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PAGE Cl 2 THE HERALD-SUN DURHAM NC SUNDAY MAY 31 1992 TEACHERS 5200 MISCELLANEOUS 6130 TECHNICAL 5220 TECHNICAL 5220 AUCTION- 6030 MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION- MISCELLANEOUS Began 9am Friday '1 Con lump 5ofo LovoMat Chair baiga background blua-rut dnaign 4 yr eld $300 CaN 477-3760 Dacarativa Art dace labia Ife 0 KM enTMTOBOUBMYN LIT kit hutch CaN 493-2310 Deluxe King St xu Watnrbad now Saaly mania MUST SELL $600 Ph 383-3619 Dorothy Doufato Kufflo Cup-lain $60 pain Now curiam miniblind SQtpor biindi I uad ola $100 383-42B9 aw aarvice com-wpoto $90 CaN 7-4268 ELVIS PRESLEY liquor decanter 1955 limited edition with muic box S200 nog 598-4 1 20 or 688-7374 ENCYCLOPEDIA Britlanica Paid 1 500 aking $750 CaN 364-3798 ENCYCLOPEDIAS turn In ekl Ency far $100 credit toward now rat CaN 919596-1063 far dataN Evorori 5 Janning WhuaT chair adult ixa traveler modal good cand ha ra-dinar whoad rust safety bait fold far Moraga $200 aba Sourtit now al $800 666-2954 Extra forgo lodia-dolhaib 20to-32tk 3D-4B lx-4x hoa 10 Inride 9 oja-9 pxc or by eppointmant 51 30-67 6933 Carmal Lana Ratoigh 872-6620 FISH wtop of the Nna i gal $300 30 gal laM $150 29 gal $130 20 gaL $68 CaN Adam 493-1728 FLEX homo era training xyx-tam Indudo wappar fataral bmtxrfty prac 8 ad-' Saldem i I asking $300 or bait etfar Ak far Norman 919-68S-67B9 EON SALE (sight emoonh World War I sargoanf unl-fonn 1 heavy aN wool Ikhakil evarcoet 1 heavy aN wool short coat 1 pr pants with tocsd toga I pr plain pant 1 heavy khaki doth ackal wftti largaont1 Inria-lia I plain doth lockat I a 'dam togging Maka ma ir Mrs Christina A Hughe 2000 Carr Slara Rood Cedar Grova NC 27231 4120' 7160 $7 GQ1 1 8280 8580 8990 9980 10850 11950 AO GOES 0BG (3350 SALE PRICES TIME TEACHERS lOCATIONi Jordan Motlhow High I Mar City NC 2344 UUAllfICATIONSi NC Card- hcatioa- looming Ditobiiitia Mo non Laval orolorrod Amy roi ftavorly Cram Program Administrator (or Exceptional Chddran -Chatham Cownfy School 91 9-542-3626 looming Cantor mm accaphna appNcouoni lor Infant tnachar Haora ara I I am la a pm Mon-f ri Mom hava daycara axpari-onto 8 bo rahabto far loom Info cal 544-3919 FULL A PANI-IIME toacEara aiflHaora naodod Mud bo III of diploma Prof or an-cad Apply In poraon I World 921 Puny St INSTRUCTORS NEEDED bnrrocNanal porition ora avadabte boginning bar I 1992 in lha INGUSH- Ono fvN-ftme par- I mmparory pc rat part inn All pocHiona roqubo a tar1 Dogma in Engirt one callago laachlng ovparionco PSYCHOLOGY- FuN-Bma parmana Mentor1 19 gradi hi pcychalagy and toHogn MATHEMATICS- FuN-ttme tamparary Iqoartorly contract) pariNon Require a Manor Dogma in malb BIOLOGY- FuB-timo tempo rory 19 month) position Re-a Marier Dogma In BUSINfSS COMPUTER PROGRAMMING- fuN-rima instructor al pmgromming lam- polar Bochxlor' dogroo In worn rv I told roach ing anparianca dorirad Mmpnllmno louoLm OABaklmm pOMIOni NWMW MCMW lmnmanaphamam icooraa For hdaroiaiion and Poraoonol Office Vanco-Cranrido Commonlly Calls pa PO Ran 917 -an NC 27534 (9191 492-2061 Application Doadhaoi Jon 30 1992 AFFIRMATIVE ACnONEQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPIOYFR POSITION Spaafic looming Piiofaifilto and Be- capped lOCAIIO lOCAIIONt City B- ti Mvy Wffy Norlh Carolina QUAUHCATKMSi NC Codification in Specific looming PnabiRlfa and for REH APPLY TO Sovarly Croft far Excaphanal Cfnidron Chatham County School --919-642-3626 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER it dm policy of lha Chatham County Board of Education la Ml an available PoHiam -ba (Wad wtlhoot ton or ago POSITION MnnlaRr Handkapad "LOCATION Horton Mrtdal ''School PHtabaro NC BE GINNING DATE Auguri '1992 OUAllFICATIONSi NC CartiR-bt Educabfa Man tody jvnv Ravarfy Crott O' Program Admin rdrator I Exceptional CMdran than County Set 919-642-3626 IT you want need or already hava It and want to eel look to ttw Oaeal-tledsl CaN 419-6910 to place your classified ad -Pro-School 6 'assistant postions now avail- ablao Experienced appftconts Mwhh wwlltiit vorfc hfitofv A references caN Toddlers Arocfomy 919-499-4777 Pre School Ttodto posil A Infant Toodiart Aide pc Prior exp i Squired CaH 477-3570 schedule your I Teacher starting Aug Solory rag 493-5882 QUALITY CHILDCARE confor looking for experienced FT Teachers CoM 941-6330 TECHNICAL 5220 rw 5 A 5 MAILROOM FOREMAN 9 Tho Herald-Sun has an immediate opening for a Foreman in our Dtslribu- Hon Five years i experience with the Mut- far Martini insert machine or similar machine nxpn- years of managamenlsu-n pervisory experience needed Mechanical Ity and familiarity with zoned inserts required Excellent salary ana bnn- of its Call 419-6332 bn- tween for morn information or --end resume toi Employ-J ment Coordinator Tlin ara Id-Sun Newspapers PO Box 2092 Durham 1 NC 27702 Closing dote Friday June 5 1992 FOE MFH Smoko Fro Environment LAB TECHNICIANS Naadad far fang A (hon arm airignmunf Mud I yr wod axp In fytical fab lab Includa Mfcrofaialogy Biology or Chamidry Apply today Twnpvwy lenrlcw 200 Pari Oflica Dr 35 Goan Rd 549-8183 477-9826 PC PROGRAMMER Experienced la Dbaia an 9 Local Aran Network McCrary Corporation Aim MIS Department PO Box 1287 Aihobara NC 27204 PRECISION TUNE OF DURHAM I now accepting application far IwS bma Technician 3 yra axp mud Earning $20-SJOK amoaMy Pram ham ing omfamw paid lima off holiday medical 6 Me hnomne bonaht Apply hi par on 4503 Raxbara Rd 3910 Chapai HSi Mvd 2)05 Hwy 54 PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS Da you hava blwon 2 6 7 axparia Mninfranm AS4000 S38 pfatfommf If a than ora need la latkl VIP pedellxe avdodvaly ta MIS gdT 919671-6404 fax tax your -4044 remane Mi 919671 VIP PERSOFMEl INC 3101 Goa Rd Suite Durham NC 27705 Research Tech Ill I Ml Hughes Msdnal In Jt Duke University ttsics! Cssisr TBs sssrtitt requires asperienca in Itcular biology A vacani ONAtachniqoa Expari-anca In aft apact al Nua cuftura Is important EnperH toiroiSF9 axpmuiea ytem riot nan mquimi Scixca dogma Madar gmo pmlarmd Sand ma tat Box 20000496 cfa Ham Id-Son PO Rax 2092 Dufharn NC 27702 EOE VISITING RESEARCH