CARPETS You will notice ths difference at once when you enter a house with a Gas Radiator in the hall. The stairs, landing' and even the bedrooms are so much warmer.

And there are away new models for in dining and sitting, to Radiators are miativbh P. 411. TOW See them st your Gets WEST MIDLANDS 4 --T ell a it i says Mr. Moore 0 1 i tili --------a- I 1 1 111111 if 1661------- jjt Meek 11 TRJBUE TO FORMER. 7 7 II "-RV, ...4 i I I 4 'I I 41 6 4 a 4 sat 4,.

It A 1 A A. 1 rAII III ip 4114- 2' Ari 1. The Mayer Alderman N. R. Cleiritian) eu.e table lamp and beak token to Miss M.

D. Jackson, to mark Mr retirement alter 43 years with the Borough Library. With them (left to right) are Mr. IL Dynes (Librarian) and Alderman Mrs. E.

M. Militates chairman et the Library and Arta Cenundttee). IN THE GARDEN Your Sowing Guide 1e911.10 elarigie ere expensive -JF tO buy mid -it will pay every prelense 10 plan a succession, Are that be can have a supply ra tt ra the year. A careful of varieties Is important When ordering at this time Of the year. 'rtg dates are also important and to help readers a month by month guide Is tabulated it out 'and pin it In your geuten shed for future reference.

DECEMMER: Oabbage, melody Chtiatmas DrUnbind, amen May outdoors in June: rldp No. lOWA early May: and sproutZ alted irmecdi, sown ealry le April and planted sprouts, variety Wrostan, sown Mardi, planted MAY: cabbage. variety January King, won May, pleated June; caUliflower, variety SAMS Winter White. gram A i le 3 ll 6elanted June: and as for Dwain MiIeMAMY: Brunets ieroula, variety Cambridge No. Ih i end ot March.

planted June; cabbage and mulles for January: mum, variety Ormskirk median. mem mid-April, planted Juno; and curly gide, sown Al June-JUly. MARCH: Brussels sprouts, mown April, planted early June; mbbem leering), variety Early Offeamm, sown July. planted liegnember; late savoy. variety Orniskirlc Late, sown end of April, planted June.

APRIL: Spring abbbsee, varletteti Durham NterlY Sad of Spring. sovm eas far MAY: Spring nattaste, Bracolll, variety St. Geanie, sown May and planted isto July and Huseey Oap Kale, sovai July and not transplanted. oabbeae and kale: early pa available Ws month. JULt: cables" variety Goiden Awe.

laxly Ironaide or Prlmo. sown early plamed Itl andlikmer. variety Snowball. sown under Oslo in a frame Petirwry, and planted in April. AUGUST variety Greyhound.

mkl-March. planted May. SBETEMBRII: Cateme, sown March, planted May; and cauliflower, variety sown late March. planted May. OCTOBER: Bruisels reculital, variety Evesharn wan Fetruary In a cold frame, planted early May; variety Wheelers norm March, planted May.

(ea October) sad brunets variety No. raciet UMW Ow in Pebruary and FOR THE BOOK LOVER Novel of the Australian Outback Gcci? novels add in one wiLY or another -to our understanding of life (writes our literary correspondent Some give us an extension In time, some an gateman tn apace all. if they are worth reading give us an extentrion of experience. Mary urack's "Keep It my Ocunta7 give 'people outside her own country an insight Australian life. It will enrich I the experience of all raiders by its reconstruction of life in the outback.

Mary Durant. herself. comes from a pioneering family It is abundantly dear that she writes of what she Imcncs. Her picture Of Stan Rolt'ti sthiggles In the backwoods of northern Australia is full of understanding and sympathy. But the writes with candour and realism.

and with no trace of eentimentality. The story covers less than a year. in time. It, describes the last lap at. Stan's effort to break'free frown the homestead, where It.

has spent. the beat yams of his life. as the agent at his rich grandfather. In return no help or supgxet andy little graVtude. At the-opening at the boft.

