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- Publication:
- The Durham Suni
- Location:
- Durham, North Carolina
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 26
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mmnwi7W27wr ADMINISTRATIVE 5040 LEGAL! LEGAL! LEGAL! LEGAL! LEGAL! HONEIHPROVEIERT! 3201 PAVING County to toa Cfly af Du ham North Cardtoa at PM an toe 17 day Auiud WN dl toot cartoto pared x--x to to- mna obbio! irmoonB bwm In Durtiam County North Cardtoa and mare aorticu- AODRESS OF PROPERTY: I SwHitarry Court Durham NC 27712 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING all at Lot II QUAIL RIDGE at pw at and mv tonraaf an ton ta tot Of-Ra the Riahi af Daadi of Durham County to Plat Read ib tae lb to which ptat ratoranca le hatsby made tar a more partlcutar dMcrto-ttondiama PRESENT RECORD OWNER: SPENCER HARRELL BUILDER INC Tha torma al toa aoh are natam dtecrltwd will to eold tor caih to toe hhheri bidd -x ktok Ik ono na mo unowonw hbv raqulrp toe euccaaeftd bidd of toa eoh to Immadiototy da-poalt cadi a certified check to toe amount if ton nercent 110) toe high bid up It and tadudtod StSlMb Hue five percwR (5l any tx-caaaamr MWMb The rad party twrotaobom ecrltad will to add aubtod to ad prior flana unpaid taxm reslrlrt tone and paaimintsd racard tax Ham and out manta Hany Ttw fate wdl ta held wan tor ton dm tor uaad Hdi oa by tow required Thle too Urddov of July W7! ft Kanmto BaewdtJr Subdiluta Trudaa North Cdunbu St Sto 5N ChoadHIbNCSTSM HU: kWh NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE af toa paw and authority --to ftoad UN HUH IBB mBV IB NBI UBBB af Trad executed and llmrad by SPENCER HAR-REU BUILDER INC dahd toa Uto dural July WSb and raewdad to Rw Offlea af toa Raatotor af Daadi tor Outturn County North Coraflna to eab 1441 Pom 44b and com at default to toe an Ik rw WH BIBBBIBBnBm Ihorabv oooirad ond foHura lo sftouAattoni ond ooroommfi Ihoroin ond pum ont lo domond of ttio ohmp X- -x-x 1 Ik X-X-x--k- ono flOKMr of mo moBomanoiB wcurad by eold Deed Tnwt toe underehned Subdt-lute Trmton wtM expexa tor eato at pubfle auction to too x-- kik a IK monoM mot tar am ai mo uaual ptoca af aoto ta toa County Caurtoeuwd Durhom County to ton CHv af Durham North Cardlna of 12:11 PM an toa17 day af Auamt 177b aH tool cdtaln pored of elluatod Ivtoa and teto In Durham County North Carolina and more partlcuiariY (to-ocribod foflowo! AOORESS OF PROPERTY: Quad Rkhe Rd Durham NC 27712 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING Oil Ld 7 QUAIL RIDGE a atat and mv toaraaf on flit to tot Raatotor af Dtatto af Durham County to Ptat Book lib Pm IR hIU MlapMaa 1 1 tO WnKVI PHfll fOVBiHVlGB IB hereby mode tor mere 1 Wllf pornowr oncnpvion 01 PRESENT RECORD OWNER: SPENCER HARRELL BUILDER INC Logistics Coordinators IndMdud to caardtoato Bw earn flam dwiwalle end FaSx Ead aaurm Tht WMf eottkM data wfll peawwanddHlidtyx tor huatomtoM aftor mom eaamant dbaeflonto lha dto-J fllbullon at aroducta and ta la our cudomars A ol aapariana Btt tav dudoi purchonln pnducNgo mn ddributlen on underitandtoi at to pretarred Tlw wccairid-candtdatawtHbaantotoard port our toom and 4H tad kayatomanttodtreampamre tor Bill untoue op-' pertuntty atom wndreauma- and entory raqdramnto to conflddioB to: PABwIll Htoh Fatal NC 272 Moneawnant Opportunity A -J uw mobility wHh ana af lha tariad arawtoa radouronk chains FA Quto to toaktos hr manoaamanl panannd tar Rotalrtv WHmtogton A Aetw- -bore areas Eacrtlanl etarttoa aotanr tanaflh A bonua ara- ram Ptomtorwordraeuma to RVI 4125 Blend Rd Ro-laiat) NC274M ad 71707270 DRAKE OFFICE OVERLOAD 2 544-4531 Of 1-I0W7MH9 7 EXPERIENCED Itoelauranf 24 yr wd tocHHy HUIe- borough area Salary naaot -Banafito A bonua atan Sand -raaumi to FA Boa 7 PlINbora NC 27312 New To Area? Between Back In The Job Mass 11 Macintosh WordPerfect Microsoft Word Displaywrite IV WE OFFER: Dlecounl Child Cara Program Pretomd Emplavw Plan -Vocotion Pay Weekly Pay SERVICES 1215 Gum RtL Suite 212 Durham 477-7125 2SSParkOfHcasSdti2n RTP S474M Flam bring drlmrti Beanes i oodd eacurlty card birth owlHtooto EOCMFH Predlataue country dub anv -tnunHy ewke mature) reopen-elbte admlnletraflm oeeNtont tar permanent) port flma weekand pertHon (Sd A Sun) Ganaraue Mary ykn Contact Atan Atttas 742500 SECRET ABIES with fntderi hnrkareund naadtt tar Iona farm amtamanta to Bw Du ham area CoH Sharan MANPOWER 472445J 737-7277 SECRETARIES SECRETARIES SECRETARIES Wb can pd your rtdHe to work new Aptly today Ohtaa werary lanHom 2211 Gum Rd-Stdto lib Darttom NC 477-71 TRAINING COORDINATOR Lasd Sarvtaw Narth Com Nm (LSNCL nat-torfidH tow Arm tor aa teak a frototoa wa Sm