INSTRUCTOR A porition I Visiting Research Instructor in the Division of Fhormoceu tics Schaof of Fhammcy UNC-CH to ewoinine the ds-poshion of drugs A anvhan-mental poButontSx Applicants shouid hava a BS or MS hi chromatogrophic sndysis stion A is dm htdudi at references should ba sent la Gary Fohack FhD Behoof of ML- 6 n-Q mannacy aeara non ns 7360 ity of NC at Chapel ML Chapel HM NX 27699-7360 Application dnodhna July I 1992 UNC-CH i an Equal Opportunity Mwwwe NbdQs sinpmyer TRADES 5240 load I yr axp Chatham Newport Lai 4 Ead Poona Dr Traybi CARPET INSTALLERS xwrcinl only By die hr yd Eatman'i Carpal 782-60101 Aula Mechanic Mud bo ASE cortH lod Mod Ljum mMbJ JK nave vena anver aceni 0 yra oxpotionco ba abfa ie provide fab mfaranca 6 cartificotion cartihcata So I- ApptyfaMr-Spurting East Rata Shopping on la goto Gulf Eaafgafo ChopaTHiX CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT hi lha Triongia rafamnea toi Tho RESOLUTE 9 Box 27515 Building Co PO Box 3656 Chapai Hill NC ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR naadad far frical caMraaing Rim in The Buriington area Must ba quaiiised in industrial A merckd kms Meal licenses Send reptiss to Aon 20000505 cfa ttor-aMSun FO Bon 2092 Durham NC 27702 ElecfricioiiTeipereedsdr? yaars anparienca A driver's Rcensa required DtWiE 3B3-B020 ELECTRICIANS A trician hdpra ndd la woth tor Btyant-Duiham Ela Apply at 5102 NmI to 5 Mon-Fri Drag Rd 8 ting EOE MffHV FALLONS Craaltv Flaomra Railgh' No 1 florid dorian porition raquirad Man-experience ExcaOam CaN Pam 88-4 is' GENERAL LABORERS jsMf ns is accepnng a plications 9-3p at 3125 Shannon Rd Durham CaN 490-3772 forappt HVAC Is A start helpful Top A vocc or 471-4922 JIM HENRY BUILDERS i snploysssi controls A start up axperi-sneo helpful Top pay hoN-days A vocation 681156 SSS 6888 apply CaN LUXURY APT community seeks motivated A hardworking individual for Main to- Enc oppfy Exc benefits Fieose send resume A solory requirements to 2800 Boinbridge Dr Durhom NC 27713 MAINTENANCE HEIFER ed Exp required Apply only Tues or Thurs 10am 1pm No phono caMs please Carriage House Apts 200 Seven Oaks Rd MECHANIC NEEDED 2508 FhUSStSLgh Rd hank naadad 3 yra lap in 6 famrgtt your own tool CaN 2N6-040N Machankai Contractor ho nd far ummr holp in Tri-angfa oraa Apply in I ION NoxraN Rd I Man-frL Drag nlwg raquirad NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Cam pontor1 holpor CaN la In-qoim 9193646403 PLUMBERS A Helpers Exp need only ishre 262 apply Refs tea Progressive Ffaniolng A Piping 682-4 Stotion wanted Must be 21 yrs old hove valid driver's license required Salary negotiable in person ta James ig Eastgofe GuH East- oppiB8 gate Chapel I SHEET METAL MECHANICS needed Residential only If you are 100 cyalificd cmali Red safa-po at this hStiting A AC time CaN Coe 220-2101 MOLDING OPERATORS Needed with plastic injection experience Mutt bo flexible for oiy shift Mutt bo toolaWt Temporary Services 200 Park Office Dr 32IS Goa Rd 6 49-6383 477-926 Archrtectoral Dotign Droftor Autotod Operator 3-3 yon experience roquirod Son