Stan writes a letter. if Telignation the ekes, in- spite if. Inducement to return to comfort and wealth, he piedgga his world to the woman he Wes I don't leave. Dalgeerte." VIVID PICTURE In between, the authoress gives us a full and vivid picture of life an a cattle station. It Is life in the raw.

and the men who live it are tough. Mustering is se dangerous as it is exciting Some of the other lobs such as speying cattle. are less riakv, but more unpleasant Yet the sensitive and cultured Sian Molt schools himself to perform it, among his other multifarious duties.lle has a dogged courage and a down-to-esrth realism, which carry him through. It is not darer or discomfort which worries Stan. but frustration He has struggled It years to improve his home-, and the lot of his wort both white and black ksikka af 7 den mixed Of de doctors them An de negotiates theirimarriagea and acts them In 'all their lie Wien acts as a nt I Pei rv i to the hall-Csate.

Monet-, But grandfather. back ln'the civilised comfort of Yackabilla, allows him no money for building or improvementa. It is iroigc that the Trafalgar actually collapses 'ln a heavy when the genteel Arthur Holt (Stan's uncle( is staying with him, Well, it lasted the old mank Stan corn- Po that the background is. more. Important than the foreground.

There te something little shadowy about Stan's romantic love affair with the black girl. Deilparte. The latter is clagely Mentilted with her country and her race. She Nymboltees the eneltantanent which beide Stan to Trafalgar. Apart from none of the characters are strongly individualised.

thobgh there are some clever sketches such as the Intuitively Liddy. the tolerant and nature-loving Benjamin. the tough but spentl-' mental Tex. and the I fled Millington. They all contribute to a vital picture of commtmlty life.

Stau hisnestead of Trafalgar is a tiny casks of white civilisation in a part of Auatralia still inhabited mainly by the White the white man Imposes order and authority in his immediate vicinity, quiescent, but tenacious is a whole argent of tribal dumping and taboos. whicip he is Powerless to bevak We batch a glimpse of ritual dances. of superstitious killings, of a belief in evil waits. There is an amusing, but significant episode, when the black man. Wonditch.

nearly dies. because he has frightened himself into believing that he its cursed With a spear in his heart Stan has to find an old Weir-hoed and to pretend to remove U. from Wonditch a back. before the latter recovers. IVAY OF LIFE This tithe EaQrY of a waY 'of lUe rather than of Incliviaasht.

LDREN HELLO, CH WHITE AND BLACK It is clear that 'Mary Dtirack feels great sympathy for the remaining black population 01 Australia. She shows ta what a complex problem is presented by the intermingling of white and black. She does not idealise the native People, bit she sees how their faults and weaknesses have been accentuated by unnatural dependence On an alien civilisation. She shows, too. how difficult it Is for even such a sympathetic and understancting fanner as Stan Rolt to live on anything like equal terms with his native workpeople.

Yet it li significant that, it. is the black yew mind holdi. Stan's I The beak is enlivened by in, cidente of many kinds: -scene I exciting. scare htmibrolas. I tragic, some gay.

There are fights, marnadree and manioc a crocodile hunt and a Moe meeting. To moat readies Keep him my Country," will be revelation of way of Atte they never knew existed. It reads like a' romance of long ago; but Iv in fact a realistic story contemporary Australia. This' blend of realism and tellWaer shouid give It a wide "Kamp, loy WORDS AND MUSIC Peter Pears And Bream IMllnext major event to be by Stafford end District Art. ODISICI.I Ii the visit of Peter Pew (tenor) and Julian Bream (guitar) in Pleb-, nary, Both tue highly musicians, although Pet thc better imown.

javattoolaci, fat Ma long sasociatitia rah the distinguished composer. Beals. min Britten. 7 1 in 1910, Pomo MIS educated at Lancing, Cerford, and the Royal OoUwe of Mule. He joined the 1994 and the-New gers in 1994.