CBBrMMBT met (TV MlBIB program Fggfffon in dBum" fowl Rofgfgh gfflra Will bg ragponglblg for gggrdlngfbig Mmm OMWMMWWm lx Tha tonma af toa eoh ora Mlk mo root propony noro natam deecrlbad will ta wld tor cadi to toa Mghiial bidd ttorw hr Ihh prehd may ha ebtalnid attar Thureday Aua- uel A two tram DaFoaauah i nonpon wimot Arumwi A Planners Ltd at till Carolina (flf) 44)02 upon dwmtt at BO par eat hr primp contractors (rotund oUa) Cantrad decumenh Ill hMoMloo MN PHI RT BBPBCnOT Ql Itwoidca at Dodaa Car-attan RaWetv Graana-baro and Chortelh the at-n Apociobd Gonoml Contractor itatalato Char- ottlc at lha Archihct Tlw Owner mama the umud2 Wadrhhth rated any and proaoaah I wRINi krta Foleon Sunartnhndant Durham CHvSdieato EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The Lana Ihetar Jr hovlna duty Qualified aaEaacuhr aflha aetata of Roaar Lana lie star dacaaaaCl hh af Durham County North Garedna natt-fhe ad NMI lota i PMMod -t-w-at AkmaM miB mnar iwn ins undarshnad at 4S7 Cramwafl Way Ltitaotaa Ky 40501 an batora the tfth day at January 177L Ihh nallca be pboM Ir bor of fhofr All 11 WMR nlMRVO IB UN Ir tali wli alaPB iMfta bniMdl leHv MldV IldMB RldllMii oh payment Thhltthdayot JutyWW Ran Lana Haahr Jr Enacuhrat jbaadahat Rea Lana Haehr dK HAS: 7W 11 A WO EXECUTORS NOTICE Tha umhnhnaA Dl PortarlMd Imriiw duty wjaU- IN IWnR INPVNV IMHy hlH 1 aa Exacuhr lha arioh of Rradh Nerrtw da-caaead hh Durham Coun-ty North Cantina not (the all persona flrma ond corpom Qlt of gj 0MIQMd lO exhibit thorn Rw unihr Ignad at HH Ghaan Road Durtnnv NC 27m an be-fora Hu Hlh dnv of janiw lenw NOB OT0I why 1 mnRRB yf 1771 Ihh nallca will ha PM in bor of iMr re covory All pareorw tlrrne and cor-porqhom tnctobfod fo nid III nHV BM PBQBB mlBIB BIBIRUr TMaMthdoyaf July 1770 DW PertarthW Exacuhr of the aetata of 111 hMdU kkrafa -1 1 BiwOB NDmk QSCBOBBQ HAS: 774 iq 7 lb 17W EXECUTRIX NOTICE Tha undarshnad Dallh Ai-4 Ida Oden hovlna duly nuollfhd aa Executrix ot lha aatoh of Ihrvey Rohereen al WOnt QKNMflt MW OV Durham County North Cara- ik OBHnB BBBinil WB BBSOIV BV 1-1 1 aiku k- BW7U OBGBBIBO 10 BN BUI mBfn the undwshrad 4307 Alston Am Durham NC 17711 an baton Rw 2nd day of February 1771 or dde nance will ba ahodad bar of their recovery All persona flrma ond cor paratlana Udebhd aold aa GeaAm nJII IbmbJL wo win pnon mow immM Thhlnddayaf AuaueblTh Dallh Alwllda Odom Ewcutrixof IhtMtalBOf Hotvbv AobinaoLuraforidK HA5: St Mb 17h EXECUTRIX NOTICE Tha undarahnad CtaudU Lvend hovlna duly auod-Had aa Executrix af tha aatoh of Jan Rurmetehr dt-ceaead lota Durham County North GarolUo netlfha od tha oetah af aald dacaaaad exhibit them to lha under ehnad of 1117 Arnelh Am-nua Durham North Corellna 27717 on or behrt dw I2lh day of January) 1771 Ihh lea wlH ba ahodad to bar of dwlr racamry AH parsons flrma and car aerattona todahhd to aold aa- lala IU i VOli WIB PWOW mORi NIHnBOr oh ooynwnl Tldinih day at July 1771 CtoudtoM Lycra Executrix of lha oetoto of Jon durmalahr dac HU: 711 17 2b 11 1777 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERKM COURT DIVISION County I SP2H 71 SP Bahts Rw CImIi IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE of Rw land of Albarto Tamovo and wth Marta Tamova und Dmd of TriM Dahd July 7) 1701 racorded tx Book ot Mat 414 to lha Durham GMMtv Raotafrv SnNhlVT rtwBTSfl pa NOTICE OF SALE taauonl to an anhr of Rw Clark af Superior Court and und and by tortun af dw paw ond authority cam Ik KMnBB Bl Wit ODOVrfMTWiCN dmd of Ira and became of JS Ik- IL QMQUn Bl fnB NyiMra Of IB i poymanf Bwraby and failure carry out and Ik akiwidMIpwa PBTIBnil WIB BnpUmBnB QnB and auriuanl to demand af Iht own ond MAf Hu J-km -X x-x BnBOWBnBM WCUTBB BV NN Dmd of Traeb tha undv-ihnad SubHHuh Traaha wld axixwa tar aoh af puHle ouo- Ik klaal -xi- i mi IB InB IWBnBBI BUmBi WT coah too wuol ptoca af aoh lha County Ceurtheuae af aold County at 12:10 attack naan on Mb day of Auoueb am ha -Ik Xk X-X snuBwa wwioa wiuchbo ri Durham County North Carofl-na and batoa man portlcu-larty doNrtbad tellowi: Lytoa an dw aaulh Ma af Tvilt xj 4 IrBnVr vaQBV MOB OHO DBtfw ad of Lot to Block al Trathr Rktas Sachan Ons aa Mot ond wavay thatsof an fl la to tha office of tha Radta-hr al Daadi Durham County In Ptof Book 47 at porn 1A which rahisnca to horsby rnoda far a mors particular dNcrtpflon Tha record ownara of Rw fnwnH fii fhahhr af Ornds ora Atbarh Tamova -jx- xx 1 HM ana biw mbiib ml iwinibi Thh aah le made eubhef to brancea ond unpaid toxoa ond any A dmertf af af dw amount al dw bid la required ond murt ba hndarad to Rw form of certified lunde of Rw Ibna af Rw aoh Thh eoh Mil be held open hn dnyi hr upeat Hde