eftts paid holiday $8hr Sana resume ten FO 3ok 13177 RIF NC 27709 Dolo Procotifig Tho SAMI Group iho data procoMifig aivitiofi of Fadoratod Puporimurtf it ionoit hi Artoofo Fohit of Sato Progrom nor Anaiyti Roquirot on porionco with IBM 4680 OSandGSA OCS Sytomt Frogrom non Roqutrot 5 yoort itii-porionco witti CICS MW Patocon OSiCi Data Boto Athninltlia torsi Roquirot 2-5 yart nporioncof CA Dotocom 06 in a MVS nnvirnnnnnti VKL tuna and salary history THE SABRE GROUP 6801 Oovomort Lako Farfcwoy Building 200 VrlOMVO RRty Nawoo GA 30071 fax 14041 246-6015 EOE fiscirosi( conosssit isqiisr foduror hat opnnlngt for Hands On Supervisor 5 Bock around hi manufacturing factoring hofpiuLnAppfy PPD Inc Hwy 70 lad A Ct (acrou ham fa lafgh Toyota) -mIiA uui bcn fivn ysQ HVAC BAS A gtnoroi build" tiS fa WnT stobfa work history A a vokd NC driver1 licana A ahd oniioriMiiBy dartng SSSO A op cfa-pondmg on nxparianca wffh ml bannfit pockooo In-chidad Cal Jeny 493-2451 banvaan 10 am A 1 2 room Mon-Fri 1AA TECHS with analyhc3 lab axpariance Mad ham dogma along Hh year Apply taday 200 Park Office 3 215 Guam 5496383 477-9626 Anal yd UNIX To $40K bifenaix UNIX Chc4 long ing alit rnOb Many podtionto Davolopniont Manager -MVS atpofs Groat company rsb dot of lha art leST UNIX Sylad ProgrommarTo S50K Infagra-IP SNA far hnowladga TCPIP IANTWAN OppenonllyTa Wadlgleoa at a leak FDDL Token Ring PS3 daign and MdaN Vary chaHang-Ing pedhen ki Mata of me ASMOO PmgfSys AnalydiTa S4BK ara curmnify fasrchho far aavaral individual onm AS400TRPG prog and dadgn Emm lovol $30K Hi-Tack local m-Tacb local company (oak meant grad high GPA m-golmd vnfh some boefc-gmond with UNIX CM- Moinfronm fa S50K I cempenm Will RafacaM Call far de- ROBERT HALF INFO SYSTEMS 3700 National Drive RafaighNC 27612 191917876226 Durtiam 682-3944 FAXI9 1 9)762-9623 MECHANICAL LAB TECHNICIAN fa $17000 Excap-Kenal "Tamp fa Farm" op-pwiiunny ror vnowiouoi wini fag paam fo pmum gauge 493-0444 942-1050 876-0009 TRIANGLE TEMPORARIES OFF-SET PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR NEEDED Exp an AB Dick equipment CoS apply In paraan ch' Cady 363-3047 4796895 OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE AT MTS CLERICAL Socrnloriot Word Frocossort Data Entry Receptionist 6 Ffln Oorkt INDUSTRIAL Production Assembly lst-2nd-3rd shifts Atomonca Orange 3 Durtiam Co Many short term assignments In Grounds Mohnononco light Industrial warehouse dishwashers A other general CoM today for Interview! 968-0255 MEBANE TEMPORARY SERVICES 125 KINGSTON 08 SUITE 107 CHAPEL HXL NC 1 5' Marquis In huH now great i 1-0694 paint groat cand 8500 firm 598- AUCTION Saturday Jun 6 9:00 AM SURPUJS EQUIPMENT BURIINGTON CITY ALAMANCE COUNTY TOWN Of GRAHAM TOWN Of HAW RIVER Burlington vita 218 Summit Avenue Burlington NC ft 4 BwTWnl (fimm 8 MM) on St VEHtClES 6-1989 ford Crown Victoria 14-door PoNca Pockagrt 1988 Chevrolet Coorka 14-door PoNca Packagal 2-1987 Chavrafat Cepnce (4-door Peiica Packagal 3-I9N6 fort Crown Victoria (4 -door PoNca Packagal 196S Chevrolet Camara 1985 Bukk Cantury I9B4 bgaL 