Since 1 he an Hoosolin Britten have bees internationally known WITII SADLER'S WELLS with the Suttees Well. Opera from 1943 to 190 and Plarial Pair Grimm la Britten'a well-known opera la 1945. He has also Waged major porta in Witten'a operas "Rape of Lucretia." and "Diorama" and. Iv, haa had a considerable influence on the cocoriceerb vocal writing. hag abe given 'fine; of many ogler vista by Britten and by other coinposers, notably ilicriael Ilppett and Lennox BarkadeY.

Julian Bream IlL; l3 iefin: 23yeer-old la 006 01 the eiseatcal gultarista the 'id. Rue father bought laim a small SPanati guitar for Wm Nemeth birthday and taught gab to strum it. Soon he Army came to. a. the (4, member o( gansa gond Meg hosed put him on the right "As I never became Ms pupil, I had 'to evoke my own by trial and error." he In Ifni he win a Royal College of Music piano scholarship and alter this served In sallltary, Neid cams Ms Promenade at' vlbs Albert Hall alto 'Abe Apt guitar solo as lbg 111011111ar vow ble Dater offered tar theyirat are February 30th or 71at, depentlP 12 1.

an the ar a The Amite yeri peerant Frederick We II for ILueder" in the from Tuesday to Pry next week. Produced by irk Ccepeland. the east toeintlas Born Ettemair, Lloyd. Peter' Ihisto and nape. 711.T.V.

In In Midland schools-44U be abbe to LT.V. experimental ageageama whleh are to goat MIN bprb. If the PM granuloma Mee auetieetta during the aillstowork trisi period. they well be resumed in September, courage being arranged In three of- 12 weeks JiaM4RY 11VI6TIelPPORD 4 THREE- DAY CLEARANCE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY NOW PROCEEDING This is a GENUINE CLEARANqi of discontinued lines and soiled items. There are no large quantities and all the goods are displayed in our windows.


FRIARS TERRACE, STAFFORD PHONE UM PANEL BEATING CELLULOSING WELDING IN Ail METALS ACCIDENT WORK A SPECIALITY A GOOD MECTION OF QUALITY SECOND HAND VEHICLES ALWAYS IN STOCK AT COMPETITIVE PRICES HIRE PURCHASE EXCHANGESMay i IkAr 11 1 pr I 11. 7 1 4vIiANNIF 111 0 1:. 4 1 ..1 ii i "You thouShild -8 140 .1 1 1 1 if th at is the way you f' We feel awful!" Ltidty. illfi Just then in carne roc a kleith a punalettaning. "rou sent me to larder fall! On ndileini end dins 2 11, 1.1 he grumbled.

But aren't any there. I- fkre haveyou put The peti misnml and Dear Children, The mins were getting ready for a part i fl a tlit put on his Rock And orrh ii i dlcaa have ogi li crea tha ti es a Rou and Jill breathed a sigh of dad" she said grimly. "No 41 rdief all the nencePiet and they don't want any more tans and little clans were rearlY patiedeg to be thoughtful, too!" i g-PM in the larder They had eaten the tot, so they spent. 4 She kW( a few out on a Dime for the party time in bed! There was 111 the pets and when she was ready for very much for the visitors to at tat the potty she wok thew 10 Nt'agpr, they stall had a good time! Lue.kY led Bingo "Here you are, pets!" she cried. gaily.

"lir no, thank you," murn bkil Wagger, politely. Ili ilt "Not just now, thank you," mewed Lucky, feebly Bingo just shook his headm 41 4 i Jill tried to persuade the pet 3 ertlllll Pod thie bur they. WWI on refusing. Pot be enough lefft or the le 7 4 1 if we have ended STAFFORD RAILWAY PERMANENT BEREIFITiI 4 50111iTY OPFER; INCREASED INTEREST GILES Au FARRIER ENGINEER Fw W. Giles RS.S., 9ENERAL SMITh (imitate Street.

WELDER VABAse AF announce the opening of a Modern Peep; and Repair Work-Shop at LICHFIELD ROAD, STAFFORD will receive prompt and personal attention 8.

Staffordshire Newsletter from Stafford, Staffordshire, England (2025)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.