required by kw W- L- -taMixP rONOWmB mB OBBRlBn HI mpdlahty due ond ov4no The dah of RRe Notice le June AWN Eltepbeth BadweB Subrtltuh Truehe J71 McOewed St Suth4N Chariotls NC3UM 1704)104117 WN NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTV NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF MACK ROY FULLER Havtos nuaHfhd as Exku-hrrtRwWIHef MACK ROY FULLER hh of Durham Durtiam County North Carelt- hereby notify od pireona flrma ond corporattana havtoa hh af UUHIB BBOBNi mB BPBIB to the undarehnad to core af Into Braadtovb Jr Attorney dl Lous 122 Eort Forrlrti Street Durtnm North Carolina 27701 an baton tha I4N) day at Decambv 177b Ihh nallca rtwll hi ahd In tar af dwlr racamry Ad aar- 4520 MULLEN ASPHALT Flrd naidMM dtacaanf on dl awhdt pavtot A wd cao2 a IfaU -XI x- BB IBT VWBV ImB CUBVWBa rfBB teflmatos CaH TA 7324032 Hillsharauah PLUMBING 4550 ACME PLUMBING NaraaalralwdndL CaH 41341 tor prompt am ROOFING 4580 ABOVE THE RESTI PICKARD ROOFING Cs -Itaa xj MBVmB BnBBl VVIBfBI Wr Iractore tine 174k 41257P Metre Roaflna and Guftor Cs Shtodw A SrilTup flat roof Cell OB-HIP 21711 Qualify Wbrk of raawnabto pnci ot reonng pgnving ir vre awarlencs Fras EtL Col 5772717 RUBBER 8TAMP8 4600 DURHAM PRINTERY MMAmndritDrOW2722L 14tour Sarvica 8CHOOUII8IROON4BB TRAVEL CAREER THAI HI NO Itaxl Wk hbju ubb bbbbw nbv nn LUCAS TRAVEL SCHOOL CaH 171711-17 SPECIAL SERVICE! 4680 Aaartnwnl tor rent flf SM2 I Rd AH ufllHtot fu nidwd Apply aftor 4 pm TOPSOIL 4700 aSANOSASOILSa Flrd ta Durham area with toreanad A mrichad tap eriL Billy Btoes S727S21 37201 Shraddta mdchad A mixed cm -j -x wBBRii rv innCto Born nwio BH dirt A driveway recL Tweed AM A Billy Andrews 472422b TREE WORK 4720 Iniurtf FtrraP 412toi7 PROFESSIONAL THEE SVC I (tarn Fkta mphp wwOTg aw nmotmi OwkwaCieedewrlAllilliwmb AMERICAN TREE SPE-CIAUST Frw aeBtnetos tofly toeured 4717 DEANS TREE SERVICE Cdl 4I2M hr flat edirnatas flat rimawL topatoa-l hodtoa Hiai TREE SERVICE yre axs inured Trtmmtoa bremovak Fret ad 172745b STUMP GRINDING CaH Math ihma Grtndkw Sac S4272N) I220S51 FreateHmotoi TIN TREE SERVICE Frw teflmatos CoH 22355 Inured WATERPROOFING 4740 Dratom work tar und hum nem ernd tpacet wd tanxmxata IAU DBSBmBWBk fVB IBROB OT dratom prabtame 47257 YARD WORK 4760 Yard mb marina A frtov mtos raoeonohto rots you ed to -X priGBi sbbb MMng i raoBt trtmmtns ales Call 7323171 NOTICE lkB PIOBw BNB PUBU I BITPBr am amatoymtnf oaenctos wd tolly dtacrtmtooHn hacauw nm cop poHend orpin in toa ptocamant 'HELP WANTED xikxBa BBVBTTIPnPIWB BBBBUBB WB MCMftom Nw taws ds nsf is gufrt fhof ronpopti semn Wring Is Iht Ims dots wumt atad aatauaw aa kxu WPP BTIMwPBtB IB ir BTB tataxd iaa amdxlxM xl ikx BBBBB BTBBT piBBIBB WB k-m A toMIxto BHBPGV WBIVI BBP BGIBh otb Tkx Itoitaam i nB uHrmm WBrVBfB fbibq and Tlw Dwham Sun emeu xxMbta Uk k- bbbi BnpiBn Bnn bbwi wb Mtor and flw wflfl and dta-Our happy la dtocuea retomnf pe Hand top Eeurt Enwtoymtnf Ads Tlwy dw are prepared to emoed acctptahto euhdHutoi tar tormt whldi mtald ta cen- mawSwtaxpaa VPBiBB BBeTBIBBPFr BT BnBW tht laalxxlix tato BB BIBIBBOBnBn MB Ip tatoixx aaud laaAIbkx aJ tod PWVBr PWU MBmHT BOB your dlatoUHv to work to Rw IMtod States Nememtar: TMt eppllw toiveryentoUS cfltan alk-a xx OrB BnBia BUTBrllBB IB BBfn tola country Enwtomre ahedd nd taH to hire anyon hacauw Hwy taund leek tertian Sw drioNt ta INI Hondtaek tar Emptarere ta wr public 7 ferarv cad toH tree M2772 77 ACCOUNTANTS 5020 ACCOUNT ANTSIOOK KEEFE COMPUTEH SPECIALIST netted tor TEMPORARY aed-Hen to Durham Rddeh A RTP Ntota a tos CaH ut 37 NoHanal Drtm Retridk NC 27111 (717)7175224 to Durham cdl toll flw fM ADMINISTRATIVE 5040 Account Manager Crown Hema Cantor krai ranltv ooceattaH oaaflGollom tar tot aedtlan af Account It required prtar rental perlence le a plus Duttoe dude tolas ddlmrlw A cot-lactlen Mud ha 21 A ham a man! trotataa tor thaw v4io qualify Apply In partond 221 Tha VH law ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST ANTSTa IMOhr IhorUarm Lam farm and axxlMM -x rp III BBBIBeVTBiTTB BIBIPUr ttxbi itollittilw todlto tod awiy BWBUOM win going 01 ffCTgriirt firm if yw pot lha tollawlm Wbrd Fra- if youreoff proftclontaWO Hud toto arWIOBIW RM BB CM gflor you gregfor MbnM mi cgnygrionf focoflcng gnd IHPI POT lUSWa 1 1 BUS UMUlf Xka--B XXX XX PBrMBTIBCIf MBwBBBVV WW Dlwtoywrlto III IV Mdfl-niris Lvrtat MocWrltol CoH mm to Ratotah 472 to Durtiam 444 town 7421050 to Chopd HIE TRIANGLE TEMPORARIEE ASSISTANT MANAGER bhgren Lyggggg fcCIfti fno ot bnmgdlgfg gggnlng for gn Woofforg tbim gnd comriofo ocfcggo AHh In goreon Id Sharan Lmeow A GHK at U-gJktods AAttl BBiWBBVV MDNf EXCELLENT PERMANENT oarTHma aaaartunBy