1985 Chuvratut 1967 Chuvratut 1983 Chavrafat 4-t-i 1-- I Q8A vvwoniy iyw wusvtbw TRUCKS TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT 1983 Whim Traidam Gor-boou Truck front toodur 1975 fort CT900 Oorfaoga Track 1966 WhiM Road Tractor Cenv Cab with 250 Cammlngi 10 Spaed 1967-Hytor Low Bay Traitor 1974-Chavratot tk Tan Pickup 1 978 'in torn aliened 1600 Truck Dump 1984 Chuvratut C-20 Pick-up 1978 fort F-100 Pick-up 1974 Ford Van 16 1980 Chav Van Trailer Ft 1977 Fart F-150 Track Heraa-irailar 1969 Caterpillar 120 Motor-aradur 1966 GaNen Motor Grodw Fart 3000 Farm Tractor fart 21 10 Tractor Curt Air CamprauorPar- Arrow Safaly Sian Boot with Patrol Meter Laly Spraador Lindia 8 HP Shraddar Raya Shraadar Crattwuen 16 kick an Tranrit and Tripod 21k Ten Floor Jack floor Jack Riding lawn Mown Yamaha MX Matencycfa Go wood aatar Echo 20" Chain bow Burton 12 HP Walk Behind eevrrepenea ffNwVxr FropsHad 5 HF wolk Behind Mower 5-HF 24" Cut Ik Inch DriN Fress Carver Sump Fump Hi 6 Ft Cutter tibon Ban Saw 1975 Jacobsen TurfKing 75 Mower Sears Air Compres or Forgo Electric Golf Corf 3 frrigotion Fumpa 2-iiectric Motors 75 HF and 25 HP spreodert inch Drill Craftsman John boat Rexnar Hanging Gas Healer DoW hi! -L tw0m kmt Hanging cinctric Hnatnr BockwaN TO Inch tabfa low lO-Boll Bockriop who LI-Group Stop light) 1 1 i-Aorted Boy Girt 3-5-10 Speed Bicycto vari-ty rixu cafar and condh wjMjcgoed 1 12-PoNca Canflacatnd hum Same to ba laid in fatau hoa waRotl radto CL radio (eot Railing aqulp-mnnt nlncrrtc Bora Guitar pact Rc game alnctric air compraer lack ring Coma Ta The Safa look and Buy Too Many Rum Ta Uh Everything at lhi aia to ba aid a-i NO WARRANTIES TERMS Cah Approved Chock or Chad: with Lonor of Credit from bonk guoranf big poyment Evorylhing to ba paid in fuN afa day UtM furaMmd la Auction Company by eurcn dnnmnd roHablo NOT re-pansibfo Tons Taagua Auction 8 Racxty Company 3140 lay Weed Road Graham NC 27253 Phono 19191226-9862 at 227-4395 Mobile 260-1040 Kenneth Taagua Sr Ucanaa al RE8X 10814 noth Taagua NCJ 192 Jr Grady Park NCL 1261 RESX 40541 BONDED limraLm 8Mm A rNcDw erare ss nonossi Auctioneers Association IlffH oZ Uamq tv that patsa pstv Chsm AUCTION Antiques 3 Estate Items MONDAY JUNE 1 7FM ForestvHia Auction House 1 303 Main St Wake Forest NC USTINGi Mahog FencN Fast Bed Mahog French China CkMt Fancy Oak bed Fine plantation desk round oak tables Oak foot set of 4 obk chairs Chi hang- Fancy Comer' hanging cabinet bed OJ ctowfoot server Stiotiog areoxtronfs Windsor writing chair Oak woshstond Fancy Vktoriow Mahog ttit top sg ctiest on nonbaN Bed Mahog dresser Jenny Una bad 2 Oak had trees 5 oak rockers Mahog Foster bed trunk Oak sewing modi Piano stool 3 pc Walnut Depression BR suite Mahog rocker Queen Ann Server Several chest Oak book-cosq Oak draw laid table Yom Brass stand Round oak lamp table Ook Edison table Oak dresser Oak chest Several chairs chtids wicker rocker Mahog desk Windsor rocker Shotguns A comer what not book shelves Old school desk Organ stool Oak Arrow back office chair dowfoot China closet DoN chairs Lots of odd chairs Mahog Windsor Desk chair OM Sled Oak Spinial back chairs Wicker lamp A bowl 3 pitch- LSmluxm BijIbm wTf mgnog Dimers vqqbos Round walnut table heavily carved couch 3 chair decks Beautiful pictures 3 frames lots of mirrors floor lamps Japan Tri-fold mir- chalr smoking stond Posterior Roles villa bowl crocks cranberry old buggy seat pair of ruby lamps Fancy carved coffee table Mahog chair Gorman Dress Bayonet Too much merchandise to list It oR NO SMOKING NO BUYERS PREMIUM iAUCTIONEER! JIM HOY 7 NCAL 723 Ph 919-556-2348 AUCTION Sovereign SportsAmm Inc Condwctedfoin US Small Business Administration FRL JUNE 5 7PM Sola at 302 Oaddson Avo Durham NC Directions! From 1-05 exl Raxbara Rd hi go 2 blocks Davidson last bldg on right Fishing Tackier Aiemunition Hunting Knives 3 dorhss office him cash register gun safe Boor showcase aon-Ing kits 3 mere Sold as to where to Reserve Also at tenet ABSOLUTE AUCTION Geld 3 Silver coin coMsction TERMSi Cash or Personal Chock Co Chock wbonk GRAY AUCTION 3 RE CO NCAL 2648 (919)471-0133 B0ATSM0T0RS 6040 Cwitury Rntoria IO Marcruin AMFM com 170 hp S4S00 644-0839 '92 Sun bird 175 Ceraoir drive on traitor 47 hr IO SB 500 nng 596166 IS Ft Cobio 70 hp Evtnraifaw fuNy racund wLong traitor cover aces $2600 644-0618 16' Thundurbird Boat nuw cabiu 1 15 hp John rd vantoed drive-on 1395 688-8432 Iv msg 19' Galaxy Opon Bow I6S hp IO vary good i $4200 CaN 542-3298 1978 AMF SbckCrafl nuw 350 marina angina (113 hoard now top xqnt and antnnna Equipped with 3D "tZ 919-726-1381 1984 16 Dyne-Track Bo Boor I IShp Mon Mr 2 depth Rndora boat cover exc cand $5500 919-364-2468 364-2671 ova 1987 Boybnor 175 ft ridar OMC Cobra OD atom oa trailer exc S5200 919-847-4847 1987 GLASSTREAM 160-V bo beat 80 HP Mac trir tracing mot uad vary Nitio Atkina sssoa 919 364-420 hr meg on an- 1988 IS' Johmon GT 150 cover Hucliur Traitor aN pro omtip-murrt Lika new $10500 CaH 688-8465 1990 Ranger I SA 4 -I 8 9u Msrciityi mooes CaN 575-6476 24 Woco pentoon booT Never in the water Incluries trailer Fold $18500 Mov- Mint caN far $13000 CaN 919-732-5319 Boat for safog nends motor work $1000 CaN 596-9235 CAU 1-800-682-2628 far (ran 1992 diacaant Jen boat catalog Including John matora traNura 8 acc oris 88 McCuNum Co CANOE SKAYAKSPrico from $369 90 day ama as cadi PRO CANOE 82-6999 Clonici I9S9 Lana Star 14' traitor 35 HP Evimuda motor original owner aN for $1 100 44)613 CLINTON WILLIAMS Out-Motor Repair Patti sen Rd CaN 596-4740 ENJOY LEARNING TO SA3 with Oriental Sdiooi of Soik big Far our brochure writai PO Ben 127 Oriental NC or ph 919-249-0960 O'Day aiNiaat 12 wDiUy traitor Nnto urad uxc cand $900 477-1 107 CAMPING 6060 SPORTS EQUIPMENT 1984 Tony La Nnw-hnwecufatn cend 31 (I Fully ugujfgMjL $B00a 220-2413 S3 24' Nomad Travai Traitor Salt centoind atoopc 8 AC SSSOC CoH 596-3501 NONDICTRACK $399 Factory Direct 1-800-32B-588B ext 3 ICE 2 COMPUTERS 6090 Apple G5 wfaiemory ex-ponslon 2 disc drives ke-opewriter plus extra $140a 493-2327 oft 5 Computer Upgrades 3 Salem FDD HDD cust syst memo ry Computer Hop 859 4400 