tor Ad- motor grofoogfonol Eicdlanf typa a ehons A eemmunkallon drill re-adrtt PE 4074S05 tktonden 03 7424117 axtamioa 212 sm TAYLOR HOME REPAIU Fret adtto lab tea emaHI 47I-M5L anyttme HANDYMAN NO JOB TOO SMALL Wb ctoon attics ca2 tars aatok fl If We even toota aeodwtd aidiua with re-dipt CaH anytlma 5222751 HOME IMPROVEMENT! Raaftoa yard Mth A drew CUttina CaH 4424231 JLH CONSTRUCTION CO) IteeldenMrt Cendrecflen cua- Bala BlnWe HflOIBn VBBIflBIBa llBVBe a -x UCBBN WRIT Hardeg 4771057 KINOSFORD TRIPLE CROWNR VINYL S4D4NG A REPIACEMERT WINDOWS Cei4)7-5417 NO JOU TOO SMALL Ra- -tal LUjkg- mBQII BBVVVBBnB IIIUBBt Add emoHaddtlpne 772459 Odde Jobe A houflns mo- driveway renatr A troth cleanup 7277174 PATIO COVER! CARPORT! AWRINGS Free 1 aa dim ALUMINUM CO OF NC 477-lH70dildeDwhwnin47S4Hb PEACHTREE WINDOW A PATIO DOOR iwtactmento by Gurln Idldtoa SpmM-Was4i7tn7b im hbbomMi aricM nund IVim VNMHRRflf toWW wtRRtoa Cad 4771472 bd 27 pm PRESICION HOME IMPROVEMENTS Snactdlelna ta: Fotottoa A 1 dap than- tanrgl tasgifi pine tor dt your homo aremmint naads Ucweed A Bended FREE ESTIMATES CoH 7 dove a wmk M2 4531 PRODECK Ctarmtoto durabts weoddt dada A atructurwhr veur bochyard ascops Ftawdna A anew A all worh auorontiad CaH tha PROS 2SM271 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS VINYL SIDING CUSTOM MADE GLASS A SCREEN ENCLOSURES FREE ESTIMATES Aluminum Cs NC 477-2171 Outokto Durhom HN47243N ROGER SCHAEFER GanarjConflactor Nmaxp-Rttorincet 7274227 STEWART PICKETT CONSTRUCTION CO one A EetaMtohad 174b AddHtona ranamHans tounddlan re- XX Broun nosing owir Ufa away tram 4S747H HOUSECLEANINQ 4340 UBBBflt NnHmBlBi cemmardoL CaH anyHffls Idea 5723525 Janie S728575 Ham rtfxxrwa window mind Ratorencas awarlanca 477513k Moth A Douahtor ffayp toon CaH SPOTLESS AAAID SERVICE XXX VVBhBB UBBIVBi BWUVUt Br aurad 2 ref Store 1771 477-I00L LANDSCAPING 4370 Landecwtob Tree wad Trim threbs Ta dwn aarem toulbldaL Fared M27M7 LAWN CARE 4380 a DwandobtoLww Cars Mew tabs tad ha! rwb HH-Ins rtanHns ato Ctoaa ad baawnanto A tod Chan ad-tore A dratamwerkNa tab toa emoH Fad earvtca dMffl MCLEAN LAWN CARE Ballta taaa KBIIODIO IBVBI wwv Bl UIWlP abto ericas Grew cutttoto ctowHm ehrub trtmmhw) liblnx xxx i ifMowg wnuiim ngi otconvnorook rut BHLEHBECMCE 400 SAVEr gj MB OTf 1BBVB BBin BBBBW -X tax I MX- --XX BMt OKX I Bunmo NOOf Air CwidHtontos W220Mi MONEY TO LOAN 4440 rA-1 MORTGAGES 11-17 tor homeownen yoomn cnofT ocaem 1025224045 Hama hnprammwd Liam A Canidldollon Tito Awrevds HC27324W73I He Saxtct AJGuorantoadLeona MeFrL 77 Sw Ms Natm Mr JehnaanMMBH LOANAFitiendluatom SUObSII MIL Bad credit OK Ceumtare an duly now Coll 512521-7301 NEED MONEY? If yeu are a hemaoaawr A ham taxflAj SA kxtal VBBBf BICBmBvepllB CM IBBI Good pa cradHI Col today 417-4155 l-flD-277-5444 UNSECURED VISAMC NOGIMMICKSI Ns coMog buying MCHMnf 1 1 AH -x VNnwwMIlIGBPNg i Bgnkrupfeygcapfgbii Turn down bttartJtoprabNni gnprwvgl wflh bounhoM cmofSHMNrynr fnuid Through UCMNd Lffdlni bwffluflM cwwNWNtai pamnd Cdl 7 am to 7 sis 17171 S7V47N NURSING CARE4480 FEMALE Nuntoi Aed writ toa arimto duly horna core tor ye lemd am your aktorlv CoH 44074 4124434 aft 1) am PAINTING 4500 aTORY CRACTREE PAIHTIHGa Italta tatadxxtoMlxxi iw WBBiy bw wmrwmwry tr 47M44IW 212411 5 OBIr NmUnQTf mWi BWNT iirriow IS vre Npubnos Cod today tor flw aaHmots aL xxBnxxAm Min me KBVBB NnBBVIBlTi 2717271121 xtaataato IwAmAw A rWMTl raRIEBt VIWBelBr Ktorior Fret Nflmgbit OgU Roy hwfir Jr 3IMP1 JdN JnNrNriKNrior DwndHblN INtygretblMNi Jm Sons PgMbii Hfghfv vnhlnfl Jrtirior InNriora 91MS4-WL mtaa IB mwcnBi ruwwwme WDroniYa bbw pnen cbs 4721472 bit 37 pm RAR INTERIORS xx I wWIBi BBBnVr PB ftafltjMNrtKanjtos4ft SUPERIOR A SwFatollnw A paw waddns tal A ak d-taa naldawMU1 UAtalu UnHl VBBIBBnVMi HBIIr HIWUl IMUHBnBnBBB SWln BlflBL TR2GTY FAINTING Cft tad aflta tot aM paint A aatatod Hka It waa ww tortoraf Good retorancm Cdl S4M aftor tot data toa flrd pub- XX XX -X -X BIIBIUB BV I1BVIOB WBVBB abevs axcludm ot wch dots taw tarty (40) doya aftor Auourt I Wlb by Saatom tar 11 177b and upon ye taHure to da es toa party atektoa earetca af pracna by X-1 XM X- ta ika pupwonon vbb oppiy bm court tor toa rrtM eoudd WHItom Brawntoa WXJjta NIBnBy 1B PtUBHIVII 411 Monaum a PO Box 125 Durham NC 27)01 (717) 4S7-4BSB HU: Sl 7 IS W77 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAHAMA VOLUNTEER FIRE RESCUE EM COMPANY INC wlM be hdd al Bahama Rurttan Club Augurt II WTId AH Mpm-tan Are Urged to Attend ACCOUWTWGSBWCE BIB ACCOUNTING SERVICES new milabtoi GtoewteY Accewd-toa Tax Servles 7224551 AUTO REPAIR 4015 CLINTON WILUAM Auto Troiwmliiton rwolr ion Rd Coll 94741 BACKHOE SERVICE 4028 