ComputersAccessories 386-40MHz Motherboard! $299 90 Meg HD with Con-tfaNen $369 5 Year Warranty 9600 External Modena $299 Free cgtotogt 1-300-725-6076 Amerkon IBM Lop Top Computer Stereos 225 ct wedding set CaN 286-9244 FARM EQUIPMENT 6110 17 Uad Grain DriHx 40 Cal-tipockars 5 Cuhimulcharm 14 Held CuMvotors II Chisel Flows 16 Rippers RoN Bal ers Square BoieSn Rakei Tedders end mum mud more Come See Leinbod LRjgxXlmmmi lYKKKnlYyi YYnTBmrwOMftM FARM MACHINERV AUCTION SALE Tuniday June 2 1992 at 9:30 am 75 Tractor 300 Implement buy and uN used equipment doily WAYNEIMFIEMENT AUCTION CORP PO Rax 233 Hwy 1 17-S Galcfabarit NC 27533 NC9I8S (919) 734-4234 $44900 $89900 wars $10900 Bala 13900 Bata Elova- tars $39500 Usod Mewars I 81 -1 rorog mw noNna jonn I and Maway Farguton Hay RakaSp Sofo ttovo ana Hoy Wagons and much much mere Coma mo Ixlnboch Mochlnary 5000 Raynoida Rd Wlntion-Sofom Tractor Fordson Daxtra 35 HF Ip good cond $2650 Loaf vacuum com- mnfciol typo Iralmr mounted wFarmaN power unit $450967-4268 MARKET BASKET 6120 Berry Patch U-pidt or Wa-plck Strawbar-rto Hum 751 South M-f Sot 919-362-5600 Strawburriua 41k ac of lha (wootort variety Fellow rign out Guau ltd Ini Hwdfa MiH MW have fat of vary iwnnt bnrria 55 lb 25 lbJ46 919-364-8160 Strawbarrmx Pick Your Own Mon Wad FrL 6 Sat 7am-7pm (or picked out) Con-tolnor Furniahad Brook Barry Farm 6012 Yp Tun Rd Efland 8 1-85 w'aiut 160 fallow ign N0JJE60TIATI0NSJJECESSARY -Merchand5Biv 6010 6020 6030 AucHotm-Miac 6040 NoaMMolon 6050 Building 6060 Camp-Sport Equip 6070 6080 Comotnry Lot 6065 Caal-Oii-Waad 6090 Camputora 6100 Can! Equip 61 10 Farm Equip 6120 Marfcat 6a hi at 6130 6140 RRuwcal Instrument 61 50 Oifka RtochFom 6160 Sood-Plont Ftowara 61 70 Statago Homo 6IB0Swimmiwg Pool 6185 Tkkol 6190 6200 Wanted To Buy 6210 Void ANTIQUES 6010 2 Shipments now hi priced A ready te saN at bargain prices Hying Eooie Antiques 4422 Durham Chgpel HM Blvd FOR SALii Sams Bartholomew dock Early 1800s oH weed works runs one coed $2000 383-6605 FuB sue Sky Chief gas pump A a fuN sisa fortune telling scale single benches $30 double bsndwL $60 pi $4a 489-9109 Largest selection oTontique A sitnts lewelry in lha Than- A repair The Ooldsmd A Fredoes Things 732-6931 Daniel Boone Village Exit 164 A 1-85 HMsberough Next Auction Sun June 7 at 12i30 PM Corohna Auctiotv Hillsborough NC AL2B8 Sohd mahogany IBth cantury pen china press mode by Newcomb's hi early 40 Can ba seen at Newcomb's an HMsberough Rd APPLIANCES 6020 NEW USEDII GUAR LOWEST PRtCESI $25 MONTHIYI SLOW CNEDITI NO CREDIT! Subject to credit terms AN major oppkoncos A folovt-rion ara mm now at SUPER LOW DISCOUNT PRICES far qualilfad buyaral WASHER 6 DRYm Nw S4BB FRIGE RATER $135 APPLL REPAIR PARTS AVAR APPLIANCE TV CENTER 539 ft Dutham 688-4371 3 YX aid HO Maytag WD Exc coed $550 set OBO Meyteg frestfree refrig SsrWdia 33s 30" Kenmore elec stoves S50i 18000 BTU AC S175i old refrig S75 4719585 ACs Stove refrig Wash Dryers Fione lownmower sfa heuNng svc 6B3-IB16 Appliance Ca-Forii! 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