BACKHOE SERVICE 471-1749 CHILDCARE 4080 2 INFANT OPENINGS to Durham Co Exp aravldw tovtoe hema 47K3M DAYCARE IN HOME RtrthtolvnltowRTPCall S7K2B kids emr yrs aaaartancs XX X-ll opanmu pbmvmqbmTp Cdl 3S24B77 CLEANING 4100 Chan out auttors aha fret and lawn wart ol aU Im CaH 4121272 day ntoto CONCRETE WORK 414B CONCRETE Wbrk ddl types taobw brick work If McoNry Ph 572145b 4721I47 KBBULBBaVCTK 4ND AT GRADING Laodw bockhes trucktoa 1727717 TowoHflH dlrtaramtwnd ajtaa m4 tafaa Sb HVBPRWr HBVV BVm mBBBTf BQu kow oNoovatar nwtar protar work Cleon HHdhl 4122251 DRAIN WORK 4180 DRAIN WORK Id dretx pert etc H2H71 exrhwi INSURED bBONOCDYb Cwitractore wotoreraeftoa tar und hema iwtnaw lomt down waut dratooes CaH anytime 542904 DRIVEWAY REPAIR 4200 DdawRatartaTtucktotLOrtm-wav rock flm epraodtos Dam rehmetoMbeand4SM47t DRIVEWAY nib dht aredkw WeadyY Grovdi Mulct) 5223N7 Drtvewoy artmh made i park-Ine Id work Grads araveL In-etoHdmtomptoa422B ELECTRIC REPAIR 4220 NORMAN WILUAMS Retried Svs tot Srtvka calls rewklns new cend 27 yre aw 4724731 EXT HOUSE CLEWNQ42M MILDEW PROBLEM? Na raid to aotol coH Meblla Wtahl 572117b 7420051 FIREPLACE WOOD 4240 pRAMSEY BROfc WOOOYARD SpHleakbhldieryW tuN cord 5724547 FENCING 4243 LOWEST PRICES an aH typae Fence Expara kwkd-lottoa CaH 4SSS417 7W242 2701 7W244-14N FISH POND WORK 4245 CLEAN OUT PONDS) remem burtws cofMis flm aim tanks 4127252 GUTTER SERVICE 4200 Guitar wart tottnaw A wot areoftoo bO 544-90t SEAMLESS GUTTERS A Downopouts mrirtv rt cotara 1 -I HNMWVIGI COnVIWraBk Ales tutt halmatotww vau auttara clean toramr Fret adtowtos into flnanctos Aluminum Cs of NC 472 2151 Outrtda Durham 2l 4724241 HAUUNG 4300 hud any lunk fled) OHtOplckw lead Mm lund-lure 522545 a Had aH torn traeb awaHtji lebs Heneve ylaes eadebree) cteartosBabcdSeretoetlSTltf Houltod Sarvtcs S225N pick toad pw flip CollMMWk JAR Hauling We haul onvwilng 477-5942 Mavtos S2HSS a hob i hod Hama af any typs 5N toad 471 -75I5 UT HAUUNG A MOVING ALLWONKGUANANTEED Trad) furniture up to 1 BRs eHtvpwdhadtoa cpurtoeus ericas CoH Tam Sam anvil mp 5721275 HUE ffROKBIBfl! 4320 tGarwrd Contractor 471 2ltd LOUIS CHALMEU RapalrsAH Tvpps Caraanlrv A FINAL TOUCH HOME REPAIRS PatnHns HPPrtxa lc- ta bttxtoaaa i PIRnTe VRMwNM NIVwBBB I bdtotsawLi7MNb ALLEN IUILDER1 INC (IM Typts hector Frw ad H227W xjtaita Aiita itataawiaewR MnBnllBH NBnBH IBVnBBIBI Wb flhi crgdwd tauMtaftaw rativd Heart A ewwrd iwdra A add tars A DJahn-tan CenabucHw Cs toe 732 41757124441 Sony) Hama imaremmud) JamChridlaLard 417124 -1 ta A Maltaw UIHBRiTf PWINB IBMBM AH we DICK IT Naritahw torn dtaw A ecreenad aorchw anhr Free ad Sr Dtac Fertf Ha toaured 5724241 DELBRIDGE CONSTRUCTION CO jiyiHM imMohinw heta (aam ato) Cudam ham and dNtoaUc Contractor 3S20N Rkhord Ray Fuller Exacuhr aflheErtohaf Mock Ray Full tin draadtovs Jr Stubbs Cats draadtovs Attonwyiol Law 122 Eaet Parrbh Strsaf Feat Offlea Box 174 Durhom Nartb Corot toa 27W HK: 7W MMawtl M7h NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE sp Ke Und and by vtrtm al Rw Muap Mte HMtiolwB la I 1 MRIINRIMi HI lh cartoto Daed of Treat execut'd by Vernon Wbll Con-rtrucllon Can Inc Chortao A Ratotardb Jr Traaha tor ixpii to Hfto winora Wx wonnwi bbvbb Juno 21 HN oo aaaaars to Mb Durham County Reetetry Hied of record on toe I5fli day of July HH al 4:17 dim dw fault havtoo boon mode to and I rawed to wld Dead Treat and aold Dead af Treat to I Ik- BBmB dv mi wrrm wmwm lubiad to hrsdaaum and toe k-j- Ik- nBIOBr BV hiB HKmVunVIl hractoaura urxtor aold toaframant toa Traaha will efhr hr aoh ol public bidd ouctlen toa hhtart tor corti al toa Courthomt Da In Durtnm North Cars Una al attack am on Auourt lb HA ton land con-mmd and dewrltad to wld Dead af That tooato toa lamp Ivtoo and totos to Durtnm County North Carolina and more nafflcutorlv da ecrttadaehllewto LYING an toa northern tide af Thethrd Rood and talno Crt Of Lot If af MARYDELL ESTATES) Sadlen 4C Ol on hla In PM Book 1U at Poat 145 to to Office of top Itortthr of Omde Durham County which atal rehr-nca la Iwrtby axpraly rnoda far a mars aorticuhr Tha proowlv wfll ta eold -Mad to odrtandtob ad votoram toxas wadd oeeam nwnh and altar Hang ancum-brancae ond mofhts of public nauncamont at aoh Tha Ndi art Mddw at toe 4e win be raaulrad la make a dmeoll af coah cartfllad chock af af the Hd Tha nh wlfl ba open tor hn IN) dove hr upiat Hde at by tow required Thle the Iflb day of July I7N Chortoi Coraentor Subatttuto Traaha Peal Offlea Bex S1S77 Durham NC 27717-1577 Trteoheno: (7171 HA5: 11 1777 NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO: MALCOLM a SEAFORD and LIBBY SEAFORD ANGELA REGISTER and CURTIS JESSE SHARPE NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBU CATION JESSE SHARPE Rw atom narrwd Taka noltca tool a phadtoo eartUno rrtlaf agotort you haa bmn Iliad to toa atamanfl-Had adlen The nature at Rw rsfiaf batoa eaurtd le aa tof-towi: Curtody of a minor child You are raaulrad to make drimM It wdi pMkw not tot toon toe Sto day of San-hmtar Wld dah totoa 40 day from toa tint PuHIco-tlan at toh noflee and wen your failure do toe party eoeklno mnla oeotort you onoly totoa Court hr toe rallaf aeuaht Thh tha hth days! July 17N Robert WYtflaU mxui Mfonwr tar noNmnv Rauhl RokSM Bahama North Carettoo 27501 Telephone: (7171 471-MSO HU: 72b ll WN NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undarehnad havtoa quoilfled aa Admtohtrator CTA at toe Eetoh Francee Turn decerned toh af Durhom County North Caroli na notHtoe oH WJ uni on pvwi nm corporation! hovlno of to too undarehnad an batora lha 2nd day of February WT1 tote nallca will ta phoihd In tar of toalr re- ta aold eahWa will Pham make Immadtoh payvnant toa undarshnad TNsMdavaf AusuaLWN Graham Turn Jr AdmtnlrtrahraftoaErtahof Franc Turn Edward Embrsd lit MOORE IVAN ALLEN 2200 VIM Main Street Suite Durham North Caraflna2770S HU: 11 7 17N NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undarshnad havtoa audHlad aa Executrix at toa CTA al toa Eetoh efOHtoafan Mortki dKOOHde Mo of Durham County North Cirelt-na netlfha dl aatoh of aold dMmwd praeinf toem to Rw undarehnad an batora Rw 2nd day af February 1771 toh noflci will ta haded In tar at toalr re-camrv All persona Indd' aold aatoh wld ale mote Rnmedhh payment to toaunderehnid Thh 2nd day of Auaud WN Demo Hud Executrix of tot Eetoh of Olltoehn Martin Edvard Embraa lit MOORE IVAN ALLEN 22M Wist Mato Street Suita Durham North Cut uthw277DS HbS: tq 7 lb a 17N NOTICE OF DISSOUmON OF MERCY DEE ENTERPRISEb INC NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN Rid Arttdn at DhuhtlM at MERCY DEE ENTERPRISES INC Nertk Candm carper Hn were RMhRwaltlce etna SeCTitary it Stole at North Cara-Sea in Auwd II Mb and Ihri on oBonora btb qm oooM Hi cvpvoffM on ip BHBVB aB BBB hIBi wriflni lha corporal tod cea erecnl oded III He cber Re ihHflta mi Rim end de dl dtar ech it-adtsd to Haddeto de kuetoaee and aflafeSi Thh IBtidwd July WN MERCY DEE ENTERPRISEb INC 4SI Chapel MB St Durham NC 27711 HSS: 1n Ik 2k 11 WN NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF tot row and authority I I to to k- -X CBnlBinBB Bl WHS IB Mil UBBB Trad Mecutod and dt-Nmrad by SPENCER HARRELL BUILDER INC dl to lim day July WSb and MMatoJ Ik Ik racoraw ni mo onMi or mo Rtaletor Deed! Durham North Cardtoa In couw ddaud to to nay- -a to- toktoto--- KBI Or RB NIBBBVBBnBm toetsbyiKured and failure to onpumnano ono toetsto contained oncL purNf-ant to demand af toa ami and held toe wcurad by laid Dead of Trad toa undarehnad Suhdt-da Traaha will am tor da ol auHIc oudlon to toa Hdtar tor cadi toe uaual ptoca af aoto to County Ceurtheuae dOurham pavmont to toa undintomd Thh toa ITlh day ot July WN CW While PO Drew TWA Durtnm NC 277a Clnrhi WMto MAXWELL i HUTSON PA Atlomevid Law TOOWMoraan Sired PODraw22S2A Durtnm North Cardtoa 2770 HU: 7W 2k la Wto PUBUC NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PARTICIPATION IV DISADVANTAGED HUSINESS ENTERPRISES IN THE DIVISION OF HIGItWAyS FEDERAUUD PROGRAM It to an wared aod af toa Narth Corottoa OMilon polo In of load II poraonf of too FMreMM Wwov tin-trod Prooram Wk iaJkaUami idlHaad ta inp vnBmoBBVBBy uiihibb itaMR MJtmwno VnBIB BQUVB omllobla tor Impaction to toa Office af CtvH Rights 401 Otarito Rood Rototod North Cardins tafwm too hauri of 1:01 am and pm Monday torauth Friday tor dovi fdtavdno Ihi dolt of Mi If to tot emraH tool af tot Public Tranaportollen DM- to ol load 12 parewit af toa iiM iraiad! toconfracfa RNm PR HMI mi ern wwwe tmet ora tot matoed uaad to wto toh toa aaali le welcomed AH cemnwnta Would ta auto mlltad wltoto 41 dm flam toa data tola ttotlcs Com-manta ehauld ta oddmaad to XX- Xkt-xx MTa WQVhT Ba DmV Md OvH Rtohti Dfeachr Dwort-ment at TranwertaHarv Pod Offlea Box 25201 Rotated North Coral ton 27411 HSS: 1271 STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DURHAM IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Fill NO 70 CVD 277 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DURHAM and CITY OF DURHAM CLARENCE CROSSIN hair at lha Eetota at AMn Fattier ond MRS CLARENCE CROSSIN aH mlgnwg hdre tow and ttovtom of CLARENCE CROSSIN Hdmawd and Ot KlftS CLARENCE CROSSIN ft dmamd JAMES CROSSIN hdrtf Hn Eetoh of Alvin Falrtoy and MU JAMES CROSSIN all linem hdre at Ibis and dwrlem af JAMES CROSSIIi If dectawd and of MU JAAAES CROSSIN ata LUCILLE CROSSIN hdr of too Eetoh if AMn FRfltov and tar huetand If M-tala a talen mornpop bh hpphbh nRfi low and devltm of LU-CILLE CROSSIN dweawd and of huetand de-ceaaed FRANCES DANIELS hdr af toa Edoto of AMn Falrtiy and MR DANIELS all atdMs tafli al tarn and davlim af FRANCES DANIELS) If da-caowb ond of MR JAMES McClain hair toa Edeto AMn Falrtoy and aH a dinoas halri of law) ond davlim al ULLIE MARTIN hdr af toa Eatoto af AMn FRfltov tow to with pH todr credjtore and Itan hatdda naordtow af haw Itaamuta utama Ifeuxi jMaalms mraupi wvibvti iubt bbvv end any and all pinom -lalMta Aga ak-l UWWBB tae it BMVBBV Bl mBB EdaltsHdicmad Ta: Oaranca Omdd Jam Crania Ludlto Crania Franca Denials Jomat McCtoto and LUIIa Marik) todr nouns ad mldnws tab of tan and davtam af CfOHlta JomN Owdg LudHa Cranky Francw Donlafs Jomw McCtoto and UK la Marita and toalr warns If tawataM lalta all (tantn NBNBr IBiBmBr Mill BB BIBir dltaaw kaldaaw am- -Qiwv ono hbi nDRWi ra porttam of how or through whom fhoy cloinv ond ony ond oh poraom clolmino ony taiaaa In Itanln aaSUaa II BBBrBlV Bl BIBir BIBNO OB' TAKE NOTICE THAT: A alwdtoa aaaktoa rallaf aaatnd mu noa tarn fllad to netted of tardea aracm by gHeaMen began July 31 That nature af tot rallaf biini Nuohf ta tahowi: Faradowra an 42t Sawdlh AHty Durham North Cardi al toto numtare 4 and 1 of tot STRUDWICK PROPERTY Flat Book lb pm fi Durham County Rmtdry more camatototy deacrltad ta -X-X -X I- vno tompwm crrgi MlMMl fld ftOM! HISIIRIIWtl tall Vtfltflpn MUR Noki ta oxtkvuMi ony ond alt data! totored tod you may ham In wld araaartv You ora raaulrad to moke driorat to wdi ptaodlno not lator toon forty 140) dove oil lha doto tot flrd publication el neflci etotad abpvs wdwtmd auch dots doya oltor by Saatom upon your failure to da toa porty aaaktoa nrvtca at arecna by pubUcohan wfll apply to toa Court tor toa redd nuaM William Brawntoa xx nix I tlil Mwnv Mr nomnn 401 Monaum St PO Bn US Durham NC 27702 (TWIMMOSI HU: 11 IS WTO STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DURHAM IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION File No 70 CVD 2701 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DURHAM and CITY OF DURHAM MAE JOHNSON and LEOLA MILLER todr al tan end davtom af MAE JOHNSON and LEOLA MILLER If dt- tmtowwttodltoelr jtan lln Utad UMPMBBnB BBV1 nBBJBrV raoordlwi of how or through whom Nov data ond ony ond oh powo clolmino ony X-x ta btan xaSUs BBBTUBV Bl nB MAE JOHNSON and tot Htato LEOLA MILLER TK Mae Jahnaon and LaafdCMHtor todr ofl oeatonam hdre of too) and dwtam af Mae John-m and Laoto MHtor and Rwfl weuem dacaaaad to-aato wflh dl todr craddara and Han haktori reaardton hew toremh wham toav doto) and any and aH aa am ctalmtod any Intorari to tot edato af Moa Jahnaon and toa aetata a Lada Mill TAKE NOTICE THAT: A ptoadtot waktod rdld wl you boa been Bled In toa RbamantHtad action and neflet earvtca at aracm by pubUcattan taaan on July 2b IHI That nature af toa rallaf aauahl to Mlawi: Faracta-aura an Lafe 22 and 21 Block WASHINGTON TERRACE Plat Book Id Pm Durhom County Riddry more comatotity deicrtoid to toa Comatakd to ddtoauant od mhram toxaa mki to axttoautdi wv and all claim totered tool you awy ham to wld arepartv You are raqutrad to ddam to web ataodtoe nd lot toon tarty (41) dove jAnnounctmenl BugBsoppcffTwreag CASH BUSINESS VinM roufo hfwitdim ACCIDENT FORCES SALE Tanna ntaaflahto Mr quick KH Can 231424172 BE VOUB OWN BOSSI RouMorvoln prico for Mi oN nb buttons PomL bto oroee tSOMD Ndi mo-china weekly Cod JomN 24444115 CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Wbntod I buy In Trtanato wflh or wHtmut property Pit 101-2527035 leave numtar FREE UST OF BUSINESS OF-porlunltlei ERA RooHy Ont Buetatw Brokers 4721141 Large local wadi I drink wndfm mule Omt will MR oH or part Rwaal buttons not Incanw 7521101 NtmnHBo vreconr pon Sin ms bidudM Mriamant tormorty EnrWe Gram MB Go St 421721 OWN YOUR awn burinoes pockoplno ft vodoltv alaM PHI Pn IMMM IIUUNIBe Turn kavrtwt naid la RTF Law overhead Entry pries S1Z00B hwlrlaa day 4 047k avrtw 747-1715 VENDING ROUTE EalablMiad vandbia routa lar aala Cuaranhad profile A hcBllBnal-lllK4ldRlS GREATEST VENDING ROUTE I TO $U20 $640 PWlBll Start portflmritro In 7 ytoria Low IrwMfnwnl MOtMMMO LOST I FOUND 3030 Found mah Shatth In Fada af ail AAA a Nlw nSQB QTD wl IWfa Nwi Rd Very oHacHanata Cad 7H-427S Hoys 3C-7SB7 am FOUND: 734 bound doa puppy (about 4dmaaaU) Mto wbtack markkas brawn aara braaai Ibcq 751Amwkon Rd aria tM0 1 303-tlk FOUND: Fwnah Dactabund block wtrown morkifM Greenwood orto cad S72M57 LOST Col Mah pah vritaw dart hair MI2 ha aVBlua tt-hr Mhdna 21270 Gamtl IkLKally Dr ores 4)41750 hb black In color Hind in I aua ndlauul n4yaaw nil Pi nllOMBB BUQQoVBKWl wl Now OL Anawars Tlnkar LOST: Black A wMh Shartan Hwkay Hua am naar Trinity I Ahton Naadi madl-dna ftowor Cad 40277 attar Sam LOST: Hock A whNa bobtod cab vldnitv at Fraoman Rd A GravwHH Groan Award stsitoi LOST: Hack A blh mah cob 7 mas aid no celhr Ltt July 13 at Gima Rd A Carver St (naar lAmIWI Cidl MBIV NMnOI niPIOIfa UN 4T1-1BP REWARD LOST: Cab anawari la "Ouaty SaolpeM damns nautarad math emad patch at holr ndaalna on am a Vic at Old Graanabore Hwv A Hwy Si Fhaea cad Bta tvanlmi 7274010 or Chortle W0 OMS anytime Reward LOST: Walhb Hdtebarauab Rd area phaae contact 732 HO hams 7724437 mark REWARD tort cab Smad Gray A Wife Hwkine RdRouoamed area Codor name too 4444011 anyltme REWARD) tort faro Hock dot tons Mr from col' anowonw Amec 471-1414 SPECIAL NOTICE! 3040 ROOMS now araH In homo for hdta Meat bidudM SltS per mo 1115 Cbapd Hill SI noar Duke A Downtown Call John al 4734175 STATEWIDE ADVERTISING DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN RUN A CLASSIFIED AO IN OVER 100 NEWSPAPERS IN NC FOR ONLY S200 Wtattwr yeuVettHme town-mow wan teeb looklm hr an employee or a Place of ChoeHhd Network ter youi Th( network euorantaee Rut the od wdl ba read by ever bfOAMpaodla each weak Fhaea cod Rw CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT MHU LEGAL! ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Ua nJIJ kw womAmiI boot wo bn rvnivoa tor SERVICE CENTERPARKING LOT REPAIRS wild 10:11 am an Thundoy AuouettAlttOUItwOtllcief DaFoeaunh Tbsmam Wlhen Arddhch A Plcniwrs lm healed at 119 MaU Strut Durtiam NerihGaraH- na at which tlnw and atoco laa aauJaa BlinilNRPMB MNNIIIWl PARKING LOT REPAIRS Proooaoh wdl ba reertwd ehne at Rw General Statute of North Caret Iney 142 HA and Rw Durham County llloiltA i sqnm iwnamr bubvmi cir fifyfiff nln for Ike kNowlfli Primo Contract GENERAL General Coatracten aubmtt- nave eubcortrocteri wtlh d-cwwa etaartfleatten hr AJlu pm sour umiuuv irar eobtt iioif bpc fawn Wf IPPBCIIVV ITwHe framing pogrgn igr mT a gfgff of gftomgyi pgralggofs gnrt gugporf gloff gcragg NC VMH gfgg bt mnniltift for in LMtCe prtvoto bar tomfm-ond pro bom aroarami aam doto Firaon will wertt Education (CLE) conv ta wcurim cradt tor lert Dmre aadmtonf re-tatod awartanca ta frotolm Bald Mud ta obla to conmm araupa dtmrw bach-raunds Mud ham wrtoui 4I UHBIBIIIBIB IQ 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Ctapd Hilt NC 27SM NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF SENTER VITALE' INC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN toaf Artlctoi af Dtaw-kitten af SENTER VITALE' INC North Card too carp m-J u- alilM ranoiw Hn nm oina of toe Socretor of Stato of North Cardtoa an tot Wto day July W7b and Ihd dl craanori ono uuiiiuhi required to prewnf toalr hwmtdtotoiy to writtoa to toa undddanad oftanwy tar Iht corparallon tool con are-caad to coHact Ite onats con-my and dlwm af lt proper-Has pov wHifv and dto-charm He HabilHtoi and obit-pattem and da ad ato octo required la Hquldoto Ha tout- IMxw jJaJg HBM BalUn smiii BBBVnBV too caraaraHan wlH ta tarred purauant to NCGJ SicHan SS-IM7 unto a praewdtod to infarct toa dobn la commenced within flm (5) mare aft toe pubilcaHan date tolanaHcs TMtSOto day af July WN SantorlltoMT toe By: WIHIom Woodward Wd Attorney hr tot Corporation InwMmWmtoibiltobbPA POlwSV BahtobNCIMl mama HS5: 1177 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF THE JIMVALVANO BASKETBALL CAMP INC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN toot Artldoa Dhae-btion af THE JIM VALVANO BASKETBALL CAMP INC a North CoraHna caraaratlwv ware fllad ta toa office af toa Secretary at State of Norm Cardtoa an top Wth day July W7b and toot dl cradt- -a -X 1 ion ov ono lwmuivi bhohbv fbo oorporafiqn ora raoufrod PVBBBVW inBw owv wnvmo mo unop oionod offornoy tar ffio corp IkaR IR ration moi con pracooo to cdtod Hi aawts canmy and dlwm of III properties pay eahdv and dtocharaa Ha llabIHttaa and ebUooHem da ofl ato octo raaulrad to nqumoiB BBBinBBB bhunb A doim ooolnof Iht corpora Hon wfN bo borrad purwonf ta NCOS Socftan SS-H07 untan pracoodbio ta ontarco AaMaHa BIB CRHVn GBalWnBn wtthto flm (5) more attar aubHcalton data at tota notlcs Thh 30lh day af July WN The Jim Votvona Bkalkl 4- mmihbh wra me xaixix u-kgui Bva BHIBVn BBBIBiW Msonwy mr wv voraoranm Irwahtos IMRIai Webb PA POIW2N7 IWddlNC (717) SB-2752 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tha undantanab havtoa oueftflad oa Executor af toa Eatoto Jaanm Dtomanb Deemed Uo ot Durtnm County North Carotins dm atai a 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